2,014 search results for “privacy en bescherming van persoonlijke gegevens” in the Public website
Honours Class makes cultural heritage tangible: ‘You are dealing with people’
An Honours Class about the ostensibly unrecognisable worlds of insular Southeast Asia teaches students a fundamental piece of wisdom:
Platform Thingsthattalk brings together historical objects
Using the motto 'Exploring humanities through the life of objects' the Thingsthattalk platform gives a voice to historical objects that are usually kept behind closed doors. Objects from various Leiden collections are going to be made public and placed within a historical and user context.
Why do we always have room for pudding?
In De Kookshow, Universiteit Van Nederland explores the scientific world behind food. Ever wondered which senses influence how tasty you find something? And why do you always have room for pudding after a meal? Leiden historian Kim Beerden is among the scholars providing answers.
‘You learn so much more than during your studies’
Graduates Bruno and Plym took part in the National Think Tank last year. Together with 20 other students and recent graduates, they spent four months pondering the future of our digital society. ‘You learn so much in the space of four months, not just practical skills but also about yourself.’
Lecture by Harry van der Hulst
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar Jan van Rijn
Shaping innate immune responses: mechanisms that control type I interferon production
PhD defence
Guest lecture by Wojciech Wiewiórowski, European Data Protection Supervisor
On Thursday 29 February, the European Data Protection Supervisor, Wojciech Wiewiórowski, visited the eLaw Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden Law School to give a lecture entitled 'Fundamental rights and/or market surveillance: The current and future role of Data Protection Authorities…
The SyRI Judgment: A conversation with Jelle Klaas, litigation director of NJCM and plaintiff’s attorney
The District Court of The Hague announced its judgment on 5 February in the case of SyRI (Systeem Risico Indicatie). Two writers, Privacy rights groups, civil rights lawyers and the largest national labour union had rallied to fight this controversial surveillance system, created and used by the Dutch…
AI Policy Leaders Academia Award for Gianclaudio Malgieri
Dr Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law at eLaw, will receive the AI Policy Leaders Academia Award from CAIDP Europe (Center for AI and Digital Policy Europe) alongside Professor Alessandro Mantelero from the Politecnico di Torino. The award is 'for their collective call on EU policymakers…
Should the VOG screening process be extended to include administrative fines?
Research shows that including administrative fines in the screening process for a Certificate of Conduct (in Dutch: VOG) is not currently feasible.
‘Making wearing face masks mandatory violates constitutional rights'
The Dutch government will be unable to make wearing face masks mandatory in public spaces in the short term, according to three constitutional and administrative law experts in NRC newspaper, including Wim Voermans.
eLaw at CPDP2019
The twelfth annual conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP2019) took place in Brussels from Jan. 30 until Feb. 1, 2019. Leiden Law School’s Center for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) was represented in two different panels at the conference this year.
Wim Voermans: 'Employers can’t just request a coronavirus entry pass'
The introduction of a compulsory coronavirus entry pass in the workplace is currently being considered behind the scenes. Dutch Minister of Health Hugo de Jonge spoke about this at the press conference on Tuesday 2 November. But such a measure is not without problems.
Sign up for the Opening of the Academic Year on 2 September
The Opening of the Academic Year 2024 will be held in Pieterskerk on Monday 2 September. This year’s theme is ‘Science for Policy’. Students, staff and anyone else who is interested are welcome.
New paper on: 'Legal Barriers and Enablers to Big Data Reuse: A Critical Assessment of the Challenges for the EU Law'
eLaw colleagues Bart Custers and Helena Ursic have a new publication in the peer-reviewed journal The European Data Protection Law Review.
