634 search results for “long team presentation” in the Public website
Skilled students: this is how the Science Skills Team supports you as a teacher
Education is more than just knowledge transfer: students also develop numerous important skills. But which skills are addressed in which courses? And how can we help students train these skills? The Science Skills team is actively engaging with teachers to answer these questions for all courses. Want…
New HR pilot ‘Annual Interview’ aims for a team oriented approach
Together with Leiden University’s central HRM department, the department of Health-, Medical- and Neuropsychology has started a new HR pilot. For all colleagues a simplified and improved ‘Annual Interview’ is being introduced.
Leiden iGEM team wants to build a kit to diagnose infectious diseases
Fourteen bachelor’s and master’s students are representing Leiden University in this year’s International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (iGEM). Their plan: to create a kit that can be used to quickly identify infectious diseases in case of an outbreak.
Will student running association Currimus supply the winning team once again?
Ever since the first edition of the Science Run, the Leiden Student Running Association Currimus has delivered the winning team or the fastest runner. Now the event is back, the new batch of students must uphold the honour. The board is also forming a team: ‘During the upcoming training session, we…
(DiDi) - diversity policies and practices in Dutch towns in the past, present, and future
How can we promote social cohesion in a society that is culturally and religiously diverse?
UNICEF Student Team Leiden: ‘We all have our own role to play here at Leiden University’
20 November 2024 is World Children's Day. To mark this occasion, the UNICEF Student Team Leiden is organising a lecture on children's rights. We spoke to board members Rewina Teferi Hagos and Tugwell Chadyiwanembwa to find out what motivates them.
Peak performances by teams in the operating theatre: What makes a care professional resilient?
Working in an operating theatre is a highly competitive sport. High work pressure, stress, and unexpected developments during operations. This requires a lot from care professionals who need to be mentally resilient to be able to deliver peak performances time and time again. What makes a care professional…
'Museums and opera houses will struggle for a long time to come'
The cultural sector, shut down by the corona pandemic, must urgently look for new ways to generate income.
Central Crisis Team: ‘It sometimes comes down to the last second’
It’s the middle of the academic year, but most of the University buildings are closed – something that hasn’t happened since the Second World War. Fortunately, after a week of intensive preparations, the teaching has moved online. How is the Central Crisis Team steering the University through the corona…
Public graduation presentations, June 25
On Friday June 25, eight students will present their Media Technology MSc graduation thesis work. In 20-25 minutes each graduate will present their research project, followed by 10-15 minutes public discussion. Everyone is invited to attend.
Rebekah Tromble to lead Twitter-funded research team on online discussions
In the context of growing political polarisation, the spread of misinformation, and increases in incivility and intolerance, how can Twitter assess and improve the quality of its conversations? To address this question, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from Leiden University, Syracuse University,…
European Sociological Association presentation
On 18 May 2023, Jan Aart Scholte gave a keynote address on ‘Globalisation or Geopolitics?’ at the European Sociological Association (RN15: Transnational and Global Sociology) in Milan.
Erwin Dijkstra joins editorial team Handicap & Recht: 'A great opportunity to share my knowledge'
At the end of 2020 researcher/lecturer Erwin Dijkstra joined the editorial team of academic journal Handicap & Recht (Disability & Law), published by Boom Juridisch. The December issue also includes an article he wrote.
Leiden team wins challenge for faster MRI scan through artificial intelligence
Researchers from Leiden, in cooperation with Philips, have won a challenge in which international research groups dedicate themselves to accelerating MRI scans with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). They developed an algorithm with which it is possible to use eight times less data than normal…
So long, Gravensteen: ‘History dripped off the walls’
Historic and iconic yet expensive and cold. It’s with mixed feelings that the university is leaving the Gravensteen building, which dates back to the 12th century. How was it to work and study in this former Leiden prison?
Public graduation presentation, February 25
On Friday February 25, student Mitchell Bosch will present his Media Technology MSc graduation thesis work. In 20-25 minutes Mitchell will present his project, followed by 10-15 minutes public discussion. Everyone is invited to attend. The presentation is in English.
A long-term perspective on human niche construction and alteration of ecosystems
Dr. Katharine MacDonald (Faculty of Archaeology) sketches the background to a recent paper in Science Advances, co-authored by her and other members of the Liveable Planet team.
A busy early summer for the SETinSTONE team at Salamis, Athens, and the Argolid
In June 2016, Dr. Ann Brysbaert and her SETinSTONE team were invited to participate in the fieldwork training season on Salamis island in Greece.
