2,703 search results for “russian and since linguistics” in the Public website
The EU fundamental right to ‘freedom of the arts and sciences’: exploring the limits on the commercialisation of academia (AFITE) AFITE is an interdisciplinary five-year research project. It is funded by the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO), as part of its Vidi scheme. Its principal…
Inaugural lecture prof.dr. C.P.A. Tiberius
Inaugural lecture
Homo Ignoscens: Neo-colonialism, White Supremacy and the Re-Invention of Blacks in Contemporary ‘African Philosophy'
- Huizinga Lecture
ASCL Seminar: Ancestral livelihoods and moral universalism - Evidence from transhumant pastoralist societies
CANCELLED: LCN2 Seminar: Algorithms for Network Visualization and beyond
Heritage languages in the Netherlands: Scholars, teachers, and students in dialogue
Lecture, Workshop
Wordhood challenges in Amahuaca (pano, Peru)
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Roots, branches and LHEAf
Conference, Final conference
This was 2021! An overview of Humanities in the news
Online, hybrid, on campus... It was an unpredictable year, also for the Faculty of Humanities. Luckily, there were also non-corona related stories. Let's review 2021 with this list of the most-read news articles per month.
‘Studying English gave me a fertile humus layer of world literature’
Author Gustaaf Peek, who has been nominated for the Libris Literature Award, studied English Language and Literature in Leiden. ‘I completely submersed myself in literature during my studies, and the effects are still with me today.'
Renske Janssen is the winner of the LUCAS Dissertation Prize 2021
The LUCAS Dissertation Prize has been awarded to Dr. Renske Janssen for her PhD thesis Religio Illicita? Roman Legal Interactions with Early Christianity in Context.
‘Let students see you’re passionate about your subject’
In line with tradition, at the opening of the academic year the LUS Teaching Prize will be presented to the University’s best teacher. Get to know the nominees. This week: Thijs Porck.
Veni awards for seventeen young Leiden researches
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Veni funding to seventeen researchers who recently obtained their PhD. This award offers promising young scientists the opportunity to develop their own ideas over a period of three years.
Eleven Vidi grants for Leiden
NWO has awarded eleven Leiden researchers a Vidi grant of 800,000 euros. The research subjects range from Cicero and muscle dystrophy to the archaeology of bogs.
The art of control without repression
How did the Arabs manage to maintain an empire based on Islamic principles for three hundred years? Arab expert Petra Sijpesteijn and her team will be examining this question over the coming five years, focusing on the correspondence of ordinary people. The research is being funded by an ERC Consolidator…
Seven projects receive funding from Humanities' JEDI Fund
The Faculty of Humanities' Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Fund provides small grants to initiatives in support of diversity and inclusion, with specific emphasis on creating an inclusive learning environment.
- Interactionality seminars
Just kidding, only retweeting: Defence strategies for denying speaker commitment
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
Language maintenance and revitalization across the world
- Leiden-Birmingham Lectures
How Do Populations Shape their Communal Languages?
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
An evolutionary and behavioral take on interactionality in language
Lecture, Interactionality seminars
Bringing Archives to Life: Exploring legacy materials, digital tools, and data utilization
Conference, Workshop
From reconstructing to constructing languages: How I created two conlangs for a movie about the Neolithic Revolution
Lecture, Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (CIEL) Seminars
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: Meaning or what? The semantics of ChatGPT
- Methods in Dialectology Workshop Series 2023
Educational Innovation Hub
Since its founding, LUC has been a college of educational development and experimentation. Its mission statement identifies the college as “a site of innovation in pedagogy, curriculum design, and student well-being,” and it applies a student-centred approach to learning throughout its BA and BSc degree…
Grammaticalized interaction: Sentence types and sentence-type modifiers in South-American languages
Lecture, Interactionality seminars
How contact affects social formulae: a case study of greeting routines in Southern African languages
Lecture, Interactionality seminars
Awapit Verbs
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Speech levels and Verbal Art in languages of Indonesia
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Approaching Mandarin wh-ex situ: D-linking effect
Lecture, CHiLL series
Priority modality, scalarity and modal concord in Chinese
Lecture, CHiLL series
Ancient lexical borrowings between Sinitic and their northern neighbours
Lecture, CHiLL series
The use of language analyses in Dutch citizenship procedures from a legal and ethical perspective
Lecture, This Time For Africa! series
Language hierarchies: Individual and group perceptions of Subaltern languages in Mozambique
Lecture, Applied African Linguistics
Nominalizations and their arguments in Iraqw
Lecture, This Time for Africa!
Cushitic influence on Bantu in East Africa
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Cruces etymologicae: New etymologies of some old Latin words
Lecture, Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (CIEL) Seminars
New Scientist Scientific Talent 2015: Interview with Marieke Liem
The magazine New Scientist selected 25 nominees from candidates proposed by all Dutch and Belgian universities for the New Scientist Science talent 2015 election. One of these nominees is dr. Marieke Liem, who works at the Centre for Terrorism & Counterterrorism.
Public Administration celebrates its anniversary, professors reflect: '40 years young!'
Public Administration has been around for 40 years, and that deserves to be celebrated. Before the festivities begin, four figures from the Institute of Public Administration reflect on the past years, with one even looking back over the last 25 years. Speaking are: Bernard Steunenberg, Caelesta Braun,…
Augustinians reveal recipe for close friendships
It is a holy grail among behavioural scientists: can you predict how close a group will become? An international research team from Leiden, Oxford and Helsinki has investigated the development of friendships within the Leiden student association Augustinus and obtained some remarkable results.
Kamran Ullah: ‘I love working at De Telegraaf’
‘People talk at the coffee machine about what’s on the front page of De Telegraaf.’ Kamran Ullah took office as deputy editor-in-chief of De Telegraaf on 1 January this year. Ullah began studying Public Administration at Leiden in 2002.
442nd Dies Natalis focuses on Asia
On the 442nd anniversary of the foundation of Leiden University, and at the start of the Leiden Asia Year, lawyer Jan Michiel Otto, an expert in the field of law in developing countries, delivered the first Dies lecture. He compared demagogues in Asia who call upon Muslims to turn against their governments…
Devin DeWeese will be the Central Asia Visiting Professor in September 2016
Devin DeWeese, Indiana University Bloomington, will be the Central Asia Visiting Professor between 5-17 September 2016. Professor DeWeese will deliver a guest lecture on Monday, 12 September (Lipsius 148, 3pm) and a masterclass on Friday, 16 September within the Central Asia initiative at Leiden Uni…
Two Leiden MOOCs in New York Magazine’s Top 21
‘Heritage Under Threat’ and ‘The Rooseveltian Century’ are among the 21 best MOOCs for a general public according to New York Magazine.
Don't give foster children foster rights, give them children's rights
All children have rights, and so foster children also have rights. But when these rights are not observed, there are not many options available to foster children to assert their rights. PhD defence on 8 October 2020.
First LUCAS Public Prize goes to Hugo Koning
Hugo Koning, an expert in Greek mythology, has won the Lucas Public Prize because he has brought his research to the attention of the general public in so many different ways. This is the first Public Prize awarded by the Leiden University Centre for Arts in Society (LUCAS). Hugo says with a smile:…
Hanneke Hulst on realistic expectations for researchers: ‘Let’s stop expecting people to be experts at everything.’
‘Am I setting a good example myself?’ Hanneke Hulst wonders. As Recognition and Rewards project leader, she maintains that we should stop expecting researchers to be experts at everything, even though she herself keeps a lot of balls in the air.