3,910 search results for “de world van tales en culture” in the Public website
Memorial for Dr Rudolf de Jong -- عــــزاء
We will hold a memorial in honour of Dr Rudolf de Jong's life on Thursday 29 February 2024 between 18-20h at NVIC.
Afgelopen met de globalisering ('Is globalisation finished?')
On 24 November 2022, Jan Aart Scholte delivered the Cleveringa Lecture at the Netherlands Embassy in London on the subject 'Afgelopen met de globalisering' ('Is globalisation finished?').
Article in 'de Volkskrant' by Adriaan Bedner
Adriaan Bedner wrote an article on the relationship between Indonesia and the Netherlands in 'de Volkskrant' of 21 November 2016.
Mark de Rooij appointed SAIlS Professor
As of April 2022, Mark de Rooij has been appointed SAILS Professor AI and Data Theory at the Institute of Psychology. This position will enable him to contribute to the goal of the interdisciplinary programme: to build on and expand the current expertise on AI within Leiden University, working from…
A world without American domination?
America’s dominance of the world stage is coming to an end. These were the words of Professor Amitav Acharya in his guest lecture in The Hague on 5 February. ‘But the world really won’t be plunged into immediate chaos.’
Rethinking Javanese Religion: The Prospect of New Descriptions of Javanese Traditions
This study describes religion in Java.
Heritage and Climate Governance: Potentials and Pitfalls
This pilot project will initiate research on how heritage has been and can be mobilized to address climate change governance in Himalayan Asia. Climate adaptation strategies frequently include the sourcing of heritage, encompassing landscapes, built environments 4 and cultural practices. However, effective…
Commission-Van der Staaij presenteert revisie Reglement van Orde
Op 30 oktober presenteerde de Commissie tot Revisie van het Reglement van Orde, onder voorzitterschap van Kees van der Staaij (SGP), haar bevindingen aan Kamervoorzitter Khadija Arib.
Huub de Groot breaks down artificial photosynthesis
In a promotional video for the SUNRISE initiative, prof. Huub de Groot explains the impact and ideas behind artificial photosynthesis.
Wat is echt de moeite waard om te onderwijzen? Een perspectiefgerichte benadering - What is really worth teaching? A perspective-oriented approach
With a perspective-based approach to education, students' knowledge, skills and attitude are linked.
Sarah de Rijcke wins ERC Starting Grant
With a success rate of approximately one in ten, receiving an ERC Starting Grant is a notable achievement. Recently, the European Commission announced that Sarah de Rijcke successfully applied for the project FluidKnowledge.
Micro boat makes world tour
World wide press attention for the article and specifically the image of the 30 micrometer long micro boat 3DBenchy by Rachel Doherty, Daniela Kraft and other Leiden physicists.
Wat is hier de bedoeling? Tussen eenvoud en meervoud in publiek leiderschap
Inaugural lecture
Chastelain-Nobach grant allows Tymon de Haas to enlarge Roman expansion research project
Through the Chastelain-Nobach LUF fund, Classical and Mediterranean archaeologist Tymon de Haas has received a grant for his research on the ecological impact of Roman expansion. He will use this grant to further expand on the case-study that was made possible by the Byvanck LUF fund earlier this ye…
De Lange appointed Professor of Predictive pharmacology
As of 1 March 2018, Elizabeth (Liesbeth) de Lange has been appointed as Professor of Predictive pharmacology at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR). She is head of the research group Predictive Pharmacology and mainly aims at developing mathematical models that can predict the effect…
‘Be open to other cultures’
This week more than 400 international students are starting their study programme in Leiden or The Hague. Why did they choose to study here? And what is the advice from their mentors?
Workshop The Natural World (Antwerpen)
ENVIRHUS (Environmental and Rural History of Urbanized Societies) organiseert op 17 februari 2023 (14u-17u) de workshop ‘The Natural World‘.
Building Other forms of Communicating the Academy
The BOCA project explores new forms of communicating academic knowledge as a way to strengthen the connection between the university and society.
