1,762 search results for “politics in russian” in the Public website
Clinton won, but the horserace continues
Let’s get this out of the way: Hillary Clinton won the 26 September 2016 presidential candidates television debate. Handily.
Tim Mickler
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Frank de Zwart
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Matthew Longo
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Dorota Mokrosinska
Faculty of Humanities
Katie Brown
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Beyond Utopia: New politics, the politics of knowledge and the science fictional field of Japan
This project aims to uncover a series of sites of difference and innovation. In particular, it locates itself in two kinds of distancing: geo-cultural (ie. in the non-European space of Japan) and medial (ie. in innovative expressive media).
How gas conflicts between Ukraine and Russia were the precursor to war
The war between Ukraine and Russia is playing out not just on the battlefield but also on the geopolitical playing field of gas. Conflicts at the start of this century about this energy source were, says PhD candidate Ilia Barboutev, a precursor to today’s war.
Politics: Chinese migration
Chinese organisations increasingly operate across the borders of China, and growing numbers of people from outside China are coming to live there. Professor Frank Pieke believes these movements have a significant effect on central and local government policy in China.
Leiden political scientist Tom Louwerse obtains Vidi grant
Tom Louwerse, lecturer and researcher at Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science, has been awarded a NWO Vidi grant. This will enable him to conduct research on how government and opposition parties cooperate in parliament and how this affects voters’ party choices and satisfaction with d…
Philosophy of Law, Governance and Politics (MA)
This master’s programme introduces the student to philosophical issues arising at the intersection of law, politics, and policy. This master’s programme is meant for students who wish to combine a master’s in Law, Political Science, Public Administration, or an adjacent discipline with a master’s in…
Politics of Withdrawal Media, Arts, Theory
'Politics of Withdrawal' considers the significance of practices and theories of withdrawal for radical thinking today.
Adam Fairclough
Faculty of Humanities
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Russian and Eurasian Studies, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the Master’s…
PUPOL: Academic Network Public and Political Leadership
Researchers of the Leiden Leadership Centre are active members of the PUPOL network. PUPOL is an international academic network for public and political leadership which fosters exchange of ideas and inspires collaborative research among scholars focusing on the role of leadership in the public and…
Gul-i-Hina van der Zwan
International Institute Asian Studies
Political Theory: Legitimacy and Justice (MSc)
This political theory specialisation focuses on the concepts of legitimacy and justice—political philosophy’s core themes. Immersing yourself in theories, philosophical and theoretical methods, and complex cases, you will make the leap from opinion to analysis.
Who is Afraid of More Women in Politics, and Why? An Analysis of Public Opinion in 28 European Countries
In this paper, the authors study how individual and country-level variables interact in affecting political gender attitudes in Europe.
The European courtroom as political arena
The European courtroom as political arena? Judicial interference in politically charged issues in European asylum law and criminal law
The Political Narratives of Cryptocurrency Evangelists
Cryptocurrencies have exploded onto global financial markets, with the value of a single bitcoin growing from around 800 USD in 2016 to 67,000 USD in 2021.
Faith in Democracy. Justice, Politics and Transcendence
This book explores the spiritual potential of faith, mysticism and transcendence in answer to the dangers of a mythologised state and the sacro-sanctification of (liberal) democracy and its rule of law.
Politics and Governance: Shape tomorrow’s decisions
The bachelor's programmes at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, based in the city of international cooperation and politics – The Hague – prepare you for a future in governance, leadership, and diplomacy. In the administrative heart of the Netherlands, you will learn to tackle the challenges…
Politics and Governance: Shape tomorrow’s decisions
The bachelor's programmes at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, based in the city of international cooperation and politics – The Hague – prepare you for a future in governance, leadership, and diplomacy. In the administrative heart of the Netherlands, you will learn to tackle the challenges…
Porosity between Politics and the Economy
Porosity between Politics and the Economy addresses the relationships between politics and the economy in deeply original ways. It is a book motivated by a sense of urgency aroused by both the failure of modern capitalism and the environmental crisis.
Facing Authority. A Theory of Political Legitimacy
Political protest is often at least partially about the question of legitimacy. How can we distinguish whether a regime is legitimate, or merely purports to be so?
Dutch MPs involved in promoting Russian propaganda
Information obtained from Czech intelligence authorities has shown that politicians from several European countries, including the Netherlands, are involved in a Russian bribery scandal. Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional Law, comments on this in Dutch newspaper ‘NRC’.
Militant Democracy: Political Science, Law and Philosophy
How can party bans be justified? Which parties were banned in post-war Europe – and why? Do militant democracy instruments work? Is an international militant democracy concept in the making?
