826 search results for “indonesia” in the Public website
Project Office IRP
Programme management of research programme “Strengthening knowledge of and dialogue with the Islamic/Arab world”
Among Leiden’s Firsts was Hajjah Maria Ulfah Soebadio Sastrosatomo. In 1933, she was the first Indonesian woman student to earn a law degree.
Overview of the Leiden Asia staff per area or country.
AMT Network
Below you can find an overview of our network.
Projects in the department of Environmental Biology
Citizenship: relationship between citizens and state
Leiden researchers study the extent to which Asian citizens can invoke the rights that they have on paper. This knowledge helps them advise the different levels of government and NGOs on how to improve the lot of poor citizens in particular.
Team profiles Project 0100
Meet Bart, Reza, Weiyan, James, Daphne and Yasmin.
- Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific
About us
The Human Origins group at Leiden University studies the archaeology of hunter-gatherers, from the earliest stone tools in East Africa, more than three million years old, to the origin of sedentary societies towards the end of the last ice age.
Book presentations
Now and then we organise book launches to present the latest publications, both academic and popular, in our broad field.
Mining and environmental protection in Indonesia: Regulatory pitfalls
PhD defence
Speech levels and Verbal Art in languages of Indonesia
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Legislation policy and the reemergence of authoritarianism in Indonesia
Engagement between Asia and Europe is increasing. If these continents want to build a lasting relationship, they need to understand each other better in the economic, socio-cultural, historical and legal arena. Researchers from Leiden have already contributed to the body of knowledge on past and present…
Collegecolumn: Waarom onze samenwerking met Indonesië zo belangrijk is
Samen met een groep enthousiaste wetenschappers bezocht ik deze maand verschillende universiteiten en andere kennisinstellingen tijdens een kennismissie in Indonesië.
Blog Project 0100
Welcome to the |0100| blog where our team will be sharing insights from the field and contributing to the various discussions and debates around AI, Islam and scripting futures.
Leiden Slavery Studies Association
The Leiden Slavery Studies Association (LSSA) is dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of slavery and post-slavery in any period and any geographical region.
William of Orange Medal
Since 1990 Leiden University has awarded the William of Orange medal to individuals of eminent national or international social standing.
Publications | Project 0100
Publications from the Project 0100 team members.
Research themes
LUCIS’ research on Islam and society is guided by three overarching themes, which are fundamental to our research programmes.
Prospects for law reform and democracy under Indonesia’s new president
VVI Research Meeting 2023-2024
Indonesian resistance hero and Leiden student Irawan Soejono is given a face
To mark its 75th anniversary, the Netherlands War Graves Foundation is publishing a portrait of a war victim every week this year. On 24 January the drawing of Irawan Soejono, a Leiden student and Indonesian resistance member, was unveiled at the Groenesteeg cemetery in Leiden, the place where Soejono…
- Resistance: Palm Oil and the Struggle for Land and Citizenship in Indonesia
Cosmopolis seeks to explore the transnational and cultural dimensions of intra-Eurasian encounters through Dutch sources.
Open call to BRIN-LDE Academy
The 2022 Academy is co-organised by Leiden, Delft Erasmus Universities (The LDE Alliance) from the Netherlands and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Aim of this five day programme is co-creation in the field of teaching and research on sustainable urbanisation. It also aims to facilitate…
Students Sander, Linde and Melle create an online exhibition for the University Library
With a recently published major research project and an exhibition at the Rijksmuseum, the struggle for independence in Indonesia has been thrusted back into the spotlight. Leiden University is devoting attention to this topic as well. History students Sander van der Horst and Melle van Maanen joined…
Studying for your PhD
Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University’s different disciplines.
Leiden University works close with Indonesian and Dutch scholarship providers in order to expand the opportunities for Indonesian students to study in Leiden.
COMET. Human Subject Research and Medical Ethics in Colonial Southeast Asia
Investigating epistemic and ethical practices in medical experimentation on humans in the colonial period in Southeast Asia.
- City Diplomacy
Supporting interaction and reducing bias in a diverse online class using a technological intervention: Investigating the effect grouping mechanism
In a virtual game environment, one of the positive effects of anonymity is the absence of one's prejudice toward others, which can give a person the freedom to change and experiment (Bartle, 2003). This project will adopt anonymity to be added to online cross-cultural collaborative learning in higher…
- Japan
Educational research
The overarching aim of the research program at Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON) is to improve the quality of teaching-learning situations through a deep theoretical understanding of teaching and teacher learning.
Career preparation
The programme European and International Business Law encourages engagement with active professionals, to make sure you develop a professional network
The Confluence of Water and Power
On 27 January 2022 Tjahjono Prasodjo successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Design of dissolvable microneedles for intradermal TB vaccination
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease which is spreaded through the air. It is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and it led 1.7 million people to death in 2016. This mortarlity rate is concentrated in developing countries such as Indonesia, Philippines, Pakistan, and South Africa. These numbers make…
The League Against Imperialism: Lives and Afterlives
The League Against Imperialism: Lives and Afterlives explores the dramatic and engaging story of a global institution that brought together activists across geographical and political borders for the goal of eradicating colonial rule worldwide.
Alumni blog
Interested in studying Colonial and Global History at Leiden University? Find out what our alumni said about this master's programme.
- Education
East Asia
Our East Asia experts work across various disciplines on global issues such as migration, heritage, and colonialism.
The Rule is for None but Allah
From the rise and fall of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, to Islamic State’s attempts to create its own currency, to the dramatic return of the Taliban in Afghanistan, this edited volume from two leading scholars of contemporary terrorism assembles an enviable array of international experts to explore these…
A History of Plague in Java, 1911–1942
In A History of Plague in Java, 1911–1942, Maurits Bastiaan Meerwijk demonstrates how the official response to the 1911 outbreak of plague in Malang led to one of the most invasive health interventions in Dutch colonial Indonesia.
Department of Environmental Biology (CML-EB)
Mission: The Environmental Biology department aims to increase the scientific understanding of how current and emerging anthropogenic threats affect biodiversity and ecosystem services. Through this understanding they facilitate strategic management of natural resources by addressing urgent challenges…
- South and Southeast Asian Studies
Kidung Surajaya: Suntingan Teks, Terjemahan dan Analisis Makna Isi Teks
Kartika Setyawati defended her thesis on 12 November 2015
Political Muslims: Understanding Youth Resistance in a Global Context
An interdisciplinary collection of the best international scholarship on Muslim youth.
In this region researchers at LUCL have specific expertise in studying Austronesian and Papuan languages. China is another important region where Leiden linguists conduct research.
- Meet our staff
Becoming a PhD candidate
The Graduate School of Science offers 9 PhD programmes, spanning the entire spectrum of science. Do you have a Master's degree and are you proficient in English? Do you share a fascination for science? Then you may find the Graduate School of Science an inspiring and ideal environment for obtaining…
Vamping the Stage: Female Voices of Asian Modernities
Announcement of the publication of Vamping the Stage: Female Voices of Asian Modernities, the first book-length study of women, modernity, and popular music in Asia (University of Hawai'i Press, 2017).