10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Política, Cuerpo e Identidad
This book aims to be a point of reflection and debate for journalists, academics and students to recognize a fundamental task in the duty of the communications professional, which is to influence through their daily work and their routines in order to achieve a more inclusive and plural society, through…
- Prof Dr John Vandermeer
Contact the Leiden University Institute for History.
About us
The Young Academy Leiden (YAL) is a select group of young academics at Leiden University. Founded in early 2019, it serves as a platform to bring young, enthusiastic and driven early career (post-PhD) academics together.
Leiden Law School is working hard to improve sustainability both in education and teaching within the faculty, at our campus and in its research. You can read all about the university's vision and ambitions, recent developments in this area, our current sustainability projects and how students and…
Maurits de Jongh, Is Political Liberalism Self-Defeating?
Political scientist Maurits de Jongh (Leiden University/Sciences Po) argues that political liberalism is self-defeating as a framework of justification for liberal conceptions of justice. He explores how the framework's self-imposed criterion of acceptability in the eyes of all reasonable citizens leads…
Current clients
Social media
There are several ways to stay up to date via social media.
- teacher education
Multi-functional urban Green space planning based on transdisciplinary learning (MultiGreen)
Green infrastrucuture (GI) like urban farm and green roofs could provide many beneficial functions in cities. These include for example food production, flood prevention or increasing biodiversity. MultiGreen project aims at developing an integrated modelling tool to support…
Benelux Association for the Study of Art, Culture, and the Environment
The Benelux Association for the Study of Art, Culture, and the Environment (BASCE) is a platform for all those who are actively engaged in ecocriticism to discuss their various endeavours with peers from different disciplines and an array of intellectual, creative, or activist pursuits.
KLM airfare discounts
We are pleased to announce that KLM is offering airfare discounts to Speech Prosody attendees.
Career prospects
With an MSc in Computer Science you are well prepared for broad array of career prospects in research or industry. The master’s degree is an excellent stepping stone for pursuing a PhD degree.
Universiteit Leiden Academy
Education for professionals. Leiden University offers a wide range of courses to boost your career, learn new skills, or broaden your knowledge.
Career prospects
With an MSc in Computer Science you are well prepared for broad array of career prospects in research or industry. The master’s degree is an excellent stepping stone for pursuing a PhD degree.
PhD programmes
A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years.
African Dynamics
In this unique collaboration between Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam and building on the goals set in the African Union Agenda 2063 the United Nations Agenda 2030, the multidisciplinary minor African Dynamics fosters a deeper understanding of integrated…
Career prospects
With an MSc in Computer Science you are well prepared for broad array of career prospects in research or industry. The master’s degree is an excellent stepping stone for pursuing a PhD degree.
VR Tour The Hague
Curious to know how studying in The Hague looks like? Take our VR tour through The Hague!
Career prospects
With an MSc in Computer Science you are well prepared for broad array of career prospects in research or industry. The master’s degree is an excellent stepping stone for pursuing a PhD degree.
- How to Apply
Programme structure
The programme is designed to train you as independent researcher, while equipping you with the necessary skills to advance your career.
Information activities
Would you like to know more about the Master Biomedical Sciences? Or studying and living in the city of Leiden? Biomedical Sciences has several information sessions to help you in making the best choice.
Information activities
Want to know more about the MA/MSc Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden? There are a number of activities that can help you choose your study.
Leiden University has a strong tradition in language teaching, in various settings: for instance in the BA and MA language and culture programmes, area studies programmes, international studies, minors and electives. Currently, 20 different languages are taught throughout different institutes and pr…
Labor movements and party system development: Why does the Caribbean have stable two-party systems, but the Pacific does not?
How can we explain that Caribbean small states have the most stable two-party systems in the world, while Pacific small states have either very weak parties or no parties at all? Matthew Louis Bishop (University of Sheffield, UK), Jack Corbett (University of Southampton, UK) and Wouter Veenendaal (Leiden…
Graduate School
If you are interested in joining our Graduate School, you will find the information you need on this website. Feel free to send us your questions.
If you have any questions, here you can find all the ways you can follow us and reach out to us.
The prehistoric origin and spread of the Indo-Iranian languages
A linguistic test of hypotheses rooted in genetics and archaeology.
YAL Corona survey
Young Academy Leiden has conducted a survey among young academics of Leiden University.
Review and publication procedure
Prior to publication, the corresponding author has to agree with a small publication fee of 95 Swiss Francs (CHF). After a successful review procedure, but prior to publication of the article, the corresponding author will have to pay the publication fee.
Interfacing the past
Computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology CAA95.
Kaiser Spring Lectures
This is an annual series of public lectures at the location that forms the heart of astronomy in Leiden: the Old Observatory.
Leiden University offers several programmes and courses on Central Asia. There are bachelor and master programmes and there is also the possibility of doing your PhD in Leiden.
Koenraad Schalm Group - String Theory and Experiment
Truth is stranger than fiction. In 1997 Juan Maldaceña discovered a remarkable dictionary that translates equation for equation the physics of black holes in string theory into the more conventional physics of quantum mechanics of interacting particles. The remarkable possibility exists that…
LUC Newsletter Archive
Within this archive you find the collection of all LUC Newsletters published by the Communications Team of Leiden University College The Hague.
Evolutionary diversification of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae)
Promotor: Erik F. Smets, Co-promotores: Barbara Gravendeel, Niels Raes
See more information below.
More than a digital system: how AI is changing the role of bureaucrats in different organizational contexts
In this paper, Sarah Giest and Bram Klievink highlight the effects of AI implementation on public sector innovation. This is explored by asking how AI-driven technologies in public decision-making in different organizational contexts impacts innovation in the role definition of bureaucrats.
The Institute of Psychology is responsible for innovative and interdisciplinary research and education within psychology and related disciplines.
Repertorium van de Stadsrechten in Nederland
Systematisch geordend naslagwerk voor alle stadsrechten in Nederland
Essentiality of conserved amino acid residues in β-lactamase
Evolution acts via mutations in amino acid sequences. Substitution of essential amino acids leads to a nonfunctional protein. l.
How does the university work?
Underneath you will find more information on how the university works.
Bullying in India; the teachers’ role
Radio galaxies at low frequencies: high spatial and spectral resolution studies with LOFAR
Promotor: H.J.A. Röttgering, Co-promotor: G.K. Miley
Every year 200 students graduate from Leiden University College The Hague. Currently, there are over 1500 alumni who have completed the Liberal Arts and Sciences programme in The Hague. After which, you all pursued your own course path. At LUC we aim to stay in touch with you, to learn from your experiences…
Proparte is the Association of professors at Leiden University, their spouses and partners.
Jurisprudence is a philosophical introduction to the law. This subject is taught by the department of Jurisprudence.
- Journalism Studies Seminars
Diophantine equations in positive characteristic
In this thesis three different topics in number theory are studied.