10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
English Literature and Culture (MA)
The one-year, English-taught master's programme in English Literature and Culture focuses on the interaction between literature and key political and social issues such as identity, migration, memory and the metropolis, but also between literature and the literary tradition, and literature and film.
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
Student Life
Leiden is a real student city and has everything you’ll need to turn your time as a student into the time of your life.
Graphing algebraic formulas
Many students have difficulties to read and give meaning to algebraic formulas. In this study it is explored whether graphing formulas with pen and paper will improve students’ability to reason with algebraic formulas.
Imagining Urban Complexity. A Humanities Approach in Tropes, Media, and Genres
Imagining Urban Complexity introduces passionate and critical perspectives on the link between the humanities and urban studies.
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
About the journal
The Common Market Law Review has had its editorial office in the Leiden Europa Institute ever since it was founded in 1963.
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID)
Why are not all children equally responsive to variations in the social environment?
Molecular Pharmacology
In this research group, headed by Laura Heitman, novel receptor concepts in drug discovery are studied, aiming to increase the effectivity of medicines. Many drugs act via so-called G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and therefore our research is mainly focused on understanding and improving drug-receptor…
About LLC
The Leiden Leadership Centre (LLC) at Leiden University is a platform for research and education in the field of public leadership, based in The Hague. We aim to advance knowledge and contribute to the development of public leadership - both in science and in practice.
Novel system-inspired model-based quantum machine learning algorithm for prediction and generation of High-Energy Physics data
Assistant Professor Vedran Dunjko and his team received a gift from Google to support their quantum research. The research focuses on whether quantum computers can provide new ways of understanding the mysteries of high-energy physics.
Staff from the UK
Coming to and living in The Netherlands after Brexit.
Kinetics for Drug Discovery: a Case for the Adenosine A3 receptor
Supervisor: Lizi Xia
- Summitry
Scheurrak SO1 in the Maritime-Cultural Landscape
This project combines and reconsiders all the available evidence of the Scheurrak SO1, and use new archival databases and modern archaeological techniques to shed new light on the material culture of the Baltic grain trade and the Holland shipbuilding industry at the turn of the sixteenth century.
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding mono- and multidisciplinary teaching.
The LLP equips you with the knowledge, insights and skills you need to make a professional and societal impact.
Lab facilities
The LUCL Labs consist of four spaces equipped to conduct high-quality experimental linguistic research.
PhD platforms and organisations
Several PhD platforms and organisations represent PhD candidates within the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University and broader.
We are Science
Curiosity and a passion for science - that’s what connects the people at FWN. Our Faculty is international and diverse, and together we create a great place to work. Check out this site to see what we do and how you can get involved.
SKY HIGH: Vertical farming a revolution in plant production
As a new vision on food production, the feasibility study on LED light to grow crops with the biological- and chemical evaluation of final products.
The Hittite Inherited Lexicon
This dissertation attempts to describe the linguistic history of Hittite on the basis of a systematic etymological treatment of its entire inherited lexicon, precisely analyzing the phonological and morphological developments.
Leiden Law Academy
Blijven ontwikkelen op academisch niveau is onontkoombaar in een snel veranderende arbeidsmarkt. Wij helpen u graag bij het actueel houden van uw kennis en vaardigheden. Voor een leven lang ontwikkelen moet u in Leiden zijn.
History of Leiden University
Read on these pages all about the history of Leiden University, the oldest university in the Netherlands. The Academia Lugduna Batava was founded in 1575 and its motto is: Libertatis Praesidium ('Bastion of Freedom').
Join our Online Experience Day
Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) offers a 3-year Bachelor's programme with a focus on Global Challenges: Peace & Justice, Sustainability, Diversity and Prosperity. The programme offers room for flexibility; you get to specialize in a major of your choice and combine this with a minor or electives.…
Explaining Contestation: Votes in the Council of the European Union
The researchers examine the Council of the European Union's voting behaviour between 2010 and 2021 and the impact of different independent variables.
Modulation of Stratum Corneum Lipid Composition and Organization of Human Skin Equivalents by Specific Medium Supplements
Our in-house human skin equivalents contain all stratum corneum (SC) barrier lipid classes, but have a reduced level of free fatty acids (FAs), of which a part is mono-unsaturated. These differences lead to an altered SC lipid organization and thereby a reduced barrier function compared to human skin.…
Unravelling East Africa’s Early Linguistic History (LHEAf)
This project investigates the rich linguistic history of the crucial language groups in East Africa and includes a search for words that indicate earlier lost languages. These outcomes, combined with recent archaeological and genetic research, will contribute to a new understanding of East Africa’s…
CML-IA Characterisation Factors
CML-IA is a database that contains characterisation factors for life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and is easily read by the CMLCA software program.
How do citizens define and value the rule of law? A conjoint experiment in Germany and Poland
This article investigates the causes and examines how differing public perceptions of the rule of law contribute to this trend.
The project investigates epistemicity: how the knowledge of the speaker and hearer can be expressed in the grammar. This shows us how speakers organise their knowledge, and whether this is influenced by the language they speak.
IOH Project
In this project Principles and Best Practices for Insolvency Office Holders (IOHs) for cross-border insolvency cases are developed.
India at a Crossroads: SDGs and Cooperation with the EU
Shah recently wrote an op-ed for the Commentaries series of the Istituto Affari Internazionali in Rome, which has been published online. The piece is on India’s performance and priorities regarding the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) and collaboration with the EU.
Images of Galois representations
Promotores: S.J. Edixhoven, P.Parent
New imaging technology to assess early drug success
Human and animal cells are very complex: very different chemical processes are going on at the same time, but they are separated from each other because the cells are divided in compartments. These compartments may also have a profound effect on the potential efficacy of therapeutics, because the drug…
In touch with the dead
A study of early medieval reopened graves
First person
Does the sitter have agency in the making of a photographic portrait? And if so how?
Philosophy of Law
Philosophy of law is concerned with the the foundations of law.
Portrait of Marten Soolmans
Marten Soolmans (1613-1641) studied law in Leiden at the same time that Rembrandt lived in the city. Rembrandt painted Soolmans and his wife Oopjen in 1634, after all three had moved to Amsterdam. This remarkable portrait of the sumptuously dressed Soolmans can be seen at the Kamerlingh Onnes Building,…
Digitizing security: How digital risk-profiling is developed in practice
How are digital risk-profiles developed and used in practice?
Why Leiden University?
High-quality education by talented lecturers and renowned researchers, international fieldwork internships, and practicals in ultramodern laboratories: the bachelor's programme in Archaeology at Leiden University offers you the perfect basis for a successful career.
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
About the programme
This two-year programme provides you with insights and hands-on training in biomedical sciences.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a great environment in which to reach their potential.
Student for a day Urban Studies
Study information
Wasted: Exploring Food Citizenship as a Form of Urban Resilience. A case study of food waste perceptions and practices in The Hague.
How do different communities of residents in The Hague perceive and manage food waste in relation to citizenship (rights and responsibilities)?
Social and Economic Psychology (research) (MSc)
The Social and Economic Psychology specialisation offers in-depth knowledge of a broad range of theories and research domains in this area, all concerning the way people’s social environment influences thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.
Programme structure
The curriculum in the first semester provides an overall introduction to public international law and international criminal law. The second semester is more track-specific and focused on interaction.