4,733 search results for “also” in the Student website
Erwin Dijkstra joins editorial team Handicap & Recht: 'A great opportunity to share my knowledge'
At the end of 2020 researcher/lecturer Erwin Dijkstra joined the editorial team of academic journal Handicap & Recht (Disability & Law), published by Boom Juridisch. The December issue also includes an article he wrote.
From Gothic to OMG: the 21st conference on English historical linguistics comes to Leiden
The largest international conference on English historical linguistics is coming to Leiden. From 7 June to 11 June 2021, the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) organises the International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL-21). Due to Covid measures, the conference takes…
Opening POPCorner The Hague
Met een openingswoord, een paneldiscussie op de Spaanse Trappen in Wijnhaven en een druk op de rode knop voor het gebouw zelf, is POPcorner The Hague donderdagmiddag officieel geopend door rector magnificus Hester Bijl.
Exhibition sculpture ‘Zie Justitia’ at Leiden Law School extended until January 2023
The art committee of Leiden Law School has extended the exhibition of the sculptures by the Leiden artist Koen de Vries in the C-wing of the KOG building until January 2023. On Thursday 8 December, the finissage of the exhibition will take place in the C-wing at 16.45 hours with drinks and light sna…
Inclusive Leadership in the Public Sector
What factors play a role in determining inclusive leadership in public organisations? On Friday June 4, dr. Tanachia Ashikali answered this question as she shared the findings from her recent research on inclusive leadership with various academics and professionals.
Research projects launched into biodiversity in food and horticulture production
Two Leiden research projects that focus on increasing the biodiversity of Dutch production systems for food and ornamental horticulture have started thanks to funding from the Dutch Research Council's KIC research programme.
LACDR introduces ‘Digital Labcoat’ for Biopharmaceutical Sciences students
Learn to program, gain knowledge of AI methods, or use it in a research project at the LACDR. With the introduction of the innovative digital learning environment ‘Digital Labcoat’, Biopharmaceutical Sciences bachelor students can further develop their computational skills.
AI in port and maritime research in Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam
From a ship that has been designed to tell you what maintenance it needs and when, to an intelligent journey planner for global goods transport. The three universities in Zuid-Holland are abuzz with AI research in the field of ports and maritime. Three researchers explain. Part two in a series of five…
University historian Pieter Slaman: ‘I can point to valuable constants and experiments that went too far’
As University historian, Pieter Slaman researches the University’s past, but he’s equally interested in its present. ‘It’s useful to be familiar with issues from the past. Not to be rooted in the past because some developments from history are things you definitely don’t want to repeat.’
Om te beginnen met gezond gedrag moeten vaak eerst problemen als schimmel op de muren of financiële sores worden aangepakt
Medici kunnen veel repareren, maar ziekte voorkomen of uitstellen is beter. Daarvoor is vaak leefstijlverandering nodig en dat blijkt lastig. Gezondheidswetenschappers Sandra van Dijk (Universiteit Leiden) en Valentijn Visch (TU Delft) doen onderzoek naar de vraag hoe je mensen kunt helpen met gedragsverandering…
Diversity symposium 2021: small steps can increase inclusion
‘Culture change takes time,’ said Vice-Rector Hester Bijl at the closing panel of the University’s Diversity Symposium on 26 January. She talked about the road to a diverse and inclusive university. The symposium provided plenty of concrete examples of small steps that can already be taken.
‘Polarisation is good. Much better than an uneasy silence’
If a young person from a migrant background climbs the social ladder despite internship discrimination, the exclusion often gets worse. It is only when we acknowledge these problems that we can resolve them, say Nadia Bouras and Tikho Ong, who are both experiential and academic experts. ‘Racism and…
Martijn Kitzen has been appointed professor by Special Appointment of Military Science: 'It's time for Europe to make a stand.'
Martijn Kitzen has been appointed professor by special appointment of Military Science at ISGA on behalf of the Royal Netherlands Society for War Studies (KVBK).
Maurits Berger on Ruetir about national holidays
Why are the majority of our national holidays based around Christian festivities? Arabist Maurits Berger talks about this in an article on Ruetir.
