2,337 search results for “russian and smit linguistics” in the Public website
Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (LexS) awarded
The Leiden University Excellence Scholarships Programme (LExS) provides scholarships for excellent international students from outside the EU/EEA who come to Leiden to follow a master’s programme. The first eighty LExS scholarships have been awarded for this academic year.
History and Classics rank high in QS Rankings by Subject
Leidens's Classics and History rank 6th and 15th place in the QS World University Rankings by Subject. Every year, QS ranks universities all over the world on academic reputation and research impact, grouped by subject. Linguistics (23), Languages (39) and Religious Studies (40) also do well in the…
Conference Anglo-Dutch Relations (6-8 January 2022, Oxford)
Contacts between English and Dutch speakers had a profound impact on the literary landscape and book culture of England and the Low Countries. This conference crosses conventional chronological, linguistic, geographical and disciplinary boundaries to explore the cultural history of relations between…
Call for Abstracts - Conference Language Learning Resource Centre, Leiden University, June 5th, 2020
The Language Learning Resource Centre (Leiden University) is organizing a one-day conference (June 5th, 2020) on the interplay between second language learning practice, theory, and research.
Leiden University places sixth in QS Ranking Classics and Ancient History
The faculty of Humanities scores well in the anual QS World Universities Ranking By Subject list. This year we have placed sixth in the category Classics and Ancient History.
Visit of Rector Magnificus and chair Executive Board: 'We would have preferred to do this physically as well'
On 3 June, Annetje Ottow (chair) and Hester Bijl (rector magnificus) met the Humanities faculty. Although a physical introduction was preferred, this visit also had to be done digitally.
Religious Studies does well in QS Rankings by Subject
Leiden’s Religious Studies ranks 40th place in the QS World University Rankings by Subject.
Sharing platform for language teachers launched
The new Language Learning Resource Centre was launched today at Leiden University. The LLRC is an initiative to unite all language teaching professionals working at Leiden University, and allow them to share their ideas and resources.
Views on Africa
In the media, we hear a lot of worrying news from Africa: refugees, attacks, Ebola, starvation, corruption... But Africa is much more than that: it is a continent in transition, with developments occurring at breakneck speed. African Studies scholars from different academic disciplines in Leiden conduct…
Changes at Common Market Law Review: New Managing Editor, Anna Krisztian
After more than seven years as Managing Editor of Common Market Law Review, preceded by 22 years as Associate Editor and three years as Secretary to the Editors, Alison McDonnell will be retiring in December 2022.
PhD positions in Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies (Prague)
New PhD opportunities in Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies, a collaboration between the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences. Deadline for application: 31 March 2025.
Danny Mekic
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Alternating Dat-Nom / Nom-Dat constructions in Indo-European and the Extended Intransitive Hypothesis
Conference, Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (CIEL) Seminars
Bart Custers in De Jurist on UBO register and privacy legislation
Ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) of companies should have registered their information in the Dutch UBO register before 27 March 2022. The Dutch Minister of Finance saw no reason to postpone the deadline for registration, according to answers to parliamentary questions. In an article on the legal platform…
How a Leiden professor came to be a Waterloo hero
With his knowledge of medicine and his decisive action, Leiden professor Sebald Justinus Brugmans saved the lives of many wounded soldiers after the Battle of Waterloo, on 18 June 2015 exactly 200 years ago.
Prestigious Breakthrough Prize for first picture of black hole
They are often referred to as ‘The Oscars of the Natural Sciences’: the Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics and Mathematics. This year, the prize for physics went to the Event Horizon Telescope team, which took the first-ever picture of a black hole. Four Leiden astronomers were…
Judi Mesman to become the new Dean of Leiden University College The Hague
The Executive Board has appointed Professor Judi Mesman Dean of Leiden University College The Hague with effect from 1 July 2016. The Board of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences congratulates Judi Mesman with this appointment.
Frank Dikötter to receive honorary doctorate at Dies Natalis 2017
Historian Frank Dikötter will receive an honorary doctorate from Leiden University for his work on the history of the Chinese Republican period and the People's Republic of China under Mao. He will be awarded the honorary degree during the university's Dies Natalis celebrations on 8 February 2017.
Sara Polak warns about social media: ‘What do you do with those tweets by Trump?’
Sara Polak, American Studies expert and University Lecturer investigates how American presidents deal with the media and how new, social media influence our collective memory and the political game. ‘Social media algorithms influence us and our political choices in ways we do not foresee’, Polak say…
'Promoting universal values is a good strategy for resilience'
Many Western defence strategies concentrate on maintaining the status quo. Actively promoting universal values can also be a good strategy for resilience, according to Theo Brinkel, Professor by Special Appointment in Military-Social Studies. Inaugural lecture 15 January.
First-years deal with 'NATO crisis'
For their honours internship, second year students of the Honours College 'Governance & Global Affairs' created the serious game Fallen Angels. In the game you take on the role of NATO, and have to deal with a crisis. Last month, a new generation of Honours students had the opportunity to be the first…
Leiden Law hosted the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Toogdag
The Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights Research Programme at Leiden Law School had the honor to organise the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research Annual Conference.
