3,145 search results for “russian and space linguistics” in the Public website
What norms and values do international banks uphold during financial crises?
The 22nd of march 2023, political scientist Lukas Spielberger will defend his dissertation ‘Lessons from Europe for the study of international bank cooperation’. He wrote his thesis about the cooperation of central banks during international financial crises: ‘central banks pay more attention to shared…
Meet the members of the Cultural Anthropology OLC 2021-2022
Benjamín Maldonado, Orestes Kyrgiakis, Roos Capel and Iskra Cvitković are the new student members of the Programme Committee (OLC). The board advises the Executive Board and the Faculty Board about educational matters, such as the determination of the Course and Examination Regulations and the evaluation…
A new look at Kant, Fichte and Hegel
When you think of political philosophy, you think of Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel and Johann Fichte. Both philosophers are considered great representatives of German idealism. University lecturer in Continental Philosophy Marie Louise Krogh has received a Veni subsidy to delve deeper into the German idealists…
‘International isolation is not an option’
Security in the broadest sense of the word was the key focus in the Interfaculty Conference on 4 April in Leiden. With almost 200 attendees and such well-known speakers as Dick Schoof, Pieter van Vollenhoven and Ad Verbrugge, the first conference was a success.
Digesting the EU elections over a continental breakfast
The topic of conversation at The Great Continental Breakfast the morning after the EU elections in the Netherlands was the election campaign, the – lacking? – constitutional basis of the EU and the Timmermans effect. ‘These were the most normal EU elections ever!’
Governing Polarized Societies (GPS): new research programme to be launched
Researchers from the Institute of Public Administration and the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at FGGA are launching a new research programme: Governing Polarized Societies (GPS). The programme will focus on the way in which governments are dealing with the increasing polarisation in society.…
Graduation Second Cohort Cyber Security
The Cyber Security Academy, therefore, proudly and enthusiastically announces that on 8 February the second cohort of Master of Science (MSc) graduates in Cyber Security in the Netherlands will graduate at the Campus of The Hague Security Delta (HSD), the national innovation centre in The Hague and…
Wars in Ukraine and Gaza could soon affect our approach to the North Pole
The Houthis are attacking ships in the Red Sea. Rerouting via South Africa is expensive, whereas the Arctic route only takes a week. Once a no-go zone, this route might be a more realistic option. Mind the nuclear submarines, though…
Herta Mohr: Headstrong female scientist in a man's world
As a twelve-year-old girl, Nicky van de Beek became intrigued by the tomb chapels in Saqqara, Egypt. Now she is doing her PhD on them, just like another Leiden Egyptologist decades earlier. Herta Mohr persevered with her research during World War II. Now she is the namesake of the first Leiden building…
Conference unravels the mystery of collecting, preserving and displaying
Why and how do people collect things? Why does a museum display one object and not another? These questions are at the heart of the interdisciplinary research programme Museums, Collections and Society. The programme is holding a conference for scholars and the general public on 5 and 6 July.
Mapping the universe with a NWO grant of 3.1 million
With the new Euclid satellite, scientists are going to map a large part of the sky. The satellite ofthe European Space Agency (ESA) will soon give them a better view of the galaxies and matter in the universe. Professor of Galactic Astronomy Koen Kuijken and a team of Dutch scientists are receiving…
‘Let the Greek politicians explain how we got into this crisis'
Politicians throughout the whole of Europe need to be more honest with their voters and dare to take confrontational measures when necessary. This was the message given by Jeroen Dijsselbloem in the annual Europa lecture on 17 January in Leiden's Academy Building. As newly resigned President of the…
In conversation with Ben Smulders: from Leiden Law School student to top civil servant at European Commission
Alumnus Ben Smulders has worked for the European Commission for the past 33 years. ‘The discipline and depth that I experienced during my student days has helped me through various stages of my professional career.’
The internet has many bosses. It’s chaotic but it works
Governance of the internet is chaotic, says Professor Jan Aart Scholte. Can we learn from this relatively new form of governance?
The Hortus Botanicus: from herb garden to crown jewel
The Hortus Botanicus is celebrating its 425-year anniversary this year. It’s the oldest botanical garden in the Netherlands, but how did it come into existence and what kind of research takes place there?
Essi Pekonen and Ingmar Jansen win Political Science bachelor’s thesis prizes for 2022
October and November not only bring a number of proud Political Science graduates, it is also the season to determine who wrote the best bachelor’s thesis. For 2021-2022, fifteen theses were nominated. During the various graduation ceremonies the two final winners were announced: Essi Maria Teresia…
Less finger-wagging, more pragmatism
Rather than finger-wagging, the Netherlands has opted for pragmatism when it comes to human rights. That is what Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok said in a lecture in the Academy Building on Human Rights Day on 10 December 2019.
