5,332 search results for “russian and science linguistics” in the Public website
Introducing: Honorata Mazepus
Honorata Mazepus works at the research group Political Legitimacy since september 1st 2011 and studies Russia within that group.
'Science works better when you are diverse'
Aske Plaat is the scientific director of LIACS, the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Systems. He is also an ambassador for Leiden University's LGBT+ Network. His enthusiasm shines through when he explains why.
A science lunar new year celebration
With the lecture 'China and a complicated world', a lucky draw, and of course lots of food and drinks, the Faculty of Science celebrated the year of the dog. An international mix of staff and students took part in this third local edition of the lunar new year celebration.
Building bridges between science and business
The scientific world is under increasing pressure from all directions: the money that society invests has to show clear returns. ‘The best thing we can do is to go along with this development,' says Ivo de Nooijer, Director of Luris, Leiden University's valorisation institute.
A more sustainable Leiden through citizen science
In the Leiden Municipality Challenge, 25 students investigated how Leiden could become more sustainable. In doing so, they enlisted the help of the city's citizens. 'When citizens themselves participate in the research process, they have a better understanding of how science works.'
‘Jasper is the dean Leiden Science needs’
Two deans: one leaving and one just arriving. Paul Wouters was deputising at the Faculty from March up to December. As of January he returns to his 'ordinary' role as dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Jasper Knoester is taking over from him, as he will be leaving Groningen for Leiden. How did…
Meike de Boer
Faculty of Humanities
Jelena Prokic
Faculty of Humanities
Mateo Cohen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Michiel Hooykaas
Children learn early on that scientists are men
When children were asked to draw a scientist, a bald, middle-aged man in a white coat was most often depicted. Why is that? A group of Leiden University science communication researchers discovered that children already get this impression in primary school. Published in PLOS ONE on 16 November.
Leiden2022: a science festival bursting with activities
Just a few weeks until a festival full of exciting science activities bursts into life in Leiden. From January the city will be European City of Science for 365 days. Many researchers are enthusiastic participants. ‘I see it as an opportunity to help people feel the joy of discovering something new…
PhD candidates in their own words
The Data Science Research Programme at Leiden University combines data science with PhD projects in a wide range of disciplines. The programme has been running for over two years, and is producing the first astonishing results. A number of PhD candidates talk about their experiences and research bel…
Time and memory
A study concerning the collective memory in the region of the Bene lo Ya/ Ene lo I'ya, Sierra Norte, Oaxaca.
Working for SAILS
Leiden University's interdisciplinary research programme SAILS funds young interdisciplinary scientists working at the intersection of AI and other fields. How do these researchers experience the work?
- Career prospects
About the programme
Studying Africa’s history, cultures and languages in this programme, will give you an insight in other aspects of Africa as well, including economics, politics and international relations. In the second year, you will be able to specialise in one or more of our themes, tailoring the programme to your…
About the programme
English Language and Culture is a multi-faceted programme in which you’ll study the language in all its variaties, from Old English to the many different pronunciations currently in use. You’ll also be shown British, American and Canadian literature in their cultural-historical context.
Career prospects
Create a world of opportunities with a master's degree from Leiden University.
Acquiring numerals and ordinals in Dutch
Knowledge and culture subproject 2:
Leiden University has been promoting studies on Latin America and the Caribbean for a long time.
Exploring Early Medieval English Eloquence: A Digital Humanities Approach with A Thesaurus of Old English and Evoke
This special issue of the peer-reviewed journal Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik (Brill, 2021) brings together articles that explore new digital ways of analyzing and annotating Old English vocabulary.
Sociolinguistics Circle 2025
About the programme
The MA Classics and Ancient Civilizations covers one year and can be studied in four tracks: Classics is one of them. While diving into the literary, cultural and intellectual worlds of Greece and Rome, you will be involved in current research, and stimulated to reflect on the significance of Classics…
Register now for the Leiden Science Run!
On Saturday 15 April, we are holding the fifth edition of the Leiden Science Run! Are you a student or employee at Leiden University, do you work at the Leiden Bio Science Park or do you just want to run for charity? Everyone is welcome to register. Registration is open from now!
Diverse teams participate in Leiden Science Run
On Saturday 28 September we will be running again, for scholars at risk during the Leiden Science Run. Already 56 teams have registered, from Leiden and The Hague students to scientists and companies. There are still spots left for more teams!
Archaeologist Quentin Bourgeois and astronomer Frans Snik nominated for The Young Academy
Every year The Young Academy (a sub-group of KNAW) nominates ten talented researchers to join their ranks. This year two of the nominees are from Leiden University: Quentin Bourgeois and Frans Snik.
Tanja Masson-Zwaan: 'Space race between US and China requires international agreements'
Various countries are planning new missions to the Moon. Not just for prestige and science, but also to extract raw materials.
New Science bar name revealed
In the Gorlaeus Building, there will be a brand new faculty bar for students and staff. From hundreds of entries, a faculty jury chose the name for this bar. The new bar will be called 'The Fusie'. 'This name exudes togetherness and cosiness,' says FWN assessor Nalani Verwoord. 'And it has an additional…
Streaming the Past
Watch and talk along with today’s science of the past during weekly Let’s Plays of popular games and vodcasts on the livestream platform Twitch.
On safari in the Bio Science Park
It is a warm day. The sun is shining brightly while biologist Marco Roos makes his way through the bushes towards a peculiar little plant. Insects buzz, birds chirp. In the background rises the LUMC: at the Bio Science Park in Leiden, people and nature come together in a special way.
Data science and visualisation by the government
On 20 February 2019, a special meeting on data science took place in the House of Representatives. The aim of the meeting was to start a dialogue with government organisations about data developments within the government.
Scholarly temptations: self-discipline and desire in Victorian Britain.
How did British scholars and scientists in the period of discipline formation envision, experience and resist scholarly temptations?
Eiko Fried in APS on Open Science
Although open science reforms have contributed to a more rigorous and robust psychological science, there is still much to improve. In Association for Psychological Science (APS), Eiko Fried points out two norms that open science reforms may have overlooked so far: communalism and universalism. 'Incorporating…
DAMIOSO - data mining on high volume simulation output
Modern computer-aided simulation tools used by various industries produce gigabytes of data. But currently, they take days and even up to weeks of computation effort. To make the best use of all these data, the DAMIOSO project focuses on developing algorithms and tools for managing, mining, and optimizing…
Nominees bachelor thesis prizes Political Science 2023
The nominees for the IRO thesis prize 2023 and the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg-prijs 2023. Who wrote the best bachelor theses in Political Science?
Nominees bachelor thesis prizes Political Science 2022
The nominees for the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg-prijs 2022 and the IRO Thesis Prize 2022. Who wrote the best bachelor thesis in Political Science?
‘Science isn’t about memorising a textbook’
How do you engage students? Sander van Kasteren knows how to do that like no other. ‘He compares immune cells to Pokémon and doesn’t just give information; he tells stories,’ students say about their favourite lecturer, Sander van Kasteren. The Professor of Molecular Immunology passionately teaches…
45th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics in the Low Countries (#SOEMEHL45)
46th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics (#SOEMEHL46)
Nominees bachelor's thesis prize Political Science 2024
The nominees for the IRO Thesis Prize 2024 and the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg-prijs 2024. Who authored the best thesis in Leiden University’s bachelor’s programme in Political Science?
Maurits de Jongh, Is Political Liberalism Self-Defeating?
Political scientist Maurits de Jongh (Leiden University/Sciences Po) argues that political liberalism is self-defeating as a framework of justification for liberal conceptions of justice. He explores how the framework's self-imposed criterion of acceptability in the eyes of all reasonable citizens leads…
New international students explore Science Campus
No less than 172 international master students coming from 30 different countries visited the Faculty of Science on 29 August during the OWL: the Orientation Week Leiden.
Leiden symposium on science-practice collaboration
How do you set up successful interdisciplinary collaborations? That is the central question of a Leiden symposium. On 6 June, we look at cooperation and decompartmentalisation between public institutions. The language of the symposium will be Dutch.
Roeland Böcker: 'Problems of multilateralism are a never-ending debate'
On 8 December, in honour of Human Rights Week, Roeland Böcker gave a public lecture about his experiences as ambassador to the Council of Europe. Between 2017 and 2021, Roeland Böcker was the representative of the Netherlands in the Council of Europe.
The war in Ukraine: ‘When the rule of power replaces the rule of law’
On Wednesday 9 March, a Faculty meeting about the war in Ukraine was held for staff and students in the Lorentz Lecture Hall. By the time the meeting started at 17.00 hrs, the 220 available seats in the lecture hall had been filled mainly by large numbers of students.
Faculty of Science reinforces collaboration in Indonesia
Early November, a delegation of the Faculty of Science visited two Indonesian universities to shape the collaboration in bioscience. The Faculty also opened a new Indonesian office in Yogyakarta.
Social Science Lab: think tanks that do
In June the Final Festival took place, the closing event of the 'Social Science Lab'. New participants of Honours College Science and Society presented their solution for a current social problem.
Social Science Matters: Clinton vs. Trump - race over?
Monday 26 September, 2016 saw the first confrontation between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Expectations were high – not only about the content of the debate, but also about how the two presidential candidates would behave, and how this might influence their campaigns. We asked three researchers…
Aleksandrina Skvortsova
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen