4,211 search results for “alle” in the Student website
CDL winner of NSE study associations competition
Education, Organisation
Executive Board member Martijn Ridderbos to leave Leiden University
Vice-chairman of the Executive Board Martijn Ridderbos will leave Leiden University at the end of this year.
New students getting to know the Law Faculty
On the second day of the EL CID week, hundreds of new students set foot in ‘their’ law faculty for the first time. Today, they will be introduced to the history and ways of the University. Exciting and fun at the same time. ‘Things are getting real!’
Eleven Leiden scientists receive funding for science communication
The KNAW has rewarded 11 Leiden scientists for their commitment to science communication, by awarding them 10,000 euros each from the ‘Appreciated!’ fund.
Using ChatGPT for written assignment? Be aware of the risks
- Who would you like to nominate for the Mr. K.J. Cath Award?
Olja Karmanova wins Faculty Teaching Prize 2023
The Humanities Faculty Teaching Award has been won by Olja Karmanova. The Russian lecturer was presented with the award during the opening of the faculty year.
The New Scholar: Let’s Make an Impact!
The New Scholar, an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University, is launching its first issue, and how? With a double issue!
- The University’s best ambassador
Faculty of Archaeology kicks off celebratory lustrum year
25 years ago the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University was founded. In the academic year of 2022-2023 several lustrum activities will be organised to celebrate this happy occasion. The year was kicked off with a vibrant party on September 8, inviting staff, students, and alumni.
Sebastian Diessner for Le Figaro about quantitative easing
Sebastian Diessner, associate professor at the FGGA, recently appeared in an article called 'Inflation: a spring remontée des taux se dessine' (Inflation: a slow rise in rates is emerging) in the newspaper Le Figaro.
Video: Leiden archaeologists digging in Oss
Leiden archaeologists have been digging into the municipality of Oss’s past for 50 years now and students have gained their first experience of fieldwork there. What is the result of half a century of research and teaching? Archaeologist Richard Jansen and his students take us to the largest excavation…
- rondetafelgesprek kernvisie
New podcast about astronomy for the greater good
How does astronomy benefit you? The new single-episode podcast Cosmic Perspectives explores the impact of Dutch astronomy on society: from building positive international relationships to the transfer of life-changing technology.
Leiden Law Cast: Slavery & the Somerset Case with Egbert Koops
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Faculty of Humanities ushers in the new year: 'Build in some low-pressure time'
In a world beset with war, climate problems and skyrocketing energy prices, it is good to have some 'slack time' now and then. That was Dean Mark Rutgers' message at the Faculty of Humanities' New Year reception.
Bin your Butt - Together against cigarette butts on campus
Facility, Organisation
- Find your way around the student website
Stand as a candidate for the University elections 2024
Two new Leiden members of The Young Academy
Leiden researchers Fenneke Sysling and Joris van der Voet will be admitted to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences’ The Young Academy.
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2021: the nominees
Tradition has it that at the end of each academic year, the best master’s thesis in Political Science is awarded a prize. For 2021-2022, the jury is considering six nominations. All of great quality, but on different topics. These range from political party bans to questions regarding commitment within…
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2023: the nominees
Towards the graduation ceremonies, you sense an increasing nervousness. Not only because all the tradition and glamour surrounding the event, also because that will be the day that the winner of the Political Science master’s thesis award will be announced. For 2022-2023, the jury is considering seven…
- alcohol guidelines
Register now for The Geneva Challenge 2024
First on-campus event for prospective students: ‘Dr. Black’s seminar was so interactive!’
Touring the campus, meeting current students and taking part in an interactive seminar in the Lipsius building. After 1,5 years of online events due to the corona pandemic, a live Student for a Day took place again on Friday 24 September.
Results of University elections: swing in student representation
The results of the 2022 University elections are out. The student section of the University Council will be different from how it has been in the past two years. Unlike last year, the student parties that stood for election did not all win a seat.
Rob Schilperoort Memorial unveiled at Leiden Bio Science Park
The Rob Schilperoort Memorial will be unveiled at the Leiden Bio Science Park on Saturday 16 September. This gigantic gate stands at the entrance to the park, which is also named after Schilperoort, its founder.
Graduation Security Studies: ‘Stay curious’
On Wednesday 31 August 2022, the graduation ceremony of the BSc Security Studies took place. The ceremony was opened by programme director Daan Weggemans.
