2,716 search results for “near cognitive functions” in the Public website
2010 Pilot excavation in Iraqi Kurdistan
The Netherlands organisation for Scientific Research NWO has granted a subsidy to prof. dr Wilfred H. van Soldt (Humanities, LIAS) and dr Diederik J.W. Meijer (Archaeology, Near East) to conduct a pilot excavation in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Educational innovation at Humanities: 'Students are great initiators’
In the academic year 2018 - 2019, the Faculty of Humanities established the Educational Innovation Programme. In this way, the faculty wants to realise the ambitions from the educational vision of Leiden University in education. How is the programme currently doing? We talked to project manager Sanne…
Valentina Azzarà’s Leiden Experience: “I work on the big picture”
Recently, Valentina Azzarà joined the Faculty of Archaeology as a postdoc in the Archaeology of the Near East research group. She mostly focuses on the archaeology of Eastern Arabia, especially Oman. “I literally fell in love with the place.”
Introducing: Paul Kloeg
Paul Kloeg is a PhD student in the ERC granted research project 'An Empire of 2000 Cities: urban networks and economic integration in the Roman empire', directed by Luuk De Ligt and John Bintliff (Archaeology).
Coming this fall: Al-Babtain visiting professor Wadad Kadi
This fall, LUCIS will have the pleasure of welcoming Professor Wadad Kadi, of the University of Chicago, to Leiden. She is the first Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain Cultural Foundation Visiting Professor in Arabic Culture at Leiden University.
Students map Milky Way with dwarf stars
Isabel van Vledder and Dieuwertje van der Vlugt, 2 astronomy students from Leiden University, have mapped the entire Milky Way galaxy in dwarf stars for the first time. This result is the most comprehensive model ever for the distribution of these stars. The findings appear in a new paper in Monthly…
Banner exhibition graphic works of Harry van Kruiningen about the Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh was a lifelong inspiration to artist Harry van Kruiningen. This tale from Mesopotamia about the adventures of Gilgamesh, the legendary king of Uruk, and his friend Enkidu is one of the oldest surviving epics in world literature. Despite its almost 4,000 year age, it still captures…
Habitable planets around pulsars theoretically possible
It is theoretically possible that habitable planets exist around pulsars, rotating neutron stars. Such planets must have an enormous atmosphere that convert the deadly X-rays and high energy particles of the pulsar into heat. That is stated in a scientific paper by astronomers Alessandro Patruno and…
Tell Balata Archaeological Park project
Tell Balata Archaeological Park project On January 15th the cooperation project of the Faculty of Archaeology with the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (Department of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage) and the Ramallah office of UNESCO was officially closed. At the same time the Archaeological…
Astronomers see two planets vacuuming around young star
Astronomers led by Leiden astronomer Sebastiaan Haffert have directly imaged two planets that are gravitationally carving out a wide gap within a planet-forming disk surrounding a young star. While over a dozen exoplanets have been directly imaged, this is only the second multi-planet system to be p…
Month of Tutankhamun: Egypt's most legendary pharaoh
November marks exactly 100 years since the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. To celebrate this special discovery, the Faculty of Humanities, together with various parties, is organising the 'Month of Tutankhamun': a month full of activities around Egypt's most legendary pharaoh.
Bio Science Park to become Bio Science Campus
The Leiden Bio Science Park (BSP) will become a real campus in the coming years, with more houses, and attractive places where scientists, students and entrepreneurs can meet to discuss their plans.
Discover Leiden University's new Middle Eastern Library and take a closer look at our Middle Eastern collections
An evening program in the University Library and Middle Eastern Library in Leiden for everyone who has something to do with the Middle East; from Tajikistan to the Mahreb and from Istanbul to Sanaa. View the oldest books and clay tablets from the collection and listen to the most fascinating stories…
Sarah Schrader to head the Osteoarchaeology lab
Since August 2017, dr. Sarah Schrader is working at the Faculty of Archaeology in the department of Archaeological Sciences. Her expertise is human osteology with a specific focus on the bio-archaeological reconstruction of daily activities. Recently she took over the management of the Osteoarchaeology…
- Former guest researchers
DNA-encapsulated silver clusters as a multi-functional tool for applications in physics, biology and medicine
PhD defence
Andrea Evers’ role in the new Executive Board of PsychologyAndrea Evers’ role in the new Executive Board of Psychology
The new Executive Board of the Institute of Psychology became effective on 1 February 2022. Scientific director Andrea Evers tells us where she gets her energy from.
