2,725 search results for “action studies” in the Public website
Historical Perspectives on Democracies and their Adversaries
This book, edited by Joost Augusteijn, Constant Hijzen and Mark Leon de Vries, explores how democratic regimes have dealt with anti-democratic forces in society, from the late nineteenth to the early twenty-first century.
Insurance and Health
You are legally required to have health insurance to cover any medical costs you may incur during your stay. You must take out a health insurance policy before you arrive. There are various types of health insurance:
Late Ottoman Istanbul Meets Cinema: Social Impacts of the First Encounter
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Inclusive Peace in Ukraine
Debate, Panel Discussion
International Politics (MSc)
This master’s programme focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of armed conflict between states and within states. In addition, we explore whether and how local, national and international actors and institutions can forge cooperation, prevent political and armed conflict from emerging,…
Spring Lecture Series: Intersectional Bias: How AI and Social Media Impact Bias, Exclusion, Discrimination, and Power Inequalities
Niek Strohmaier awarded PhD on biases in bankruptcy
On Wednesday 1 July 2020, Niek Strohmaier was awarded his PhD on the cognitive biases of financial backers and legal professionals in the context of the impending insolvency of companies.
Faculty of Science has a wellbeing officer
As of 1 November W&N has a wellbeing officer. Alexandra Blank will commit herself to the wellbeing of our students. Students, but also lecturers and mentors can approach her with ideas and initiatives to support students.
The MicroSOS project is designed to bring together academic and industrial partners with different expertises to address challenges that agriculture is facing due to climate change and invests in the development of microbiome-based solutions towards more sustainable agricultural practices.
Striving for Affect: Amateur Readers and Aswany's Bestsellers on Social Media
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Translation and the cultural Cold War
A new special issue on translation and the cultural Cold War sheds light on the understudied and yet important role of translation in cultural transfer.
Conflict Escalation: Explaining the Rise of Violence
CD11b+Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells reduce atherosclerotic lesion development in LDLr deficient mi
Publication by: Amanda Foks, Gijs van Puijvelde, Jolien Wolbert, Mara Kröner, Vanessa Frodermann, Thomas van der Heijden, Peter van Santbrink, Louis Boon, Ilze Bot and Johan Kuiper. Cardiovascular Research. 2016;111(3):252-261.
Our team
Researchers from five different discplines work together in this interdisciplinary initiative.
- What's New?! Fall Lecture Series 2023
- What's New?! Fall Lecture Series 2024
De Witte et al publish in Nature Drug Discovery Reviews
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery volume 18, pages 82–84 (2019). The implications of target saturation for the use of drug–target residence time Wilbert de Witte, Meindert Danhof, Piet van der Graaf, and Elizabeth de Lange
- What's New?! Spring Lecture Series 2023
Terrorism Experts’ Predictions Regarding the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Activities of Violent Non-State Actors
In this article, Yannick Veilleux-Lepage and Tommy van Steen, assistant professors at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, discuss the degree of consensus within the field of terrorism studies regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activities of violent non-state actors.
The Dutch Transatlantic Slave Trade
Conference, Book presentation
- What's New?! Spring Lecture Series 2024
Research project NET-ROL
The NET-ROL project builds on the EU's definition of the rule of law to investigate the role of networks in law-making, executive decision-making, and the judiciary. It examines how these networks influence the weakening of the rule of law. Through an interdisciplinary perspective, the project explores…
Peace, Justice and Development (Advanced LL.M.)
The specialization Peace, Justice and Development at Leiden University examines the legislation that governs international relations in a global society.
Moral and Political Philosophy (MA)
The master's programme in Philosophy: Moral and Political Philosophy at Leiden University offers an excellent opportunity to explore fundamental issues in moral and political philosophy.
The restorations of the Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe in Egypt: "conservation" or "reinvention" of monuments?
Dina Ishak Bakhoum defended her thesis on 21 January 2021
Neutrino: Documentary & Q&A with the directors
Studium Generale
The Opportunities and Challenges of Co-Producing Citizens’ Health and Well-Being in Vulnerable Neighborhoods
This article aims to contribute to the debate about citizen involvement in medical and social issues by studying co-production initiatives in The Hague.
Moving frontiers
In this project, M. Riep studies the complexity of historical events related to the Arab conquest of the region along the upper course of the Syr Darya in Central Asia and especially of the micro oases of Shash and Ferghana. This project focusses on mobility, action and dynamics and will place the Arab…
Technology and Methodology for Archaeological Practice
Practical applications for the reconstruction of the past
Introduction week
If you are about to embark on a master’s in Leiden and the city and university are completely new to you, you should seriously consider participating an introduction week.
Navigating the cross-contextual media landscape: Children’s digital media use and their social development
For this project we delve into children's digital media use during the transition from kindergarten to group 3 and investigate its impact on their social development.
Career preparation
In the ICCL programme we will provide you with the skills to work in as a legal professional in a global legal environment. Read more about career preparation.
Lithic Technology, Social Agency and Cultural Interaction in the Bronze Age Aegean
LiTechAe: Percussive stone tools related to stone masonry techniques seen through experimentation and use-wear analysis.
Francesca Forno on the Food Citizens? i-doc
Advisory Board member Francesca Forno shares insights about the Food Citizens? project.
A Matter of Skills: A Mixed-Method Study on the Evaluation and Implementation of an SEL Program Tailored to the Skills Adolescents Need in Educational
PhD defence
Whispering out loud
Whispp, a Leiden-based speech technology start-up, is developing an app to help people who stutter express themselves more freely. Among those working together with Joris Castermans and his team at Whispp, are researchers and students from the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL).
Advice to EU on looted art claims: ‘An agency could bring order to the legal chaos’
What practical steps can we take to resolve cross-border claims to looted art and prevent illicit trafficking in cultural goods? That's what the European Parliament asked Leiden legal scholar Evelien Campfens. Her advice: develop a registration system, issue art with a ‘passport’ and set up a European…
How Charles Darwin can help us understand terrorism
In the past decades terrorists have regularly surprised us with unexpected and spectacular attacks, such as the one on the World Trade Centre in New York. How can intelligence services stay one step ahead of them? Consult Charles Darwin and Steven Spielberg is the advice of terrorism expert Yannick…
Whispering out loud
Whispp, a Leiden-based speech technology start-up, is developing an app to help people who stutter express themselves more freely. Among those working together with Joris Castermans and his team at Whispp, are researchers and students from the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL).
Vibrant illustrations and mind-boggling graphs - Psychology students share insights into their research
Why do some smokers quit much more easily than others? Can we think ourself to insomnia? And does playing music together help to calm conflicts? Psychology students investigated these questions and presented their findings during the Psychology Science Day 2023.
Students raise €884 for UAF with NSE survey
This year, 35.36% of Faculty of Humanities students voiced their opinion of their study programme in the Nationale Studenten Enquête (National Student Survey, NSE). The Faculty had promised to donate €25 for every 1% of completed surveys to UAF, which means that the Faculty will transfer a total of…
Advies aan bestuur en rechter: 'Open je dossier over burgers'
Klare taal en betere regels rond geheimhouding. Dit zijn enkele aanbevelingen van Leidse onderzoekers om de toegang tot informatie te verbeteren voor burgers die procederen tegen de overheid. Bestuur en rechter moeten zo vroeg en zoveel mogelijk informatie delen.
Hit and Lead Optimization
The goal of hit and lead optimization is to optimize suitable chemical starting points that can modulate a drug target. The methods and technologies used are similar to those in Hit Discovery, but once the compound has shown activity in an animal model, it moves from 'hit' to 'lead.'
Ellen de Bruijn about the social context of making mistakes and learning from it
During the event 'Fout?' by De Jonge Akademie, Ellen de Bruijn held a lecture about the social context of making mistakes and the psychological elements of learning from it.
MIRD Annual Student Visit to Brussels and EU Institutions
On 13 and 14 October 70 first-year students of the MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy had the opportunity to visit several European Union institutions in Brussels.
Re-imagining Impartiality in Global Governance beyond (Liberal) Hegemony
The project interrogates the relationship between impartiality and power and asks whether impartiality as a cornerstone of global governance can – and ought to – be re-envisioned in the context of changing global governance power relations.
Current clients
If You Encounter Strife, Return to Yemen
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
Management of small-scale -African fisheries: The Case of Elephant Marsh in Malawi
How does the management of Elephant Marsh Fishery in Malawi relate to wider contexts of policies, theories and regions? And how can the current management system be adapted to achieve long-term sustainability of the fishery?
European Union as a Global Security Actor: Common Security and Defense Policy and its Challenges in the 2011 Libya Crisis and 2014 Ukraine Conflict
PhD defence