1,747 search results for “relating life” in the Public website
Asia Research Cluster
The CADS Asia Research Cluster extends the legacy of the Institute’s Asia focus into the future, as an important hub in international networks on the study of Asia and through active engagement with colleagues in Asia. Within the Institute the Asia Research Cluster offers a platform for anthropologists…
Film funded with ERC grant in premiere at Mexican film festival
The feature drama film In Times of Rain will have its world premiere at the Guanajuato International Film Festival (#GIFF 2018) in Mexico. The film is a result of the Leiden University project ‘Time in lntercultural Context’, funded by the European Research Council.
‘The disaster in Japan may turn out to be a turning point’
‘There is no such thing as a timeless Japanese soul,’ says newly appointed Professor in Modern Japan Studies Katarzyna Cwiertka. The first month of her professorship turned out to be a crucial test: Japan was hit by a destructive earthquake and tsunami, and Cwiertka had to keep her head in the midst…
About the programme
The major aim of the specialisation Occupational Health Psychology is to equip you with advanced training in research methods and professional skills. This will prepare you both for a career involving psychological research as well as for the application of scientific knowledge and methods in various…
The Leiden Chinese Queer Collection
Building on its extensive holdings in Asian studies, including much material that can support the study of “unofficial” histories and cultures, Leiden University Libraries has established the Leiden Chinese Queer Collection (LCQC).
New minor cooperates with Film House in The Hague: 'Looking at world issues through artists' eyes'
The new minor in 'Creative strategies for a society in change' will start in September. The Leiden Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) has entered into a partnership with the The Hague Film House and will be letting students experience what it is like to work as an artist. ‘We want to teach…
Global Governance Journal comes to Leiden
A team of researchers based at Leiden has taken over the editorship of the journal Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations. For the first time, the journal will now be based outside the United States. The new Editor-in-Chief, Associate Professor Alanna O'Malley…
€8.5m for research into healthy ageing and vitality
A large multidisciplinary team of experts on ageing has secured over €8.5m for a major study of which factors and solutions promote healthy ageing and increase vitality. The LUMC and the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) are two of the centres involved in this national research projec…
Refugees’ Livelihood Strategies in a Setting of Long-term Encampment: The Case of the Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi
Lecture, LIMS seminar | Book Talk
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Seyyed Hassan Taqizadeh: A Political Biography
On the 24th of June Hossein Pourbagheri successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Earth, Energy and Sustainability (BSc Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
At the start of the 20th century there were fewer than 2 billion people. Now at over 7 billion, Earth’s population is on target to reach 8 billion by 2027. How has this dramatic increase in human population impacted Earth’s life support systems and natural resources? How should we understand the meaning…
International Workshop Maritime Conflicts and their Resolution in Atlantic Europe (13th-17th Centuries)
The International Workshop 'Maritime Conflicts and their Resolution in Atlantic Europe (13th-17th Centuries)' takes place at the University of La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain) from 21 to 22 April 2017.
‘Sleep should play a greater role in lifestyle research’
Sleep disorders have a significant influence on our physical and emotional health. Sleep should therefore receive more attention within lifestyle medicine, says Professor Gert Jan Lammers. He will give his inaugural lecture on Friday 20 May entitled: ‘Getting to sleep’.
Eleven master’s students start research into sustainable hospitals
February 8 saw the launch of the Medical Delta ‘Sustainable Hospitals’ Interdisciplinary Thesis Lab. The research projects will touch on different aspects of healthcare. The students hope they will be able to offer practical solutions to make hospitals greener.
Course content
The Master’s programme Health, Ageing and Society trains its students to become academic Health, Ageing and Society professionals and engaged citizens who are competent and trained internationally and interdisciplinary. They are able to contribute to solutions for the challenges facing our ageing so…
Learn more about the former members of the Young Academy Leiden who contributed to a better position for young academics. In the academic year 2023-2024, Young Academy Leiden said goodbye to eleven of its members, who became YALumni. In the five years they were member of YAL, they all experienced…
Network analysis reveals unexpected societal patterns
Thanks to data science, we can chart and search enormous quantities of related information. This generates all kinds of new insights, for example in complex global financial structures or such societal problems as loneliness.
Terrorism is more than physical threat alone
Comparing terrorist attacks with falling off a step ladder is absurd, writes Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn in NRC Handelsblad on 27 September 2017.
ECtHR Judge Ledi Bianku speaks in the European Seminars Lecture Series
On 25 October 2017, Ledi Bianku, judge at the European Court of Human Rights, gave a guest lecture entitled “The ECHR and asylum”. Ledi Bianku is Judge at the European Court of Human Rights since 1 February 2008. He has held the position of Vice-President of Section I of the Court from January 2016…
Reconciling conflicting interests
If a society is to be secure, sustainable and resilient, conflicting interests must be reconciled. Researchers at Leiden University study the behaviour of individuals, groups and states in relation to this issue, and use their knowledge to promote equality within and between communities.
Career prospects
With a MSc in LST you are well prepared for a wide range of career opportunities. Life Science research and business is one of the fastest growing economic activities worldwide.