Boekpresentatie 600 jaar Navolging van Christus van Thomas Kempis
Op 26 september vindt de boekpresentatie van de jubileumeditie en herziene vertaling van Thomas Kempis' Navolging van Christus plaats in Boekhandel Van der Velde in de Broeren in Zwolle. De presentatie begint om 20.00 uur (inloop vanaf 19u30).
Social Cognition and Decision, Lotte van Dillen studies how we make choices in an information-overloaded world
Due to technological and societal developments, we are being flooded with more information than our brains can process. How does this affect our decision-making, both as individuals and as a society? And can we learn to make better choices? This is what Lotte van Dillen will explore with her profess…
Nubian Voices II
New Texts and Studies on Christian Nubian Culture
Björn de Rijk wins SIAM Posterprize
During the last SIAM / Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures / conference, PhD student Björn de Rijk, supervised by Prof.Dr. Arjen Doelman and Prof. Dr. Jens Rademacher, received the ‘Posterprijs’. This award is given to the student with the best Poster Presentation..
Wouter Kalf and Museum de Lakenhal
On Tuesday 7 December, Wouter Kalf gave a lecture on how All Knowlegde starts with intuïtions for the Studium Generalis series co-hosted by the Museum de Lakenhal. The lecture was in Dutch.
Hoe meer tijd, hoe beter de nier
Donororganen zijn er nooit genoeg. De organen die wel beschikbaar zijn, moeten vliegensvlug getransplanteerd worden. De geneeskunde zet daarom volop in op het langer goedhouden van organen. Marlon de Haan (24) onderzoekt hoe je nieren buiten het lichaam in leven kunt houden.
Stéphanie van der Pas receives Willem R. van Zwet Award
On 29 March Stéphanie van der Pas receives the Willem R. van Zwet Award during the Annual Meeting of the Netherlands Society of Statistics and Operations Research.
Vasiliki Kosta lectures on cultural diversity at EUI Summer Course on “The Law of the European Union”
Dr. Vicky Kosta (Europa Institute, Leiden University), together with Professor Niamh Nic Shuibhne (University of Edinburgh), provided a course on “Cultural Diversity and European Law” at the EUI’s Academy of European Law two-week summer course in June 2023.
Vacatures Raad van Advies
De Raad van Advies bestaat uit leden die een binding hebben met de faculteit. Daarnaast zijn zij goed thuis in de wereld van de advocatuur, de rechterlijke macht, de overheid en het bedrijfsleven. Het faculteitsbestuur gebruikt de adviezen van de Raad van Advies bij de beleidsontwikkeling van de faculteit…
Marnix Medema new visiting professor Van der Klaauw chair
The Institute of Biology Leiden has a new visiting professor as of the first of May. Bioinformatician Marnix Medema holds the Van der Klaauw chair for a year and looks forward to scientific collaborations and to boost the bioinformatics education.
Call - Van Gelderbeurs
Met de Van Gelderbeurs beoogt de Van Geldercommissie onderzoek naar en studie van geld en geldgeschiedenis in Nederland te bevorderen. De Van Gelderbeurs heeft een waarde van max. € 10.000 en kan ingezet worden voor onderzoeks- en/of educatieve doeleinden zoals bijvoorbeeld het maken van een (digitale)…
Podcast - Marieke Liem chats with De Correspondent
Lex Bohlmeijer, creator of the Good Conversations podcast at De Correspondent, is recording a podcast in Theater aan het Spui in The Hague. In his Good Coversations podcast, Lex talks politics, arts, journalism and science, with a wide range of guests who have an exceptional and often unknown story.…
Helen Pluut in podcast De Gelukkige Thuiswerker
What are the advantages of a day’s work at home? Were we happy working from home during the pandemic lockdowns? And who is actually responsible for a healthy and happy homeworker? The employee, or the employer?
