360 search results for “slavery paul” in the Student website
Historian Gert Oostindie the new Cleveringa Professor
Gert Oostindie, Emeritus Professor of Colonial and Postcolonial History, is this year’s Cleveringa Professor at Leiden University. He was appointed by the University on 4 October. In his inaugural lecture on 24 November, entitled Courage and Disregard, he will talk about (academic) freedom in relation…
Minor in Law, Literature and Society shows inextricable link between law and art
The film Blade Runner as part of the law curriculum? It’s not that weird to Maartje van der Woude, Professor of Law and Society, and Frans-Willem Korsten, Professor of Literature, Culture and Law. ‘The film raises a fundamental question: what’s a human and what’s not?’ From the next academic year onwards,…
Annual Overview 2024
2024 was an eventful year for the Faculty of Humanities. Despite becoming the centre of political discussion and budget cuts as faculty ourselves, exceptional research projects were carried out and new initiatives were launched.
Honours Class on inequality: 'Focus on the big issues’
At the end of December, the concluding lecture of the Bachelor Honours Class 'Policy and Politics: struggling to combat social inequalities' took place. Students, under the guidance of former minister Jet Bussemaker, tackled the question of what inequality actually is. "You can't avoid it when you look…
Exhibition Maps: navigation and manipulation
Are maps objective or do they convey hidden messages that you would miss at first glance? A map is always a simplification of reality. Mapmakers reduce, distort and select. This allows the reader to be guided literally and figuratively. Leiden University Libraries (UBL) and the Museum Volkenkunde jointly…
Faculty of Science kicks off the Academic Year with a vibrant talk show
The Faculty of Science launched the new Academic Year on 21 September with a special We Are Science talk show. Dean Paul Wouters starred in his role as talk show host and received a wide variety of guests.
History of crime comes to life
For many people, five o’clock signals the end of their working day. But not for the motivated students of the Honours College Law. With some drinks and snacks, they keep going well into the evening. This time, they met for the festive conclusion of a course which brought the history of Dutch crime to…
‘Fundamentals’ inspire students to get started on real-life sustainability challenges
In the near future, students of the LDE Bachelor Honours Programme Sustainability will take on real-life sustainability challenges. But first, the course ‘Fundamentals of Sustainability’ provides them with an environmental mode of thinking: “It allows you to focus on what is useful in practice.”
‘Learning with the City’ opens its doors in Leiden-Noord
Bringing the community together, doing up the community centre or researching how to make gardens greener. Students now have a base in Leiden-Noord where they can work with local residents and partner organisations to make the city a better place to live. It was the official opening of ‘Learning with…
What you see is not what you get: the importance of what you don't see
Cultural anthropologist Sabine Luning, cultural historian Paul van de Laar and professor of architecture and urban development history Carola Hein say that the things that are not shown in images are also worth studying.
New interactive book helps motivate young people and tackle bullying
How do you deal with bullying? How can you motivate young people? At the NeurolabNL symposium a multidisciplinary research team launched an interactive book for teachers and youth workers. This digital book offers the latest insights and plenty of useful tips and advice. Children’s Ombudsman Margrite…
A theory rarely proves true in practice
Leiden students often prefer complicated theory and a difficult test to experiments. Yet associate professor Paul Logman believes students learn a lot from practical teaching. He challenges his students to come up with their research questions themselves. The Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) is at…
A peek inside art objects: new algorithm makes CT scan more accessible
An X-ray scanner, some small metal balls, and a newly developed algorithm. That is all you need to make a 3D model that enables you to look inside art objects without dismantling them. Thanks to the research of Francien Bossema (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer…
Academic freedom report
What does academic freedom mean? And how do we give shape to it in Leiden? The Academic Freedom Core Team considered these questions and presented its final report on 17 June.
