3,259 search results for “historical van de universiteit” in the Public website
Breinfestival ‘Over de kop’ - Hanneke Hulst
Festival, Publieksevenement
Dick Stufkens Prijs 2018 awarded to chemical physicist Stefan Vuckovic
The Dick Stufkens Prize 2018 for the best PhD thesis of the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry (HRSMC) will be awarded to Dr Stefan Vuckovic. In his thesis, Vuckovic presents a new and innovative approach to the quantum mechanical calculation of atomic and molecular energies. It lays the…
Dick Stufkens Prijs 2010 awarded to chemist Niels Elders
The Dick Stufkens Prijs 2010 is awarded to Dr. Niels Elders. The prize is given by the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry for his Ph.D. thesis “Multicomponent Approaches to Molecular Diversity & Complexity”, in which he describes the development of various new multi-component synthetic procedures…
Flitsinterview met alumnus Kees van der Staaij: ik ben en blijf een jurist in hart en nieren
Flitsinterview met alumnus Kees van der Staaij: ik ben en blijf een jurist in hart en nieren
Femke Lippok wins W.A. van Es-prize for her pioneering work on early medieval burial rites
During the 2019 Reuvensdagen, PhD candidate Femke Lippok was awarded the prestigious W.A. van Es-prize for her research master’s thesis The Pyre and the Grave, written in 2017. The jury lauded Femke for her pioneering work and making use of big data analysis, while adding an admirably expansive and…
Moving to virtual collaboration with Marike van Aerde and her team: ‘There is real team spirit in our WhatsApp group’
Marike van Aerde was at the brink of traveling to India for fieldwork when that country closed its borders, three weeks ago. Only a few days later, Leiden University followed suit in temporarily banning all fieldwork trips. With her research team scattered across different continents, she does her best…
Algorithms for quantum software
Top scientists of three Dutch universities are working on software and systems for quantum computers. Researchers of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) and the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) are developing new algorithms to make those super computers work. The coming years,…
Mapping pre-industrial sanitation infrastructure in the town of Haarlem
The central research question focuses on identifying shifts in the urban social network in terms of private, semi-public and public space by means of mapping the spatial distributions of wells and cesspits in the town of Haarlem in the course of the pre-industrial period (1200-1800). Shifts may be indicative…
Neuropsychology of navigation
What is the neurocognitive structure of human navigation ability? What different types of navigation impairment can be distinguished? How can navigation impairment best be diagnosed and treated? How can tools like serious gaming and virtual reality be used to diagnose and treat navigation impairment…
Intelligence, Dynamic testing and potential for learning
Can dynamic testing provide us with insight in children’s potential for learning?
Urban ecology and avian acoustics: Function and evolution of birdsong in a changing world
Birds sing to be heard, but how do they cope with increasing noise levels? Which species persist in cities and why? And do they thrive or suffer in the urban soundscape?
The Representation of Imperial Rule and the Classical World in Early Medieval England
In early medieval England, there was an interest in the history of the Roman Empire and kings adopted such imperial titles as 'imperator' or 'basileus'. How can we explain this interest and what functions did imperial ideas and the reception of the classical world serve in early medieval England?
Bachelor Q&A (English)
On this page you can find answers to frequently asked questions.
Visiting scholars criminal law and criminology
The Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology is committed to international cooperation and exchange.
Leiden Asia Centres
Legal decision making in liability law and financial regulation
The starting point for this research project is the notion that the human brain is susceptible to all kinds of fallacies and biases that affect our perceptions and influence our reasoning outside of our conscious awareness. Indeed, most people think they are merely observing facts and that they process…
Funding for congresses, workshops and master classes
In order to stimulate research and teaching within the field of medieval studies in the Netherlands the Research School for Medieval Studies offers the opportunity to submit requests for the (co-)funding of congresses, workshops and master classes for the period between 2022-2027.
Excavating Chlorakas-Palloures
Investigating the emergence of complex societies in Chalcolithic Cyprus.
Mandela Scholarship Fund
Bachelor, Master
Safe and Sustainable by Design framework for the next generation of Chemicals and Materials (SSbD4Chem)
How can the Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) framework developed in the SSbD4CheM project facilitate the creation of safer and more sustainable chemicals and materials across various industries?
The Secular Outlook
The Secular Outlook describes what moral and political secularism means. It paints the image of a world view in which state and religion are kept well separated.
Smart Industrial Parks in China: towards Joint Design and Institutionalization
How to contribute to a quantum leap of eco-industrial symbiosis in China?
HAPPY - Qualitative research in Higher education teaching APProaches for sustainabilitY and well-being in Bhutan
This 3-year EU Erasmus+ co-funded project focuses on the strengthening and improvement of teaching qualitative research methods across a range of disciplines in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Bhutan.
Starters and trainees
Every year, new starters and trainees begin their careers at Leiden University. They bring the latest skills and knowledge with them. The university provides a challenging work environment in an international setting for starters and trainees. If this sounds interesting, why not take a look at our…
Rob van Wijk has won the oral presentations of the National PhD Competition during the FIGON Dutch Medicine Days
He presented his PhD research entitled “Kick-starting drug development; translational systems pharmacology using innovative zebrafish experiments and advanced computational modelling”. During his presentation, Rob highlighted the advancements he made in using zebrafish as model in system pharmacolog…
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. P. de Knijff
Valedictory lecture
Methoden van contractsuitleg
PhD defence
School's out! But not for head teachers
Many head teachers will have to try and fill staffing gaps this summer. Assistant Professor Kim Stroet, who is researching pupil motivation, is worried about the teacher shortage in the Netherlands, but can see a development that may help solve it.
