956 search results for “creating resilience” in the Public website
World Archaeology
The department of World Archaeology combines research and education about regions all over the world, from Human Origins to the Middle Ages, and from Europe, to Asia, Africa and the America’s. That broad range in time and space makes the department a dynamic pluriform community with many different approaches,…
The Violence and Violence Prevention research group at Leiden University focuses on understanding and preventing violence in modern societies. The group offers two key educational programmes: the Minor Violence Studies and the Governance of Violence specialisation within the Master’s in Crisis and Security…
From Murder to Imprisonment: Mapping the Flow of Homicide Cases
Marieke Liem, Professor Social Resilience and Security at Leiden University, and Katharina Krüsselmann, PhD candidate at Leiden University and Manuel Eisner mapped the flow of homicide cases with the help of a systematic review.
Restraint under conditions of uncertainty: Why the United States tolerates cyberattacks
This new article by Monica Kaminska is part of a special issue for Journal of Cybersecurity, based on a selection of contributions from THe Hague Program for Cyber Norms' 2019 Conference.
Politics and Aesthetics
Politics and Aesthetics is one of the six research themes of the LUCAS Modern and Contemporary cluster.
Skateboarding and the Senses
This book presents a new perspective on skateboarding, centred on the senses, skill acquisition, embodiment, and the concept of
Get to know Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
The master's programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology foregrounds ethnography as a method, to create insights into everyday cultural practices relevant to global processes of change. You can either propose your own individual research project (Global Ethnography), conduct more applied…
Arabic and its Alternatives
Arabic and its Alternatives discusses the complicated relationships between language, religion and communal identities in the Middle East in the period following the First World War.
Indigenous ancestors and healing landscapes
In Indigenous Ancestors and Healing Landscapes Jana Pešoutová presents new interpretations of current healing practices in Cuba and the Dominican Republic juxtaposed against the European colonization of the Caribbean after 1492.
Heritage and Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The heritage of Indigenous Peoples has long been researched and commented upon from the outside. This book adopts an innovative approach by engaging with the heritage of Indigenous Peoples from the ‘inside’.
Get to know Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
The master's programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology foregrounds ethnography as a method, to create insights into everyday cultural practices relevant to global processes of change. You can either propose your own individual research project (Global Ethnography), conduct more applied…
About the programme
The process of doing ethnographic research enables you to develop the capacity to engage, analyse and report from a social science perspective.
Visual Ethnography (MSc)
Are you eager to explore traditional and experimental audiovisual methods for ethnographic research? Do you consider translating your research findings into a documentary? Are you highly motivated, committed and hard working? Then Visual Ethnography is the right specialisation for you! Visual Ethnography…
Three different perspectives on how the online world has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives
In the ESOF2022 mini-symposium organized by the Social Resilience & Security programme, international experts with a background in psychology, philosophy, and law discussed how the online world is related to adolescent mental health issues, moral and emotional awareness and children’s rights. In three…
Vulnerable Yet Resilient: Representations of Migrant Workers in Contemporary Chinese Prose
PhD defence
All episodes of Breingeheim now available on Spotify
All five episodes of the first season of 'Breingeheim' are now available to listen on Spotify. The first season of the podcastseries is about the social contexts of adolescent development and how teens become resilient individuals. In every episode, a new Leiden-based behavioural scientist and an adolescent…
EC-grant for project INSIGHT: focus on the way in which firearms are related to firearms violence
The European Commission awarded the project proposal INSIGHT, a follow-up project on illegal firearms trafficking and gun violence from Professor Social Resilience and Security Marieke Liem and PhD-researcher Katharina Krüsselmann of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA).
First comprehensive study on gun violence in Europe identifies alarming trends
The steady decline in lethal gun violence in the EU came to halt in 2012 and some countries, such as Sweden, have even noticed an increase since then. An arms race among drug criminals and an increase in the availability of illegal firearms could lead to more criminal and gun violence. This is one of…
European subsidy for Ellen de Bruijn: ‘Hormonal fluctuations in women have been ignored for too long in brain research’
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn studies the effects of hormonal fluctuations on behaviour and on the brain over a woman's life course. With an ERC Consolidator grant, she and 3 PhDs and a postdoc will further her EEG research on the different stages at which girls and women experience strong hormonal f…
Orange the World: Visible and invisible violence against women
On 25 November, the global 16-day campaign 'Orange the World' against violence against women and girls started. Leiden University will also be paying attention to this campaign. On Friday 9 December, Renate van der Zee and Marieke Liem will give a lecture at the Campus The Hague (Spanish Steps, Wijnhaven)…
Leiden Students help Create The Hague Manifesto to celebrate UN @ 70
The Hague Project Peace & Justice, in cooperation with Dr. Alanna O’Malley of the Leiden University Institute for History, organized a one-day conference on October 23rd, to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the United Nations. Students of the ‘A History of the United Nations’ elective course of the…
Leiden statisticians create app for patients and doctors to calculate cancer survival probabilities
A new app is able to calculate personalised survival probabilities for patients suffering from soft tissue sarcoma. Doctors and patients can use the app to calculate personalised survival probabilities together. Mathematician Anja Rüten-Budde received her doctorate for her research into survival probability…
Tijmen Pronk creates MOOC: 'It is our responsibility to share knowledge'
What actually goes into the development of a massive open online course, a MOOC? University lecturer Tijmen Pronk developed the course 'Introduction to Comparative Linguistics of Indo-European Languages' independently. He talks about his motivation and experiences.
