6,449 search results for “also” in the Staff website
Get inspired at the FSW Education Fair
- Unwind with the Mindfulnest meditation app
Medals for Humanities Faculty programmes
Three programmes at the Faculty of Humanities have been awarded medals by EW and ResearchNed. The bachelor’s in German Language and Culture took gold, and the bachelor's in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and the master's in Middle Eastern Studies each earned a bronze medal.
Concern about provisional government deal
We are concerned about our research and teaching cuts announced in the provisional deal between the Dutch coalition parties. This will have a profound impact on our students and staff, and on teaching, research and innovation in the Netherlands.
In Memoriam Hugo Annard
It is with great sadness that we have received the news that Hugo Annard passed away on 30 July after a strenuous illness. Hugo had been enrolled at our Faculty as a student Public Administration, specialisation Economy, Policy and Management since 2019. He was also a member of the B.I.L. study asso…
SAP systems unavailable on Friday evening and Saturday morning (9 and 10 June)
Simone van der Hof joins Comparison Committee Online Content Moderation Project (PrOCoM)
Simone van der Hof is a member of the Comparison Committee set up as part of the Online Content Moderation Project (PrOCoM).
- Broaden your horizon during the International Experience Week
Sign up for the LTC Lunchbyte on the use of Blended Learning in the course Inleiding bestuursrecht
Andrew Littlejohn in podcast Talking Humanitarianism
In the episode 'Intersecting vulnerabilities of humanitarian disasters' of the 'Talking Humanitarianism' podcast, Andrew Littlejohn talks with host Ekatherina Zhukova (Lund University, Sweden) about our understanding of vulnerability in the context of humanitarianism to locate responsibility not in…
Berber Verhalle new assessor Faculty of Science
From September 2024, Berber Verhalle is the new assessor of the Faculty of Science. She thus takes over from Nalani Verwoord. Berber completed her bachelor's degree in Biology this year. Next year, she will start the master's in Biology & Business.
Wanted: Dutch-speaking thinkers and doers for the National Think Tank 2024
The future of artificial intelligence
From self-driving cars to innovative drug development, artificial intelligence (AI) is going to fundamentally change our lives in a variety of ways.
Protest in Utrecht against higher education cuts cancelled for safety reasons
Leiden University’s humanities in top 30 of Times Higher Education Rankings
Leiden University's humanities have one of the top places in the Times Higher Education Rankings. This year, we were placed 26th.
Christopher Green wins Education Prize 2024
Christopher Green has won the Teaching Prize 2024. The assistant professor of Korea Studies was presented with the prize during the opening of the faculty year in the Hortus.
Visit from Dean Jo Shaw of Edinburgh Law School
Organisation, Social
Green makeover for Gorlaeus Building courtyards: work in progress
Job Faber wins Moot Court Challenge Cup
This was the tenth occasion that the Moot Court Challenge Cup has been awarded! This time for the best oral argument at the Moot Court held in the spring of academic year 2021-2022.
Maarten Mous: ‘Your language is part of the world’
In the new video series 'The World of Linguistics', alumni and researchers talk about their passion for their field. Professor of African Linguistics Maarten Mous explains the importance of hearing your language at school.
Jorrit Rijpma en Amalia Campos Delgado nieuwe vertegenwoordigers regiogroep Latijns-Amerika en de Cariben
Met de benoeming van Rijpma en Campos Delgado is de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid in alle uniersitaire regiogroepen vertegenwoordigd.
Van Steenis building now features two all-gender toilets
Peter van der Putten on Robo Rabbi and a robot that performs funeral rituals
Can a robot rekindle the waning interest in Buddhism in Japan? University lecturer Peter van der Putten researches the philosophical and social questions related to artificial intelligence. He also investigates whether computers and robots can take over creativity, emotions and other human characteristics.…
Extended opening hours Lipsius bike parking
- LU Card check tentamenlocaties
Maintenance at KOG building: no access to bike basement in early May
- Drop-in session pilot "The Annual Interview"
- Kernvisie blog: 'Demanding help'?
Interview with Tanja Masson-Zwaan on the ESA website
The European Space Agency (ESA) introduces the members of the European Center for Space Law (ECSL) on its website through interviews with its members. One of those members is Tanja Masson-Zwaan.
Café du Sud opens 2 September in Herta Mohr
How can the Faculty of Archaeology become a place where everyone feels safe and included?
Organisation, Social
Considering to apply for a PhD in the Humanities grant? Join the webinar
Archaeologist interviewed about the carnivore diet
The carnivore diet, a fact or just a trend?
Work safely with Copilot via Bing
Education, ICT
Add your thoughts about the future of the Faculty of Archaeology to the time capsule
Request hard copies of teaching materials by 15 January
Jorrit Rijpma discusses migration legislation on Swedish radio
In an interview with Sveriges Radio, Sweden’s national radio station, Jorrit Rijpma, Professor of European Law, spoke about European legislation concerning migration.
Entire examining committee can wear academic dress at PhD ceremonies
Join the PhD Career Event 2024
Human resources
Nearly all buildings at LBSP open and operating again from Wednesday 24 May
Nearly all university buildings at the Leiden Bio Science Park will be open and operating again as of Wednesday 24 May. Last night a team worked hard to restore the power to the buildings in phases and this was successful. Students and staff can work and study there again.
LERU conference back in Leiden after 20 years
The League of European Research Universities (LERU) was launched in Leiden 20 years ago. LERU is a partnership of 23 leading research universities, including the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Leiden, Leuven and Heidelberg. It celebrated this anniversary last week with a multi-day conference in…
Maurits Berger on Ruetir about national holidays
Why are the majority of our national holidays based around Christian festivities? Arabist Maurits Berger talks about this in an article on Ruetir.
Steven Truxal delivers presentation at 15th European Civil Aviation Conference
Professor Steven Truxal was invited to address the 15th European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) Forum of Directors General in Paris on 6 December 2022.
Register now for the Academia in Motion Festival
Education, Research
Erik Bahre on Dutch radio about the effects of the Russia-Ukraine grain agreement on Africa
Economic Anthropologist Erik Bähre talks on the Dutch News Radio Channel BNR about the effects of the Russia-Ukraine grain agreement for African countries.
Young Talent Award for Anne Urai
Psychologist Anne Urai has received the Young talent award from the Dutch Neuroscience society. She was described as a 'talented, promising early career researcher' and complimented on her international profile, having spent time in London, Paris, Hamburg and New York.
ICT tip: Use OneDrive, the online alternative for your university P-drive
LU Card check tentamenlocaties
Education, Organisation
Psychology Connected over de rol van onze biologische klok in depressie
Begin oktober vond de eerste Psychology Connected van dit nieuwe academische jaar weer plaats. Met de vallende herfstbladeren voelen velen zich ook somberder. Onderzoekers delen hoe je een winterdepressie verzacht, en hoe je als ouder het beste kunt omgaan met de depressieve klachten van je kind.
Are you going on holiday? Remove your food and drinks from the office fridge