2,716 search results for “near cognitive functions” in the Public website
Janneke Fruin-Helb grant for Elise Kortink
Elise Kortink, student of the Master in Psychology (research) won the award for the best LUF-grant application of 2016 with her research proposal for an internship at the Yale Child Study Center (YCSC).
Application procedures
Now you are aware of all admissions requirements and application deadlines it’s time to start your application procedure. Every student will need to start their application in Studielink. Afterwards, you will receive access to the online application portal of Leiden University.
About the programme
The master specialisation Clinical Neuropsychology is grounded in the neurosciences relevant to clinical neuropsychology with a strong focus on evidence-based practice.
Programme structure
Dutch Studies is a unique bachelor’s programme in which you will quickly acquire fluency in spoken and written Dutch at a high academic level, at the same time gaining deep understanding of the culture and history of the Netherlands.
Tuition fees
Your tuition fee depends on a number of factors, such as your nationality and your previous Dutch higher-education qualifications.
Train your brain!
Neuroimaging research has greatly advanced our insights on how the brain is organized. Now is the time for the next step: Imagine what would be possible when we cannot only map brain-functioning, but use neuroimaging to voluntarily regulate brain-activity!
Topic: Healthy lifestyle: Nudging and self-regulation
We are all aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. However, at the same time we also experience many difficulties when we are trying to change our behavior to become more healthy. For example, more often than not our good intentions to exercise more or to eat fewer unhealthy snacks fail miserably…
Visual attention bias for self-made artworks
Larissa Mendoza Straffon and colleagues investigated visual attentional biases toward self-made artworks, which tend to be favoured, remembered, valued, and ranked above and beyond objects that are not related to the self. Their findings confirm that attention and preference are higher for self-made…
Spaces for Active Teaching and Learning (SALT)
Here you will find an overview of the Spaces for Active Teaching and Learning already implemented at Leiden University and LUMC. These rooms vary in size, location, material affordances, and technological affordances, and thus vary in the forms of pedagogy they best support. You can use this site as…
Previous SAILS Workshops
SAILS likes to occasionally organise workshops about topics that relate to our programme. On this page you can find more information about previous workshops.
World-wide Bird Singalong Project: exploring parrot musicality
Is our musicality unique? To find out, the Bird Singalong Project brings together singing parrots from all over the world. Do you have a parrot that sings or whistles along to songs and would you like to help us? Sing up now!
Intended and unintended consequences
Some offenders are given short prison sentences. They tend to be people who are generally not faring well before they go to prison; they may have difficulty finding a job for instance. A short spell in prison can make them even more vulnerable. Attention therefore needs to be paid to continual supervision…
From Data to insight
Social science research helps us understand human behaviour and social structures. These are determined by various factors, which makes the research complex and increases the likelihood of drawing the wrong conclusions. The choice of research method and analysis is therefore extremely important. It…
- Career prospects
About the programme
The specialisation involves general courses, specialisation-specific courses, electives, research internship and your thesis
About the Programme
How does the human mind work when it comes to language? Why are some speeches totally persuasive, and others less so? How do children acquire language so effortlessly? How do languages develop over the course of time? How many different speech sounds can humans make? During your BA in Linguistics you…
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
Animal sciences and health
In the research theme ‘Animal Sciences and Health’, we work with various animal species to gain insights into fundamental biological processes in both animals and humans.
What’s in a plant?
Tracking early human behaviour through plant processing and -exploitation.
- Career prospects
Tuition fees
The amount of tuition fee you have to pay depends on a number of factors. These are your nationality, your study programme and whether you have already obtained a Dutch higher education diploma.
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
Marjolein Fokkema: ‘My algorithms produce increasingly flexible decision trees for mental-health professionals’
Making predictions about emotional problems or the effects of air pollution: Marjolein Fokkema’s algorithms are getting better at this all the time. She is making her algorithms increasingly flexible, so they can predict not just characteristics at one particular moment, but also how skills, for example,…
Replacing fear with something new: Using novelty to unlearn fear.
This project has two main aims: I. Determine when novelty promotes fear extinction. II. Discover the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these effects.
Investigating Institutional Diversity and Innovation: AI adoption and implementation in Taiwan and The Netherlands
(1) What are the institutional factors that influence AI adoption and implementation? and (2) How does AI reshape the exercise of administrative discretion within public organisations, and how do adoption and implementation choices moderate these effects?