Escaping from a sarcophagus: students from the Living Education Lab minor create an educational tool
How do students start asking more questions on a museum visit? Let them free an Egyptian princess from a sarcophagus! In the minor Living Education Lab, students from TU Delft, Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam designed an escaperoom.
New ‘university centre’ to be created in former Hudson’s Bay building in downtown The Hague
Leiden University, together with the Open University and Universities of the Netherlands, will take up residence in the Spui building at Grote Marktstraat 48-50/Spui 3 in downtown The Hague from 2025. The partners signed the leases on 7 November.
Why we need to co-create knowledge for sustainability – and why this is easier said than done
Recent debates on energy transitions and poverty illustrate the social ecological complexities of sustainability problems. These cannot be tackled by single academic disciplines – nor by academics alone. In this blog, Marja Spierenburg reflects on the need for, and challenges of ‘transdisciplinarity…
DRIVE: Social inclusion against polarisation
What are the main issues leading to polarisation and division? What is the role of social exclusion in these processes? How can we inform and design better policies to safeguard young people from falling prey to intolerance and polarisation? The DRIVE project, led by Leiden University in The Hague,…
1K Z1E J3 bench placed on Wijnhaven Rooftop Garden: ‘Don't be afraid to start a conversation'
‘Een goed gesprek begint met iemand écht zien.’ (A good conversation starts with truly seeing someone). That text is written on a plaque that was screwed onto a IK Z1E J3 (I see you) bench on the Wijnhaven Rooftop Garden on Monday morning. The bench acts as a symbol to create room for discussions about…
LHSC booster grants
The LHSC booster grants awarded are described below. The summaries below are aimed at the general public. For further detail, please contact the researchers in question.
Four Vici grants for Leiden University researchers
Four researchers from Leiden University have been awarded prestigious Vici grants the Dutch Research Council (NWO) has announced. The honoured applications are from researchers at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden Observatory, the LUMC and the Faculty of Archaeology.
Synthetic dataset protects privacy in criminological research
The SENSYN project has found a solution to few public datasets for criminological research: synthetic datasets. Marieke Liem talks about this unique innovation
Graduate School of Humanities
Welcome to the Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities.
Unlock the cyber crisis: Developing the prototype of an escape room-style cooperative game for cybersecurity education
The project aims to develop an escape room-style game to teach students cyber crisis management and prepare them for real-world cybersecurity challenges
European Prehistory
Our research deals with the deep history of Europe and Eurasia, from the inception of farming up until the beginning of the Roman Period. This was a period in which key developments took place that had a profound impact on European landscapes and society until the present day. Our research and teaching…
Style and function of female images in prints by Keisai Eisen (1790–1848) ideals of beauty and gender in the Late Edo Period consumer society
On the 15th of July Sawako Takemura successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Enriching official economic statistics using data-driven modelling techniques
Netherlands Statistics (CBS), Leiden University and the University of Amsterdam have started a collaboration in the form of a research project titled 'Enriching official economic statistics using data-driven modelling techniques'.
Matrilineal Islam: State Islamic Law and everyday practices of marriage and divorce among people of Mukomuko-Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia
On 13 December 2023 Alf Farabi successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Understanding Ghanaian sign language(s): history, linguistics, and ideology
On the 27th of June, Timothy Mac Hadjah successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Timothy on this achievement!
Employability enhancement
The labour market has seen significant changes in recent decades, not least in terms of greater flexibility and digitisation. Leiden University is keen to prepare students for a working life in which flexibility, resilience and adaptability will be essential qualities. The university’s vision on teaching…
Adverse childhood experiences, education, and involvement in terrorist violence
Examining mediation and moderation.
Silva Nova – Restoring soil biology and soil functions to gain multiple benefits in new forests
We will study how inoculation of former arable land with soil (including the microbiome, soil fauna and seeds/rhizomes of ground flora) from old forests along with planting targeted tree species mixtures will improve productivity and more rapidly restore forest-adapted communities and ulttimately result…
Here we share findings into the effectiveness of the Designing Your Life education at Leiden University. Our study indicates that DYL education has a positive effect on students’ confidence and competencies.
Faith in Democracy. Justice, Politics and Transcendence
This book explores the spiritual potential of faith, mysticism and transcendence in answer to the dangers of a mythologised state and the sacro-sanctification of (liberal) democracy and its rule of law.
Why are governments sharing intelligence on the Ukraine war with the public and what are the risks?
In this article, Thomas Maguire, assistant professor at the Institute of Governance and Global Affairs, examines the intelligence of the US, British and Ukrainian governments and NATO partners concerning Russia and its war against Ukraine. This article discusses how and why governments communicate intelligence…
A micro-trial study to investigate the effectiveness of public speaking treatments in children
Which intervention technique is more effective in reducing public speaking anxiety in children aged 9 – 12 years, exposure or restructuring cognitions?
The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) is a research institute at Leiden University working on improving how science is practiced and governed and how it serves society.
Intelligence and Security
The Intelligence and Security Research Group at Leiden University explores how intelligence and security services function within political, bureaucratic, and societal contexts, and how their methods can be enhanced.
Stress and trauma-related disorders
Our mission is to advance the understanding of mental health of individuals with a history of stress and/or trauma through rigorous interdisciplinary research, integrating insights from clinical psychology, neurobiology, and social sciences. We are committed to translating our findings into innovative…
- Research projects
Creating a sustainable university: ‘You need breathing space for activist work’
More papers, more grants, more students: constant growth is still the gold standard at universities. Neuroscientists Anne Urai and Claire Kelly argue that this mentality obstructs us in resolving such complex societal problems as the climate crisis. Their alternative? The university as a doughnut.