Leiden University team European runner-up in Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court competition
The Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court competition was held in Vienna between 8 and 12 April 2024. This event was organised by the European Centre for Space Law in collaboration with the University of Vienna. The team comprised David Eagleson, Solène Flambeaux and Aleksandra Spyra, current students…
Wewerinke-Singh leads legal team supporting Vanuatu’s pursuit of advisory opinion on climate change
Vanuatu, an island nation in the South Pacific, announced last month that it will seek an opinion from the International Court of Justice to clarify the legal obligations of all countries to prevent and redress the adverse effects of climate change.
Four questions about the Leiden Law Academy for team leader Linda van Dun
The Legal Post-graduate Training (JPAO) of Leiden Law School changed its name to Leiden Law Academy on 1 May 2023. A new name for the educational programme for professionals and the place to be for events and conferences. What changes will be made and what does the team hope to achieve in the coming…
Presenting Medieval Research - Registration deadline
The course "Presenting Medieval Research at International Conferences" is open for registration. The deadline for registration is 10 September 2020.
History is a matter of a longing for rifles and flat screen TVs
History can be found in utensils and in interviews with ordinary citizens. ‘With the reconstruction of everyday life, an anthropological approach works better,’ thinks historian Jan-Bart Gewald. Inaugural lecture on 6 June.
‘We are drowning in dossiers of which we have long known they will play a role’
The new government needs to look further ahead, says environmental scientist Rutger Hoekstra. ‘We keep pushing forward big dossiers like demographic ageing, climate and migration. Even though we know they play a big role in our future.’ Hoekstra therefore hopes that the new coalition agreement will…
Stevin Prize winner Andrea Evers: 'This award is for the whole team'
Health psychologist Andrea Evers has won the Stevin Prize – alongside the Spinoza Prize, the highest scientific award in the Netherlands. Evers: 'It’s also a prize for our whole team and our many contacts within and outside the University.’
Jelle van Buuren Discusses the Long Arm of Tehran on Dutch Television
On 19 June, an Iranian man was stabbed by another Iranian man at the train station in the Dutch city of Leeuwarden. He had been placed on an Iranian execution list because of his political past in Iran. Was this attack the work of the Iranian secret service?
Care conferences for long-term forensic patients: demand greater than supply
Care conferences for long-term residents (15+ years) in forensic mental health care are widely appreciated by all parties involved. Research by Leiden University shows that the demand for these meetings is so great that the supply cannot be met within the desired time frame.
Deltaplan for Dutch Mathematics presented
A week before Christmas, the Deltaplan for Dutch Mathematics was presented to Hans de Groene (director NWO) and Sjoerd Verduyn Lunel (chairman Platform Wiskunde Nederland). Prof. dr. Frank den Hollander was one of the leading researchers in mathematics taking part in the Commission Deltaplan Mathema…
GLOBTAXGOV team and CIAT launch general anti-avoidance rule toolkit
The launch of the 'Toolkit for the Design and Effective Implementation of Domestic and International General Anti-avoidance Rules' generates strong interest among tax administrations.
Presentation at OECD
On 19 March 2021, Professor Jan Aart Scholte addressed a meeting of the OECD Public Governance Committee on the subject of 'Reinforcing Democracy: 21st Century Governance Challenges'.
Data analysis is really helping the Dutch national women’s football team
The European Football Championship for Women, in the Netherlands this summer, is the background for a large and innovative data research project. The Dutch football union is working together with Leiden University and Sportinnovator. The research is expected to uncover links that have thus far remained…
Humanities as the heart of Leiden in 2022: get to know the team
In 2022, Leiden will be the European City of Science. During this year, Leiden will be the European stage for knowledge, with a programme filled with science, art and culture. Of course, the humanities also take part. Get to know the core team of our faculty.
Aphroditi Zoulfoukaridis: ‘I hope to keep doing this work for a very long time’
Aphroditi Zoulfoukaridis is the manager of LeidenGlobal, a partnership of several faculties at the University and other academic and cultural institutions in Leiden. In her free time, she enjoys visiting cultural events and loves to travel.
Traitors, profiteers or collaborators: ‘The Jewish Council has long been judged too harshly’
For too long the Dutch collective memory has judged the Jewish Council too harshly. This perspective needs to be adjusted, Bart van der Boom argues in his new book ‘De politiek van het kleinste kwaad’ (lit. ‘The Politics of the Lesser Evil’).
Dubois archive presented to Naturalis
The oldest paleoanthropological archive in the world, the Eugène Dubois archive, was presented to Naturalis Biodiversity Center on 13 January. Leiden professor, Jan Slikkerveer, who was the owner of the archive and spent years researching it, handed it over to Naturalis Director, Edwin van Huis, under…
Jihadist Extremists and Terrorists in Europe and North-America, 1960s-Present
In this article, Bart Schuurman and Sarah Louise Carthy conduct further research into the understanding of the causes of terrorism by assessing differences and similarities between left-, right- and jihadist extremists and terrorists. The article draws on the Analysen zum Terrorismus, one of the most…
Shirley van der Maarel and team ‘Samen Verder’ granted Speckmann Awards 2020
Bachelor’s students Dana Huisman, Marleen Kop, Sam Wichers Schreur and Adriënne de Zoeten were granted the Speckmann Award for their Fieldwork NL report ‘Samen Verder: een project gefocust op vrouwen, taal en integratie'. Alumna Shirley van der Maarel received the Master's Speckmann award for her innovative…
Student Cabinet presents ‘coalition agreement’
The Student Cabinet, a shadow cabinet with students from the Dutch universities, has presented its first ‘coalition agreement’. As Minister for New Democracy, Leiden student Zeineb Romdhane says inclusion should form ‘the basis of our democracy’.
Connect & Retain: Data retention, active digital preservation and trustworthy digital archives - A myth buster talk
Webinar, Q&A, discussion
Book presentation: Coping with Versnel
At a festive book presentation on the 21st of July Prof. em. Henk Versnel received a copy of the volume Coping with Versnel. This historiographical volume highlights the important position of Versnel’s work in the study of religion in the ancient world.
'Data breach at Jeugdriagg can have life-long consequences for these children'
An investigation by Dutch news site RTL Nieuws reveals that an error at the Regional Institute for Juvenile Outpatient Mental Healthcare (Jeugdriagg), has led to the files of children, many with serious psychological problems, being leaked.
Kim Beerden: 'The programme accreditation was good for the team spirit.'
Accreditations. All study programmes have to deal with them and once every six years they cause a good amount of tension. How do you survive the assessment panel? And how does an accreditation proceed in times of corona? Chair of education Kim Beerden recently coordinated the accreditation for the research…
eLaw researchers present at MIT
Andreas Häuselmann and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga from eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies wrote an article on the legal and regulatory aspects of emotion data and presented it to the Affective Computing + Intelligent Interaction (ACII ‘23) Conference held at MIT. Andreas Häuselmann also hosted…
Ferdinand Harmsen: ‘I have been restless for a long time, but that is over now’
Ferdinand Harmsen (49) is an ICT and Education Coordinator. He helps study programmes that want to use ICT to improve their education. He has been working with IT all his life, although it wasn't his initial calling: 'It turned out to be a very nice instrument to do what really fascinates me'.
grant: ‘With isotope analysis we can look at individual behaviors and long term patterns’
Archaeologist Jason Laffoon was awarded an NWO Vidi grant for an innovative investigation into ancient migrations in the western Caribbean. The innovative character of this research project lies in the wide-scale application of isotope analysis and isotope mapping. ‘We aim at further developing methods…
Women to Engage in Far-Right Social Movement Activism in the Present-Day United States
In the present-day United States, to what degree(s) are far-right men and women similar and/or dissimilar in their motivating factors for engaging in far-right social movement activism?
Global Governance Legitimacy Paper Presentation at EUI
On 10 May, GTGC Chair Prof. Jan Aart Scholte, presented the paper ‘Legitimacy in Global Governance: A Cross-Level Analysis’ at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy.
Moritz Jesse gives two presentations in Chicago
Dr. Moritz Jesse, associate professor for European Law gave two presentations at the annual conference of the Council for European Studies, which took place in the city of Chicago, end of March 2018.
University history complete: Otterspeer presents fourth volume
At the Dies Natalis Willem Otterspeer, Professor Emeritus of University History, presented the fourth and final volume of Groepsportret met Dame, his series on the history of Leiden University. De 'Strategie van de Aanpassing' covers the period 1876-1975. Otterspeer talked about his book in a podcast…
Andy Sorensen wins Pecha Kucha presentation prize
At the 7th annual meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE) conference held here in Leiden September 21-23 Andy Sorensen won the Pecha Kucha presentation prize.