Master thesis about Children’s Rights? Win the Jaap Doek Children’s rights thesis award 2019!
The Jaap Doek Children’s rights thesis award is an annual award for the best thesis in the field of Children’s Rights granted by Defence for Children and the Department of Child Law of the Leiden Law School.
International President Médicins Sans Frontières visits LUC The Hague
Last Thursday , Dr. Joanne Liu, the International President of the Médicins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders), visited LUC The Hague as part of her visit to Universiteit Leiden. Dr. Liu spoke with four of our students, who shared their experiences as volunteers working with refugees all over…
Is ‘LDE Space & Society’ for me? (and 4 other questions)
Bridging the gap between the space sector and society, together with students from other disciplines. That’s the aim of the LDE Space & Society Honours Programme, which is launching this year. Applications close 6 October 2024. Read on to discover if it’s for you!
New project uses artificial intelligence in drug development
In health care, artificial intelligence is quite normal: it is used, for example, as an aid in making diagnoses. However, artificial intelligence is not yet used as much in drug development. A new prestigious partnership is therefore going to investigate how artificial intelligence can contribute to…
Leiden archaeologists involved in grant for state-of-the-art laboratory for isotope geochemistry
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a €4.84 million NWO Large grant to set up a new state-of-the-art laboratory for isotope geochemistry. The new lab, the “Netherlands Isotope GEochemistry Laboratory” (NIGEL), will be built in the brand new VU Research Building at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.…
Master thesis about Children’s Rights? Win the Jaap Doek Children’s rights thesis award 2018!
The Jaap Doek Children’s rights thesis award is an annual award for the best thesis in the field of Children’s Rights granted by Defence for Children and the Department of Child Law of the Leiden Law School.
Het Indo-Europese landschap. Een trektocht door het verleden van de taal.
Inaugural lecture
Luisteren naar en ondervragen van de natuur, om te begrijpen, te bezinnen, en te beschermen
Inaugural lecture
Grond-recht: vanuit literatuur en cultuur op zoek naar de bodem van juridische definities
Inaugural lecture
Consortia awarded grant for research into pressing issues
Various consortia in which Leiden University is represented are beginning interdisciplinary research, which will bring scientific and societal breakthroughs within reach. Knowledge institutions, government and private parties are working closely together on the projects.
- Van Winterfonds promotieplaats - Deadline
- PhD Nathan van Kleij
Mariana Gkliati speaks at University of London
Last week Mariana Gkliati gave a working group session in the context of the Refugee Studies reading group of the Refugee Law Initiative of the University of London.
Kick-off MOOC Music & Society
On January 9 the ACPA kicked off their first MOOC Music & Society. And with 1700 (!) applicants we dare to say it is a success!
Holger Hoos appointed ACM Fellow
On 13 January 2020, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has named 95 members ACM Fellows who have demonstrated excellence across many disciplines of computing. Among the new ACM Fellows is Professor Holger Hoos of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, who was specifically selected…
Richard Gill appointed professor
As of July 1st, 2006 prof. dr. Richard D. Gill has been appointed professor in Mathematical Statistics at our institute, holding the position previously fulfilled by Prof. Sara van de Geer who went to Zurich. He has been at Leiden before, from 1986--1990 as extraordinary professor at a chair held by…
Art historian Sven Lütticken joins ACPA
ACPA is delighted to welcome Sven at Leiden University. He is a valuable addition to the academic staff where he, in his role as Associate Professor, will supervise PhD students in the PhDArts programme.
Publication: City, Citizen, Citizenship, 400–1500. A Comparative Approach
The VICI research project Citizenship Discourses in the Early Middle Ages, led by Els Rose (Universiteit Utrecht), published a new book: Els Rose, Robert Flierman en Merel de Bruin-van de Beek, red., City, Citizen, Citizenship, 400–1500. A Comparative Approach (Londen: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2024). It…
Malgieri's co-authored paper on PETs presented and published at FAccT Conference 2024
Gianclaudio Malgieri's paper entitled 'The unfair side of Privacy Enhancing Technologies: addressing the trade-offs between PETs and fairness', coauthored with Alessandra Calvi from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Dimitris Kotzinos from Paris Cergy University, is set to be presented at this week's prestigious…
eLaw's Magdalena Jozwiak teacher at the 2017 Monash Law Malaysia Program
In July and August 2017, Magdalena Jozwiak, researcher at the eLaw department, is going to teach the course on ‘Privacy and surveillance in an information age: comparative law perspectives’ at the Kuala Lumpur campus of the Australian Monash University, within the framework of the Monash Law Malaysia…
Pre-doctoral programme in Indonesia
Three Dutch universities: Leiden, Groningen and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have joined forces again this year to organize the Pre-doctoral programme in Indonesia for admitted and future Indonesia PhD candidates at Dutch universities.
Maarten Aalbers presented at the ESTAL Conference “State aid control: where law and economics meet”
On 6 October 2018 Maarten Aalbers presented the first findings of a research paper, he is currently co - writing with Dr. Ben Van Rompuy, at the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels.