5,340 search results for “russian and science linguistics” in the Public website
Tiempo, Religión y Discursos Sagrados del Pueblo Ayuuk
Time, Religion and Sacred Discourses of the Ayuuk People
Admission requirements
Do you want to apply for the bachelor’s programme Linguistics at Leiden University? First, check the admission requirements.
- Career prospects
What is shared and what is unique in language and music
Knowledge and culture subproject 1:
Tutorials (recorded)
Speech Prosody 2024 includes three exciting tutorials. Below you will find the description as well as the recording of all three of them.
- International Conference: Bodies of Knowledge
Dutch Studies (BA)
For international students who want to not just develop true fluency in the Dutch language, but also dive into the culture, history and mind-set of the Netherlands, there is no better place than the Leiden University bachelor's programme in Dutch Studies!
XIV Annual Convention of the Austrian and Central European Centres in Leiden
This year on June 8-12, the Annual Convention of the Austrian and Central European Centres was organised in Leiden. At this convention, directors and (PhD) students from all over the world come together to meet, have presentations by the students on their topics of expertise, and to get the know the…
Choose a Language! Afternoon: ‘Great that it's more than learning words’
The lecture halls in the Lipsius were full of curious secondary school students in January. During a special profile selection afternoon, they were introduced to the faculty and language studies. ‘I had no idea that Hebrew and Arabic were similar.’
Major European subsidy for Nadine Akkerman and detective work into old, handwritten documents
Nadine Akkerman has received a subsidy of two million euros from the European Research Council (ERC) for research into 16th and 17th century English manuscripts. Akkerman: ‘Working with handwritten texts and unravelling their mysteries is one of my passions, and it’s especially rewarding when this work…
The EU fundamental right to ‘freedom of the arts and sciences’: exploring the limits on the commercialisation of academia (AFITE) AFITE is an interdisciplinary five-year research project. It is funded by the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO), as part of its Vidi scheme. Its principal…
- Volume 2 (2007)
MODIFED: Morphosyntactic Dialect Feature Detection Workshop
‘The dream of studying abroad kept me going’
Ukrainian Yana Rudenko lived through the Russian occupation of Bucha in March 2022 and thereafter came to Leiden to study. thereafter De Oekraïense Yana Rudenko (24) jaar heeft in maart 2022 de Russische bezetting van Boetsja meegemaakt en is daarna gaan studeren in Leiden.
‘I chose Political Science with journalism in mind’
Alumnus Stan van Haasteren went to Northern Ireland in 1995 as a freelance journalist with a guitar strapped to his back and recently wrote a book about his experiences in Belfast. ‘The big difference with then is that today there is no more violence. But it's still a divided city.’
Three Leiden Science projects receive computing time on national supercomputers
A night sky of more than 40 petabytes in size, simulating young star clusters and understanding how the body inhibits viruses: three Leiden projects have received computing time on one of the national computer systems.
Faculty of Science starts new year with awards for talents
Mathematician Robbin Bastiaansen, physicist Irene Battisti, pharmacist Fouzia Lghoul-Oulad Saïd and physics and astronomy student Maite Boden are the winners of the annual prizes of the Faculty of Science. Boden was honoured as the first Young Star, a new prize for the best bachelor’s student of the…
Three LUF grants for talented Leiden Science researchers
Fighting against cancer, antibiotic resistance and disposable plastics: Ahmed Ali, Fredj Ben Bdira, and Valerio Barbarossa receive a LUF grant for their innovative and socially relevant research. These grants for academic talent are often an important step towards grants by NWO and other grant insti…
Ionica Smeets in Dutch television show ‘Zomergasten’
As from 20 July, six people are being interviewed for over three hours for the Dutch television show ‘Zomergasten’ at the VPRO.
Math girls receive Mr. K.J. Cath prize
Math girls Jeanine Daems and Ionica Smeets have received the Mr. K.J. Cath prize during the opening of the academic year in Leiden.
Two Scientists of Leiden University in Opzij Top 100
Researchers Bibi van den Berg and Ionica Smeets are featured in the Opzij Top 100, the yearly list of most influential woman in the Netherlands.
Beyond the Canvas: Exploring Art-Science Collaborations
Four Leiden Science researchers go abroad with Rubicon grant
Astronomer Donggang Wang, physicist Anne Meeussen and chemists Nick Gerrits and Elliot Mock: all four are receiving a Rubicon grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This grant for young talent will enable them to spend two years doing research at a foreign university.
Dancing for science: Annebelle Kok finalist of Dance Your PhD
Explaining your PhD research to others can be quite difficult, especially without talking! PhD student Annebelle Kok of the Institute of Biology Leiden was one of the finalists of the 'Dance Your PhD' competition of scientific journal Science. ‘You have to understand your own research well if you are…
Science and business working together on affordable alternatives for antibiotics
Almost fifty scientists and twenty companies will be working on developing new antibiotics and alternatives for antibiotics use. NWO and the Ministry of Health, Wellbeing and Sport will together invest close to seven million euros in this research. Scientists from Leiden University and LUMC will be…
Marc Koper
Katharina Natter
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Elise Swart
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Caroline Archambault
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- YAL Interfaculty Lunch: Art & Science - Visit to Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
De verzamelwoede van Martinus van Marum (1750-1837) en de ouderdom van de aarde
Promotor: F.J. van Lunteren, E. Jorin
Reading list – Culinary culture and tasty tales
Are we going vegetarian this year? Shall we keep the dessert the same? Where do I find inspiration for a festive meal during the holidays? For readers who like to postpone these questions, for those who like to tell a good story with their culinary contribution, or for those who simply want to know…
Weightless in the name of science
Laura Nijkamp’s biggest dream came true recently: she took a parabolic flight and was weightless for a moment. The BrainFly student team, which includes psychology students from Leiden, needed volunteers. She signed up immediately. She tells us all about her experience.
Developments in local politics research
Hirschmann, Crisis Management in International Organisations
Using the League of Nations’ responses to early crises as an explorative historical case study, Political Scientist Gisela Hirschmann investigates how international organisations perceive and respond to existential threats.
Data-Driven Drug Discovery Network (D4N)
The Data-Driven Drug Discovery Network (D4N) is an initiative by researchers from Leiden University and collaborators to join efforts in applying and developing novel techniques from data science to drug discovery and related topics from bioinformatics.
Computed fingertip touch for the instrumental control of musical sound with an excursion on the computed retinal afterimage
Promotor: Prof.dr. S. Haring
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
Career prospects
With a MSc degree in Creative Intelligence & Technology (previously Media Technology) you will be prepared for a career involving creative and critical thinking. Our alumni have a broad choice of career prospects: they hold positions ranging from academic researcher to creative entrepreneur.
Career preparation
Our goal is to prepare you to make a difference in your future career.
Research Schools and Academic Institutes
Research Schools aim at collaboration between researchers from different faculties (interfaculty schools) and universities (interuniversity schools).
Quo Vadis, Pragmatics?
The special issue on “Quo Vadis, Pragmatics?” is the result of a lively discussion among members of the editorial board of the Journal of Pragmatics triggered by the most recent revision of the journal's scope statement. The 11 contributions that make up this special issue cover a rich suite of themes,…
LTP Colloquium "Evidence generation across the QUALitative-QUANTitative spectrum"
Our researchers are experts in the fields of languages, cultures, history, arts, societies and philosophy. Together we cover almost all continents and time periods. Knowledge of these disciplines contributes to a humane, safe and sustainable world.
Symbolizing identity: Identity marks and their relation to writing in New Kingdom Egypt
This research project focuses on the relation between identity marks and writing.
Voces del Dzaha Dzavui (mixteco clásico)
Análisis y Conversión del Vocabulario de fray Francisco de Alvarado (1593)
The Long Arab Conquest of Central Asia: Urban Change in Merv, Paikent, Balkh and Samarkand (651-821)
This PhD research aims to trace the impact of the Arab conquest, both immediate and long-term, on the material and social organization of Central Asia from 651 to 821 through an “urban change” perspective in four cities: Merv, Paikent, Balkh and Samarkand.
History and International Studies 1900-Present
Research in the History and International Studies 1900-present specialisation addresses the interconnectedness and interdependence of contemporary global political, economic and cultural developments from a multidisciplinary perspective which is rooted in the humanities.
Custom as Capital in Upland South and Southeast Asia
Research how ‘custom’, ‘traditions’ and ‘heritages’ take on new meanings in the uplands of South and (mainland) Southeast Asia.