SSH labs: a place to be inspired by your colleagues
The new SSH labs will offer great opportunities for FSW and FGW staff engaged in experimental research. The labs will be a place of inspiration, not only because of the state-of-the-art equipment, but also as a result of the increased interaction with colleagues in other disciplines.
Every European citizen trilingual?
Leiden University linguist Lisa Cheng speaks two Chinese languages, as well as English and Dutch. She is a strong supporter of the European Commission's wish that every European citizen learns to speak several languages. ‘Speaking three languages is not that difficult.’
How to keep a forest happy? A study on singing behaviour in BaYaka hunter gatherers in Congo
For the first time, a group of international and interdisciplinary researchers led by Karline Janmaat and her former MSc Student Chirag Chittar, have tested the several hypotheses on music simultaneously in a modern foraging society during their daily search for tubers – their staple food.
New Inputs- research report by Richard Barrett
With the final version of his research report entitled NEW INPUTS, Richard Barrett concludes the documentation of research carried out for the Lectorate “Music, Society and Education” at the Royal Conservatoire.
Closer collaboration NINO with Leiden University and the National Museum of Antiquities
The board of the Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO) has agreed on June 27 on a plan for closer collaboration with Leiden University and the National Museum of Antiquities (RMO). The plan includes the launch of a NINO research institute with an annual budget of approximately 300.000 euro.
Innovation Attaché Network visits Leiden
Attachés from the Innovation Attaché Network (IAN) visited Leiden University to meet with researchers working on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and to become more familiar with what Leiden, Leiden University and the LUMC have to offer to possible partners abroad.
First stakeholders meeting on microplastic fibers from textile
On 17 October 2019, the Netherlands’ Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management organised a first stakeholders meeting on microfibers from textile in the LEF Future Center. The meeting was prompted by a report of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in April of this…
Creating and celebrating excellent Extended Essays: launching Leiden University’s Academic Challenge
The ‘Wetenschapscongres for vwo’ gets an Anglophone edition: 'Leiden University’s Academic Challenge’.
4000-year-old clay tablets in a hypermodern scanner
Ancient clay tablets, between 2,500 and 4,000 years old, bearing cuneiform script have been scanned using a micro-CT-scanner at Delft University of Technology. The tablets are owned by the Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO).
Monika Baár receives Brocher Foundation fellowship
Monika Baár received a two-month residential fellowship by the Brocher Foundation, an organization located in Hermance (near Geneva) which supports research in the medical humanities.
Leiden archaeologists mentioned in Top 13 Discoveries in Human Evolution during 2023
In a recent article published on PLOS, Drs. Briana Pobiner and Ryan McRae of the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History discuss the top 13 discoveries in human evolution in 2023.
Art and Research Funding Expert Meeting
Last September Henk Borgdorff participated in the art and research funding expert meeting of funding agencies initiated by the Society for Artistic Research (SAR).
Alastair Reed about the approach of Syrians
The fall of the IS caliphate is coming closer. At the same time, the AIVD warned for an increase in the return of especially the hardened warriors. How should Europe handle this? The shrinking of freedoms will only feed terrorist organizations like IS.
Leiden archaeologist as president to byzantine world conference
Joanita Vroom has been appointed as president of the Society ‘Byzantine Studies Netherlands / Byzantijnse Studies Nederland’, the Dutch branch of the ‘International Association of Byzantine Studies / Association Internationale des Études Byzantines’ (AIEB).
DANS Klein DataProject bursary for Joanita Vroom
Joanita Vroom, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Archaeology, has received a DANS Klein DataProject (KDP) bursary for her project entitled ‘Data Atlas of Byzantine and Ottoman material culture: archiving Medieval and Post-Medieval archaeological fieldwork data from the Eastern Mediterranean (600…
Can non-vaccinated persons soon be barred?