Join the Columbia Summer Program on American Law in July 2023
Hannah Saberi new assessor at Leiden Law School
Leiden archaeologist works with Kazakhs on numismatic collections
In May of 2023, an agreement was signed between Leiden PhD candidate Jonathan Ouellet and General Director Onggar Akan of the A. Kh. Margulan Archaeological Institute in Almaty. The aim: a detailed study of the numismatic history of Southern Kazakhstan.
Tycho de Graaf appointed Professor of Technology and Private Law
Tycho de Graaf has been appointed Professor of Technology and Private Law at Leiden University as of 1 June 2022.
Podcast: Carel Stolker on coronavirus, vlogging and the void
In a few weeks’ time Carel Stolker will be retiring as Rector Magnificus. In a double episode of the Science Shots podcast, we take stock: what were the key lessons, how has the coronavirus crisis been and of course, what will he do to avoid the post-retirement void? Stolker shares his experiences in…
Register now for the Leiden Science Run!
On Saturday 15 April, we are holding the fifth edition of the Leiden Science Run! Are you a student or employee at Leiden University, do you work at the Leiden Bio Science Park or do you just want to run for charity? Everyone is welcome to register. Registration is open from now!
ACPA offers new minor in collaboration with Filmhuis Den Haag
The Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) offers a new minor from September 2022: Creative Strategies for a Society in Change (CSSC).
Leiden conference to look for emerging trends in global governance
Global challenges require global governance answers. For that reason, between 5 and 7 June, the interdisciplinary research programme Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) has selected 'Emerging trends in global governance' as the theme of its annual conference. Researchers, students…
Male students wanted for photoshoot: International Studies students - get a hoodie in return! (18 june)
Leiden Science kicks off the new year
Beautiful prizes, special speeches, and a reception with live music. The well-attended Leiden Science New Year's reception was a delightful way to start the year 2023. Dean Jasper Knoester opened the event after which it was announced who were chosen teacher and bachelor student of the year.
ESA grant to improve the Earth's 'digital twin'
Global warming, deforestation, nature conservation. All major environmental challenges that call for major measures. To see what the effects of these measures are, observation data from the Earth is used. Researchers at LIACS receive €90,000 from the European Space Agency (ESA). With this they are investigating…
E-mail forwarding from uMail to another email address
WANTED: Students for videoseries 'Feels like home'
Education, Facility, Library, Organisation, Research, Social
NIA Spring School: Audio Visual Methods in Collaborative Archaeology: Exploring the Politics of Heritage
eLaw hosts Panel Discussion 'Online Targeted Advertising and Human Dignity'
eLaw is thrilled to let you know that on 29 April (17:00-19:00), we will be hosting Prof. Luciano Floridi, Prof. Brett Frischmann and Prof. Shoshana Zuboff on the online (zoom) panel discussion with the question – Should online targeted advertisement be banned on the premise that it violates human d…
Expanded access NexisUni in 2023
Education, Library, Research
Faculty year opened in the Hortus
It has become tradition: the opening of the faculty year in the Hortus Botanicus. This year, too, staff and students of the Faculty of Humanities gathered in the botanical garden on the first Wednesday of September to raise a glass to the new academic year.
Doing more together for less waste
Leiden University wants to contribute to a sustainable society, a healthy climate and the reduction of litter and waste. This intention is in alignment with the introduction of our Pure concept, the integral concept for our catering activities.
Honorary doctorate for Graça Machel: fund for female students from South Africa
On the occasion of the conferral of an honorary doctorate to children’s rights activist Graça Machel, a fund has been established that will enable two female students from South Africa to come and study in Leiden.
Osteoarchaeologist Maia Casna receives the NVFA Incentive Prize: ‘I try to push osteology into the public eye as much as I can’
PhD candidate Maia Casna received an Incentive Prize from the Dutch Association for Physical Anthropology (NVFA). She was rewarded this honor for her innovative research into respiratory diseases and her talent for presenting her results to both academic and general audiences. ‘It feels really nice…
Podcast on resilience gives a boost to worrying youths
What if you get excluded? Are apps against fear and stress effective? How do you keep your brain in shape? The first season of the new podcastseries ‘BreinGeheim’ is about the social contexts of adolescent development and how teens become resilient individuals. Leiden-based behavioural scientist sit…
Register now for the Leiden Science Run!