10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Making sense of an out-of-body experience (OBE), spirituality and mental health
When is (or becomes) an out-of-body experience a R/S experience? (How) do people make sense of their experiences and is this related to mental health? Which motives do people have to (not) communicate their out-of-body experiences with regular and/or alternative caregivers? And what does it tell us…
Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology
Everyone most obey the law. If you don’t, you will face the police and the courts. The application of national, European and international criminal law would seem to be a matter of following the letter of the law. But the reality is more nuanced. Criminal law scholars and criminologists from very different…
The Weight of Nations
Material outflows from industrial economies.
The aim of the research programme is to provide insight into the cognitive processes and brain mechanisms that underlie reading, arithmetic and learning in general.
Facts and figures
We are transparent about our research involving laboratory animals, which includes providing access to our annual statistics. On this page, you will find an overview of various aspects, such as the number of animals and the species we use, the types of research for which we employ animals, and the level…
Responsible research with animals
Animal experiments are not undertaken lightly; we are working with sentient beings. As scientists, we have great responsibility to handle laboratory animals with care. Read here how we consider and justify this.
Voces del Dzaha Dzavui (mixteco clásico)
Análisis y Conversión del Vocabulario de fray Francisco de Alvarado (1593)
The construction of dynasties in Habsburg Spain and Safavid Iran
How did dynastic organization – that it, the employment of non-ruling family members and the development of dynastic traditions and concepts – influence state formation in both Catholic Europe and Muslim West-Asia?
Dreigingsmonitor bewaken en beveiligen 2022-2023
In the Surveillance and Security Threat Monitor 2022-2023, the research project thematically examined threat developments.
Biographies of Radicalization: Hidden Messages of Social Change
Sub-Saharan Africa has seen a significant rise in terrorist acts and radicalized youth since the appearance of Boko Haram in 2009 and the fall of Libya in 2012. This book investigates the deeper layers of radicalization in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is situated in a larger global tendency.
Phonetics Lab
Experimental research
Pre-University College PRE The Hague
Do you have a curious character and do you want to know how knowledge is sought at the university? Do you want to acquire knowledge and skills that could not only be important for your everyday life, but could also mean a lot for your future? Then the Pre-University College The Hague is definitely for…
Prospective PhD Candidates
Thank you for your interest in doing PhD research at the Leiden Graduate School of Governance and Global Affairs.
Research project: Unravelling the Rule of Law
While acknowledging prominent legal-philosophical debates, this project proposes a radically different approach to provide insights into the concept of the rule of law.
Humanities matter
At the Faculty of Humanities, we study languages, cultures, civilisations and their connection to each other. This knowledge is relevant to society and we gladly share it with the world around us.
Civil Society against Corruption in Ukraine: Political Roles, Advocacy Strategies and Impact
This project aims to provide evidence-based knowledge on the conditions for successful anti-corruption activism in Ukraine.
Research into the development of privacy-friendly care games for children.
Alternatives to animal experiments: Replacement, Reduction and Refinement
We aim to conduct as few animal experiments as possible. We are continually exploring methods to Replace, Reduce, and Refine animal experiments, commonly referred to as the three Rs. Additionally, we assess each study to ensure the implementation of the 3Rs has been maximised. The Animal Welfare Body…
The excavation of the Paardenmarkt Alkmaar
In June-August 2010 large scale excavations were executed on the cemetery belonging to the monastery, an area now termed the Paardenmarkt, by Hollandia Archeologen in cooperation with Leiden University. During the course of nine weeks, the students from the former minor Human Osteoarchaeology excavated…
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe Volume I, Negotiating Modernity in the 'Long Nineteenth Century'
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe is a two-volume project, authored by an international team of researchers, and offering the first-ever synthetic overview of the history of modern political thought in East Central Europe.
Who are the ‘others’ amongst ‘us’? – New Book edited by Moritz Jesse
Have you ever wondered what makes immigrants legally different no matter which legal system they have moved into and no matter what rights have been granted there? Have you ever wondered why immigrants are considered ‘the other’ despite claims that their ‘integration’ and non-discrimination is a top…
The Terrorism and Political Violence (TPV) research group focuses on understanding and addressing one of today’s most pressing security challenges: terrorism. Drawing from their academic expertise, the group offers a wide range of educational programmes designed for students, professionals, and a global…
The programme group Parenting, Child Care and Development carries out general courses within the field of Education and Child Studies and specialised courses within the field of Child and Family Science.
Diversity Outdoors: Embodied Ethnoracial Inequalities and Outdoor Recreation in Europe
Through a comparative analysis of participation in outdoor recreation in Europe, this project seeks to investigate how social inequalities are embodied.