Study of a Russian doctor and innovator in troubled times
Ambroise Paré, Thomas Sydenham and Herman Boerhaave: all were great medical innovators in their time. We know far less about the 19th-century Russian physician and scientist Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov. PhD candidate Inge Hendriks researched him in Dutch and Russian archives and collections. She discovered…
The Hague scientists on the foiled Russian hacker attack
The Military Information and Security Service (MIVD) prevented a Russian hacker attack on the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague. Scientists Paul Abels, Willemijn Aerts, Constant Hijzen and Sergei Boeke of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs responded to…
Rick van Well
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Politics: lobbying, influence and policy change
Researchers from the Institute of Public Administration study the mechanism of lobbying and influencing political parties and the behaviour of these parties to see how solutions are found to problems. This enables them to reach conclusions as to how best to effect changes in political focus and poli…
Interests of states: insight into global politics
All players on the world stage operate strategically in order to safeguard their interests. Political scientists at Leiden University cast light on this volatile interplay of forces. Their research helps voters, NGOs, governments and international organizations make smart choices in this complex and…
Philosophical Perspectives on Politics and the Economy
Are you thinking about studying Philosophical Perspectives on Politics and the Economy? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Katharina Natter, The Politics of Immigration Beyond Liberal States: Morocco and Tunisia in Comparative Perspective
Political Scientist Katharina Natter (Leiden University) advances theory-building on immigration beyond the liberal state and demonstrates how immigration politics can provide valuable insights into the inner workings of political regimes. Connecting scholarship from comparative politics, international…
Successful Expert Meeting with 16 Russian Human Right Defenders
On Monday 31 October the Europa Instituut had a special guest lecture by not one, but sixteen leading Russian Human Right Defenders. The Leiden Law School was very happy to host the Russian delegation, at the initiative of the Dutch Consulate General in St. Petersburg.
The political culture of the Sister Republics. France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy, 1794-1806
This volume brings together experts on the history of the various revolutionary Sister Republics.
Overhandiging tweede deel 'A History of Russian Law'
Vijf jaar na de overhandiging van ‘A History of Russian Law’, overhandigde emiritus hoogleraar Ferdinand Feldbrugge op 16 januari het tweede deel van zijn unieke overzichtswerk aan decaan van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid Joanne van der Leun.
LEiden university NexuS of Arts | Media | Politics
The purpose of LENS is to foster, coordinate and support research of visual media of analog and digital photography, film, and video, and the visual arts.
Of ticking bombs: Western security services against political violence and terrorism
How have British, Dutch, and German security services dealt with political violence and terrorism since the late 1960s; to what extent did they consider these new phenomena as a task and how have they developed activities in order to counter these security threats?
- Materiality of Diplomacy (incl. Gift Giving in Diplomacy)
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe Volume II, part 1
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe is a synthetic work, authored by an international team of researchers, covering twenty national cultures and 250 years. It goes beyond the conventional nation-centered narratives and presents a novel vision especially sensitive to the cross-cultural…
Deliberation and Agonism: Rethinking conflict and its relation to law in political philosophy
The Institute for Philosophy at Leiden University is host to the NWO programme,
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe Volume II Part II
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe is a synthetic work, authored by an international team of researchers, covering twenty national cultures and 250 years. It goes beyond the conventional nation-centered narratives and presents a novel vision especially sensitive to the cross-cultural…
Welfare and Inequality in Marketizing East Asia
Provides a cutting-edge comparative political economy analysis of welfare and inequality across ten East Asian countries.
The unbearable lightness of clitics
On the 23rd of January, Anastasiia Ionova successfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Anastasiia on this achievement.
Aleksandra Khokhlova
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Power, Politics and the Cults of Isis
Proceedings of the Vth International Conference of Isis Studies, Boulogne-sur-Mer, October 13-15, 2011
Treating military matters as military science - a lecture on Russian military concepts from 1853 to the present day
Recently, Engin Yüksel gave a lecture on Russian military concepts from 1853 to the present day and his observations on the Russo-Ukrainian war at the Faculty of Humanities, premised on his recently completed doctoral research.
The Modern Transformation of Korean Political Thinking: Revisiting the Political Ideas of the Late Nineteenth-Century Reformists
Choong-Yeol Kim defended his thesis on 14 November 2019
Financial Governance in the European Union after a Decade of Economic and Political Crises
Introducing five papers about of the impact of crises on the governance, decision-making, and institutional design of the Euro Area, political scientists Valerie D'Erman (University of Victoria, Canada), Paul Schure (University of Victoria, Canada) and Amy Verdun (Leiden University) summarise the 'lessons…