10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Admission requirements
Do you know which bachelor’s programme you want to follow at Leiden University? First, check the admission requirements.
World Teachers Programme
The World Teachers Programme (WTP) is a bilingual profile of the Initial Teacher Education programme geared towards bilingual and international education.
Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity Governance (1 fte)
Governance and Global Affairs, Institute of Security and Global Affairs
Cell adhesion signaling: dynamics, migration, and metastasis
Cell adhesion signaling
Frontex and Human Rights Responsibility
On Wednesday 13 December, Melanie Fink defended her doctoral thesis ‘Frontex and Human Rights: Responsibility in “Multi-Actor Situations” under the ECHR and EU Public Liability Law’. The supervisors are Rick Lawson and Jorrit Rijpma from Leiden, as well as Manfred Nowak, and Stephan Wittich from the…
Child Participation: from Rights to Reality
How can child participation be defined, what is the importance of child participation and how can it be promoted?
Política, Cuerpo e Identidad
This book aims to be a point of reflection and debate for journalists, academics and students to recognize a fundamental task in the duty of the communications professional, which is to influence through their daily work and their routines in order to achieve a more inclusive and plural society, through…
Leiden University Students studying in the UK
Are you a Leiden University student (thinking of) studying in the UK? Find out more about the impact of Brexit for current and prospective EU students of Leiden University studying abroad in the UK.
For students
We teach several courses in the domain of Mind, Brain, and Education.
Democracy in Europe. A Conceptual History
As one of the most influential ideas in modern European history, democracy has fundamentally reshaped not only the landscape of governance, but also social and political thought throughout the world.
Education in sustainability
Leiden University enables students to play a role in the sustainability challenges of the coming decades. Good scientific research and education are crucial for a safe, healthy, sustainable, prosperous and just world. In Leiden students are being taught the knowledge and skills that are important for…
Leiden Slavery Studies Association
The Leiden Slavery Studies Association (LSSA) is dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of slavery and post-slavery in any period and any geographical region.
Whispering Wind
Whispering Wind (Fluisterende wind), a sound artwork by Edwin van der Heide, is situated in the passage that cuts right under the P.J. Veth building of Leiden University.
Histories Connected
Histories Connected seeks to explore social, cultural, and political issues that connect people of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, and Europe throughout different periods of time.
Netherlands Institute Morocco (NIMAR)
NIMAR is the Netherlands expertise centre for Moroccan Studies. Starting 2016, NIMAR is a part of the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University. NIMAR organises lectures, facilitates research and actively adds to the knowledge of Moroccan languages, cultures and society in The Netherlands.
Team 2 enriching and activating education & blended faculty
This team will investigate how the bachelor can add more depth and reflection to the factual knowledge.
High-throughput quantification and unambiguous identification for metabolomics
The challenge of achieving fast quantification in metabolomics is the presence of severe matrix effects during the MS analysis of complex samples.
Mesoamerican manuscripts: new scientific approaches and interpretations
Mesoamerican Manuscripts: New Scientific Approaches and Interpretations brings together a wide range of modern approaches to the study of pre-colonial and early colonial Mesoamerican manuscripts. This includes innovative studies of materiality through the application of non-invasive spectroscopy and…
Disruptive Conflicts in Computopic Space
Can you imagine a radically different world? In our times dominated by neoliberal capitalism, we seem to lack not only viable alternatives, but also the capacity to envision anything outside of the status quo.
Mazepus, Veenendaal, McCarthy-Jones & Vásquez, A comparative study of legitimation strategies in hybrid regimes
A comparative analysis of legitimation strategies in tree hybrid regimes: Russia, Venezuela, and Seychelles.
Lecture Hall
The west side of the campus square is occupied by the Lecture Hall, known as ‘the dish’. This building houses the largest lecture halls of Leiden University, which welcome hundreds of students every day. It also has Leiden’s largest solar panel roof, with 1241 solar panels.
Mechanism-based inhibitors and probes for neuraminidases
Neuraminidases are enzymes that cleave glycosidic linkages of sialic acid. These enzymes are involved in influenza infections as well as in many cellular processes in mammals and micro-organisms.
Lorentz Center Public Events
The Lorentz Center organises public events with lectures by internationally renowned scientists.
The theme of the anniversary, ‘Ahead of the times’, served as inspiration for the design of the lustrum logo.
What does the evidence tell us about merit principles and government performance?
Civil service systems are often targets of criticism globally. This article seeks to fill an evidence void about government performance and meritocracy
Also this year we are running, with the Leiden Science Run, for the UAF.
- teacher education
Dynamics of a β-lactamase
BlaC is the β-lactamase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We show that it can recover from inhibition by clavulanic acid and that phosphate helps it do so.
What do you mean: Free Will? Perspectives on a Contested Issue
A collection of newly written chapters by various specialists from different disciplines (with a background in philosophy) on the subject of free will as it is discussed in their (inter)disciplinary field.
Writing the History of Nationalism
What is nationalism and how can we study it from a historical perspective? Writing the History of Nationalism answers this question by examining eleven historical approaches to nationalism studies in theory and practice.
Interactive documentaries
This chapter introduces interactive documentaries (also known as i-docs) in digital and audiovisual anthropology. Interactive documentaries allow an audience to actively engage with an interface in order to experience the content. For example, opening Miranda Dahlin’s Exiliados: Mexican Asylum in El…
CompaRe aims to be a hub in a global network on comparative regional integration. For regional integration is key to meeting the challenges of our globalising world. The LEAC is now also part of the CompaRe.
Systems Modelling Lab (SML)
Mathematical models of software systems enable characterizations, abstractions, simulations, and analysis of complex software during its development.
Central Asia Initiative
The Central Asia Initiative is funded by the Leiden research profile area Asian Modernities and Traditions with the purpose to establish Central Asian Studies at Leiden University.
Responsible animal testing
Within Leiden University, we sometimes conduct research with laboratory animals. We only do this when when we cannot answer the research question in any other way.
Connecting through Curiosity
This strategic plan determines the future course and direction for our faculty. Our faculty has undergone strong growth over the past ten years, which also derives from a world around us that is changing rapidly. There is a continuing demand from society for knowledge and expertise from the science…
Career prospects
When graduating from our programme, you will be a starting researcher who can bridge the gap between research and practice. You will be prepared for a PhD position.
Financial Law (LL.M.)
Financial Law is a specialisation of the master’s programme Rechtsgeleerdheid (Law) at the renowned Leiden Law School of Leiden University.
- Accommodation
PhD programmes
A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years.
Career prospects
Completing your Master’s in Biology gives you an internationally recognised degree which you can follow up with a PhD track. With your acquainted skills, you’re a much requested professional in and outside research.
Questions of Justice in Law, Literature and the Arts
Questions of justice are not only the concern of legal professionals, politicians and activists, they also permeate culture at large. Literature, Cinema, Music and Artworks often revolve around questions about rights, justice and fairness, raising a wide range of issues, such as: how do we understand…
Programme structure
The SCS courses train you in practical and theoretical aspects of science communication. Internships help you decide whether you want to choose a career in science communication or Mathematics research or a combination.
- How to Apply
Programme structure
The programme is designed to train you as independent researcher, while equipping you with the necessary skills to advance your career.
Programme structure
The Astronomy and Education specialisation enables you to connect your scientific experience in astronomy with the theory and practice of teaching in the classroom.
Criminal Law and Criminology (LL.M.)
Criminal Law and Criminology is is a specialisation of the master’s programme Rechtsgeleerdheid (Law) at the renowned Leiden Law School of Leiden University.
Incompany en maatwerk | onderwijs voor professionals
In addition to the open courses, Leiden University also offers tailored courses for organisations. With customisation, the content of the programme is entirely adapted to the needs of your organisation.
Reception Sylvius
Sylvius, Sylviusweg 72, 2333 BE, Leiden
On Multifield Inflation, Adiabaticity and the Speed of Sound of the Curvature Perturbations
Promotor: A. Achúcarro, Co-Promotor: G.A. Palma