3,259 search results for “historical van de universiteit” in the Public website
Imams in Western Europe. Developments, Transformations, and Institutional Challenges
Bij Amsterdam University Press verschijnt 'Imams in Western Europe. Developments, Transformations and Institutional Challenges' onder redactie van Mohammed Hashas, Jan Jaap de Ruiter en Niels Valdemar Vinding, een publicatie waarin tal van zaken met betrekking tot imams in Europa behandeld worden. De…
Historic Literary Guided Tour - Literary Leiden
Alumnus Willem van der Muur: ‘I wanted to work somewhere I could make an impact’
Willem van der Muur worked at the Van Vollenhoven Institute as a PhD candidate from 2013 to 2019. After completing his doctorate he left for Indonesia to work for the World Bank. There, he is leading a project to register land rights.
Medical Delta professor Marco van Vulpen: ‘I advocate the introduction of the share factor’
Proton therapy is a new way of treating cancer in which radiation doses are delivered more precisely. This results in less damage to surrounding tissue and fewer side effects. Professor Marco van Vulpen is medical director of HollandPTC in Delft, where the social value of this therapy is studied. Van…
Shirley van der Maarel and team ‘Samen Verder’ granted Speckmann Awards 2020
Bachelor’s students Dana Huisman, Marleen Kop, Sam Wichers Schreur and Adriënne de Zoeten were granted the Speckmann Award for their Fieldwork NL report ‘Samen Verder: een project gefocust op vrouwen, taal en integratie'. Alumna Shirley van der Maarel received the Master's Speckmann award for her innovative…
The first ILS Lunch Seminar of 2019 with Beryl ter Haar and Yannick van den Brink
The ILS Lunch seminars bring colleagues and students from Leiden Law School together, providing an informal setting to hear what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. On Thursday 14 February, the first edition of the ILS Lunch Seminar series of 2019 takes place. This…
Leiden Law Cast #7: Law and computers with Professor Jaap van den Herik
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
- Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics in the Low Countries (SOEMEHL)
Ins Blaue Hinein? De toekomst van de politiefunctie vanuit wetenschappelijk perspectief
Inaugural lecture
Rijkspostbank 2.0 – Een pleidooi voor de nationalisatie van de consumenten betaalinfrastructuur
Inaugural lecture
Het verhaal van de staartloze kat: Over auteurschap in de vroegmoderne tijd
Inaugural lecture
Speaking the same language: De invoering van de Anglo-Amerikaanse trust in het Nederlandse recht
PhD defence
Yannick van den Brink participates in live webinar ‘Pre-Trial Detention of Children in India’
On 27 January 2020, Dr Yannick van den Brink, Assistant Professor at the Department of Child Law, participated in a live webinar titled ‘Pre-Trial Detention of Children in India’.
TOP-PUNT grant awarded to prof. Gijs van der Marel
NWO Chemical Sciences has awarded a TOP-PUNT grant to a research proposal of prof. dr. Gijs van der Marel (Leiden University) and prof. dr. ir. Adriaan Minnaard (University of Groningen).
Jelle van Buuren about the criminal trial of Gökmen Tanis from the tram attack in Utrecht
On 18 March 2019, Gökmen Tanis shot three people in a tram in Utrecht. He shot a fourth victim after exiting the tram on the 24 Oktoberplein. On 1 July, the criminal trial against Tanis started with presumably only one possible outcome: a life sentence.
Luuk van Middelaar on the EU's response to the corona crisis
In recent weeks, Luuk van Middelaar has commented widely in the European press on the EU response to the corona crisis.
45th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics in the Low Countries (#SOEMEHL45)
Revolutionary Historiography: How Leftist Debated the Historical Sociology of the Ottoman Empire in Cold War Turkey
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
5 Oct - Ineke van der Ham guest at Tijd voor Max
Ineke was invited as a guest to discuss her findings on navigation behavior and age, and to announce this year's weekend of science on current affairs tv show Tijd voor Max. https://www.maxvandaag.nl/sessies/themas/gezondheid-sport/hoe-navigeert-nederland-doe-mee-aan-het-onderzoek/
Archaeologist Wouter Verschoof-van der Vaart wins the IALA dissertation award for his doctoral thesis
‘I was very happy and honoured that my thesis was recognised as a valuable contribution to the topic of landscape archaeology.’
Van Vollenhoven Staff Participate in Annual Law and Society Association Conference
Nine staff members of the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance, and Society participated in the Law and Society Association’s (LSA) annual conference from 27-30 May. VVI staff presented ten conference papers, organised multiple sessions, as well as served as chairs and discussants for numerous…
Jelle van Buuren and Dennis Broeders on 5G: Technological Dangers and European Chances
The 4G network will soon be replaced by 5G. 5G will enable users to set up faster and more reliable data links as well as better privacy protections. For intelligence agencies, however, the upgrade in data protections will create huge problems.
Gerard van Westen: ‘My first 100 days as a SAILS Professor in Leiden’
SAILS Professor Gerard van Westen tells us about his first 100 days 'in the office'.
Rapport: Opsporing seksueel uitbuiten van jongeren kan effectiever via directe omgeving
Preventie, signalering en opsporing van seksuele uitbuiting van jongeren kan effectiever via buren, klasgenoten en andere mensen uit hun sociale leefomgeving. Dit volgt na onderzoek van universitair docent Ieke de Vries in samenwerking met het Centrum Kinderhandel en Mensenhandel (CKM).
Simone van der Hof awarded EU funding for research on age verification and consent mechanisms
As part of the euCONSENT consortium, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) has been awarded European Commission funding to create a child rights’ centred cross-border system for online age verification and parental consent.
Kilian de Kruyf Molina: ‘I would recommend doing an internship if you want to gain more work experience’
Trail, FGGA’s internship platform will be one-year old in November. In the upcoming weeks, we will be interviewing some FGGA students who went on internships. What did they learn from their internships? And what tasks were assigned to them?
In the media: Leidsch Dagblad about cooperation Leiden University and China
Leidsch Dagblad reports February 2022 in two articles about the cooperation between Leiden University and China.
Top 450 continues: lawyer Lizzy van Dorp is the 100th entry
Lawyer, economist, politician and women’s rights activist Lizzy van Dorp is the 100th entry in our Top 450. Who or what is your favourite?
Wim van den Doel: 'Many regional solutions are also applicable worldwide'
What will be the focus of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus strategic alliance in the next few years? Wim van den Doel, the new Chair of LDE, talks about his vision for the future of the alliance, social issues and the reality of academic collaboration.
Het grenzeloze leven: de fascinerende wereld van celwandloze bacteriën
Inaugural lecture
Van aarde tot wind. Archaïsmen in de Anatolische talen.
Inaugural lecture
Stimulering en facilitering van burgerinitiatieven door de overheid
PhD defence
Perkamenten personen. De stratigrafie van het middeleeuwse boek.
Inaugural lecture
Van willen naar zijn. De ambivalentie over diversiteit en inclusie
Inaugural lecture
Op voet van gelijkwaardigheid? Schaal en democratie in de Koninkrijksrelaties
Inaugural lecture
Confidence is the byword for Director of Research Lotte van Dillen
Lotte van Dillen has every confidence in the Executive Board of new-style Institute Psychology. ‘If we work on the basis of everyone’s good intentions, we’re going to do great.’ If you lack confidence, you’re not the kind of person to jump on your bike and go off to Sicily. Want to find out more about…
Leiden Law Cast: Law and computers with Professor Jaap van den Herik
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Esther Op de Beek and Stijn Bussels begin as New Education and Scientific Directors of LUCAS: 'Communication with Staff is Paramount'
The LUCAS Institute has both a new Scientific Director and a new Education Director. Stijn Bussels and Esther Op de Beek both commenced their new roles at the start of the academic year.
BBC Science Focus names Ewine van Dishoeck as one of the six women who are changing chemistry
On the occasion of the Women & Girls in Science Day, BBC Science Focus Magazine highlighted 6 prominent female chemists. Among them is Leiden professor Ewine van Dishoeck: 'Astrochemist investigating the building blocks of life'.
Olaf van Vliet on NPO Radio 1 about the consequences of labour migration for the economy and society
The European Commission sees increased labour migration as a solution to the growing personnel shortages, but the Dutch Labour Inspectorate argues that this is not a tenable business model. Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet discusses the advantages and disadvantages of labour migration for the economy…
Van Vollenhoven Institute concludes NWO study on police vetting in Kenya
Following periods of oppression and widespread violations of human rights, there is often a need for transitional vetting – a sort of ‘cleansing’ of the civil service. Where does this need come from? There are many answers to this question. But vetting, among other things, can contribute to recovering…
Prof. Julia Sloth-Nielsen awarded Schim van der Loeff grant by the Leiden University Fund
Prof. Julia Sloth-Nielsen has been awarded the Schim van der Loeff grant by the Leiden University Fund to conduct research on unaccompanied migrant children in Zambia.
Barend Barentsen in Dagblad van het Noorden on aggression in the workplace
A national survey conducted by Dutch newspapers Dagblad van het Noorden, Turbantia, Brabants Dagblad and the Dutch Federation of Trade Unions (FNV) shows that staff working in disability and mental health care often face violence in the workplace. In the three northern provinces of the Netherlands,…
Liesbeth van der Heide about the Political and Security Reforms Mali needs
Liesbeth van der Heide, Education and Research Staff Member at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), wrote on 20 April in the American news publication, Foreign Policy about the March’s deadly massacre in Mali, which exposed the lack of progress since the country’s peace accords. Furthermore,…
Bert Koenders and Peter van Uhm in new Dallaire Series lectures
How do leaders lead in the face of grief, loss and adversity? This and other questions will be addressed in two online public webinars, on Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 September. Bert Koenders and Peter van Uhm will be among the speakers.
Ewine van Dishoeck in children's book: 'Follow your heart and make sure you become very good at something'
Professor of Molecular Astrophysics Ewine van Dishoeck is portrayed as a heroine in a pictorial children's book. ‘It starts with a dream' tells the stories of twenty exceptional Dutch women who have had a positive impact on society. The book aims to give young girls role models and encourage them to…
Exhibition Early Photography of the Middle East
From Persia and Arabia to North Africa: as early as the nineteenth century, there were Dutch people who used the camera themselves in various regions of the Middle East.
at the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies, Madrid (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constituticionales)
Vasiliki Kosta participated in the García Pelayo Seminar of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies, Madrid entitled: ‘Discretionary Powers and Judicial Review: What Destiny for the Principle of Proportionality?’
Changes at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society (VVI)
As from 1 February, prof. Adriaan Bedner will be the new Head of Department of the VVI.
Alwin Kloekhorst receives Vidi grant
Alwin Kloekhorst, working at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, has received a Vidi grant for his research on the break-up of the Indo-European language.