Paul Abels on the ‘dragnet law’
There was a lot of fuss last week about the ‘dragnet law’, in which intelligence services are now authorised to conduct large-scale tapping of cable communications. The public image here is that the privacy of innocent citizens will almost certainly be violated. Paul Abels, professor of governance of…
Minister Beljaarts wil 300 miljoen investeren in kunstmatige intelligentie
Nederland en Europa liggen ver achter op de VS in de AI-markt. Beljaarts doet de oproep dat Nederland een supercomputer moet bouwen, om zich stevig te kunnen positioneren. Reijer Passchier, universitair docent Staatsrecht en hoogleraar Digitalisering aan de OU, waarschuwt in EenVandaag voor de dominantie…
Radical steps needed to save Europe’s democratic rule of law from Big Tech
In an op-ed and an interview in Dutch newspaper ‘de Volkskrant’, Reijer Passchier, Assistant Professor in Constitutional Law at Leiden University and Professor of Digitalisation and the Democratic Constitutional State at the Open University, stresses that Europe needs to take radical steps to tackle…
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Niki van Stein
Nienke van der Marel on astrochemistry
Lecture, Kaiser Lente Lezing
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Rob van Nieuwpoort
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Matthijs van Leeuwen
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Marieke van Buchem
SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: Ben van Werkhoven
“De illusie van het politieke primaat” and “Can the centre hold? Over de robuustheid van de rijksoverheid”
Inaugural lecture
De Januskop van de inkomensongelijkheid in Nederland
Inaugural lecture
- Public graduation presentation, Sjoerd van Midden
Van Marum Colloquium: Ryuhei Nakamura & Hideshi Ooka
Over de grens van de onrechtmatige daad
PhD defence
- Seminar 2: Dievenland: De spelregels van een publieksboek
Opening of the Herta Mohr Building: brand new and also recycled location for Humanities
Light, open and green: a description that fits the new, renovated location of the Faculty of Humanities. The official opening of the Herta Mohr Building took place on 8 October, and it has many remarkable features: for example, recycled ‘mushroom columns’, a pedestrian bridge to the University Library…
Subsidy for development of tools for rheumatic diagnosis
Digital diagnostic tools should improve the diagnostic process of patients with musculoskeletal complaints, so that they can receive the right treatment more quickly.
First eLaw Conference: Law and/versus Technology
The first eLaw Conference held at Leiden University was a success and fostered timely discussions on the legal challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies.
The Ethics Committee at Archaeology: ‘Think ahead before starting your research, that’s the point’
In the past decade many academic journals have started to require that researchers provide evidence of ethical review when submitting papers, for example when working with human participants or human remains.. In order to support researchers to ensure their projects are able to meet these expectations,…
Els de Busser receives NWO-funding for project in solving cyber security issues
Dr. Els de Busser, assistant professor and researcher at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, as principal investigator of a consortia, has been awarded 1.45 million euros for a project called C-SIDe.
Mythes rondom de geheime diensten ontkracht
In haar boek ‘Diensten met geheimen’ vertelt Willemijn Aerdts hoe de AIVD en MIVD te werk gaan. En ontkracht ze ook een paar mythes.
‘A handful of companies can't be allowed to dominate the market’
European Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager, gave a warning in the Europa Lecture on 14 June about large companies that abuse their power. 'An honest society begins with honest markets.'
Three quantum-safe cryptography methods standardised for global use
Three quantum-safe cryptography methods have been standardised for worldwide use since this week. Léo Ducas co-designed the two primary PQC methods selected for this standardisation. Ducas is part of the Cryptology group at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and is also professor of Mathematical cryptology…
Prince Constantijn: research on big data urgently needed
Policy makers urgently need scientists’ help with the phenomenon of big data. This was the view expressed by Prince Constantijn, speaking at the opening of the Leiden Centre of Data Science, the virtual centre for research on big data at Leiden University.
'Why aren't those children at school?'
The new privacy laws make it more difficult to combat human trafficking: under-age victims are often not registered. In her lecture, Cleveringa Professor Corinne Dettmeijer called on everyone to be on the alert. 'We don't want to live in a society where people are treated as throw-away objects.'
Educating the youth of today to solve the challenges of tomorrow
In collaboration with the Honours Academy at Leiden University, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and Hadassah Drukarch from eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, coordinated a Pre-University Class on Robot Law.
The Facebook scandal: guidance and tips
Facebook is under attack due to the scandal with Cambridge Analytica: Data of tens of millions of users have been leaked. Does this mean the end of Facebook? ‘The storm will pass,’ says security expert Erik van der Kouwe. He provides tips on how to keep Facebook from following your every move.
LUBEC treatment centre: bridge between support and research
From anxiety disorders to an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. In the Leiden University Treatment and Expertise Centre (LUBEC) children and adults receive treatment that is in line with the newest scientific insights. The centre is also a training and research institution, so students and researchers are…
How AI and wearable technology help create more inclusive environments for children
Can we reshape school playgrounds through data and design? By using AI and wearable sensors, data scientist Maedeh Nasri discovered ways to create environments where children, including those with ADHD and autism, can connect, play, and grow.
Toetsing van deskundigenadviezen door de bestuursrechter
PhD defence
- Book presentation Oort Biography - Piet van der Kruit
A Nimble Arc: James Van Der Zee and Photography
Lecture, Talk
Ingrid Leijten on radio about freedom of expression
On 12 November Ingrid Leijten was a guest on Dutch NOS NPO Radio 1 programme Met het Oog op Morgen. She was asked to speak about the right to freedom of expression.
Humane Genetica, in het bijzonder translationele studies van neurodegeneratieve aandoeningen
Inaugural lecture