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Required documents
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Tuition fees
Your tuition fee depends on a number of factors, such as your nationality and your previous Dutch higher-education qualifications.
Lexical Tone in Word Activation
On the 16th of May, Qing Yang successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Qing on this achievement!
Languages of The Hague
Languages of The Hague is a collection of columns on languages and language which were published between 2016 and 2018 in the weekly newspaper Den Haag Centraal.
African languages archives
This collaborative research group (CRG) facilitates the synergies of researchers engaged with African languages and documentation of texts conducted in East Africa, paying particular attention to ‘endangered archives’ and ‘endangered languages’.
Violence in institutions for juvenile offenders
This study focuses on violence involving juveniles in conflict with the law who are deprived of their liberty in different institutions within the framework of the (juvenile) criminal justice system (inter alia, police detention, pre-trial detention and deprivation of liberty after conviction or sen…
Biological, Soft and Complex Systems
We study the physics of a broad range of biological and soft materials
Techno-typological variability of the late Middle Paleolithic in the southern Balkans
Middle Paleolithic stone tool technology is one of the major sources of information about Neandertal behavior and adaptations. The Balkan Middle Paleolithic often remains outside of the major debates and interpretations of Neandertal behavior.
Virus-host metabolic interactions: using metabolomics to probe oxidative stress, inflammation and systemic immunity
Promotores: T. Hankemeier; R. Berger, Co-promotor: R.J. Vreeken
In what ways do matters of cybersecurity affect the relationship between governments and citizens, have a bearing on (fundamental) rights and civil liberties, and alter the role and responsibilities of governments?
In this project we looked at children and their relationships with peers. We wanted to learn more about the well-being of children and how this is linked to topics such as friendships, anxiety and social skills. By looking at these topics and their interplay, we can learn more about how children are…
Mundane dynamics: Understanding collaborative governance approaches to ‘big’ problems through studying ‘small’ practices
In this article, Lianne Visser contributed to the understanding of why collaborative governance is a challenging response to wicked problems.
Self-regulation in boys with ODD/CD
Understanding individual differences in self-regulation in boys with ODD/CD on the level of brain, cognition and behavior
The Bosnian Tinderbox: Is Putin Holding the Wick?
In this article, Gerrit Dijkstra and Jos Raadschelders from the Institute of Public Administration, focus on Russia’s role in Bosnia and raise some important questions.
Heritage and Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The heritage of Indigenous Peoples has long been researched and commented upon from the outside. This book adopts an innovative approach by engaging with the heritage of Indigenous Peoples from the ‘inside’.
Histone-DNA assemblies in archaea. Shaping the genome on the edge of life
All life on earth contains DNA, which is used to store biological information. Organisms compact their DNA in order for it to fit inside their cell(s).
B cell modulation in atherosclerosis
Cardiovascular disease is a major global burden and atherosclerosis is the main underlying pathological process.
Digital tools for sign language research: towards recognition and comparison of lexical signs
On the 9th of April, Manolis Fragkiadakis successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Manolis on this achievement!
Geometric phases in soft materials
Geometric phases lead to a nontrivial interference result when an electron's different quantum mechanical paths choices encircle a magnetic coil in an Aharonov-Bohm experiment.
Tell Balata Archaeologcial Park Project
Urban development and lack of appropriate management has been threatening the archaeological site of Tell Balata. In order to save it from further destruction, in 2010 the Tell Balata Archaeological Park project was started.
Primary Sources and Asian Pasts
This Conference volume unites a wide range of scholars working in the fields of history, archaeology, religion, art, and philology in an effort to explore new perspec-tives and methods in the study of primary sources from premodern South and Southeast Asia.
Ecology and genomics of Actinobacteria and their specialised metabolism
Filamentous Actinobacteria, such as Streptomyces, produce a plethora of chemically diverse bioactive metabolites that have found applications across medicine, agriculture and biotechnology.
Shimmering Images: Trans Cinema, Embodiment, and the Aesthetics of Change
In Shimmering Images, Eliza Steinbock traces how cinema offers alternative ways to understand gender transitions through a specific aesthetics of change.
Traces of language contact in Niya Prakrit: Bactrian and other foreign elements
On the 6th of November, Niels Schoubben successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Niels on this achievement!