Segments and rules: a comparative study on linguistic rule learning mechanisms
A central and much debated topic in the study of language acquisition concerns the nature of the learning mechanisms that are required. Are the computational and learning mechanisms that guide learning about language structure special and specific to language or humans?
The adolescent brain
Fundamental insights into the working of the adolescent brain help lecturers and parents to teach adolescents to function better. Professor Eveline Crone studies executive functions – such as planning and behaviour – in the adolescent brain.
Spaces and Support for Active Learning & Teaching
Within the Vision on Teaching and Learning, one of the 8 ambitions is Activating Teaching and Learning. With the support of the Vice-Deans and Vice-Rector, Hester Bijl, the Saltswat project is working on accelerating this ambition. What is the purpose of this site? Being effective…
Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics
The research programme Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics brings together LUCL researchers who focus mainly on descriptive and comparative linguistics.
Volume 2 (2020)
Issue 1
“Leiden linguists play a key role in linguistics”
From 2 to 5 September 2015, Leiden served as the stage for one of the world’s largest linguistics conferences: the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) 2015 Annual Meeting. Marianne Mithun, a professor at University of California, Santa Barbara and outgoing president of the SLE, is not surprised that…
Gell's theory of art as agency and living presence response
Subproject of
- About this minor
About the programme
The specialisation involves general courses, specialisation-specific courses, electives, research internship and your thesis
About Us
LUCAS is home to a multidisciplinary academic community that facilitates deep analyses of, and appreciation for, the power and dynamics of cultural products (texts, objects, practices) in our past and present. Through high-quality research, education, and valorisation, our Institute contributes to a…
De Hoe?Zo! Show teaches children that science is anything but boring
Why is water wet? What is ADHD? In De Hoe?Zo! Show, curious 9-and-10-year-olds get answers to their questions. PhD candidates take to the stage to demonstrate just how exciting science can be while enhancing their own communication skills at the same time.
Entry requirements
We make a distinction between the following types of previous education.
Masterclass discovers new archaeological sites with drones
During the Masterclass “Archaeology from the Sky”, participating students have used small drones to acquire aerial photos from the Italian landscape of Molise. With sometimes amazing results.
Alwin Kloekhorst receives Vidi grant
Alwin Kloekhorst, working at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, has received a Vidi grant for his research on the break-up of the Indo-European language.
Hundreds of Stone Tombs Discovered in Land of 'Dead Fire'
The faculty has been investigating hundreds of ancient stone tombs in Jordan’s Black Desert.
New archaeological perspectives on an Arabian oasis in Islamic periods
- Palloures Winter Symposium
NWO has rewarded CODELAB researchers for new startup idea
The new startup idea of Arko Ghosh and his colleagues at CODELAB concerns seamless brain assessments using day-to-day digital interactions. The study aims to make algorithms tuned to consumer-grade brain recordings and test the market readiness for this technology. In order to achieve this, the researchers…
Lotte van Dillen starts the European collaborative project Work Hard, Play Hard
Lotte van Dillen has been awarded a NWO funding for a research project in collaboration with Wilhelm Hofmann of the University of Cologne and Henk van Steenbergen of Leiden University about hedonic compensation.
Ellen de Bruijn about the social context of making mistakes and learning from it
During the event 'Fout?' by De Jonge Akademie, Ellen de Bruijn held a lecture about the social context of making mistakes and the psychological elements of learning from it.
New insights into characteristics of Conduct Disorder with "limited prosocial emotions"
In a recent study, Dr. Moji Aghajani and colleagues show that adolescents with a severe form of Conduct Disorder (CD) -with limited prosocial emotions- require an unusually large amount of brain capacity to read emotional faces. These effects were found in comparison to CD youth without limited prosocial…
Eveline Crone joins ERC Scientific Council
Professor Eveline Crone joined the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC) on 13 January.
Michiel van Elk in various media about psychedelics
Scientists are split over whether the benefits some microdosers experience are a placebo effect or something more. Michiel van Elk has been interviewed by several international news to talk about his research and to discuss the effects of psychedelics.
Bachelor Religious Studies top program according to 'Keuzegids Universiteiten 2019'
The bachelor program Religious Studies has, besides also Linguistics and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, been awarded by the 'Keuzevakkengids Universiteiten 2019' with the predicate top program.