10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
EuDEco report on the analysis of framework conditions (D1.2)
D1.2 reports on the findings of an analysis of framework conditions relevant in the context of the data economy from a legal, a socio-economic and a technological perspective. The analysis is a key foundation for the creation of an initial, heuristic model of the European data economy. The deliverable…
Language Diversity in the World
This research profile area brings together descriptive, historical and theoretical linguistics, as well as psycho- and neurolinguistics.
Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition
The Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) is a network that stimulates interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and expertise on topics related to brain and cognition and focuses on science valorisation and outreach.
Unveiling the nature of giant radio galaxies
The thesis deals with the study of giant radio galaxies (GRGs), which are radio galaxies of megaparsec sizes.
Optimization of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers
This thesis covers several aspects of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers and its applications to quantum chemistry and material science.
Reception Van Steenis
Van Steenis, Einsteinweg 2, 2333 CC, Leiden
The Role of the United Nations General Assembly in Advancing Accountability for Atrocity Crimes: Legal Powers and Effects
On 20 October 2021 Michael Ramsden defended the thesis 'The Role of the United Nations General Assembly in Advancing Accountability for Atrocity Crimes: Legal Powers and Effects'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. N.M. Blokker.
Project 4: Faith in Democracy
The interdisciplinary network Faith in Democracy (FID) studies the religious, sometimes even totalitarian, assumptions behind the concept of
LCCP has a research seminar that meets once a month. It is devoted to discussion of work in progress, but it also hosts guest speakers from other universities presenting their current or ongoing work.
The researchers of the Brain and Education Lab are always conducting or starting new research projects in the field of learning and brain development. For this they are often looking for children, adolescents and adults between 8 and 30 years old who want to help and participate. Several research projects…
Digitalisation to achieve justice
Digitalisation to achieve sustainable (administrative) justice.
Visualization of effector protein translocation from Agrobacterium tumefaciens into host cells
In our research protein translocation from Agrobacterium into yeast and plant cells is studied to obtain fundamental insights in the translocation process
Development of novel metabolomics & systems pharmacology concepts to realize personalized medicine
The predication of the effect (efficiency and toxicity) of a drug in a patient is very important in (i) clinical decision support and (ii) the development of novel drug treatments.
Statistical Consultation
Welcome to StatiCS: the Statistical Consultation Service. The goal of the service is to provide statistical support to PhD candidates and other researchers.
450th anniversary
This special anniversary year highlights not only our resilience and perseverance, but also the connection between our staff, students and alumni. We reflect on what we have achieved and set our sights on tomorrow's challenges and opportunities.
Veenendaal, How Smallness Fosters Clientelism: A Case Study of Malta
Political scientist Wouter Veenendaal (Leiden University) provides an in-depth case study of clientelism in Malta, the smallest member state of the European Union. He reveals that not only that patron–client linkages are a ubiquitous feature of political life in Malta, but also that the smallness of…
LUGO Packaging Event
Product packaging is essential. It prolongs shelf-live and highly influences purchasing decisions. However, it’s also a big source of waste, especially single-use plastic. Have you ever felt conflicted choosing a product due to the material it’s packaged in? Or opted for a different product due to its…
Team 4 electives 5th semester & connection of education to labour market
This team will focus on the elective credits in the fifth semester.
German courses at the Academic Language Centre: General language courses and Tailor-made and In-company training.
Reception Oude UB
Oude UB, Rapenburg 70, 2311 EZ, Leiden
Support for staff
Find out where you as a staff member or manager can turn for support or a good chat.
Therapeutic Immunomodulation
The Therapeutic Immunomodulation Group is led by Prof. Johan Kuiper. In this group we aim to identify novel immunologic targets and apply immunotherapy to inhibit or even prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
Alumni services
On this page you will find all the practical services we offer you as an alumnus. This way you can continue to use the university libraries for the rest of your life and we will be happy to help you if you need proof of graduation for further education.
Campus square
The Campus Square, officially named Rosalind Franklin Square, will be a green gathering place for students, staff, and city residents. It is a place where the university, businesses, and the city of Leiden come together.
