979 search results for “executive bart colin” in the Staff website
Book about villa in Bandung shows links between the Netherlands and Indonesia
A new book about Villa Isola in Indonesia reveals some of the shared history of the Netherlands and Indonesia. The book was presented on Thursday to Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, and Mr Mayerfas, ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in the Netherlands.
New research programme for urgent challenges in Africa
Leiden University and four other Dutch universities will appoint 51 PhD candidates to conduct solution-oriented research for and with the African continent.
Luris transition: important changes to organisational structure and working methods
Luris supports and advises researchers and societal partners on knowledge transfer, research impact and public-private partnerships between researchers and society. The organisational structure of Luris is changing to help us better meet the changing needs of our researchers and civil society. Read…
Diversity symposium 2021: small steps can increase inclusion
‘Culture change takes time,’ said Vice-Rector Hester Bijl at the closing panel of the University’s Diversity Symposium on 26 January. She talked about the road to a diverse and inclusive university. The symposium provided plenty of concrete examples of small steps that can already be taken.
Leiden University to limit fossil fuel ties
Leiden University no longer wishes to collaborate with fossil fuel partners that are not demonstrably committed to achieving the Paris Agreement targets. Exceptions will be made only if a collaboration demonstrably contributes to the energy transition. This proposal by the Executive Board was discussed…
Green islands around the University buildings to entice threatened insects
The number of insect species is plummeting, which is why the University is creating a more biodiverse environment around its buildings. Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, planted the first bee-friendly plants in the front garden of Oude UB on 20 September.
The internal auditor appraises the effectiveness and reliability of the internal organisation of Leiden University. We work in close collaboration with an external auditor during the financial audit of project reports and the financial statement. The various audits provide a clear picture of what is…
Walkout on 13 May
A national walkout will be staged on Monday 13 May. Leiden Scholars for Palestine has called on students and staff from Leiden University to meet at 11.00 at the Lipsius building in Leiden and the Wijnhaven building in The Hague.
Turkish and Syrian students talk to Rector about support
Turkish and Syrian students met Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl to discuss how the university can support students who have been affected by the earthquake.
Symposium on technology and trust: ‘Think about privacy and security before introducing new systems’
From scanners in lecture halls to systems for working from home: the discussion about new technology is being held on various fronts. That is why the University wants to make more use of its in-house experts. At the Technology and Trust symposium at Leiden University on 2 February, researchers from…
From Scribe to Screen: Sources and Approaches to Global History in the Digital Age [COGLOSS x GLOBALISE]
Lecture, COGLOSS lecture
New ‘university centre’ to be created in former Hudson’s Bay building in downtown The Hague
Leiden University, together with the Open University and Universities of the Netherlands, will take up residence in the Spui building at Grote Marktstraat 48-50/Spui 3 in downtown The Hague from 2025. The partners signed the leases on 7 November.
Training course Leading from the middle
Management, Leadership
Sculptures provide more diverse view of University’s history
Three new initiatives will provide a more diverse view of Leiden’s academic history, literally and figuratively: a historical study on the background of students and scientists, a new book about the Academy Building, and two new sculptures of female scientists, Ewine van Dishoek, Professor of Molecular…
Old tradition of ‘golden PhDs’ reinstated
Black-and-white photographs filled with solemn young men and distinguished professors line the walls of the Grand Auditorium. Young women are missing from the photos; women rarely obtained PhDs 50 years ago. And this article is about that group, the PhD candidates between 1966 and 1972, who were invited…
Jasper Knoester reappointed as Dean of the Faculty of Science
Prof. Dr. Jasper Knoester has been reappointed by the Executive Board of Leiden University as Dean of the Faculty of Science. His second term will run until 1 January 2030. Knoester’s reappointment has broad support within the faculty. His approachable leadership style and people-focused approach have…
Distribution of funds
Much of Leiden University’s income comes from the government and the tuition fee (first income stream). Each year the Executive Board distributes this income among the faculties and institutes. For the sake of transparency, the University applies the First Income Stream Allocation Model. Alongside being…
Programming in Python
What does the outline agreement mean for us?
The outline agreement proposed by the new cabinet will have serious consequences for higher education and research. If the plans go through, there will be significant cutbacks in our sector. We will keep you up to date with developments on this page.
Strike on 10 March – information for staff
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus alliance signs collaboration agreement with Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
The Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) alliance signed a collaboration agreement with the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology on 23 September.
Ambassadors visit Leiden: ‘Knowledge knows no borders’
Over 30 ambassadors strengthened their ties with researchers and university leaders in a recent visit to Leiden University. Cross-border collaboration (both literal and figurative) was the theme of presentations and a tour of the Hortus botanicus.
The Landscaping department manages, cares for and maintains all green spaces, road surfaces, waterways and ponds located on University grounds. The Landscaping department also performs work on request.
Privacy policy and procedures
The protection of data is the responsibility of all of us. The university observes a privacy policy for the purpose of protecting personal data as effectively as possible. An overview of the procedures can be found below.
Annual Report
The Annual Report of Leiden University reports on its teaching, research, innovation, knowledge valorisation, infrastructure, staff and finances. It is the cornerstone of the planning and control process, and is a detailed financial statement on the policy that has been enacted.
