1,658 search results for “fox quantum optics an in protection” in the Public website
Physics in the picture: cancer cells as an explosion of fireworks
When you think of physics, do you think only of complicated formulas? You’re not the only one. Therefore, every year, the Leiden Insitute of Physics organises the LION Image Award to show another side of physics: beautiful images about intriguing science. The winner of the 2022 photo competition captured…
Core rights and the protection of socio-economic interests by the European Court of Human Rights
The ECtHR needs to provide effective rights protection, but it also needs to set clear standards while showing deference to decisions made at the national level. Especially when socio-economic issues are concerned, meeting these different demands is a challenging task.
Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage in Optomechanics
In the thesis we demonstrated an 85% state transfer efficiency between two mechanical modes coupled to a common optical mode via stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) in the classical regime. We also showed possibilities to manipulate quantum states of the mechanical modes via STIRAP.
The Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) offers bachelor and master level education in physics at Leiden University.
Suzanne Andeweg
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
How can criminal law protect democracy?
Should criminal law have a greater role in protecting this democracy? In his inaugural lecture, Professor Jeroen ten Voorde urges caution.
personnel allocation affects performance:Evidence from Brazil's federal protected areasagency
This paper addresses the gap that explores how agencies might allocate their personnel so as to maximise performance with the personnel they have.
Towards efficient low-temperature CO2 electrolysis
In what way can the chemical properties of cobalt porphyrines be adjusted to optimize their selectivity and activity when using them for the electrochemical conversion of CO2 to methane and methanol?
Photothermal studies of single molecules and gold nanoparticles: vapor nanobubbles and conjugated polymers
Promotor: M.A.G.J. Orrit
About the programme
The MSc programme Physics offers 5 research-oriented specialisations where you can focus on Theoretical Physics, Quantum Matter and Optics, Biological and Soft Matter, or Cosmology. You can also combine Physics with education, management or science communication.
5 years Quantum Rules lab: ‘The best part is when you hear the penny drop with a student’
Quantum Rules lab van Leiden Universiteit biedt proefjes en experimenten voor middelbare scholieren om te leren over kwantum natuurkunde. Henk Buisman vertelt over het 5 jarige jubileum.
Michel Orrit
Joan van der Waals colloquium
The Joan van der Waals colloquium is an ongoing bi-weekly lecture series.
Topological decoding of biomolecular fold complexity
Biological polymers, including proteins and the genome, undergo folding processes crucial for their proper functioning. Even slight changes in the folding structure of these biopolymers can have significant implications, leading to the development of various pathological conditions, such as neurodegenerative…
Measuring the pull of gravity on a micron-sized particle
Tjerk Oosterkamp of the Leiden Institute of Physics managed to do the first-ever measurement of gravity on a tiny particle - just 0.43 milligrams - where the quantum regime starts. He explains in Physics World why this is so challenging.
Hortus Leiden helps to protect plant diversity around the world
The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, a world-wide effort by the botanist and plant protection community, is making considerable progress in protecting plant diversity around the world, a new report says. The Hortus botanicus Leiden is one of the partners of the project.
New method to find Majorana’s tested for the first time
Jianfeng Ge and Milan Allen of Leiden University look for majorana quasiparticles using shot noise measurements
Plasmonic enhancement of single-molecule fluorescence under one- and two-photon excitation
This thesis aims to improve the detection from ultra-weak single emitter by enhancing their emission properties with plasmonic nanostructures. We exploit the wet-chemically synthesized single crystalline gold nanorods (GNRs) as our basic frameworks in the whole studies, simply because of their unique…
Photon detection at subwavelength scales
Promotor: E.R. Eliel, Co-Promotor: M.J.A. de Dood
Visualizing strongly-correlated electrons with a novel scanning tunneling microscope
Materials with strongly correlated electrons show some of the most mysterious and exotic phases of quantum matter, such as unconventional superconductivity, quantum criticality and strange metal phase.
INFORM Day on EU Data Protection Law
On Friday November 2nd 2018, eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, will host a one-day conference on the new EU Data Protection Law that came into force earlier this year.
Bachelor's research on ultra-thin nanochip nominated for Young Talent Award
Using 2D materials, physics student Romme van der Kemp developed a nanochip that is extremely small ánd scalable. This is needed to make all kinds of technologies better, faster and smaller. He has been nominated for the FWN Young Talent Award 2023 for his research.
metabolomic profiles by seed and plant cutting treatments to enhance plant protection against western flower thrips
How can we manipulate the biotic and abiotic environment to increase thrips resistance in tomato and chrysanthemum? More specifically we ask: How can plant secondary metabolites that are not soluble in water be delivered to plants in seed coating or root dipping treatment? Can bacteria be used to…
Hot Nanoparticles
Gold nanoparticles show surprisingly strong interactions with light in the visible range, which can be divided into scattering, absorption, and photoluminescence.
possibilities for vulnerable young adults who have dealt with (a) child protection measure(s) in the past.
