564 search results for “dual or haar haring” in the Public website
Marie-leen Ryckaert
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Dr. Johannes Magliano-Tromp Magliano-Tromp reappointed as member of the Faculty Board
The Executive Board of Leiden University reappointed Dr. Johannes Magliano-Tromp from 1 July 2017 as member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs with the portfolio Education.
Extra challenge
Are you ready to take on an extra challenge during your Leiden Bachelor programme? With options like Honours College, The Humanities Lab and the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) you can add extra depth, intensity and ECTS – even a dual degree – to your study.
Extra challenge
Are you ready to take on an extra challenge during your Leiden bachelor’s programme? With options like the Honours College, The Humanities Lab and the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) you can add extra depth, intensity and ECTS – even a dual degree – to your study.
A Transmission and Its Transformation: The Liqujing Shibahui Mantuluo in Daigoji
Harriet Hunter defended her thesis on 26 September 2018.
Prospective PhD Candidates
Thank you for your interest in doing PhD research at the Leiden Graduate School of Governance and Global Affairs.
Galactofuranose biosynthesis in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger
This project aims to further understand the molecular details related to the biosynthesis and function of Galf containing glycoconjugates in fungal Aspergillus spp.
From art to religious ritual; a study of the integration of performance art in liturgy
This dissertation focuses on a new field of artistic research in which a visual artist takes on the role of researcher. The main research question is whether performance art integrated in an ecumenical service, combined with artistic directions from the artist, can enhance the religious experience of…
The Regional Network on the Synergy between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification
Description of The Regional Network on the Synergy between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.
Through our research, we work towards a fundamental understanding of the world and people around us. We use that knowledge to make the world a safe, healthy, sustainable, prosperous and just place.
Extra challenges
At Leiden University you’ll have every opportunity to broaden your horizon. We’ll stimulate you to get the best out of yourself, with additional, more challenging programmes, for example.
- Career prospects
Extra challenge
Are you ready to take on an extra challenge during your BA in Linguistics programme? With options like the Honours College, The Humanities Lab and the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA), you can broaden your academic programme or add extra depth, intensity and ECTS – even a dual degree –…
Extra challenge
Are you ready to take on an extra challenge during your Leiden Bachelor programme? With options like the Honours College, The Humanities Lab and the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) you can broaden your academic programme or add extra depth, intensity and ECTS – even a dual degree – to…
Extra challenge
Are you ready to take on an extra challenge during your Leiden Bachelor programme? With options like Honours College, The Humanities Lab and the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) you can add extra depth, intensity and ECTS – even a dual degree – to your study.
After LUC
Upon receiving their diploma from LUC, our students spread their wings to pursue prestigious master’s degrees, PhD studies or to start their professional careers. Due to the many academic fields that are taught at LUC, the options for their future are vast and diverse. It is unsurprising that LUC’s…
Extra challenge
Are you ready to take on an extra challenge during your Leiden Bachelor programme? With options like Honours College, The Humanities Lab and the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) you can add extra depth, intensity and ECTS – even a dual degree – to your study.
Universiteit Leiden Academy Week
Study information
Signum symposium 2022
De Contactgroep Signum organiseert haar jaarlijkse symposium in 2022 in Gouda, op zaterdag 27 augustus 2022 (Streekarchief Midden Holland, Steenlandzaal). Het thema betreft de 'De parochiekerk in de middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd'.
Werkgroep Norbertijner Geschiedenis - 30ste Contactdag
Op 2 april 2022 (10.00-17.00) organiseert de Werkgroep Norbertijner Geschiedenis in de Nederlanden haar 30ste contactdag rond het thema "Norbertijnse Lievevrouwen". Voor meer informatie en inschrijvingen: h.janssens@abdijaverbode.be.