Using AI to improve the Design-Make-Test cycle with Galapagos
Researchers at LED3 are working together with biopharmaceutical company Galapagos to develop software for use in early drug discovery (funded by NWO). This software is able to design molecules with several simultaneously optimized characteristics and will also take prediction reliability into consideration…
Protein condensates as Materials
We have recently discovered that there are biological proteins that phase separate out of solution much the way oil will de-mix from water (see movie). These form dense, liquid-like phases called protein condensates.
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of Leiden Law School with the University of Dar es Salaam.
Tracing Policy-relevant Information in Social Media: The Case of Twitter before and during the COVID-19 Crisis
This paper written by Vydra and Kantorowicz answers the research question ‘What policy-relevant information does Twitter contain?’ as well as the research question ‘How does this information change between a period of normalcy and a period of crisis?’
Criteria for recovery from eating disorder patients: a comparison between therapists, patients and a healthy control group
Which criteria do ED patients and therapists evaluate as most relevant for recovery? Do patients and therapists differ in their evaluations? Do eating disorder patients differ from a healthy control group in their scores on the Recovery Scale?
Connecting citizens: The fused identities of Nusaybin, Turkey and Qamishle, Syria
This project explores how the populations of the historically contiguous towns of Nusaybin, Turkey and Qamishle, Syria articulate citizenship in the everyday.
Leiden discoveries
From the Big Bang to superconductivity. Many ground-breaking discoveries have been made in Leiden University’s long history.
Narrative and Belief
How do religious narratives persuade their readers to believe their message? And how can it be that some readers even come to treat fantasy and science fiction as authoritative religious texts? These are the core questions treated in Markus Davidsen’s new book Narrative and Belief: The Religious Affordance…
INFLUEX: Influence of experts on public policy
INFLUEX examines the influence of experts on public policy, aiming to define, measure, and explain their role in democratic policymaking
Fires, Food and the Evolution of Human Detoxification Capabilities
A study by a Leiden-Wageningen group shows that present-day humans are biologically poorly equipped to deal with the toxins they are regularly exposed to in smoky environments: compared to earlier hominins, we modern humans are probably even worse off. The study appeared in Molecular Biology and Evolution.…
Deconstructing stability. Modelling changing environmental conditions and man-land relations in the Pleistocene landscape of Twente (2850 - 12
The project Deconstructing Stability aims to improve reconstructions of late prehistoric landscapes and predictive models for the purpose of archaeological heritage management.
Understanding Illegal Logging in Ghana
On 14 October 2020, Joseph Boakye defended his thesis 'Understanding Illegal Logging in Ghana'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.M. Otto and prof.dr. J.G. van Erp (Utrecht University).
Physical health
How can we stay fit during hybrid working?
Michel Orrit Lab - Single Molecule Optics
Since the early 1990s, one can isolate the optical signal of a single molecule and single-molecule spectroscopy has quickly grown into an important research field.
The impact of sustainable forest management on plant and bird diversity in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Promotor: G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh, C.J.M. Musters
Le roi sublime. Overwhelming Politics and Performance under Louis XIV
This project will clarify how these concepts operated in theoretical writings on performance ,this broadened conceptual framework will not only give us a clear view on how sublime effects in performance were theorized, it will also provide us a concrete apparatus to understand the cultural and political…
The Fate of Anatomical Collections
The changing status of anatomical collections from the early modern period to date.
If you want to find out more about Leiden University, you can read our publications online or request a printed copy.
EQUALITY - Efficient QUantum ALgorithms for IndusTrY
Born in Europe roughly 100 years ago, quantum physics brought forth a veritable technological revolution through semiconductors, lasers, fibre optics, and many other technologies that are today ubiquitous in our lives. Now, during the second quantum revolution, Europe can take the lead once more in…
Read about our recent research projects below.
Required documents
Along with your application, you will need to submit a variety of documents. This information only applies to students who need to submit an application for admission. If you have a diploma that grants you automatic admission to a bachelor’s programme, you won’t need to submit additional documents.
Physics and Education (MSc)
The master’s specialisation Physics and Education at Leiden University prepares you to teach the subject of physics to secondary school students. The programme comprises a one-year physics component, followed by an education component in the second year.
Programme structure
The programma structure of the advanced master International Children's Rights of Leiden University can be found on this page.
Information activities
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Why Leiden University?
By effectively integrating word-class scientific research in astronomy and excellent teacher education, you will become a professional astronomer with an internationally recognized MSc degree and teaching qualification.
Study materials
All of our courses require you to do (background) reading. This may include books, readers and/or materials uploaded to the online learning environment Blackboard. An overview of the literature you need to study can be found in the course description in the online prospectus, under the heading ‘Reading…