The Secret Lives of Art Works
The Secret Life of Art Works. Exploring the Boundaries between Art and Life is the first collection of essays to present case studies from the visual arts, architecture, sculpture and numismatics, and to engage critically with theoretical perspectives from art history, psychology, aesthetics and ant…
Trading Responsibility: navigating national burdens in a globalized world
International trade has played a major role in defining the modern global economy. Trade, however, entangles the environmental pressures of economic sectors, giving the illusion of environmental improvements, while the opposite may be occurring.
Beschadigd vertrouwen
On 7 December 2021, Georgina Kuipers defended the thesis 'Beschadigd vertrouwen'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. W. den Ouden and Prof. M.A. van der Steen (EUR).
Members of LUXs teach courses in statistics and data science at Leiden University, Leiden University Medical Center and Leiden University College, for students of many backgrounds. They cooperate in offering wide-ranging master programs in Statistical Science and Data Science, and provide many opportunities…
Deformations of nodal surfaces
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, L. van Geemen Co-promotor: R.M. van Luijk
Every year, the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges programme organises a conference that brings together academics and policy makers.
Joint programmes
Both within the university and also with outside partners, Leiden University participates in sustainability programmes. These initiatives hopefully contribute to a growing and more robust sustainability movement, locally and world wide.
Research Schools
Many researchers of the Faculty of Science are members of a research school related to their area of expertise. Research schools aim at collaboration of researchers from different faculties in the same university (interfaculty schools) or in different universities (interuniversity schools).
Pre- and perinatal risk factors
Effects of maternal smoking, premature birth, intra-uterine growth retardation and asphyxia on child development.
The Imperialisation of Assyria: An Archaeological Approach
The Assyrian Empire was the first state to achieve durable domination of the Ancient Near East, enduring some seven centuries and, eventually, controlling most of the region. Yet, we know little about how this empire emerged from a relatively minor polity in the Tigris region and how it managed to consolidate…
Important information
Below you will find important information for new and current PhD candidates at the Institute for Philosophy.
Committee Positions
Become involved with LUGO! Become part of the team, join forces with fellow committee members in our voluntary committee or take part in our project-based internships! Check this page regularly for open positions.
Non-equilibrium chemistry and cooling in simulations of galaxy formation
Promotor: J. Schaye
Inclusiveness and Diversity at LIACS
Research on Inclusiveness and Diversity at the Faculty of Science at Leiden University
Food citizens?
The ERC project 'Food citizens?' is a comparative analysis of a growing phenomenon in Europe: collective food procurement, namely networks of people who organize direct food production, distribution, and consumption.
Reintegrating jihadist extremists: evaluating a Dutch initiative
In 2012, the Dutch National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism and the Dutch Probation Service launched a reintegration project for offenders on probation or parole who were (suspected to be) involved in jihadist extremism or terrorism. The initiative's primary goal was to reduce the chance…
Trade mark law
Article 10 (2) opening words and (b) of the Trade Mark Directive entitles a trade mark owner to object to infringements of his trade mark by a mark that is 'identical with or similar to the trade mark and used in relation to goods or services which are identical with or similar to those for which the…
PhD candidates carry out a programme of independent research, leading to a PhD thesis in typically 4 years.
Arts and culture
Visit an exhibition, a concert or learn to paint.
The niche of think tanks in a consensus – seeking and neo-corporatist policy advisory system
Bert Fraussen and Valérie Pattyn theoretically contribute to the existing literature on policy advice by drawing inspiration from niche theory.
Current and next generation influenza vaccines: Formulation and production strategies
Vaccination is the most effective method to prevent influenza infection. However, current influenza vaccines have several limitations. Relatively long production times, limited vaccine capacity, moderate efficacy in certain populations and lack of cross-reactivity are important issues that need to be…
Swimming Bass under Pounding Bass: fish response to sound exposure
Promotor: C.J. ten Cate, Co-promotor: H.W. Slabbekoorn
Zebrafish Delivery
Is there a sufficiently large market for drug screening and testing in Zebrafish larvae using membrane fusion?
Young Hae Choi
Associate professor at the Natural Products Laboratory, Institute of Biology, Leiden University - the Netherlands
Improving the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger as cell factory for starch degrading enzymes
We aim to develop A. niger strains that produce more starch degrading enzymes even in the absence of starch.