293 search results for “wij zhang geesteswetenschappen” in the Public website
Image and Identity in Chinese Historic Houses
How and to what extent the historic house (re-)constructs identity through image-making in China.
Research at the SBC group is comprised of the following research themes:
Metals in Catalysis, Biomimetics & Inorganic Materials
Coordination chemistry is the chemistry of metal atoms
Teacher motivation and teaching
University-school partnerships are important constellations for teachers’ professional learning. The present study investigates how both teacher characteristics and contextual factors are related to teachers’ motivation to participate in the university-school partnership, and the relationship between…
Plant ageing, rejuvenation and life history strategy
What are key regulators of plant ageing that can reverse ageing in plants (rejuvenation), and how can we use this knowledge to improve crop plants?
The Leiden Chinese Queer Collection
Building on its extensive holdings in Asian studies, including much material that can support the study of “unofficial” histories and cultures, Leiden University Libraries has established the Leiden Chinese Queer Collection (LCQC).
Chemotherapy without side effects? It’s possible, with light
Nausea, neurologic pain and hair loss: some of the severe side effects of chemotherapy. Not necessary, biochemist Liyan Zhang showed. Together with Leiden biologists and others, she achieved great results with a drug that is only active in combination with light. Zhang will defend her PhD on 4 July.
In Memoriam professor Wim Jiskoot (1961-2021)
Afgelopen zondagavond, 22 augustus, is na een kort ziekbed onze zeer gewaardeerde collega professor Wim Jiskoot, Hoogleraar Technologie van toediening van medicijnen, overleden. Wim werd twee weken geleden onverwachts geconfronteerd met het feit dat hij een vergevorderd stadium van kanker had, waarvoor…
Motivation does not influence teaching quality
Xin Zhang, PhD at ICLON, researched the relationship between teachers’ learning motivation and the quality of their teaching. Defence on 6 July.
LUSTRA+ Scholarship
Bachelor, Master
NL Scholarship - Outgoing
Bachelor, Master
Review paper on the potential impact drug-metabolizing enzymes on brain exposure
PhD candidate Mengxu Zhang (Division of Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacy) published a comprehensive and important review on “The potential impact of CYP and UGT drug-metabolizing enzymes on brain target site drug exposure” in Drug Metabolism Reviews.
Vacatures Raad van Advies
De Raad van Advies bestaat uit leden die een binding hebben met de faculteit. Daarnaast zijn zij goed thuis in de wereld van de advocatuur, de rechterlijke macht, de overheid en het bedrijfsleven. Het faculteitsbestuur gebruikt de adviezen van de Raad van Advies bij de beleidsontwikkeling van de faculteit…
Nieuwe publicatie: Papyrological Texts and Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen
Dit deel bevat de editie of heruitgave van 52 papyri en ostraca, daterend uit de periode tussen de derde eeuw voor Christus en de achtste eeuw na Christus.
New Vegetarian cafés
Vegetarian cafés/ Vegetarische cafés
Stage: Milieudefensie
Vacature (vrijwillig/stage)! 💬 Jij gaat het klimaat centraal zetten tijdens de verkiezingen van maart 2021. 📈
Week Zonder Vlees
Nationale Week Zonder Vlees is een landelijke campagne en wordt breed gedragen door diverse partners uit de voedselindustrie!⠀
New detection method for quasars in the early Universe
Astronomers from Leiden Observatory have developed a new method to find distant quasars and better distinguish them from other objects that look like them, using machine learning techniques. The research result has been accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. It is the last…
Call for Paper Proposals China: Global Leadership Diplomacy
A more powerful and prosperous China is exerting unprecedented influence on global affairs and the Chinese government is openly pursuing a proactive diplomacy. Reflecting the importance of these developments, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy is now calling for paper proposals for a special issue.
Speakers store abstract information, irrespective of their language
The human brain stores not only individual words, but also all kinds of abstract information about these words. Research by Leiden linguists has shown that speakers have ready access to this information.
Introducing: Neilabh Sinha
Neilabh Sinha was awarded a subsidy from NWO Promoties in de Geesteswetenschappen and started as a PhD candidate at the Institute for History in September. He introduces himself.
Poster sessions
Speech Prosody 2024 includes several poster sessions, the description of which you can find below.
Suzanne Bloks wins Leiden University MA Thesis Prize
What is the best electoral system for a democracy? First place at the Leiden University Thesis Awards 2021 is for those who have added a cleverly substantiated, personal vision to this socially relevant theme. ' This is what Annetje Ottow, chairman of the executive board and board member of the Leiden…
View the Humanities Master’s Open Day presentations
Many thanks for visiting the Master’s Open Day on Friday 2 November! We hope that you enjoyed the day and that all your questions were answered.
NVIC Internship March 2018
The Netherlands-Flemish Institute is offering an internship in Cairo from March 2018 onwards. If you are interested please apply before February 15, 2018. (See the details in Dutch only)
NVIC Internship January 2019
The Netherlands-Flemish Institute is offering an internship in Cairo from January 2019 onwards. If you are interested please apply before 20 December, 2018. (See the details in Dutch only)
NVIC Internship September 2019
The Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo is offering an internship from September 2019 onwards. If you are interested please apply before 15 July, 2019. (See the details in Dutch only)
Event | China’s Diplomacy: Engaging the World
On May 20 from 14:00-15:30 (CET) The Hague Journal of Diplomacy and the LeidenAsiaCentre (LAC) organise a panel discussion on China’s diplomacy, on the occasion of the launch of a special issue of the Journal on China’s Global Diplomacy, edited by Qingmin Zhang, Paul Sharp and Jan Melissen.