Interdisciplinary research and teaching at Leiden University
Many of the challenges of our time are too complex to be resolved within the confines of a single discipline. Leiden University is a broad-based university where an incredible number of research fields converge. That makes us the ideal breeding ground for, and practitioners of, interdisciplinary research…
Book Africanist Stephen Ellis posthumously published
The African Studies Centre Leiden presented the last book by its renowned colleague Prof. Stephen Ellis (1953-2015), This Present Darkness: A history of Nigerian organised crime, on 9 June. The book was published posthumously. Former colleagues and friends paid tribute to Ellis, who was regarded as…
European cooperation on sustainability off to a slow start
Ries Kamphof conducted research into European sustainability policies; his findings are that the European Committee very rarely uses her authority. ‘The member states are very protective when it comes to taking action to protect the climate.’ PhD ceremony on 22 November 2018.
Roméo Dallaire on “How a better world is possible”: Cooperation between Science and Practice
Leiden University’s Institute for Security and Global Affairs and Dual PhD Centre jointly organize an online lecture on 23 April, 15.00 hrs by Cleveringa Professor General Roméo Dallaire on “How a better world is possible”: Cooperation between Science and Practice.
PhD Rozanne Versendaal (UU)
Op 22 april promoveert Rozanne Versendaal met haar proefschrift 'Le mandement joyeux et la culture joyeuse en France et dans les anciens Pays-Bas, XVe-XVIIe siècles' ('Het spotmandement en de vrolijke cultuur in Frankrijk en de Lage Landen in de vijftiende, zestiende en zeventiende eeuw').
Van Winterfonds: PhD Vacancy
Het Van Winterfonds maakt in 2021 een promotieplaats mogelijk. Doel daarvan is de promovendus de gelegenheid te geven om een promotieplaats te verwerven voor een door haar of hem zelf ontwikkeld promotieplan. Aanvragen kunnen worden gedaan tot 15 maart 2021.
Jubileumcongres Nederlandse Boekhistorische Vereniging
Op zaterdag 23 september organiseert de NBV haar jubileumcongres in CODA Apeldoorn, rondom het thema ‘Technologie en transformatie’, tevens het thema van het Jaarboek 2023 dat deze dag gepresenteerd wordt. Er is ruimte voor posterpresentaties, in principe voor studenten/jonge onderzoekers, maar andere…
Rina Visser: Art becomes a process
On 1 November 2018, Rina Visser-Rotgans obtained her doctorate with her thesis on ‘Veranderend kunstenaarschap. De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken’ (Artistry evolving. The function and definition of the artist in participational practices of art). Rina’s research…
Regulatory Burden from a Different Perspective
On Wednesday 25 January 2017 Esmeralda Vergeer will defend her doctoral thesis Regeldruk vanuit een ander perspectief (Regulatory burden from a different perspective). The defence will start at 16.15 hrs, at the Academy Building of Leiden University, Rapenburg 73. The supervisor of the research is Professor…
PhD defense: Op zoek naar onderzoek
On Tuesday 14 February 2017 defended Kees van Gageldonk his doctoral thesis ‘Op zoek naar onderzoek. De totstandkoming van de onderzoekfunctie in het hoger beroepsonderwijs' at the Academy Building of Leiden University. Supervisor of the research is Prof.dr. W. Otterspeer with co-supervisor Dr. P.J.…
Journalistiek in Irak tweegesprek met Judit Neurink en Sakir Khader
LUCIS organiseerde op woensdag 4 maart een speciale avond over journalistiek in Irak. Journaliste Judit Neurink en programmamaker Sakir Khader vertelden over hun ervaringen en recente werkzaamheden in het land. De avond stond onder leiding van Wendelmoet Boersema (politiek redacteur van dagblad Trou…
No one knows if regulation makes the chemical industry safer
The government spends millions regulating companies that work with large quantities of hazardous substances. But we don’t know whether this is making the industry safer. The number of violations and incidents remains constant. This is the conclusion of external PhD candidate Rob in ’t Veld in his dissertation.…
Tentoonstelling Fries Museum
De tentoonstelling 'Vrijheid, Vetes, Vagevuur' is tot en met 7 mei 2023 te zien in het Fries Museum. De tentoonstelling en de bijbehorende publicatie worden samengesteld door Diana Spiekhout, conservator terpencultuur en middeleeuwen. Spiekhout promoveerde in 2020 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen…
Mare - 30 November 2017 - Goedkope vlucht? Zelf aan boord klimmen!
