4,533 search results for “history van de universiteit” in the Public website
Hakan Külcü
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Royal honour for Gert Oostindie
Gert Oostindie, Professor of Colonial and Postcolonial History, has been made an Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau. He was awarded the royal honour by Leiden mayor Henri Lenferink after giving his valedictory lecture, ‘The future of the colonial past’, in the Academy Building of Leiden University…
Churches and Religion in the Second World War
Despite the wealth of historical literature on the Second World War, the subject of religion and churches in occupied Europe has been undervalued.
Genetic diversity in the lion (Panthera leo (Linnaeus 1758)): unravelling the past and prospects for the future
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo
Call for papers workshop 'Historians Without Borders. Writing Histories of International Organizations'
This workshop intends to bring together early-career researchers from different fields working on international organizations, to discuss methodological challenges together with peers and established scholars. A combination of a master class, keynote lectures, and roundtable discussions aims at providing…
Curator of the National Museum Marion Anker: ‘History can cause friction'
Marion Anker is a junior curator at the Rijksmuseum, the National Museum of the Netherlands. She studied History in Leiden and Amsterdam. Together with her team, she organised the controversial exhibition ‘Revolusi! Indonesië onafhankelijk!’ What did studying History teach her?
Henk te Velde appointed as President of the Association for Political History
Prof.dr. Henk te Velde is appointed as the new President of the Association for Political History.
In Memoriam: Prof. Henk Jan de Jonge (1943-2022)
With the passing of Henk Jan de Jonge on 16 April 2022, Leiden University has lost one of its most characteristic, learned and devoted professors.
New journal based at the Institute for History: 'Diplomatica: A Journal of Diplomacy and Society'
Diplomatica addresses the broad range of work being done across the social sciences and the humanities that takes diplomacy as its focus of investigation. The journal explores and investigates diplomacy as an extension of social interests, forces, and environments.
Dr. Elizabeth de Lange awarded as AAPS Fellow
The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) has been pleased to announce Dr. Elizabeth de Lange as a recipient of the 2013 AAPS Fellows Award at the 2013 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition in San Antonio.
Nivja de Jong listed among 2% most influential scientists
Professor Nivja de Jong has been included in the list of most influential scientists by Elsevier Data Repository. This list of scientists with the highest impact is compiled annually based on citations. De Jong appears on the annual list for the third consecutive time.
Els de Busser: cyber security is a precious human endeavour
In Dutch daily Trouw, assistent professor Cyber Security Governance, Els de Busser writes about the importance of good digital safety at companies. Dutch telephone and internet provider KPN is lacking in this respect. ' In Trouw schrijft Els de Busser, universitair docent Cyber Security Governance…
Meet our new NVIC Director: Marleen De Meyer
We are very happy to announce that as of 1 March Marleen De Meyer is our new NVIC Director!
Saying goodbye to Prof Carsten de Dreu on 18 June
After eight years as professor at the Institute of Psychology, Carsten de Dreu is making the move to the University of Groningen, where he has been appointed to the chair ‘Foundations of Cooperation and Social Organisation’. On 18 June, he will bid farewell to colleagues at Leiden University.
CADS Spotlight: Tim van de Meerendonk & Esther van der Camp
Lecture, Research Seminar
Eric De Brabandere: 'Ruling against Shell will inspire other cases'
For the first time, a court has ordered a company to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions. Lawyers see it as a landmark ruling that will have far-reaching consequences for Shell and possibly also other similar companies.
The poet as pop star. Literary celebrity in the Netherlands 1780-1900
In which way was literary celebrity constructed in the nineteenth century and what forms of fandom were there?
Germany and Maillol
Dutch Title:
Public Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe: Theatrical Entertainments for the State Journeys of English and French Royals into the Low Countries
One way for governments to conduct foreign policy and promote national interests is through direct outreach and communication with the population of a foreign country. This is called public diplomacy. Historians such as Helmer Helmers and William T. Rossiter have shown that printed media were already…
Our perspective on history is changing and our museums are changing too
Museums have long focused on power, wealth and a few famous figures. But that is changing, says Valika Smeulders, head of the history department at the Rijksmuseum. What this change comprises and how it has come about is the subject of her keynote speech at the D&I Symposium on 11 January.
Independent research into House of Orange-Nassau and Dutch colonial history
King Willem-Alexander has commissioned independent research into the role of the House of Orange-Nassau in Dutch colonial history. The research will take three years to complete and will cover the period from the late 16th century to the postcolonial present. The research will be carried out at Leiden…
Eric De Brabandere on payment Russia to Yukos shareholders
Russia is required to pay billions of dollars to shareholders of Russian oil company Yukos. This was decided by the appeals court in The Hague.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer in GLOBEnews about Putin
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor of International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, says we must block and expel Putin wherever possible.
Symposium Environmental History in the Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries
On 25 and 26 October 2024, the first biennial symposium Environmental History in the Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries, is scheduled to take place at Leiden University.
The Washington Post review of Eric Storm’s Nationalism: ‘Grand scale history’
The Washington Post reviews Nationalism by university lecturer Eric Storm. In this book, Storm explores how nation-states became the dominant political organizational form.
Men with a Mission: Informal Accountability Practices
How did nineteenth century scholars evaluate each other and each other’s work through more or less informal practices of peer review?