The faculty vision and strategy plan: the importance of the community
Behind the scenes people are working hard on the vision and strategy plan of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences: a manifest of our priorities and ‘a pamphlet for change,’ according to Dean Paul Wouters and Board Secretary Jordi Kerkum. The faculty-wide conversation about our collective future…
Jasper's Day
Jasper Knoester is the dean of the Faculty of Science. How is he doing, what exactly does he do and what does his day look like? In each newsletter, Jasper gives an insight into his life.
'Only when you give students freedom, exceptional results are possible'
It doesn't happen every day that the research project of a first-year bachelor’s student results in a scientific publication. And not only that, but as first author and on the cover of a leading physics journal. ‘We have given our lab education a thorough overhaul and it is paying off.’
Special Guest Lecture: Colonialism, Citizenship and the challenges for Decolonial work in the Netherlands
Guest Lecture | SSEALS
LeidenMUN's astonishing success at Oxford
LeidenMUN is proud to announce its Delegation has risen above all expectations. The Oxford International MUN Conference directors have awarded seven of our twelve Delegates with awards ranging from a Honourable Mention to Best Delegate of their committee. We note with great pleasure that all our award-winning…
Honorary doctorates for Belgian virologist Marc van Ranst and German Arabist Beatrice Gründler
Leiden University is awarding an honorary doctorate to virologist Marc van Ranst. Van Ranst has been one of the main advisers of the Belgian government during the Covid pandemic. German Arabist Beatrice Gründler will also receive an honorary doctorate for her work in the field of Oriental Manuscript…
Construction work starts on new accommodation for international PhDs
Work has begun on an accommodation complex for international PhD candidates and postdocs at the Leiden Bio Science Park.
Recap LUMAN Launch
On Thursday May 11, medical anthropologists from Leiden University organized a festive opening of their new network, the Leiden University Medical Anthropology Network (LUMAN). In August 2022, these Leiden-based scholars started gathering and organizing this new network with two main goals, namely to…
Lecture series Sustainability & Law popular with students
The sixth edition of the lecture series Duurzaamheid & Recht was held during the last semester. Once again, it attracted many students.
Leiden Law Cast: BONJO & an ex-prisoner
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Dr. Mamadou Hébié appointed as Associate Professor at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies
Leiden Law School and the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies are very pleased to announce that Dr. Mamadou Hébié will be re-joining the Grotius Centre on the 1st of May 2021.
ESOF2022: Leiden Law School
EuroScience Open Forum – ESOF - is Europe’s biggest multidisciplinary and prestigious scientific conference. ESOF2022 will take place from 13-16 July 2022 and is hosted by Leiden as the European City of Science (in the Netherlands). The Kamerlingh Onnes Building is one of the locations of the ESOF and…
Installation security cameras in the Herta Mohr building
Masterclass: The Lores of Flatbush: Dutch Storytelling in Colonial North America
Lecture, Histories Connected: Masterclass
Veni grants for 21 researchers from Leiden University
An impressive 21 research projects by Leiden researchers have been awarded Veni funding from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
Public debate on the book ‘Not Stolen; The Truth about the Colonization of North America’
- Vote for the Faculty Council and the University Council elections this week!
Bart Barendregt vice-dean Research at FSW
From 1 January 2024, Bart Barendregt will be appointed as vice-dean of Research on the FSW board. This is a new role.
Researchers Tax Law in Trouw on potential tax avoidance Cargill
Dutch newspaper Trouw investigated the tax position of multinational Cargill. Their conclusion? Cargill appears not to pay taxes over their profits. Trouw asked Jan van de Streek, Professor of Tax Law, and PhD candidate Josephine van der Have for an explanation. Prior to this, Van der Have had also…
Terugblik: De impact van Meijers is na 70 jaar nog steeds voelbaar
In een goedgevuld Teldersauditorium vond op maandag 24 juni het symposium ‘Het Erfgoed van Meijers: 70 jaar waardering en inspiratie’ plaats. Vanuit verschillende perspectieven werd gereflecteerd op de omvangrijke nalatenschap van de Leidse hoogleraar Eduard Maurits Meijers, die precies zeventig jaar…
NWO grant for research into Het Dorp: ‘We are going to tell the lesser-known history’
It is one of the most famous moments in Dutch TV history: the twenty-three hour long marathon broadcast of Open het Dorp. But what happened to the commune for people with disabilities after that? Monika Baár and Paul van Trigt received a NWO grant of 750,000 euros to map the development of Het Dorp.
Children’s Rights Moot Court 2021: 7 to 16 June 2021
48 student teams from all over the world will be taking part in the international online moot court competition. The event is organised by Leiden University in partnership with Baker McKenzie.
A dead language comes to life: Early medieval Old English in the 21st century
From films, video games and historical novels to Nordic folk bands, Old English from the early Middle Ages is experiencing a revival in the 21st century. Together with international colleagues, university lecturer Thijs Porck (LUCAS) made a book about the 'resurrection' of this dead language.
KNAW fund 'Science communication by scientists' awarded to Yvonne Erkens and Robert Heinsch
Two Leiden legal scholars have been awarded funding from the KNAW pilot fund 'Science communication by scientists: Appreciated!'. The fund supports scientists who have demonstrated a continued commitment to science communication.
Leiden and African students share knowledge and experiences in online Global Health course
Online teaching has made it much easier for international students to join in our courses. The Leiden minor in Global Health, for instance. Students from Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda and Malawi logged on and made a valuable contribution with their knowledge, about tropical diseases, for instance.
Mild Intellectual Disability and Loneliness: 'We Need to Handle the Discomfort Better'
Individuals with a mild intellectual disability often experience loneliness more frequently than others. In a new NWA project, social history lecturer Paul van Trigt is collaborating with and for them to find a suitable approach.
Leiden University College The Hague: 'Top rated Programme' since 2013
Leiden University College The Hague received the 'Top rated Programme' seal from the Keuzegids Universiteiten 2023 (Dutch University Guide). It is the tenth consecutive time the Liberal Arts & Sciences programme focusing on Global Challenges is awarded the honorary seal.
Big steps forward in reducing the carbon footprint
E-mails are not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about sustainability. Yet, your e-mails can add kilos of extra CO2 to the atmosphere each year. Students from the LDE Bachelor Honours Programme Sustainability tackled these and other sustainability challenges on behalf of partner organisations.…
Executive Board visits Leiden University College The Hague
Leiden University’s Executive Board (CvB) visited Leiden University College in The Hague on Friday 11 November during a working visit tour past the Institutes of the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs. Hester Bijl and Martijn Ridderbos were provided with an overview of the programme, the research,…
Team with staff from Leiden wins important open science prize
A team including staff from Leiden University won the Open Initiative Trophy on 11 February, a prize for the best open science initiative in the Netherlands. The winners developed Reprohak, a hackathon-like event where participants repeat research to see whether the results were reproducible.
Congratulations, Dr. Sarah Coombs!
On 21 February 2025, Sarah Coombs successfully defended her PhD thesis at Leiden University, titled 'Visible: Discovering the Impact of Research Conducted by Universities of Applied Sciences'.
Remco Breuker
Faculty of Humanities
Petra Sijpesteijn
Faculty of Humanities
Humanities and International Relations Graduate
Farewell to Diversity Officer Aya Ezawa: Tireless advocate for D&I
Aya Ezawa bade farewell as Diversity Officer of Leiden University at a celebration in the Academy Building on 11 June. Since her appointment in 2019, she has been a tireless advocate for culture change and a champion for diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities for all.
Together the universities from Leiden and Paramaribo tackle ecological and social challenges
Research on flora and fauna with attention for economic interests and partnership with the local population. This is all bundled in a cooperation programme of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname and Leiden University. Working together on the basis of equality is key. ‘A thorny challenge, but one…