718 search results for “inaugural lecturer” in the Staff website
‘Radicalisering is een logisch gevolg van hoe wij samenleven’
Hoogleraar Radicalisation Studies Tahir Abbas wil mensen er bewust van maken dat radicalisering voortkomt uit hoe wij als mensen samenleven
‘Using real-world data to enhance our healthcare system’
On 16 May 2022, Professor Michel Wouters from the Department of Biomedical Data Sciences at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), will deliver his inaugural lecture titled ‘Quality of Cancer Care: why the real world matters’. Wouters will use the opportunity to describe how quality registries…
Artificial intelligence as the co-pilot for drug discovery
There are more molecules that could conceivably be candidate drugs than there are stars in the universe. How can we ever efficiently identify those molecules? Professor of AI and Medicinal Chemistry, Gerard van Westen: ‘I’m going to use artificial intelligence as the co-pilot to make an automated search.’…
‘Leiden is the place to be for digital archaeology’
Archaeology is also digging with computers. This digital quest to find out how we humans lived in the past is what Karsten Lambers likes doing most. He is the first Professor of Digital and Computational Archaeology in the country. ‘A dream come true.’
Researchers still reluctant to embrace transdisciplinary collaboration
Without scientific knowledge, we won’t be able to tackle the grand challenges of the 21st century: climate change, energy transition, social inequality and coronavirus, for example. Professor by Special Appointment of the Social Value of Science Laurens Hessels is therefore calling for more transdisciplinary…
How can we make better use of natural resources?
Mining for natural resources harms the environment. But we desperately need them, for both the development of countries and the transition to a sustainable energy system. Professor of Sustainable Resource Use Ester van der Voet researches how we can reduce the environmental impact of natural resources…
Police face complex challenges: ‘Uphold the rule of law’
The Dutch police face complex challenges, from organised crime and polarisation to digitalisation and new forms of crime. To deal with this effectively, they need innovation and intensive collaboration, says Professor by Special Appointment of Police Studies, Monica den Boer, in her inaugural lectur…
In Memoriam - Joan van der Waals
On 21 June, our beloved colleague Joan van der Waals passed away after a long and rewarding life.
Quality of life is sometimes more important to the elderly than a cure
Geriatrics needs to radically change. This is what Simon Mooijaart will say in his inaugural lecture.
More parties should have a say in listed companies
To get important topics such as climate and human rights higher on the agenda of listed companies, stakeholders other than shareholders and employees should officially be given more say. This is what Professor of Business Law Harold Koster said in his inaugural lecture on 18 March. He proposes introducing…
How can criminal law protect democracy?
Should criminal law have a greater role in protecting this democracy? In his inaugural lecture, Professor Jeroen ten Voorde urges caution.
Cleveringa Professor Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You: ‘Exclusion is dangerous’
Amid rising polarisation and discrimination, lawyer and human rights activist Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You wants to show in her Cleveringa Lecture on 26 November how dangerous exclusion is.
Woman, man or somewhere in between? You decide (and not just your body)
A female body equals a woman. Nonsense, says Professor by Special Appointment to the Socrates Chair Annemie Halsema. She argues that our sense of identity and social environment also determine our identity. ‘We should stop assigning people’s sex at birth.’
Een illusie rijker
Inaugural lecture
Taskforce calls for more scope for lecturer development: ‘Dare to raise the issue yourself’
The quality of academic education depends on good teaching. A taskforce of lecturers, education specialists and HRM experts is therefore calling for Leiden lecturers to be given more opportunities and scope to develop their talents. The group hopes that, with a new lecturer development model and concrete…
When History Repeats Itself: Knowledge in Times of Crisis
Lecture, Global Histories of Knowledge Seminar
Former Visual Ethnography lecturer Koen Suidgeest city photographer Leiden
People need to get to know each other to see the positive side of migration, according to photographer and documentary maker Koen Suidgeest. Since the end of September, Suidgeest has been the new city photographer for the region of Leiden. His goal is to photograph as many cultural identities as possible…
Lecturers from LDE can all take courses at each others' institutions
Education, Organisation, Research
A love letter to poetry: Albert Verwey Lecture by Antjie Krog
The South African poet and author Antjie Krog gave the 37th Albert Verwey Lecture in the Great Auditorium in the Academy Building on 18 November. Inspired by Verwey’s poem ‘De zegger van verzen’, Krog’s lecture was a polyphonic and multilingual love letter to poetry.
