229 search results for “executive bart cml in” in the Organisational structure
Jianhong Zhou
Tugba Danaci
Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
Marc van der Ham
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Core Vision Bachelor's Programmes
Core vision Bachelor's programme
One half of a Programme Committee (abbreviated in Dutch to OLC) is composed of students, the other half of lecturers. The Programme Director of the degree programme in question acts as chairperson, though this person is not a member of the Programme Committee itself. The term of office for students…
Research Master’s Programme Committee
The Research Master’s Programme Committee (in Dutch: R-MOC) is responsible for the constant process of adjusting and modifying the education programme, for instance, by means of education evaluations, both small-scale and large-scale. The committee deals with various issues related to: programme quality…
Zulfadhli Nasution
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Diah Angendari
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Onno Berrevoets
Sten Hagen
Carel Kauffmann
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Tim Kluwen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Christiaan Russcher
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Mike Soyer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Michel de Ridder
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Lavinia Reitz
Louie Krol
Michelle Wagner
Antoine Coudard
Estelle Gervais
Suzanne Marselis
Irlan Rum
Nethmi Sewwandi Kankanamge Dona
Joeri Morpurgo
Md Faysal Tareq
Franco Donati
Han Yu
Krijn Trimbos
Taha Yasin Gürlesin
Peter Berrill
Marco Visser
Universitair Belang
Universitair Belang represents the interests of all Leiden University employees. We see quality as a source of inspiration and motivation, especially when it comes to the mutual improvement of teaching, research and operational management. Universitair Belang is committed to achieving this through the…
Faculty strategic plan
The Faculty Strategic Plan (FSP) 2022 – 2027, We are Humanities, sets out the faculty's ambitions for the coming years. The wealth of international academic knowledge about languages, cultures and societies worldwide, past and present, makes the Faculty of Humanities unique. The FSP describes how…
Master's Programme Committee
Contributing ideas and discussing the master program, that is the job of the Master Program Committee (MOC). The Master Programme Committee is looking for new student members. Are you a Psychology master student and are you willing to improve education? Then apply now to become a part of the Committee. …
Work group Vision on Blended Education
The FSW Working Group Vision on Blended Education (VBE) is charged with delivering a vision on digitalisation and activating teaching between April 2022-June 2023. The vision will be drawn up on the basis of: literature review, dialogue with colleagues, survey of internal and external educational experts…
Bernard Steunenberg
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Floor Veldhuis
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Dimitra Stefoudi
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Frank Bentvelzen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Oliver Tuazon
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Eline Verhage
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Daniel Vale
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Nikki Vosters
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Hugo Boom
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Hanum Atikasari
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Youri Cremers
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Sara Kulic
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Fitri Murfianti
Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
Syeda Shawkat
Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
Meng Li