Qahramon Yakubov will be Central Asia Erasmus Fellow in April 2023
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the European refugee crisis
Who is welcome as a refugee, and who is not? And how is that decided? What role do humanitarian organisations play in the debate surrounding refugees? Doctoral candidate Teuntje Vosters is investigating the influence Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) exert on European policy on migration and ref…
Pre-University College celebrates 20-year anniversary: ‘Still unique in the Netherlands’
Leiden University's Pre-University College is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The programme introduced hundreds of secondary school pupils to science and the university. We asked those involved how PRE became so popular: ‘The students are the reason it still exists today.’
Research at the Faculty in 2018: a sneak preview
A new year that will bring all sorts of developments in the world of research. What are the new year’s resolutions in social sciences research at our faculty? What unites us, and what exciting developments do we anticipate?
Train your brain!
Neuroimaging research has greatly advanced our insights on how the brain is organized. Now is the time for the next step: Imagine what would be possible when we cannot only map brain-functioning, but use neuroimaging to voluntarily regulate brain-activity!
About the programme
The master’s specialisation Applied Cognitive Psychology prepares students for translating theory into practice. You develop all the practical and intellectual skills necessary to apply psychological knowledge to real-life problems in working environments and organisations. The aim of this master’s…
Between literature and law: 'Art can show us how law works and what is just'
The interplay between literature and law is what Frans-Willem Korsten wants to address as a brand-new professor of Literature, Culture and Law. That means doing research, but certainly also teaching. 'The Hague is of crucial importance for the humanities.'
Immersed in Manchu
Fresco Sam-Sin teaches the almost extinct language Manchu. His appointment one day in the week is no match for his enthusiasm. But that doesn't stop him. He is also involved in exporting his online translation platform into other languages and other countries.
Archaeologist Joanita Vroom receives Global Interactions Breed Grant
Dr. Joanita Vroom has been awarded a Breed Grant by the Leiden Global Interactions research profile to support the realisation of her project ‘Shifting Empires, Cultural Encounters. Mapping Material Culture and Foodways in the Medieval & Post-Medieval Eastern Mediterranean and Adjacent Near East (600-1900…
Pale Blue Dot Symposium
30 Years of Pale Blue Dot - 14 February 2020, Kaiserzaal, Old Observatory - The Pale Blue Dot Symposium is an event to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the iconic picture showing the Earth as a tiny speck in the vastness of space and to discuss its impact on humankind. At the end of the symposium,…
LUC's international activities
At Leiden University College (LUC), engagement with international societal partners occurs through research, education, and internships, fostering mutually beneficial collaborations with NGOs, public service institutions, and international counterparts.
The European Union's Policies on Counter-Terrorism
This research paper was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. It was published by the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) in The Hague. Leiden University is one of the participating institutes in this publication and our researcher…
The European Commission, “a humanities-friendly work environment”
On February 29 2024, the Humanities Career Service of Leiden University organised a career day to the European Union institutions in Brussels. Natalia Papageorgiou, student of the MA History (Politics, Culture and National Identities), talks about how the day went.
Protecting cultural heritage in conflict situations
Violent conflicts all over the world pose a great threat. Not only to the region’s inhabitants, but also to the cultural heritage in the area. This is the subject of the Europe Lecture in The Hague on 13 June.
Metal constraints for a low-carbon economy?
This was the question Leiden researchers from the Institute of Environmental Sciences CML posed in an article published last week in the journal Resources, Conservation, Recycling
School Psychology (MSc)
In the specialisation School Psychology, part of the Master in Psychology, you will learn how to create positive learning environments to support talent development and potential for learning as well as practical clinical skills for all students, regardless of their intellectual or mental states.
CADS Research Seminar Listening to the Un-speakable as Decolonial Praxis
Ethnographies of Insurance
How do insurance products transform intimate and personal relations? What are the consequences of the classifications that insurance companies use and how do these affect solidarity, morality and inequality?
Leiden Anthropologists Reflect on the COVID-19 Pandemic
The coronavirus outbreak raises fundamental questions about the politics and narratives of crisis, as well as about our “ordinary” everyday lives and sociality. Irene Moretti and Annemarie Samuels introduce a collection of blogposts of Leiden Anthropologists reflecting on the pandemic and offer a set…
Beyond the Safe Space: LUGO Podcast Miniseries
These podcast episodes were written for the Green Office’s Spring Podcast competition and miniseries 'Beyond the Safe Space', on the theme: the Planetary Boundaries, which took place between the months of March-May 2023.
Writer Judith Visser and psychology students on the literature of autism
Mobility and exchange
Dynamics of material, social and ideological relationships in the pre-Columbian insular Caribbean
Seven new Medical Delta professors
Medical Delta has appointed seven professors who will bridge the medical worlds of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam.
A dilemma: When and how to use the concept of “culture” in medical anthropological practice?
When and how to use the concept of “culture” . To medical anthropologists this is a core question, but also a challenging one.
‘This prize is a great push for my self-esteem and motivation’
Not only does she excel at her research, she is also active in outreach and started a collaboration outside her own field during her PhD. Yevheniia Cheipesh has been awarded the first prize in the For Women in Science Rising Talent Prize by L’Oreal, UNESCO and the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and…
Environmental Sciences Research Prize awarded to David Font Vivanco
The Environmental Sciences Research Prize 2012 has been awarded to CML researcher David Font Vivanco by the Environmental Scientists Association of Catalonia.