5,348 search results for “russian and science linguistics” in the Public website
Matthew Windsor
Faculty of Humanities
Jurjen Donkers
Faculty of Humanities
Open Science Coffee: ChatGPT in science: academic (dis)honesty or better science?
Explanation and Teleology in Aristotle's Philosophy of Nature
This dissertation explores Aristotle’s use of teleology as a principle of explanation, especially as it is used in the natural treatises.
Dimensions of Free Speech: An Exploration of a New Theoretical Framework
In ‘Dimensions of Free Speech’, Devrim Kabasakal Badamchi (Leiden University Institute of Political Science) offers a new theoretical framework for free speech by critically analysing the major justifications for free speech. Kabasakal Badamchi argues for a justification: namely the double-grounded…
Digiuseppe & Poast, ‘Arms versus Democratic Allies’
In theory, states can gain security by acquiring internal arms or external allies. Yet the empirical literature offers mixed findings: some studies find arms and allies to be substitutes, while others find them to be complements. Political scientists Matthew Digiuseppe (Leiden University) and Paul Poast…
‘Science is always the foundation for finding the best treatment, but we should broaden our scope'
As of 1 August, Anika Bexkens has been appointed Professor of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Her research focuses on the optimal application of scientific knowledge in practice. ‘Scientists and practitioners often speak past each other.’
Students wanted for Msc topics at the Institute of Environmental Sciences
Students searched for MSc Internships under the following topics: 1. Understanding temporal variability in functional biodiversity and 2. Characterization of engineered nanoparticles in aquatic organisms: Gold nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes
Outreach programme spaceEU launched at one of the world’s largest science festivals
On 5 September, spaceEU was launched at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, one of the world’s largest science, technology and media art festivals. This 1 million euro European-funded project is coordinated by Leiden Observatory. SpaceEU fosters a young, creative and inclusive European space community…
Faculty of Science kicks off academic year sustainably with electrocatalysis and a surprise
In a full lecture hall C1 the Faculty of Science started off the new academic year on Tuesday 5 September. The theme of the meeting was, just as it had been at the university's opening the day before, sustainability.
case, you actually have a body’ statistician Richard Gill says in Science
After diving into the murder trial of nurse Lucia de Berk, statistician Richard Gill became a leading expert on the statistics of medical murder cases. Together with colleagues, he now wrote a peer reviewed report about the statistical missteps in past medical murder trials. It gives recommendations…
Sasha Lubotsky and Ineke Sluiter member of Academia Europaea
Sasha Lubotsky, professor of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics, and Ineke Sluiter, professor of Classical languages and culture, have been appointed members of the Academia Europaea.
Data-driven donation strategies: understanding and predicting blood donor deferral
The research in this dissertation aims to optimise blood donation processes in the framework of the Dutch national blood bank Sanquin. The primary health risk for blood donors is iron deficiency, which is evaluated based on donors' hemoglobin and ferritin levels.
Building a sustainable future: 'Combine the forces of natural and social sciences'
The United Nations has declared May 22 the International Day for Biological Diversity. A moment of global reflection on everything on Earth and its indispensability. Anthropologist Marja Spierenburg stresses the importance of the interaction between natural and social sciences in addressing sustainability…
sustainability ranking for universities and universities of applied sciences
Leiden University has taken eighth place in this year’s SustainaBul, the sustainability ranking for universities and universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands. It was in 18th place last year.
graduate nominated for 'most impactful student project' by Leiden Science City
Cultural Anthropology graduate Tommie Lambregts conducted fieldwork in the Slaaghwijk neighbourhood in Leiden as part of a Policy in Practice research internship commissioned by the municipality. Leiden Science City nominated his research as one of four 'most impactful student projects'. Award ceremony…
NWO Grant for Research into the History of Languages: ‘It tells us something about our past as humans’
A collaboration between linguists, geographers and anthropologists aims to uncover how languages spread across South America over thousands of years. Associate Professor Rik van Gijn is responsible for the linguistic side of this NWO project.
- Open Science Week - at the Social and Behavioural Sciences Faculty
Acting Dean of the Faculty of Science: Paul Wouters shares a glimpse of his double life
Paul Wouters came to the Faculty of Science for a few months to help with organising day-to-day issues after the previous dean left. This has involved rather more than he expected. ‘I can now really understand why every faculty has its own dean.’
Beach workshop: ‘So you have a degree in Science. Now what?’
On July 13, over seventy PhD students from Leiden and Delft came together at Katwijk beach for a workshop organized by the Casimir Research School: ‘So you have a degree in Science. Now what?’
University to strengthen collaboration with The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Leiden University and The Hague University of Applied Sciences are going to increase their teaching and research collaboration. They signed a collaboration agreement to this effect on 8 May.
Sijpesteijn elected Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
In its session of 15 April 2024, the Austrian Academy of Sciences elected professor Petra Sijpesteijn as one of its new Corresponding Members.
Leak in mains water supply in new building at Faculty of Science
A leak developed in the mains water supply in the new building of Leiden University’s Faculty of Science at the Wassenaarseweg on Tuesday evening.