Is the current existing legal framework on compulsory and voluntary care - for vulnerable young adults (between the ages of 18 to 23) - in need of revision? And if so, what kind of amendments would be advisable?
An artificial atom as qubit
With a pioneering project like the quantum computer, it’s a good idea not to place all your bets on a single horse. In Leiden’s Quantum Optics research group, instead of working on a Majorana-based qubit, people are working on a qubit based on an ‘artificial atom’. If that becomes the basis of the quantum…
Working at the Faculty of Science
Working for a top faculty? Discover the vacancies at the Faculty of Science and apply immediately.
Mariëlle Bruning at roundtable discussion on child protection system
On 3 November 2022, Mariëlle Bruning, Professor of Children and the Law, spoke as an expert on child protection at a roundtable discussion with Dutch Lower House members of the Standing Committee on Justice and Security.
Geometric phases in soft materials
Geometric phases lead to a nontrivial interference result when an electron's different quantum mechanical paths choices encircle a magnetic coil in an Aharonov-Bohm experiment.
Dutch and Japanese researchers collaborate with leading quantum software developer Qu&Co
Vedran Dunjko (LIACS and applied Quantum algorithms (aQa) Leiden) and Tomoyuki Morimae (Kyoto University) are to collaborate with Qu&Co. Qu&Co is a leading European developer of quantum software.
Countering cyber terrorism in a time of 'war on words': Kryptonite for the protection of digital rights?
This collection includes six short policy-focused contributions exploring how legislation and policy on counter cyber terrorism unfold at the national level in the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Russia, France, and at the regional level of the European Union.
- Online Book Presentation: Reynard the Fox
Leiden Institute of Physics
Physicists at the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) conduct fundamental research into physical phenomena. They are inspired by curiosity and the desire to know more about the world in which we live. This research has always paved the way for new practical applications. These are something that the…
On the coexistence of Landau levels and superconductivity
In unconventional high temperature superconductors, supercurrent vortices are known to spoil the Landau levels. In this thesis the emergence of Landau levels is studied in different types of superconductors: Weyl superconductors, and the Fu-Kane heterostructure.
Marc Farreras I Bartra
Big Data, Big Risks, Big Power Shifts: Evaluating the General Data Protection Regulation as an instrument of risk control and power redistribution
On 12 September 2019, Michiel Rhoen defended his thesis 'Big Data, Big Risks, Big Power Shifts: Evaluating the General Data Protection Regulation as an instrument of risk control and power redistribution in the context of big data'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. G.J. Zwenne and Prof.…
- Research projects
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Research in Physics, Quantum Matter and Optics at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
How do plants protect themselves against too much sunlight?
That a switching protein plays a role in protecting a plant from too much sunlight was already known, but how exactly was not yet understood. The research group of Anjali Pandit has now discovered that this protein changes shape when there is too much sunlight. The results have been published in Nature…
The protection of competition interests in administrative law
On Wednesday 13 December at 13.45 hrs Jaap Wieland will defend his doctoral thesis entitled ‘De bescherming van concurrentiebelangen in het bestuursrecht’ (the Protection of Competition Interests in Administrative Law) at the Academy Building of Leiden University. His supervisors are Professor Willemien…
Suzy Duivenvoorde
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
How cool is LEGO®? Leiden physicists use it for ice cold research
Tjerk Oosterkamp's group is conducting what is perhaps the coldest research in the world. The researchers have cooled a sensor to below 2 millikelvin - almost as cold as absolute zero. This allows them to make extremely sensitive measurements. PhD candidate Jaimy Plugge helped build the setup: ‘We are…
Tangent fermions: massless fermions on a lattice
In some condensed matter systems, such as the surface of a 3D topological insulator, the electrons are effectively massless and we must necessarily use the massless Dirac equation to describe them.
Motivic invariants of character stacks
This thesis studies the geometry of representation varieties and character stacks. These are spaces parametrizing the representations of a finitely generated group, typically the fundamental group of a compact manifold, into an algebraic group G.
children globally and in the Philippines and why their rights need protection
To what extent are the rights to street children violated en how can their rights be protected?
NWO Projectruimte for physicists Schalm and Zaanen
NWO has awarded a €392k Projectruimte grant to physicists Koenraad Schalm and Jan Zaanen to study ‘strange metals’. These materials are alleged to follow the bizarre laws of quantum mechanics even at everyday length scales.
Anne Klootwijk
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Let's Play Quantum Games
Falling bombs and looting soldiers: how to protect Ukraine’s cultural heritage?
The war in Ukraine is leading not only to human suffering. Ukraine's cultural heritage is also experiencing the consequences of the war: museums are being bombed and 'Russification' in the occupied territories means children no longer learn Ukrainian. Researcher Evelien Campfens was commissioned by…
Career preparation
Leiden University offers you several services related to career orientation and job application skills.