Aesopian Fables 1500-2010: Word, Image, Education
This project aims to study the Aesopian fable from 1500 to the present day in its complex relationship between text, illustration and education, adopting a broad, transnational perspective.
Never-Neverland Revisited: Malay Adventure Stories
This study presents a re-evaluation of Malay adventure stories.
Studies in the aklu Documents of the Middle Babylonian Period
Nobuaki Murai defended his thesis on 24 January 2018.
Vacancy: Full Professor of History of Art and Architecture 500-1500 (RU)
The History of Art section at Radboud University is looking for a Full Professor of History of Art and Architecture between 500-1500 CE (1,0 FTE). Apply before: May 2, 2023.
Journals Van Vollenhoven Institute digitized
As part of Metamorfoze, the national digitalization project for the preservation of paper heritage, journals of The Van Vollenhoven Institute’s library have been digitized.
Discover 450 years of parades at Museum De Lakenhal
The exhibition Leiden celebrates – 450 years of parades at Museum De Lakenhal shows how parades and society have changed through the centuries. Alumnus and historian Danielle van Goethem worked on the exhibition. She gives a preview.
‘Gesloten jeugdhulp mag nooit de enige overgebleven optie zijn’
Gesloten jeugdhulp moet afgeschaft worden, zei Jason (21) onlangs in de landelijke media. Zelf zat hij ruim een jaar in meerdere instellingen voor gesloten jeugdhulp, maar hij werd er naar eigen zeggen niet beter van. Promovendus Maria de Jong-de Kruijf onderzocht het hoe en waarom van deze vorm van…
The European Public Servant: A shared Administrative Identity?
European integration is under pressure. At the same time, the notion of a European administrative space is being explicitly voiced. But does a shared idea of the public servant exist in Europe?
- Histories Connected
Giles Scott-Smith appointed Roosevelt Chair in New Diplomatic History
The Roosevelt Chair in New Diplomatic History is sponsored by the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS) in Middelburg, and the new position further strengthens the connection between the RIAS and Leiden.
Martin van Hecke in Atlas
Metamaterials researcher Martin van Hecke was featured in the Dutch science tv show Atlas.
Leaving a Lasting Impression. The Impact of Incunabula on Late Medieval Spirituality, Religious Practice and Visual Culture in the Low Countries
This project investigates how the first generation of Dutch printed books (the incunabula, 1473-1501) affected late medieval spirituality, religious practice and visual culture in the Low Countries.
Hans de Iongh at National Geographic for Big Cat Month
In the theme of Big Cat Month, National Geographic interviewed Professor Hans de Iongh, guest researcher of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) about lion conservation in Africa.
Meet alumni Ella Keijzer and Job de Reus
What started as a student project in the Media Technology program, became a successful internationally operating company offering therapeutic virtual bike rides. Meet alumni Ella Keijzer and Job de Reus, founders and owners of Bike Labyrinth.
Five History projects selected for Research Traineeship Programme 2016-2017
Five research projects of the Institute for History have been selected for the Research Traineeship Programme 2016-2017. The programme was initiated by The Faculty of Humanities to offer motivated students the opportunity to develop themselves in academic research. In December the research trainees,…
De Witte et al publish in Nature Drug Discovery Reviews
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery volume 18, pages 82–84 (2019). The implications of target saturation for the use of drug–target residence time Wilbert de Witte, Meindert Danhof, Piet van der Graaf, and Elizabeth de Lange
Saying goodbye to our beloved director: Dr. Rudolf de Jong
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our director, Dr. Rudolf de Jong. We extend our deepest condolences to his loved ones. The Institute will be closed the coming week in mourning. Details of a memorial in Cairo will follow soon. Rest in peace, boss. We will miss you.
Interview with Huub de Groot for Leiden Open Access Blog
Open Access means shared responsibility for research programs. An interview with Prof. Huub de Groot for the Leiden Open Access Blog in the scope of the International Open Access Week.
Jeroen Duindam appointed new academic director of the Institute for History
The Institute for History has a new academic director. Professor of Early Modern History Jeroen Duindam will take on this role from 1 September. ‘You can only do this job properly if you make time for it.’
Call for Papers: Imperial Artefacts. History, Law, and the Looting of Cultural Property
Call for Papers: Imperial Artefacts. History, Law, and the Looting of Cultural Property
PhD defence Andrea van Leerdam
On 21 October, Andrea van Leerdam will defend her thesis ‘Woodcuts as Reading Guides. How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550)’. To register, send an email to woodcutsasreadingguides@gmail.com.
Megan Griffiths wins Theodore Roosevelt American History Award for Master’s Thesis
In 2018, Megan Griffiths, then a student of the MA North American Studies, won the Theodore Roosevelt American History Award for her master’s thesis ‘Radicals, Conservatives, and the Salem Witchcraft Crisis: Exploiting the Fragile Communities of Colonial New England’.
History and Linguistics in Leiden #19 and #28 in QS ranking 2016
In QS’s World University Rankings of 2016, Leiden University’s History and Linguistics programme rank #19 and #28, respectively. This makes the History programme the best of its kind in the Netherlands, and Linguistics the second best.
History, Classics, Russian Studies and Dutch Studies rank high in Keuzegids Masters
Master studies History, Classics, Russian Studies and Dutch Studies have received the label ‘top programme’ in the Keuzegids Masters of March 2018. The study guide bases its results on the opinion of students (through the National Student Survey) and experts (NVAO).