Aankondiging promotie van Joanka van der Laan (Groningen)
Promotie van Joanka van der Laan: "Enacting Devotion: Performative Religious Reading in the Low Countries (ca. 1470-1550)" Promotoren: Prof. dr. B.A.M. Ramakers en Prof. dr. S. Corbellini Plaats en datum: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 26 augustus, 16.15 Vanwege de coronamaatregelen is het aantal…
Femke van de Griendt: ‘Dutch is so much more than just spelling the letters d and t’
Femke is a third-year student of Dutch Language and Culture. She was a board member for a year, did an internship in times of COVID-19, and above all has a passion for her mother tongue.
Cleveringa Professor Frank van Vree: ‘It’s high time to discuss the ritualisation of the past’
The annual commemoration of the nation’s war dead on Dam Square and at Waalsdorpervlakte, the Dutch apologies for historical slavery and the Cleveringa Lecture itself: our relationship with history is often ritualistic, Cleveringa Professor Frank van Vree will say in his inaugural lecture on 27 Nove…
World Solidarities: IUAES 2019
On August 27 – 31 2019, PhD candidate Maria Vasile participated in the IUAES 2019 Inter- congress in Poznan, Poland entitled "World Solidarities" and shares some of the insights from presentations she attended and found particularly relevant to the Food Citizens project.
Third Van Eyck Symposium
On Saturday 2 November the third Van Eyck Symposium shall take place
The Heritage Arena
In Europe a number of production and communication strategies have long tried to establish local products as resources for local development. At the foot of the Alps, this scenario appears in all its contradictions, especially in relation to cheese production. The Heritage Arena focuses on the saga…
Aafje de Roest: ‘As an expert in Dutch Studies you have the right skills to research hip hop’
Aafje de Roest turned her hobby into her job. She went from a teenager who enjoyed listening to hip hop music to a PhD candidate who focuses on how Dutch hip hop music shapes the cultural identity of young people in the Netherlands.
Anna-Alexandra Marhold
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Mark Driessen
Faculteit Archeologie
Danny Mekić guest columnist for de Volkskrant
De Volkskrant has a guest columnist every month who writes a column for the website on Sundays. eLaw PhD student Danny Mekić was asked by de Volkskrant to be guest columnist for the month of January.
Research grant for Sarah de Rijcke
Sarah de Rijcke (CWTS) receives a ZonMw Fostering Responsible Research Practices grant for the project 'Optimizing the responsible researcher: towards fair and constructive academic advancement'.
the divide: learning about language policies and practices around the world
During the past year online meetings and lectures have become a firm feature of university life. One of the highlights of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics’ online activities has been the online seminar series ‘Language policy and practices in the Global North and South’ organised by guest…
La crémation à Alexandrie et dans l’Égypte grecque et romaine: étude d'une pratique à travers ses urnes cinéraires
This research aims to study the practice of cremation in Alexandria and Graeco-Roman Egypt, through the examination of its cinerary urns.
Common Dwelling Place of all the Gods
Commagene in its Local, Regional and Global Hellenistic Context
Lezingenreeks Abdij van Park
Op vijf donderdagavonden vanaf 29 september wordt een lezingenreeks over het onderzoek en de restauratie van de Abdij van Park georganiseerd.
expert Gül Aktürk Hauser investigates climate change adaptation of cultural heritage
Recently, Dr Gül Aktürk Hauser took up the position as Assistant Professor at the department of Heritage and Society. Originally an architect, she got caught up in the study of historical vernacular buildings in northeastern Turkey. Now her focus lies on the impact of climate change on cultural heri…
CPP Colloquium: A Tale of Two Crises. Or, Where is the Political Philosophy of the Biodiversity Crisis?
De synergie van het individu
Inaugural lecture
Van Winterfonds: PhD Vacancy
Het Van Winterfonds maakt in 2021 een promotieplaats mogelijk. Doel daarvan is de promovendus de gelegenheid te geven om een promotieplaats te verwerven voor een door haar of hem zelf ontwikkeld promotieplan. Aanvragen kunnen worden gedaan tot 15 maart 2021.