In de Mare van 30 november 2017 vindt u een artikel over Juriste Lalin Kovudhikulrungsri, die onlangs promoveerde op de rechten van mensen met lichamelijke beperkingen bij vliegreizen. ‘Een hond mag mee, maar blindegeleidenpaarden mogen worden geweigerd.’
More per pupil, less per student
Since the 1950s, the expenses in primary and higher education have grown towards each other. The costs per pupil in primary education rose, while the expenses decreased per student in scientific education. An article about this appeared in the NRC, with comments on the historical development of education…
Education for double-quick learning children
Dr. Willy de Heer defended her PhD Thesis
Admission to the Graduate School
Thank you for your interest in doing PhD research at the Leiden Graduate School of Humanities. Below you will find information on how to start your PhD at Humanities in Leiden.
Student team invents Suckerspheres: sustainable alternative for microplastic
A Leiden Groningen student team has reached the European finals of the BISC-E competition. In this annual competition students have to come up with a sustainable solution to a major social problem. The team invented Suckerspheres: a natural alternative to the plastic microbeads that are still widely…
Religion and Orientalism in Asian Studies
Religion and Orientalism in Asian Studies analyses the role of religion in past and present understandings of Asia.
Languages and Cultures of the world
When it comes to languages and cultures, Leiden University is the university. The global expertise present places our university at the top. In Leiden and The Hague, we study languages and cultures from all regions of the world and from prehistory to the present day. In this way we create a broad view…
About Us
LUCAS is home to a multidisciplinary academic community that facilitates deep analyses of, and appreciation for, the power and dynamics of cultural products (texts, objects, practices) in our past and present. Through high-quality research, education, and valorisation, our Institute contributes to a…
Universal note preferences affect avian song learning
A study in the Behavioral Biology group of Carel ten Cate at the IBL showed that experience-dependent and -independent preferences influence song learning in zebra finches.
Being able to host international organisations by taking that extra step
The number of international organisations has increased over the last decades. As has the number of cities interested in housing these organisations. International organisations bring wealth to cities and help improve their reputation. They often act as a magnet for other international corporations.…
Organisational & Entrepreneurial Behaviour
The research group Organizational & Entrepreneurial Behavior investigates the behavior of individuals and groups who start, work in, or lead organizations, in order to inform organizational practice. By focusing on the behavior of (groups of) employees, entrepreneurs and leaders, the main levels of…
On this page you will find information on the admission procedure to the Graduate School of the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs. Additional information can be found on the staff website.
PhD Defence Annemarie Madani-Abbing
On 22 January 2020, Annemarie Madani-Abbing will defend her dissertation 'Art Therapy & Anxiety'.
Promotion Karin Wester
On the 6th of April, Karin Wester held her PhD defense on the 'Promise and Pitfalls of the Responsibility to Protect and Lessons to be Learned from the Case of Libya’.
Willy de Heer in De Monitor about highly gifted children and education
Willy de Heer, who obtained a doctorate from Leiden University's Dual PhD Center, did her PhD research into giftedness and education for highly gifted children, or in other terms very easy learning children.
'An impressive step between professional practice and the academic world'
On 29 June 2017, Doris Dull-Zessner defended her PhD dissertation “Value Congruence in a Multinational Corporation”. The defence was at 12.30 hrs, in the Academy Building of Leiden University, Rapenburg 73. The supervisors are Professor J.A.A. Adriaanse and Professor J.I. van der Rest.
Kamaran Palani: ‘Completing my PhD at Leiden University is a dream of me and my deceased father’
Starting your PhD during two major crisis in your country; it happened to Kamaran Palani, PhD student at the Dual PhD Centre and ISGA who lives in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In spite of the difficulties in his county, Palani (34) stuck to his PhD-research about the fluidity…