In search of missing link in Islamic and European history
In the period between the First and the Second World War, many Muslim intellectuals came to Europe. What impact did they have on each other’s, as well as on European thinking, and how were they in turn influenced? Leiden Islam expert Dr Umar Ryad has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant to investigate…
The European Union Studies Brussels study trip is back!
After two years of COVID-19 induced hiatus, the European Union Studies track of MA International Relations organized another successful study trip to Brussels. Over the course of three days the students had a chance to learn more about the EU institutions, meet lobbyists and interest group representatives…
Guest lecture on Deterrence in the era of Great Power Competition
During the guest lecture on 9 February, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Rob de Wijk and Frans Osinga discussed the situation in Ukraine and Taiwan. The crises in eastern Ukraine and the increasing tensions around Taiwan highlight the challenges the West faces in deterring aggression in the new era of key dynamics…
Reporting from ESOF: ‘How can we use science to solve the next crisis?’
From global warming to the decolonisation of knowledge. At the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) in Leiden over 500 speakers from 60 countries have come together to discuss the big themes of our times. Why have the delegates come?
MIVD director Peter Reesink delivers first Arthur Docters van Leeuwen annual lecture: ‘Collaboration is essential’
On 10 December, the Intelligence and Security Research Group of ISGA had the honour of hosting Vice Admiral Peter Reesink for the inaugural Arthur Docters van Leeuwen Lecture.
Persian poetry knows no frontiers
The Persian language and its poetry are intertwined with the history of Central Asia. Although some mediaeval poets were later claimed by an individual state, their influence knew no frontiers. This is what Gabrielle van den Berg, Professor of Cultural History of Iran and Central Asia, argues in her…
How the care of children was used as a weapon in the Holocaust
To cover up their deportation plans which targeted Polish Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, the Nazis re-opened schools. In her inaugural lecture, historian Sarah Cramsey demonstrates with examples how care was used ‘as a weapon’ during the Holocaust. She also stresses that care is a unifying cement in society…
Egyptian Diaspora in Paris – Between the Language and Resistance
Lecture, This Time For Africa! series
Words and Warning Messages: Communicating Deterrence in Theory and Practice
The role of the UN in the conflict in Ukraine
Lecture, Seminar
Minimalism in Malay Verbal Art: towards a cognitive poetic approach of allusion in Malay
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
- Summer School evening lectures
Ethnonyms as windows into the past: untangling past and present contacts in Ngamiland, Botswana
Lecture, This Time for Africa! series
CANCELLED - Intonational rises and attention orienting
Lecture, LACG Meetings
The ongoing standardization of Sidaama, a Cushitic language of Ethiopia: challenges and perspectives
Lecture, This Time For Africa! series
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. C.P.A. Tiberius
Inaugural lecture
Heritage languages in the Netherlands: Scholars, teachers, and students in dialogue
Lecture, Workshop
Wordhood challenges in Amahuaca (pano, Peru)
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Roots, branches and LHEAf
Conference, Final conference
‘Studying English gave me a fertile humus layer of world literature’
Author Gustaaf Peek, who has been nominated for the Libris Literature Award, studied English Language and Literature in Leiden. ‘I completely submersed myself in literature during my studies, and the effects are still with me today.'
‘Let students see you’re passionate about your subject’
In line with tradition, at the opening of the academic year the LUS Teaching Prize will be presented to the University’s best teacher. Get to know the nominees. This week: Thijs Porck.
Veni awards for seventeen young Leiden researches
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Veni funding to seventeen researchers who recently obtained their PhD. This award offers promising young scientists the opportunity to develop their own ideas over a period of three years.
This was 2021! An overview of Humanities in the news
Online, hybrid, on campus... It was an unpredictable year, also for the Faculty of Humanities. Luckily, there were also non-corona related stories. Let's review 2021 with this list of the most-read news articles per month.
Eleven Vidi grants for Leiden
NWO has awarded eleven Leiden researchers a Vidi grant of 800,000 euros. The research subjects range from Cicero and muscle dystrophy to the archaeology of bogs.
Renske Janssen is the winner of the LUCAS Dissertation Prize 2021
The LUCAS Dissertation Prize has been awarded to Dr. Renske Janssen for her PhD thesis Religio Illicita? Roman Legal Interactions with Early Christianity in Context.
The art of control without repression
How did the Arabs manage to maintain an empire based on Islamic principles for three hundred years? Arab expert Petra Sijpesteijn and her team will be examining this question over the coming five years, focusing on the correspondence of ordinary people. The research is being funded by an ERC Consolidator…
Seven projects receive funding from Humanities' JEDI Fund
The Faculty of Humanities' Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Fund provides small grants to initiatives in support of diversity and inclusion, with specific emphasis on creating an inclusive learning environment.
- Interactionality seminars
Just kidding, only retweeting: Defence strategies for denying speaker commitment
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
Language maintenance and revitalization across the world
- Leiden-Birmingham Lectures
How Do Populations Shape their Communal Languages?
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
An evolutionary and behavioral take on interactionality in language
Lecture, Interactionality seminars