5,305 search results for “alle” in the Staff website
Klokhuis episode about blushing and smiling? Your vote counts
Who wouldn’t want their own episode of Het Klokhuis? Researchers Milica Nikolic and Chris Riddell are in the running for the Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs, which aims to introduce a broad and young audience to scientific research in the Netherlands.
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the Korte Voorhout, at the square in front of the Ministery of Finance.
Prospectus editors
For all editorial questions or to register a new course/ subject, contact your Faculty Prospectus editor.
University Library
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the coffee corner at the front of the University Library. Keep the road and the square clear for emergency services.
Mathias de Vrieshof
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the square on the northern side of the Leiden University Library (UB, red line). In bad weather, gather in the Lipsius Building (blue line).
Leiden University Library (UBL)
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the coffee corner at the front of the University Library. Keep the road and the square clear for emergency services.
Working from home
If your work allows it, you can work partly from home and partly at the University. How this combination of working from home and at the University will turn out for you depends on your own working activities and situation and those of your team. This means that tailor-made solutions are needed.
Frequently asked questions about privacy and security
Veelgestelde vragen privacy en security
Courses and development
BKO, SKO, Leiden Teachers Academy: it's all covered on this page. You will also find an overview of courses you can take.
Prepare and write
Our Research Funding Community continuously gathers intelligence that helps with preparing proposals efficiently and to give them the necessary competitive edge. All grant advisors are happy to share this information, and to guide you throughout the process. For quick reference, this page summarises…
Personnel monitor Light 2021
The University believes it is important to provide you with a satisfying work environment. How do you feel about your career opportunities, the interaction with your colleagues and supervisors, and the work facilities at your disposal? We ask for your opinion via the personnel monitor. This survey guarantees…
Call for applications: COIn Grant
- medewerker betrokkenheid onderzoek resultaten
Prepare and write
Our Research Funding Community continuously gathers intelligence that helps with preparing proposals efficiently and to give them the necessary competitive edge. All grant advisors are happy to share this information, and to guide you throughout the process. For quick reference, this page summarises…
PhD track
The PhD track involves many different aspects. As well as important administrative steps that you have to take, for example, there are also introductory activities, a training programme and opportunities for research abroad.
- Scholarships
Introductory meeting
Welcome to Leiden University. Perhaps you already know that the university has 7 faculties and that you can end up in the city of Leiden or The Hague? And do you know that our university is the oldest of the Netherlands and what the motto Praesidium Libertatis means?
LAK Courses
LAK Courses is part of Leiden University and offers creative courses for all. You can take part in a range of classes in drama, dance, drawing, painting, singing, photography and literature.
Working in a lab
Working in a laboratory is different from working in an office. Some of the rules that apply when working in or around a laboratory are given below.
SOLO Research and Lab Support
During your research you might have to set up laboratory space, programme tasks, collect, analyse and store data. The FSW offers support in all stages of your research.
uSis is the University’s student administration system. All students are registered in uSis and can use it to keep track of their study progress.
Pieter de la Court Building
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the front or backside of the building. If this is too close to the calamity, the emergency response coordinators will guide you to the car park of the Willem Einthoven Building (other side Sandifortdreef).
Strategy and Academic Affairs
The Department of Strategy and Academic Affairs is responsible for strategy and policy advice in the areas of education and research.
Gorlaeus laboratory
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather in front of the round 'saucer', or on the east or west side of the Gorlaeus Building. In bad weather or in case of escalation, gather at the sport centre.
Information events
A Master’s Open Day is organised twice a year, once in Autumn and once in Spring, to give all Master’s programmes the opportunity to introduce themselves.
Tools for a better work balance
The pages on the left of this screen offer valuable information, tips and strategies that you can use to optimise your work balance. After all, a healthy work balance not only improves your well-being, but also contributes to better professional performance.
P.N. van Eyckhof
During an evacuation, all employees and students gather at the square on the southern side of the Leiden University Library (UB, red line). In bad weather, gather at the Lipsius Building (blue line).
Martijn Kitzen has been appointed professor by Special Appointment of Military Science: 'It's time for Europe to make a stand.'
Martijn Kitzen has been appointed professor by special appointment of Military Science at ISGA on behalf of the Royal Netherlands Society for War Studies (KVBK).
- New research management tool for research projects - Vidatum
Erasmus+ for Training
PhD, Staff
Informed consent
If you handle personal data, there are a number of legal grounds on which this can be done. One example involves obtaining consent from the person in question, also known as 'informed consent'. This informed consent must adhere to several requirements.
Evaluation of education
We carry out regular evaluations with a view to improving the quality of our teaching. The programme committees and the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) play an important part in this process. In addition, a student satisfaction survey is also carried out very year:…
LUCRIS Converis
LUCRIS GSM is a registration and monitoring system for PhD candidates. GSM stands for "Graduate School Management", and LUCRIS GSM should not be confused with LUCRIS PM (Publication Module). With the LUCRIS GSM module, all information concerning PhD candidates is stored in a uniform way and made accessible…
Contact and advice
The Expertise Centre for Teaching and Learning (ECOLe) is the go-to place for support for all faculty members at the Faculty of Humanities. We provide assistance with all questions related to didactics, professional development, and the use of digital tools in teaching.
As a Leiden University employee you automatically accrue pension via the Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfond (ABP). As a rule, you will retire once you reach the legal AOW age. If you wish you may decide to take early or partial retirement. The ABP Pension Scheme offers a number of options to this end.
Communication resources
The Development and Alumni Relations department offers a number of offline and online communication resources for alumni. Alumni are approached via the Leidraad magazine, the digital newsletter Alumni News and the alumni website. The University also manages a number of social media accounts especially…
- Step-by-step
From workplace to Wi-Fi, from changing your password to using Office 365 and OneDrive: Here you will find the University's IT information.
Graduate School FGGA: Research data management course
Didactics, Career development
Service desk KOG
Kamerlingh Onnes Building, Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES, Leiden
Publication tools
Help for prospective Leiden academics
Are you looking for a grant to come to Leiden? Here you will find an overview funding opportunities available and steps to take.
Do you want to install software yourself at your workplace? Or would you link to sync your work email with your smartphone? On this page you will find all our ICT workplace manuals, sorted by theme.
Assessment matrices
When putting together your assessment, it may be useful to use an assessment matrix. This is a table in which you link the learning objectives to test questions and indicate the weight you give each objective in the assessmentIt is often requested during the (preparation of the) programme accreditation,…
Open call: submit your Lowlands Science research proposal
Changes to Read and Publish agreements with publishers as of January 2025
Library, Research
- Karlijn Pieterse: “Be part of the group and learn together”
Willem Einthoven
Kolffpad 1, Leiden
Universiteit Leiden at Impact Fair 2025
Brightspace is Leiden University's digital learning environment. With Brightspace you can share course materials, grades and updates with your students, create and evaluate assignments and quizzes, perform plagiarism checks, provide personalized feedback and peer feedback, and start discussions.