Book publication Wim Willems ‘Hagenezen die er mochten wezen’
What, and especially who has formed the city The Hague? Wim Willems, professor Social History and director of the Modern Urban Studies (MUS) Institute, writes about it in his series of historical and autobiographic books about The Hague.
Nieuwe seminar-reeks
Wil je onderzoeksideeën en nieuwe publicaties in informele setting met vakgenoten bespreken? Meld je dan aan voor deze nieuwe seminar-reeks! Elke laatste woensdag van de maand komen we samen, afwisselend op locatie en online. De eerste bijeenkomst zal plaatsvinden op woensdag 26 oktober van 16:00 tot…
Demise of the domain. The financial troubles of fifteenth century, Low Countries princes
How did changes in the composition and exploitation of princely domains in various principalities of the Low Countries influence the development of ‘modern’ public finance systems, including the notion of public debt?
Postdoctoral researcher within the project The Poetics of Olfaction in Early Modernity (POEM)
Humanities, Centre for the Arts in Society
First measurement of isotopes in atmosphere of exoplanet
An international team of astronomers have become the first in the world to detect isotopes in the atmosphere of an exoplanet. It concerns different forms of carbon in the gaseous giant planet TYC 8998-760-1 b. The research will be published in the scientific journal Nature on Thursday.
Xi’an Jiaotong University Day at Leiden University
16 April was a special day at the Faculty of Science. In honour of the collaborations with the Chinese partner university, it was declared Xi’an Jiaotong University Day.
Cancer Therapeutics and Drug Safety
In this research group, headed by Bob Van de Water, cell signaling programs that underlie adverse drug reactions as well as cancer development and progression are unraveled. Adverse drug reactions involve cell injury in critical target organ cells which leads to the activation of cellular stress response…
- Diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific
- Domestic Diplomacy
Pepper to Sea Cucumbers: Chinese Gustatory Revolution in Global History, 900-1840
On 10 November Guanmian Xu successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Languages and Cultures of the world
When it comes to languages and cultures, Leiden University is the university. The global expertise present places our university at the top. In Leiden and The Hague, we study languages and cultures from all regions of the world and from prehistory to the present day. In this way we create a broad view…
The people behind The Hague Journal of Diplomacy and its online platform.
How the Dutch press in the seventeenth century brought distant suffering nearby
On 27 November 2019, David de Boer defended his PhD dissertation 'Religious Persecution and Transnational Compassion in the Dutch Vernacular Press 1655-1745'. For his research, he analysed several hundred pamphlets, newspapers and periodicals published primarily in the seventeenth-century Netherlands,…
Contract heralds redevelopment of entrance area for Leiden Bio Science Park
The MORE project covers the development of the new entrance area for the Leiden Bio Science Park. Partners Leiden University, the Municipality of Leiden and the Amstelveen-based development agency Yisheng signed the agreement on 18 March, marking the official start of the project.
MUS writes biography of The Hague resistance heroine
Professor Wim Willems of the Centre for Modern Urban Studies (MUS), together with Anne van Mourik, is researching the life of Ru Paré, the woman who saved 52 Jewish children during World War II.
Hans-Martien ten Napel on Tocqueville and modern democracy
Recently, Hans-Martien ten Napel was in the news on the above subject several times.
Chinese exchange professors meet Faculty of Science
Two professors from China joining the research and education in Leiden, two Leiden professors going to China to share their knowledge and experiences in return. This is the exchange professorship between the Faculty of Science and Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU). This week, all four professors got…
Special sessions
Speech Prosody 2024 includes seven special sessions. When making a submission, authors are asked to indicate whether they want their paper to be considered for a special session. You can find descriptions of each below.
Law graduate Jiska Ogier speaks from experience: ‘The Netherlands should be much more accessible for people with disabilities’
Jiska Ogier studied notarial law, which wasn’t always easy because she went to lectures in a wheelchair. As a student she pushed to make society accessible. And with her law degree and lived experience she has now made this her work. ‘You can achieve a lot with creative solutions.’
View the Humanities Master’s Open Day presentations
Many thanks for visiting the Master’s Open Day on Friday 15 March! We hope that you enjoyed the day and that all your questions were answered.
Vanessa Mak and Herman Paul new KNAW members
The KNAW has appointed 17 new members, including Leiden University's Vanessa Mak, Professor of Private Law, and Herman Paul, Professor of History. The KNAW has approximately members, who are outstanding scientists and scholars from all disciplines.
Call for applications: Aspasia Travel Grant
Travel grant call for applications open to people who were identified as female at birth or who identify as female at the time of application for externally-funded Ph.D. students (not funded by any outside source such as ERC, NWO, etc.) and/or staff members (postdoc, docent, UD, permanent/non-permanent…