Private businesses will probably soon refuse access to non-vaccinated persons in the near future. But this is more difficult when it comes to public amenities. Aart Hendriks, Professor of Health Law at Leiden Law School, contributed to an article in Dutch newspaper NRC saying that he anticipates that…
'Digital Arms for Digital Consumer Harms’ book by Constanta Rosca
On 19 December 2024, Dr Constanta Rosca’s monograph, ‘Digital Arms for Digital Consumer Harms: Mapping Legal and Technical Solutions for Dark Patterns in EU Consumer Law’, was published as an open access book by the institutional, library-led publisher of Maastricht University, Maastricht University…
Eefje Cuppen in advisory committee to investigate participation in climate policy
Climate change is going to have more and more influence on our daily lives in the near future. For example, tackling it is going to have significant consequences for many people in our society.
Fact check: Any country that wants to join the EU must go through standard procedure – no exceptions
Ukrainian President Zelensky has indicated on several occasions that he wants to be part of the European Union. According to Caroline van der Plas, Dutch MP for the BoerBurgerBeweging party, this is not possible. Any country that wants to join the EU must go through the standard procedure. No except…
Gastronomical archaeology in new book Medieval MasterChef
The archaeology of food is in all sorts of ways ‘hot’. To illustrate this, recently the book Medieval MasterChef was published, focusing on cuisine and foodways in the Mediterranean and north-western Europe during Medieval and Post-Medieval times.
Podcast: The Tragic Fate of Egyptologist Herta Mohr
Leiden University recently named a new building for Egyptologist Herta Mohr. But who was she?
Neandertals made the first specialised bone tools in Europe
New finds demonstrate that Neandertals were the first in Europe to make standardised and specialised bone tools – which are still in use today. These firndings are reported by Leiden reseachers together with an international team of archaeologists in the PNAS journal (Proceedings National Academy of…
Students inspire one another in new honours magazine
Children will be able to return to school in the near future, but students from Leiden University are not that fortunate. For the rest of this academic year, they will attend their courses online. To support one another in this period of isolation, honours students have shared their tips and ideas in…
How can we connect data science and law?
At the Hague University of Applied Sciences, a stakeholder meeting took place on 4 April in the context of peace and justice in a digital world. The meeting was an initiative of Leiden University (LCDS, eLaw) and the Hague University of Applied Sciences, to explore joint curriculum development in the…
Leiden University places sixth in QS Ranking Classics and Ancient History
The faculty of Humanities scores well in the anual QS World Universities Ranking By Subject list. This year we have placed sixth in the category Classics and Ancient History.
Alexey Boiarskyi appointed full professor
Theoretical physicist and cosmologist Alexey Boiarskyi has been appointed full professor per 1 October.
Oddly-shaped medieval vessels found all over the Islamic world have puzzled archaeologists for decades.
'When taking into account all finds in the Islamic world of this enigmatic vessel, it would perhaps be wise not to restrict this container to merely one function.'
Relocation philosophy department
After years of being housed in the Matthias de Vrieshof 4 building alongside the Witte Singel, the Institute for Philosphy will move to the Reuvensplaats 3-4 in August.
Library Ton Koopman arrived at Orpheus Instituut Koetshuis
At the beginning of July the prestigious library of Ton Koopman, acquired earlier this year, arrived at the Orpheus Instituut Koetshuis. Thousands of books were moved from Ton Koopman's house near Amsterdam to Ghent by a specialised firm.
Professor Bleda Düring interviewed for podcast Tides of History
The Tides of History is a history podcast that takes listeners into the past while trying to identify how it echoes today. The current season centers around the Iron Age and the new episode features an interview with our own Bleda Düring.
In Memoriam Prof. Dr. J.F. Borghouts
Prof. Dr. Joris F. Borghouts (1939-2018) was Full Professor of Egyptology at Leiden University and a specialist in ancient Egyptian grammar and magic.
Photos and highlights of the conference 'Bodies of Knowledge' now online
International conference “Bodies of Knowledge: Arabic Language, Egyptian Labor, and Communities of Practice in the History of Archaeology & Egyptology” 19-21 November 2024
Vacancy for PhD at LUCAS/LUIH
Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) and the Leiden University Institute for History (LUIH) are looking for a PhD in the History and Culture of Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity.