3,263 search results for “students life” in the Public website
Life cycle assessment of emerging chemical technology systems: challenges and future needs
PhD defence
Life of Phi: Phi-features in West Germanic and the syntax-morphology interface
PhD defence
Pumping new life into preclinical pharmacokinetics; Exploring the pharmacokinetic application of ex vivo organ perfusion
PhD defence
Expanding the coverage of ecosystem service impacts in Life Cycle Assessment
PhD defence
Bringing Archives to Life: Exploring legacy materials, digital tools, and data utilization
Conference, Workshop
Improving Side-effects and Quality of Life of Systemic Therapy in Oncology
PhD defence
Concert Practicum Musicae students
Arts and culture, Concert
Speeddating with master students
Study information, Speeddate evenement
Chemistry (MSc)
As a student in the MSc Chemistry programme offered by the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) you will focus your studies on one of the two main research areas of the LIC. Students in the research area Chemical Biology will study fundamental biological and biomedical problems to understand physiological…
Student for a day International Relations
Study information
Public Administration (MSc)
How do we address the society’s most pressing issues through governance? The Master of Public Administration gives you a unique research-led multi-level perspective on the practice of management, steering, and coordination of political, economic and societal actors, with three specialisations to suit…
Laura van de Plas: ‘We want to show that we’re a community that cares for each other’
Laura van der Plas has been Wellbeing Officer for the Campus Den Haag since the end of 2021. By means of various projects, she makes sure that more attention is given to student wellbeing. How are things going so far? And what are these projects exactly? Laura talked to us to give us an update.
As part of your application procedure for the bachelor’s programme Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives, you are asked to complete an Online Matching module. By watching a number of video lectures and answering questions about them, you will discover whether the programme fits your expectations.…
As part of your application procedure for the bachelor’s programme Arts, Media and Society, you are asked to complete an Online Matching module. By watching a number of video lectures and answering questions about them, you will discover whether the programme fits your expectations. You will also answer…
As part of your application procedure for the bachelor’s programme English Language and Culture, you are asked to complete an Online Matching module. By watching a number of video lectures and answering questions about them, you will discover whether the programme fits your expectations. You will also…
As part of your application procedure for the bachelor’s programme Linguistics, you are asked to complete an Online Matching module. By watching a number of video lectures and answering questions about them, you will discover whether the programme fits your expectations. You will also answer a number…
Forum for Mexican Students
Arts, Media and Society (BA)
Visual art today is strongly interlinked with today’s society, a connection which is reinforced and deepened by social and other media. In Arts, Media and Society you will explore this relationship and analyse how it reflects and impacts the issues of our time, while also learning practical and academic…
Who are you without that cigarette?
Do you want to be successful at stopping smoking? If so, the main thing is that you should see yourself as a non-smoker. Psychologist Eline Meijer has discovered that smokers who are unable to do this are more likely to resume smoking. This is more common among smokers from a lower socio-economic background.…
What does a pilot know about fear of flying?
As a psychologist and pilot, Bert Busscher is interested in the phenomenon often termed as fear of flying. Busscher discovered that the heart rate of a person undergoing a therapeutic flight shows how much they still suffer from fear of flying. The post-flight heart rate can even predict whether the…
How polluting are the clothes in your closet?
Cotton is the most widely used natural fibre for clothes. But how polluting are our jeans and shirts actually? Environmental scientist Laura Scherer coordinated an international research project on the impacts of cotton. ‘The purchases of consumers in Europe can contribute to water scarcity in China…
NWO grant for Pavlov’s conditioning during sleep
Andrea Evers has received an NWO research talent grant with Jelle van Leusden as the PhD candidate. This grant enables them to start a research project to examine whether automatically regulated responses, such as the circadian rhythm, can be conditioned during sleep.
Rebecca Schaefer on 'Learning with music can change brain structure'
Using musical cues to learn a physical task significantly develops an important part of the brain, according to a new study co-authored by Leiden psychologist Rebecca Schaefer. The results are published in the journal Brain & Cognition.
For the first time ever: The Hague Orientation Programme!
From Monday August 22th until Friday August 26th, The Hague Orientation Programme (The HOP) will take place. The first-year students of Leiden University in The Hague will get to know the city, their study and the university, the student life and their fellow students.
Health and Medical Psychology (MSc)
In the specialisation Health and Medical Psychology, part of the Master in Psychology, you will acquire knowledge on clinical and scientific topics in health promotion and disease prevention as well as practical training on clinical skills and behaviour change.
Archaeologists of the future dig for traces of the past
Forty archaeology students are holding a shovel somewhat awkwardly in the fields at Oss. This is their first day of fieldwork and they are going to use muscles they didn’t even know they had.
CCLS Seminar
Conference, seminar
Writer Judith Visser and psychology students on the literature of autism
HI The Hague Student Area
Open Day Success
The Open Day of Leiden University, on the 8th of this month, was a success again: 483 prospective students came to find out what Leiden has to offer. The Institute of Biology Leiden was also present.
Student for a Day Archaeology
Study information
Student for a Day Archaeology
Study information
Student for a Day Archaeology
Study information
Student for a Day Archaeology
Study information
Student for a Day Archaeology
Study information
Student Sophie on her internship at VPRO: 'My plan is to experience this fully and learn as much as I can'
In a new video on the Faculty of Humanities' YouTube-channel, we follow MA student Russian and Eurasian Studies Sophie. She is doing an internship at VPRO's OVT, a weekly Dutch radio show that provides historical backgrounds for news, columns and documentaries.
Study associations sign covenant: limit your alcohol consumption and look after each other
Opting more often for mocktails or soft drinks rather than beer or wine, talking to others about their drinking and pointing out the ban on drugs. Leiden University’s new covenant on alcohol and drugs for study associations encourages providing more alcohol-free alternatives.
HI The Hague Student Area
Promovendus Joris van de Riet: 'Studentenverenigingen zijn een verrijking, knijp ze niet af'
De plannen van het kabinet-Schoof om een langstudeerboete zorgt voor veel ophef. Promovendus Joris van de Riet schreef een opinieartikel erover voor Trouw. Zijn argument is dat een langstudeerboete desastreuze gevolgen kan hebben voor studentenverenigingen.
Claudia Robustella: 'I've learned to accept myself and my mental health issues'
During her student years, Claudia Robustella struggled with her mental health. Thanks in part to the help of her study coordinator Rosa van Straten, she still managed to obtain her bachelor's degree.
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Supervising thesis students (UTQ module)
Traces of 3 October: 450 years of the Relief of Leiden
This year Leiden will be celebrating the 450th Relief of Leiden. Leiden master’s students are researching this history as part of the ‘Traces of 3 October’ project.
Leiden is a picturesque university city that’s brimming with history and boasts a student culture that’s tangible just about everywhere. The university has contributed to the city’s unique atmosphere for over 400 years, since its founding in 1575. Leiden’s historical centre is full of student associations,…
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information