Nearly all buildings at LBSP open and operating again from Wednesday 24 May
Nearly all university buildings at the Leiden Bio Science Park will be open and operating again as of Wednesday 24 May. Last night a team worked hard to restore the power to the buildings in phases and this was successful. Students and staff can work and study there again.
Add your thoughts about the future of the Faculty of Archaeology to the time capsule
Archaeologist interviewed about the carnivore diet
The carnivore diet, a fact or just a trend?
Considering to apply for a PhD in the Humanities grant? Join the webinar
- LU Card check tentamenlocaties
- Una Europa Event Design Workshop - registration deadline 3 April
Looking for International Studies Student representatives
- International Experience Week: 23 - 28 September 2024
Should intelligence services have a ‘licence to kill’?
The ‘University of the Netherlands’ is a series of lectures in which academics address topics based on their expertise. In the latest instalment, cultural historian Simon Willmetts discusses how intelligence services operate and what has changed since 9/11.
Job Faber wins Moot Court Challenge Cup
This was the tenth occasion that the Moot Court Challenge Cup has been awarded! This time for the best oral argument at the Moot Court held in the spring of academic year 2021-2022.
Van Steenis building now features two all-gender toilets
Extended opening hours Lipsius bike parking
In Memoriam Hugo Annard
It is with great sadness that we have received the news that Hugo Annard passed away on 30 July after a strenuous illness. Hugo had been enrolled at our Faculty as a student Public Administration, specialisation Economy, Policy and Management since 2019. He was also a member of the B.I.L. study asso…
Café du Sud opens 2 September in Herta Mohr
Concern about provisional government deal
We are concerned about our research and teaching cuts announced in the provisional deal between the Dutch coalition parties. This will have a profound impact on our students and staff, and on teaching, research and innovation in the Netherlands.
- MoodLift: improve your well-being with free online programmes
Student Art Club is looking for volunteers!
Medals for Humanities Faculty programmes
Three programmes at the Faculty of Humanities have been awarded medals by EW and ResearchNed. The bachelor’s in German Language and Culture took gold, and the bachelor's in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and the master's in Middle Eastern Studies each earned a bronze medal.
Leiden University’s humanities in top 30 of Times Higher Education Rankings
Leiden University's humanities have one of the top places in the Times Higher Education Rankings. This year, we were placed 26th.
Maarten Mous: ‘Your language is part of the world’
In the new video series 'The World of Linguistics', alumni and researchers talk about their passion for their field. Professor of African Linguistics Maarten Mous explains the importance of hearing your language at school.
- 13 - 14 February NSE Valentine's Surprise at KOG
Classroom occupancy checks at KOG Building and Old Observatory
Adjusted closing hours WSD complex and parking garages Maliebaan during the holidays
Christopher Green wins Education Prize 2024
Christopher Green has won the Teaching Prize 2024. The assistant professor of Korea Studies was presented with the prize during the opening of the faculty year in the Hortus.
Drop in & unstress in The Hague: Mindfulnest now officially open!
Erik Bahre on Dutch radio about the effects of the Russia-Ukraine grain agreement on Africa
Economic Anthropologist Erik Bähre talks on the Dutch News Radio Channel BNR about the effects of the Russia-Ukraine grain agreement for African countries.
Different opening hours university buildings 2-4 October
Important information on course registration BA Archaeology
Education, Organisation
Join us: 5 September 2023 Blended Education Festival
Explore gardening: participants wanted for Community Garden pilot
Career Days 2024 – schrijf je nu in
- Gain new skills and expand your network with the PLNT SKILLS workshops
Relief of Leiden: University closed on 2 and 3 October
Understanding port cities: check out two elective LDE courses
Bibi van den Berg about the digital war between Russia and the Ukraine
The war between Russia and Ukraine plays out not only physically but also digitally. Van Den Berg, Professor of Cybersecurity Governance at the FGGA, talked about it at several news outlets.
Andrew Littlejohn in podcast Talking Humanitarianism
In the episode 'Intersecting vulnerabilities of humanitarian disasters' of the 'Talking Humanitarianism' podcast, Andrew Littlejohn talks with host Ekatherina Zhukova (Lund University, Sweden) about our understanding of vulnerability in the context of humanitarianism to locate responsibility not in…