2,355 search results for “journalism” in the Public website
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LCCP Lecture “Heideggerian Subjectivity between Subjectivism and Impersonalism”
Leiden Translation Talk 9 May: Human-technology relations and the permeating presence of machine translation tools
Book Event: 'Seeking Western Men' with author Monica Liu
“Was the Habsburg Empire an Empire?”
Lecture, Fourth Annual Leiden Austrian Studies Lecture
The Loyalty Trap: Federal Civil Servants Under Trump
Lecture, Event
Blood, Tears and Samurai Love: A Tragic Tale from Eighteenth-Century Japan
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
The Making of a Standard Mountain: A Road-Construction Campaign of 1934 and the Formation of Mount Huang’s Modern Image
- SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: A few simple rules for prediction
Reporting Reality: Women’s Rights in India
Debate, Leiden Asia Academy
In the Making #8: Musical Networks and Algorithmic Emergence in the Times of Artificial Intelligence
Arts and culture
Online Experience Leiden University College The Hague
Study information, Online Experience
Terrorism and Foreign Fighters: Lecture by Dr. Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi
Authority in conversation: from linguistic norms to moral order
Decoding Research Software Impact
Seasons of Interdisciplinarity
The Seasons of Interdisciplinarity are an initiative by the Young Academy Leiden that started in 2021.
Interdisciplinary research and teaching at Leiden University
Many of the challenges of our time are too complex to be resolved within the confines of a single discipline. Leiden University is a broad-based university where an incredible number of research fields converge. That makes us the ideal breeding ground for, and practitioners of, interdisciplinary research…
Text in Context
Recontextualising the Papyri from Roman Soknopaiou Nesos / Dimê (Fayyum, Egypt)
- Volume 6 (2011)
- Volume 2 (2007)
Strategic research into and development of best practice for, predictive modelling on behalf of Dutch Cultural Resource Management
Are predictive archaeological maps a reliable tool to play an important role in the spatial planning? One of the goals of this project was to develop best practices for the production and application of the models.
Splitting and clustering grammatical information
This project focuses on a striking parallelism between two macro-groups of languages: southern Italian dialects and the so-called split-ergative languages, like Basque, Georgian, Dyirbal, Hindi/Urdu.
Small Grants 2024 Research Projects
The LUCDH foster the development of new digital research by awarding a number of Small Grants each year. As in previous years the LUCDH received a large number of excellent grant applications for Research and Personal Development funds. Congratulations to the recipients of this year's research award…
Working Paper Series
The Grotius Centre Working Paper Series is an occasional series through which researchers in the Grotius Centre can publish the unedited versions of manuscripts that have been accepted for publication by journals and books.
Hall of Fame 2015
Many of our staff and students have won prizes over the past year. Others have been awarded a subsidy, or, because of their eminence in their field, they have been appointed member of an academic society or have taken on a position in the community. Reasons enough to be proud of them and to include…
Stancetaking and morphosyntactic variation: Insights from two case studies of complementizer (that)
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
An International Rule-Based Order and China in the Global Arena
Environmental Activism, Indigenous Survival, and Settler Colonialism in the Unist’ot’en Camp’s Resistance against the Coastal GasLink Pipeline
Homo Ignoscens: Neo-colonialism, White Supremacy and the Re-Invention of Blacks in Contemporary ‘African Philosophy'
Leaving Science: A Large-Scale, Cohort-Based, Longitudinal Approach, 2000-2022
Sounding Out Ecological Precarity and Musical Heritage in Asia: Some Early Ideas
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Priorities of Poland's Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Reedijk Symposium 2024: Application of X-ray spectroscopy to attain a molecular understanding of the electrochemical interface
Prioritizing Global Responsibilities: The Ethics of Global Priority-setting
Leiden University Nationalism Network
Lecture, Leiden University Nationalism Network
Treaty-making in Southeast Asia as a Cross-cultural Practice
Lecture, COGLOSS lecture
LUCIP International Workshop “Re-staging the Periphery as the Center: Women Communities in East Asian Religions”
Memories of Cinema-Going in Postwar Japan: An Ethno-history
CANCELLED Tuesday Talks: Science Insights | 8 October 2024
Lecture, Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
Doing Family before the State. Recognition of de facto families in Dutch migration law practice
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
The Need for Teaching a More Accurate and Inclusive History of Science: The Case of Islamic Contributions to Math and Sciences
The Road to Planetary Defense: Cosmic Collisions, Nuclear Explosions, and the Environmental History of Asteroids and Comets
Lecture, Global Questions Seminar
"We are new farmers": How do e-commerce streamers perform authenticity in rural China
Lecture, China Seminar
Legitimation as political practice: everyday authority in Tanzania and beyond
Ingrained Habits: The “Kitchen Cars,” American Wheat Promotion, and the Transformation of Japanese Diet and Identity, 1956-1960
Lecture on the book The Deep Roots of Modern Democracy
CANCELLED: LCN2 Seminar: Algorithms for Network Visualization and beyond
- Masterclass: Religious Imagination in the Late Medieval Low Countries
Prospects for law reform and democracy under Indonesia’s new president
VVI Research Meeting 2023-2024
Underground China
Lecture, China Seminar