Policy on Professorial Appointments
Our staff members, naturally including professors, are the cornerstone of our university. We set very high standards and expect them all, especially the professors, to possess recognised qualities in the areas of research and teaching, PhD supervision, academic leadership, integrity, maintaining international…
Prices and total cost price
When performing contract research or providing courses for a third party, you must charge a fee. This fee must be at least equal to the total cost price.
Michiel Kreutzer to return to Delft University of Technology
Professor Michiel Kreutzer, Dean of the Faculty of Science at Leiden University, will move to Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) on 1 May. Alongside his professorship, he will focus on university initiatives in the field of innovation in education.
Exhibition encourages us to reflect on the history of slavery
What is the significance of the history of slavery for our present-day society? A special exhibition in the inner courtyard of the Academy Building features eleven insightful portraits of students and staff, and their answer to this question. The aim of the exhibition’s initiators is to make the subject…
Plants and planets
The Plants & Planets exhibition brings two worlds together in a dazzling mix of science, nature and art. It opens at Old Observatory Leiden and Hortus botanicus on 7 February.
Carel’s Universe: Leiden museums depict Carel Stolker’s rectorship
Ten Leiden museums and heritage institutions have curated the online exhibition ‘Carel’s Universe’. They selected objects from their collections that symbolise retiring Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker and the research in Leiden. With direct references, playful associations and the odd nod and wink.
Leiden University celebrates curiosity at 449th Dies Natalis
How has evolution shaped our curiosity? And how does that curiosity ensure that we now have the technological ability to discover whether we are alone in the universe? This was all covered during the celebration of Leiden University’s 449th Dies Natalis.
Opening of the Academic Year: ‘Stop the cuts to education’
Scrap the radical cuts to research and teaching. This was researchers and students’ message to government at the opening of the new academic year. Various speakers in Leiden’s Pieterskerk highlighted the importance of science for society.
Value of science the focus of 448th Dies Natalis
The importance of science communication and cross-boundary collaboration, and the ‘mantra’ of diminishing social cohesion in society: these all came up at Leiden University’s 448th Dies Natalis. A panel discussion including Leiden’s mayor Lenferink, music and two honorary doctorates completed the special…
Travel to high-risk areas
If you want to travel for work to an area with a security risk country or area with the color code orange and/or red, you need prior permission from the university.
Personnel monitor Light 2021
The University believes it is important to provide you with a satisfying work environment. How do you feel about your career opportunities, the interaction with your colleagues and supervisors, and the work facilities at your disposal? We ask for your opinion via the personnel monitor. This survey guarantees…
The Board of Examiners
Each programme has a Board of Examiners. This is a legal requirement. The board determines whether students meets the conditions of the Course and Examination Regulations (OER) and whether they possess the knowledge, understanding and skills required to pass the final examination for that programme.
The Executive Board of the Institute of Psychology has a new Director of Operational Management. It’s the perfect role for Paula van den Bergh
The Executive Board of the Institute of Psychology has a new Director of Operational Management. It’s the perfect role for Paula van den Bergh. ‘For me, “connection” is a nice word. If you see the connections between things, you immediately see the logic behind the processes.’ Her career has taken her…
- Updates
Come to the strike planning meetings in Leiden and The Hague
- Leiden University strike with Teach-Out at The Hague city hall
Research assessments
Leiden University frequently reviews the quality of its research. We do this by means of both internal and external assessments. Read how we monitor and assess the quality of our research.
Demonstrations can be used to show and explain a skill or procedure in a setting from practice, like a lab or (fictitious) courtroom.
Annual Plan
An annual plan ensures that Planning & Control is embedded in the organisation. The plan states who provides what and when. This means that the right information is available at the right time, allowing for the proper financial management of the University.
Postdoctoral research and fellowships
It is essential for researchers to be able to obtain independent research funding in order to advance in their career.
University Elections
This year, there are elections for the student and staff sections of the University Council and the student section of all faculty councils. You decide who represents you to university management. What topics and viewpoints are important to you? By voting, you ultimately have a say in university policy.…
Working in a diverse environment
The more diverse a work environment is the more creative and innovative it will be. This in turn promotes quality of education and research, which is why Leiden University is committed to equal opportunities for each individual, whether these are opportunities for appointment, for promotion, or to optimally…
Open Access
Through Open Access, research results from around the world are freely accessible to all. It is an incentive for exchanging and utilising knowledge and fresh insights between scientists, companies and social institutions. The Centre for Digital Scholarship at the University Library offers support with…
Other streams of income
Alongside the funds that the faculties receive from the Executive Board, they can obtain extra funds from other funding bodies for their teaching and research. These extra sources of income are termed the second and third income streams.
Fieldwork pre-departure meeting Archaeology
To ensure the safe and solid fieldwork season, the faculty board requests your participation in a fieldwork pre-departure meeting on November the 2nd, from 15:30 to 17:00 in room E00.3A of the Van Steenis building. Please note that participation in a fieldwork pre-departure meeting is compulsory for…