KNMP student prize for Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences student Jacqueline Gerritsen
During the congress of the Royal Dutch Association for the Advancement of Pharmacy (Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Pharmacie, KNMP) Jacqueline Gerritsen, former student Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences at Leiden University, was awarded the KNMP student prize.
Rethinking Disability Webcomics in the Fȇte de La Science at Sorbonne University
The ERC-funded project Rethinking Disability was featured in the Fȇte de La Science which was held on 11 October 2019 at Sorbonne University in Paris.
‘The sun never sets on our university'
Leiden University has partnerships in the local region, in the Netherlands, in Europe and with countries on almost all the world's continents. Students and researchers benefit from these partnerships, but society is also a beneficiary, says Rector Carel Stolker.
‘Stemmen van Afrika’ wins popularisation prize: 'Language is more than grammar'
The Voices of Africa platform is ten years old and has just recently won the annual popularisation prize of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT). High time for a chat with Jenneke van der Wal, Maarten Mous and Nina van der Vlugt about the importance of the platform and plans for the…
Christa Tobler speaks on the legal relationship between Switzerland and the EU
On 26 and 27 September 2023, the conference
About the programme
After an introductory first year, in the second year you will learn more about the four themes: the sustainable city, the safe city, the multicultural city and the healthy city. In years two and three you will have elective options, including a minor, studying abroad and an internship.
Hannah Critchlow on Science Communication
The Effectiveness of Dialogue in Communication, Past and Present
Research collaborative of LUCAS, LUCL and Tabula Rasa (NWO KIEM-Grant)
2009 Prof.dr Vincent van Heuven appointed as KNAW-member
Prof.dr. Vincent van Heuven has been appointed as a member of the Royal Academie of Dutch Sciences (KNAW).
Nivja de Jong in AP: 'Students will not get the education they deserve'
Nivja de Jong, languages professor at Leiden University, warns about the impact of proposed education budget cuts by the new Dutch government.
Marina Terkourafi in Forbes on the impact of language on perceptions on belonging
What makes for a good team? In a series of articles on teams, Forbes referred to the work of Marina Terkourafi, professor of Sociolinguistics at Leiden University.
Selin Topel
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Marieke Bos
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Iliana Samara
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
European City of Science: 'major showcase' for the city of Leiden
Leiden has been designated European City of Science 2022. The city's achievements as a city of science and innovation will be celebrated throughout the year, with as a highlight the international EuroScience Open Forum conference. The members of the core team that will organise this mega-event introduced…
Faculty of Science opens academic year with live stream in homely setting
From a white leather armchair, on which Barack Obama once sat, Dean Michiel Kreutzer opened the academic year. This time not with visitors, but completely corona-proof via a live stream. In a homely setting, Kreutzer spoke with several guests, including Covid-19 researcher Thomas Hankemeier and brand…
Best Spanish doctoral thesis in Soil science in 2015 for CML researcher Daniel Arenas Lago
The Spanish Society of Soil Science has chosen as the best thesis of 2015 (call 2016) in Spain to the CML-researcher Daniel Arenas Lago, for his research at the University of Vigo that expands and deepens in new knowledge about adsorption and retention of heavy metals in soils, an issue increasingly…
Leïla Gfeller and Tobias van Brandwijk win Political Science bachelor’s thesis prizes for 2021
2021, again, sees a rich harvest of bachelor theses in Political Science. Students have been tackling fascinating subjects—ranging from European solidarity in the COVID-19 crisis to the representation of women in democratically elected parliaments—and crowning their research projects with interesting,…
the participation of girls and underrepresented communities in space science
The SpaceEU project, coordinated by Leiden University, has launched an online toolkit with a collection of space-centred activities that engage people with the wonders of space. The toolkit is targeted at girls and underrepresented communities and can be used by schools, youth centres, museums, NGOs…
2012 Wat is uw impact, meneer Kant?
Prof. dr. Roberta D'Alessandro has written an article on the increasing difficulties that researchers encounter when they apply for a research grant in the Netherlands.
Michaël Peyrot elected member of the Young Academy of Europe
Michaël Peyrot is elected member of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE: http://yacadeuro.org).
Standing up for science workshop
Exaggeration in medical news starts with the press release
Medical research is often exaggerated in the news. Medical journalists are not the only ones guilty of such sloppiness; results are also often exaggerated in academic press releases. This was the conclusion of a study by researchers from Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and Leiden University,…
Female IBL professors on display in the Academy building
Only one out of six professors in the Netherlands is female. At the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) female professors are in minority as well. However, we are proud to have three female professors at the IBL. Amongst others, their photo portraits are currently on display in the Senat Room of the academy…
These Science students excelled and won a KHMW Young Talent Prize
No fewer than seven Leiden FWN students received a Young Talent Award from the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences on Monday, 29 November. Mark van den Bosch and Karlijn Kruiswijk won a graduation prize, a group of young astronomers won the ET Outreach Award and the other five students each received an…
Nancy Kula: ‘Languages are very diverse’
Nancy Kula has been Professor of African Linguistics since 1 February. Now is a good time to hear more about her field of expertise and academic interests.
CfP: Going Romance 2019
The Leiden University Center for Linguistics (LUCL) will organise Going Romance 2019 on November 28-29, 2019.