2,982 search results for “experimental onderzoek near leesontwikkeling” in the Public website
Politics and Policy Pre-Analysis Plan (PAP) Workshop
Staying positive and connected: Work hubs and the alternative coffee date
'Getting used to things, doesn't necessarily mean it's getting easier. That's why we're incredibly impressed by what everyone has accomplished.' How do our institutes stay connected and motivated? Lenneke Alink (Pedagogical Sciences) and Ed Noijons (CWTS) share how pub quizzes and who's who games, new…
Reedijk Symposium 2024: To jump or not to jump that is the question
L(SB)2 Seminar: Combining experiments with AlphaFold2 to characterize new histones in prokaryotes
Female Researchers in the Spotlight for Physics & Astronomy Ladies' Day
On Thursday November 15th, Leiden University organizes its Physics & Astronomy Ladies' Day for female high school students. To mark this festive day, we put the spotlight on five female researchers, who talk about their experiences working in science.
Van aarde tot wind. Archaïsmen in de Anatolische talen.
Inaugural lecture
In memoriam Harold V.J. Linnartz 1965 – 2023: Unlocking the Chemistry of the Heavens
With great sadness we share the news that Prof. Harold Linnartz passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Sunday 31 December 2023. We are all in shock, and our thoughts are with his wife and children, other family, and friends. Harold was at the heart of our institute, as a researcher, as a supervisor,…
John Mydosh and the mystery of the Hidden Order
A 35-year-old uranium crystal will not disclose its secret: what causes a dramatic phase transition at 17.5 Kelvin? Thanks to a new artificial intelligence approach, half of the possible explanations are excluded, but the definitive answer remains to be found. 'It is very frustrating', says physicist…
Faculty of Science says goodbye to Dean Geert de Snoo
During the farewell reception on 29 August, the Faculty of Science will say goodbye to Dean Geert de Snoo. On 1 November 2019, he will continue his career as Director of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW). Colleagues talk about his significance for ecology, about his contribution as a…
Blog Post | Science diplomacy from the Global South: New insights, venues for investigation, and lessons learned
Science diplomacy, broadly defined as all activities at the intersection of science and foreign policy, has become a buzzword during the past ten years.
De kracht van taal: hoe kennis van het Russisch ons helpt Rusland en taal beter te begrijpen
Inaugural lecture
Inequity and Spondyloarthritis
PhD defence
- Seminar 3: Emotionality and Late Medieval Self-Transformative Processes
Anthropology of health and care in Indonesia
Debate, Roundtable
Unboxing the Himalayas: On the Creation, Use, and Circulation of Sacred Things and Texts
Conference, Workshop
- Foundations of Research – 1: Sources & Methods of Source Analysis (3/5 ECTS)
Van Marum Colloquium: High precision kinetics of elementary surface reactions: Quantitative comparison of experiment and theory
Changing Approaches Towards Restitution and Return of Colonial Heritage: Tracing Experiences and Identifying Shared Decolonial Practices
ASCL Seminar: Plotting human-plant futures in Uganda
Lunch with the Gerbrands Laureates
Van Mecanorma tot ChatGPT
Valedictory lecture
NIMAR exhibition: Morocco through Dutch eyes
Leiden historian Herman Obdeijn has created an exhibition for NIMAR about the centuries-old bond between the two countries. The exhibition opens on 1 March at the Université Mohammed V in Rabat. ‘The Moroccans changed from distant allies to close neighbours.’
The best exam tips from Leiden’s student psychologists
Are you a school or university student, and do you feel very anxious before and during exams? Take advantage of these tips by Leiden student psychologists, from how to stop ruminating to how to conquer a black-out.
From camel keeper to doctor
Two terrifying yellow eyes stared at eleven-year-old Francis Lesilau. In the evening light they changed colour: green, amber, back to yellow... The lion had just grabbed one of his camels and now turned to number two. For a moment Francis was nailed to the ground, then he ran towards the predator, screaming.…
Why citizen participation is not helping to stop environmental pollution in Indonesia
More than three quarters of the 237 million Indonesian population has no access to tap water. They are dependent on water from rivers often polluted by industry. Laure d’Hondt conducted research into why it is so difficult to tackle these polluters and will defend her PhD dissertation on 17 October.
Looking for love: how we can fool ourselves when we are into someone
Can we truly assess whether someone finds us attractive? Cognitive psychologist Iliana Samara conducted her PhD project on romantic attraction and discovered that men, in particular, tend to overestimate the interest of their date. She explains why this may be.
Rijksmuseum Boerhaave opens exhibition with major role for corona crisis
The ‘Contagious!’ exhibition was set to open at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave in April but had to be postponed because of the corona crisis. The museum hasn’t been twiddling its thumbs in the meantime. The exhibition will now open on 16 July, and the corona crisis has a major role.
Islam and citizenship in the classroom
Islam has a rich and fascinating history, but if you talk about it in the classroom, all kinds of opinions and emotions come up. 'How do I incorporate these responses into my lessons?' The Netherlands Institute in Morocco is organising a study trip on ‘Islam and Citizenship’. Fourteen teachers from…
Friend or foe? The role of AI in mitigating biases in HR
AI is already widely being used in HR processes, but it’s unclear whether these applications contribute to fair and inclusive decision making. Leiden researcher Carlotta Rigotti is involved in BIAS, a big consortium research project that aims to provide answers and develop a new, trustworthy AI app…
Pedagogische Wetenschappen en Jeugdrecht zetten succesvolle interdisciplinaire samenwerking voort
Onderzoekers van het Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen en de afdeling Jeugdrecht gaan samenwerken in 2 nieuwe onderzoeken: onderzoek naar het terugplaatsingen van kinderen na uithuisplaatsing en draagmoederschappen in Nederland.
Buurtlab 070 launched – sustainability research in, by and for the community
Buurtlab 070 is a new Leiden University project in which residents, researchers and students from The Hague work together on climate, sustainability and biodiversity solutions. What do they expect of the lab?
Aline-Priscillia and Ruşen nominated for an ECHO Award
Working towards a more inclusive and diverse society, next to your studies. Humanities students Aline-Priscillia Messi and Ruşen Koç devote a considerable amount of hours to this every week. Now they have been nominated for an ECHO Award.
Welmoet Wels wins the faculty Jongbloed thesisprize 2015
The world is full of wars, and no war is without its dead. What happens to the bodies of fatal casualties of armed conflict? The winner of the faculty Jongbloed Thesis Prize 2015 is Welmoet Wels (Public International Law). Her thesis Dead body management in armed conflict: paradoxes in trying to do…
Eleven Vidi grants for Leiden
NWO has awarded eleven Leiden researchers a Vidi grant of 800,000 euros. The research subjects range from Cicero and muscle dystrophy to the archaeology of bogs.
Searching for the wanted and unwanted effects of innovation
How does ICT affect society? Mirjam van Reisen, professor Computing for Society at the Leiden Centre of Data Science, is intrigued by this question. We speak with her about innovation, changes in health care, and mobile human trafficking. ‘Innovation has many benefits, but it can also be very disrup…
Looted art returned to Sri Lanka: ‘It was a job tracing what came from where'
A cannon, a sabre, guns: these Sri Lankan objects had been in the Rijksmuseum for centuries. In early December, they were returned to Sri Lanka. Associate Professor of Colonial History Alicia Schrikker led the research that formed the basis for the restitution and published a volume on the findings…
Meijers Lecture and New Year’s Reception: starting the new year full of enthusiasm and inspiration!
In traditional style, 2025 was ushered in at our faculty with the Meijers Lecture followed by the New Year's Reception. On Thursday 16 January 2025, the Meijers Lecture took place in the Lorentz Lecture Hall where the Meijers Prizes and the Van Wersch Springplank Prize were also awarded. At the New…
Curator Ruurd Halbertsma: ‘Surely we can’t just sweep away antiquity?’
Like many others, Ruurd Halbertsma has had a rollercoaster of a year. His museum, the National Museum of Antiquities (RMO), was closed for a long while because of the lockdown. Visitor numbers picked up again from September, but it the next few weeks will be tense now the hospitals are full again. Halbertsma:…
‘A safe city starts with good education and robust policing’
It is more myth than reality that people with migration backgrounds commit more crime. Leiden has successfully tackled anti-social behaviour by Moroccan youths, says former mayor Henri Lenferink. Good education forms the basis of a healthy and safe society, says ‘crimmigration’ researcher' Maartje van…
Neanderthals hunted straight-tusked elephants, 125,000 years ago
A Leiden and Mainz (Germany) based team studies the activities of early humans in a 125,000 years old Last Interglacial ecosystem, formerly exposed in a large open cast brown coal pit near Halle (Germany). The Last Interglacial is an important warm-temperate period, showing the full flora and fauna…
First scientific images Euclid telescope exceed all expectations
Space telescope Euclid is capable of unravelling the secrets of the universe. That is what the images published by ESA today show, according to astronomers working with the telescope's data. The images exceed all expectations. Scientists within the Euclid consortium, including astronomers Henk Hoekstra…
A long-term perspective on human niche construction and alteration of ecosystems
Dr. Katharine MacDonald (Faculty of Archaeology) sketches the background to a recent paper in Science Advances, co-authored by her and other members of the Liveable Planet team.
Hall of Fame 2020
In 2020, many of our staff and students have again won prestigious prizes and been awarded important research subsidies.
13th International Congress of Egyptologists, 2023
Awards and Grants 2020
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2020, as well as special appointments at Leiden University and other institutions.
ICM 2018 project results
Within the ICM 2018 project, Leiden University cooperated with 25 partner universities from 14 countries. In total, 97 mobilities were granted to this project - 65 mobilities were realised (some mobilities had to be ended prematurely due to covid-19, others were finished online).
Study and the labour market
If you are going to study, it is not only important that you like the study programme. It’s also good to already have an idea of which professions you might enjoy.
FAQ research with animals
Antwoord op veelgestelde vragen over onderzoek met proefdieren bij de Universiteit Leiden. FAQ
Memory: concepts and theory
The terms ‘social’ , ‘collective’ or ‘public’ memory, are often contrasted with ‘private’, ‘individual’ or ‘personal’ memory. All these terms derive from a fairly new and interdisciplinary scholarly field that is often referred to as ‘memory studies’, and that according to some critics has developed…
This page features an overview of relevant lectures, publications and conference papers.