Discover hidden gems at the University this summer
This summer, everyone from Leiden locals to day trippers and tourists can take a guided tour of the prettiest University buildings in the centre of Leiden. Our exclusive Summer Tours offer a glimpse behind the scenes at the Academy Building, the P.J. Veth building and Bibliotheca Thysiana: buildings…
ERC Advanced Grant for dark matter research
Dark matter. Something invisible that, according to calculations, comprises about 85% of the matter in the universe. With an ERC Advanced Grant of €2.5 million, Professor of Observational Cosmology Henk Hoekstra will map out even more precisely where this dark matter is to be found.
'There's so much to choose from'
On 24 February school pupils came looking for their dream programme in a packed Pieterskerk. Did they find what they were looking for? And does an Open Day help?
‘A donor organ is a precious gift that we should treat with care’
Professor André Baranski is a champion for improving organ procurement. He believes there should be standardised training and certification for procurement surgeons. This is what he said in his inaugural lecture on 16 April.
Veni grant for Nikki Ikani and Bernardo Ribeiro de Almeida
Nikki Ikani (ISGA) and Bernardo Ribeiro de Almeida (LUC) have received Veni-funding. A total of 188 scientists received grants in this round. Veni grants are awarded annually by NWO.
How to improve research on cybersecurity
Cybercriminality and cybersecurity are hot topics, in the academic world as well as elsewhere. But there is room for improvement in this research, says Bibi van den Berg, Professor of Cybersecurity Governance at Leiden University. Inaugural lecture 8 June.
Is there anybody out there? On the quest for extraterrestrial life.
Leiden Professor of Astronomy Mike Garrett is searching for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. In his Kaiser lecture on 23 April he will discuss how far science has progressed in this quest.
Rechtspsycholoog Linda Geven wint Gratama Wetenschapsprijs 2023
Met haar spannende onderzoek naar strafrechtelijke waarheidsvinding in Europa sleept Linda Geven dit jaar de Gratama Wetenschapsprijs voor jonge talentvolle wetenschappers in de wacht.
Dennis Broeders in World Politics Review on UN Governance of Cyberspace
Earlier this week, a working group of the United Nations, comprising all 193 of its member states, adopted a consensus report on norms for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. Dennis Broeders, full professor of Global Security and Technology at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden…
‘Wij academici en docenten van Security Studies kunnen direct invloed uitoefenen.'
In zijn oratie bepleit Joachim Koops dat de toekomst van Security and Global Affairs ligt in onderzoek, onderwijs en academisch bestuur.
NATO boss: ‘The Netherlands needs to invest more in defence’
Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary-General of NATO, gave a guest lecture at Leiden University on 19 April. His message was clear: increased international tensions call for greater investments in defence. According to Stoltenberg, the Netherlands is not one of the big spenders in this area.
Explosive rise in ICJ cases
Since its foundation in 1947, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has seen a huge rise in the number of cases brought to it. The tally currently stands at 22 cases. Last week alone, the ICJ issued three rulings in important cases. ‘It’s raining rulings, which is exceptional, ’ Eric De Brabandere,…
Leiden University in a international project to investigate radicalization and extremism
Dr. Mark Dechesne, associate professor at the Leiden University Dual PhD Centre (FGGA) will participate asas work package leader in a large new international project on radicalization among young people in Europe.
Wopke Hoekstra in gesprek met studenten over de NAVO-top
Wopke Hoekstra, outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Campus The Hague on 6 July to talk to students about the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius.
Master’s Open Day: “We want to enhance our prospects on the job market”
Have you already chosen your master’s? Visit our Master’s Open Day on 10 March and find out what Leiden University has to offer you. “By visiting the presentation and talking to students and tutors at the Information Market we’re hoping to learn more about the content of the degree as well as job pr…
Electronic versions of our publications can be obtained by sending an e-mail to Esther van den Bos: bosejvanden@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- Career prospects
- The Common European Framework
JUSTREMIT is an ERC-funded project that brings together political theory, ethnography, and security studies in an interdisciplinary study of remittances and global justice.
Resilience as Human–Environmental Engagement: Sustainability in Pre-Columbian Central America
How can archaeological datasets reveal the interplay between past indigenous understandings of the surrounding world and resilient and sustainable ways of life in the Isthmo-Colombian Area?
Portable Islam: Swahili literary networks in the Indian Ocean
The Swahili coast has a long-standing history of transoceanic Islamic connections dating back to the 25th century. Yet, print, has changed the world – not only ours. This project unravels unique forms and archives of intellectual history emerging from within South-South connections. In East Africa Indian…
Beyond the PhD
This section contains information on:
Data Science
The ability to collect and interpret huge quantities of data has become indispensable to society and academia. Leiden University is a knowledge and expertise centre for data science that places the emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.
CSC-Leiden University Scholarship
PhD Programme
LUCAS offers education, guidance, and development opportunities to PhD candidates researching the relationships between the arts and society, in fields aligned with one of our three research clusters. We are strongly committed to high-quality, innovative research conducted with integrity. The Institute…
Speech Prosody 2024 includes three workshops.
Research themes
LUCAS hosts a wide variety of research. Here we outline some of the most important research themes.
English Language and Culture (BA)
From Great-Britain to the United States and from Australia to South Africa: people around the whole world speak and write English. In Leiden you will broaden your knowledge of the English language and the rich Literature and culture of the global English world on academic level.