Grants for journalistic projects Leiden students and lecturers
Three projects affiliated with the university will receive grants from the Leids Mediafonds (Leiden Media Fund ed.). The money is to be spend on creating a journalistic production in collaboration with a local media partner.
Executive Board column: how can we help our lecturers develop their talents?
Good lecturers are extremely important to our university. I therefore think it is crucial that we provide them with enough professional development opportunities. The Lecturer Development Taskforce has issued concrete recommendations on how to improve this. As the Board we welcome this advice.
Digital guest lectures for high school students: 'Focus on what's really important'
Developing a digital guest lecture for high school students. Jan Sleutels was immediately enthusiastic when he got asked to do this. The end result? Together with his colleague Maarten Lamers, he created the guest lecture 'Thinking about Artificial Intelligence'.
Special Chair for Central European Studies gives Cleveringa Lecture in Vienna
On December 3, 2024, Prof. dr. Sarah Cramsey delivered a Cleveringa Lecture in Vienna. Cramsey was the special guest of the Dutch Ambassador to Austria, Mr. Peter Potman.
student Lucas Pistorius wins Moot Court competition on day of Thorbecke Lecture
The 2024 Thorbecke Lecture was held on Friday 19 April, with the theme of ‘The role of the Court of Justice in protecting the consumer’. Before the lecture, students from Leiden Law School and Ghent University’s Faculty of Law competed in a Moot Court competition based on the same topic.
Government will continue to intervene to make aviation sector more sustainable
Is aviation on a one-way journey or a round trip? That is the question Steven Truxal will answer in his inaugural lecture From Disruption to Innovation in Air and Space: Legal Solutions for a Sustainable Future on Monday 15 November. This professor of air and space law is positive. That’s one thing…
Attend the annual Byvanck Lecture on Digital Safeguarding of the Baalshamîn Temple in Palmyra
Hans Franken Lecture by Jan Kleijssen, former Human Rights Director at the Council of Europe
On June 30, eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University organised the annual Hans Franken Lecture. This year the lecture was delivered by Jan Kleijssen, former Human Rights Director at the Council of Europe.
Europa Lecture: Paying tribute to those who apply European regulations at the national level
The tenth Europa Lecture was delivered by Corinna Wissels, State Councillor at the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Dutch Council of State, deputy justice of the Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal and member of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement arbitration panel.
Qualification allows you to reflect on your teaching and interact with other lecturers’
Fifteen passionate lecturers from Leiden University were awarded the Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO) on Thursday 27 January. One of them is Frank Takes, as of 1 February Associate Professor of Computer Science. For him the SKO was a good opportunity to reflect on how he teaches.
Beatrice de Graaf in Huizinga Lecture: ‘History is necessary in times of crisis’
Professor Beatrice de Graaf held the 53rd Huizinga Lecture on Thursday 12 December. In front of a a sold-out Stadsgehoorzaal, she spoke about how history can be used in times of crisis to give meaning to the situation.
Pascal Haazebroek and Kirsten Buitelaar on lecturers and students new style
‘You’re in it together,’ says Pascal Haazebroek, Director of Studies of Psychology. ‘You have an influence on your education; you’re part of a university, so come back to campus now that you can,’ urges Kirsten Buitelaar, student member of the Board of Education. Read this double interview about lecturers…
Teaching Fair: No more boring lectures with Jasmijn Mioch's workshop
The Teaching Fair is coming up again. On Thursday afternoon, 20 June, you can let your colleagues inspire you about educational innovation. In the workshop ‘No more boring lectures’, Jasmijn Mioch will show you how to incorporate interactive workshops in your lectures.
Want to protest in The Hague but still give your lecture? Three tips
On Monday 25 November at 13:00, students and staff from higher education institutions are protesting at Malieveld against the announced cuts. How do you ensure that you and your students can be there if you should be teaching then, and cannot or do not want to cancel your class?
Lecture Hall Building closed from 26 June till 30 August 2023
Joyce Esser gives lecture on American administrative law during virtual Res Publica study trip
The traditional Res Publica study trip took place this year from 20 to 24 April. Because of the coronavirus restrictions, the members of Res Publica – the faculty’s study association for constitutional and administrative law – travelled ‘virtually’ to Portugal, the United States and Singapore. Of course,…
Netherlands Student Orchestra: from lecture hall to concert hall
A month’s break from your studies, ten days of intensive rehearsals and then a concert tour: the Netherlands Student Orchestra is based on a simple formula. Leiden student Daphne Biron tells us about the orchestra and the concert in Leiden on 20 February.
Lecture series Treasures from the Middle Eastern Manuscript Collections and their Wealth of Knowledge
Persian stories with beautiful miniatures, letters on papyrus from Egyptian traders and medicinal manuscripts translated from Greek and edited in Arabic. Studium Generale organizes a lecture series on the world-famous manuscripts from the Middle East collection of Leiden University Libraries (UBL).…
New: Teaching staff need to log on and log off in lecture rooms
Education, ICT
Climate activist Aniek Moonen to give Annie Romein-Verschoor Lecture
Every year Leiden University holds the Annie Romein-Verschoor Lecture on or around International Women’s Day on 8 March.
Archaeologist Annelou van Gijn lectures at the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
During her lecture, Professor Annelou van Gijn explored user-wear analysis and experimental archaeology, showing details about past human life.
From September, your own laptop will be the standard for lectures
Using all the software you need for lectures on your own laptop. From the new academic year, that will be the standard at our faculty. That is when the Bring Your Own Device pilot will start. The arrival of the software distribution platform brings many benefits. ‘Teaching will become more flexible…
CJ Public Lecture: What is happening around Europe’s internal borders?
IAt the Criminal Justice Public Lecture on 20 April, Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude spoke about her research into decisions and practice in relation to intra-Schengen border areas and the free movement of persons. The thinking behind the Schengen area is that where the external borders…
Digital guest lectures for secondary school students: 'The interdisciplinary collaboration gives me energy'
Can a robot perform a religious ritual just like a monk? And what exactly is a religious ritual? Robots and religion seem to be two different subjects, but according to university lecturer Elpine de Boer, both can make us think about what it means to be human and what we consider to be of value. Together…
No exams or lectures, but building a radio telescope with empty paint cans
No more lectures and exams for the Radio Astronomy course taught by Michiel Brentjens. The corona crisis is a moment of reflection that has changed his whole way of teaching. Instead of being in front of the class, he lets his students build a radio telescope with paint cans.
Former Rector Carel Stolker’s valedictory lecture buried according to tradition
After three years of covid postponements, the time had finally come on Wednesday 29 June 2022: Carel Stolker’s last speech as Rector Magnificus was buried according to tradition under the ginkgo tree in the library at the Kamerlingh Onnes building.
Lecture Simone van der Hof on age verification and age appropriate design
On 6 October 2021, Simone van der Hof gave a lecture on age verification and age appropriate design.
NUFFIC awards Van Vollenhoven Institute grant to train Indonesian law lecturers in socio-legal approaches
NUFFIC’s Orange Knowledge programme, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, awarded a grant to the proposal of Jacqueline Vel, Adriaan Bedner and Leiden alumnus Fachrizal Afandi just before the Christmas holidays.
Windows 11: Last chance to have your laptop upgraded / The lecture theatres will also be upgraded
Lecturer and students taking action: 'Anton de Kom deserves a statue in The Hague’
Why doesn't the Surinamese resistance hero and independence fighter Anton de Kom have a memorial site in his former hometown, The Hague, while there are streets named after colonial leaders? The students of university lecturer Anne Marieke Van der Wal-Rémy are committed to the erection of a statue.
Meijers Lecture and New Year’s Reception: starting the new year full of enthusiasm and inspiration!
In traditional style, 2025 was ushered in at our faculty with the Meijers Lecture followed by the New Year's Reception. On Thursday 16 January 2025, the Meijers Lecture took place in the Lorentz Lecture Hall where the Meijers Prizes and the Van Wersch Springplank Prize were also awarded. At the New…