Enforced performance of commercial sales contracts in the Netherlands, Singapore and China
On 23 January 2020, Paula Kemp defended her thesis 'Enforced performance of commercial sales contracts in the Netherlands, Singapore and China'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. H.B. Krans and Prof. M.H. Wissink (RU Groningen).
GTGC hosts a range of international academic gatherings.
Figuring Things Out Together: On the Relationship Between Design and Collective Practice
Anja Groten investigates matters of collectivity, drawing from the experience of working with the Amsterdam-based collective Hackers & Designers (H&D)*.
Between air and electricity : microphones and loudspeakers as musical instruments
This thesis investigated how microphones and loudspeakers could become musical instruments.
More than a digital system: how AI is changing the role of bureaucrats in different organizational contexts
In this paper, Sarah Giest and Bram Klievink highlight the effects of AI implementation on public sector innovation. This is explored by asking how AI-driven technologies in public decision-making in different organizational contexts impacts innovation in the role definition of bureaucrats.
Experts at Leiden University
As a student or staff member at Leiden University, do you want to organise a meeting and invite an expert? We advise you to contact one of these institutes.
ELS Lab meetings
Our lab meetings are organized almost every month for researchers interested in empirical legal research.
Analysis and Dynamical Systems
The research of our group is centered around dynamical systems, functional analysis and their interplay.
Course Schedule
At the Lak you can participate in a large variety of artistic and creative courses taught by our professional teachers. We offer courses in the following categories: theater and presentation, dance, visual arts, music, photography and writing (literature). All staged art courses come to a close with…
Bergson and the Aristotelian model of immanent teleology
This dissertation addresses the different use of the same philosophical model: immanent teleology. In this work Aristotle, the founder of the study of final causes, is put in relation with the modern French evolutionary thinker Henri Bergson, the philosopher of time. The dissertation tackles the two…
Reception Old Observatory
Old Observatory, Sterrenwachtlaan 11, 2311 GW, Leiden
Society Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences (SAILS)
SAILS aims to forge links between the different disciplines at the University and to initiate new academic partnerships.
About LCN2
Mission statement
Acute and chronic pain after cardiac surgery
Promotores: Prof.dr. C.A.J. Knibbe, Prof.dr. D. Tibboel (EMC, R’dam)
Teaching Legal History
Identification of novel targets in prostate cancer progression
Promotor: Prof.dr. B. van de Water, Co-promotor: E.H.J. Danen
About BLRN
The Business & Law Research Network (BLRN) was established in 2017 with the aim of advancing company and insolvency law in a multidisciplinary and comparative environment where academics, business leaders, policy makers, practitioners and regulators can meet and collaborate. BLRN believes that this…
Bias or reality?
Negative perceptions of ambiguous social cues, social performance and physical arousal in socially anxious youth
Galaxy formation and the structure of the Universe
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. Schaye, Prof.dr. S.D.M. White (MPA Garching)
Histories Connected
Histories Connected seeks to explore social, cultural, and political issues that connect people of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, and Europe throughout different periods of time.
Cell adhesion signaling: dynamics, migration, and metastasis
Cell adhesion signaling
Child Participation: from Rights to Reality
How can child participation be defined, what is the importance of child participation and how can it be promoted?
Frontex and Human Rights Responsibility
On Wednesday 13 December, Melanie Fink defended her doctoral thesis ‘Frontex and Human Rights: Responsibility in “Multi-Actor Situations” under the ECHR and EU Public Liability Law’. The supervisors are Rick Lawson and Jorrit Rijpma from Leiden, as well as Manfred Nowak, and Stephan Wittich from the…
Leiden University Students studying in the UK
Are you a Leiden University student (thinking of) studying in the UK? Find out more about the impact of Brexit for current and prospective EU students of Leiden University studying abroad in the UK.
For students
We teach several courses in the domain of Mind, Brain, and Education.
Lecture Hall
The west side of the campus square is occupied by the Lecture Hall, known as ‘the dish’. This building houses the largest lecture halls of Leiden University, which welcome hundreds of students every day. It also has Leiden’s largest solar panel roof, with 1241 solar panels.