1,636 search results for “international organisatie” in the Public website
International Law and Governance of the Arctic in an Era of Climate Change
PhD defence
Workshop History and International Studies - The Global Futures of the EU
Conference, Workshop History and International Studies
Economic Human Rights, The United Nations and the Intimacies of International Law: A History
Lecture, INVISIHIST event
An International Rule-Based Order and China in the Global Arena
Marc Koper receives the Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Award
During the 20th anniversary meeting of the Netherlands' Catalysis and Chemistry Conference, Marc Koper received the Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Award. ‘The ultimate candidate for the prize’, it says in one of the recommendation letters.
Successful ‘landmark decisions’ panel discussion at ISLSSL World Congress in Rome
Yvonne Erkens and Fieke Weber, both from the Department of Labour Law and Social Security, recently organised a panel discussion on behalf of the International Labor Rights Case Law Journal (ILaRC). The discussion took place during the ISLSSL World Congress in Rome and was a huge success.
2023 Conference on International Cyber Security: War and Peace. Conflict, Behaviour and Diplomacy in Cyberspace
Student for a Day Public Administration: International and European Governance (IE&G)
Study information
The corona crisis through the eyes of social scientists
The corona crisis relates to not only the medical field but also the field of the social sciences and humanities. SSH Beraad, a consultation body that aims to improve the position of the social sciences and humanities in the Netherlands, has launched a website bringing together experts in the social…
PhD defence Anneloes Kuiper-Slendebroek
On Tuesday 19 December 2017 at 16:15 hrs Anneloes Kuiper-Slendebroek will defend her doctoral thesis 'Rechter over Grenzen' which deals with the application and interpretation of international law in Dutch private law. Supervisor is Martijn Polak, co-supervisor is Jeroen van der Weide.
The EU’s Response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: International and European Perspectives
The Hague Meets Geneva: Dialogue between the ICC and Human Rights Actors
On 3 June 2016, Prof. Carsten Stahn participated in a Panel at the Graduate Institute on International and Development Studies in Geneva on accountability as a common goal between The Hague and Geneva.
Mosquera Valderrama awarded a Jean Monnet Chair: 'Raise awareness of EU Standard of Tax Good Governance'
Last November, it was announced that the European Commission has awarded a Jean Monnet Chair to Professor of Tax Law Irma Mosquera Valderrama. She will use the grant to shape the EUTAXGOV project over the next three years.
Call for Papers: H2OLAW Law-Science Interfaces within the Law of the Sea and Fresh Water Law
We are pleased to invite abstracts for the conference ‘H2OLAW – Law-Science Interfaces within the Law of the Sea and Fresh Water Law’ hosted by the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University. The conference will take place on 26 and 27 September 2024 at Leiden University in the…
Leiden researchers on king’s apology for the Netherlands historical role in slavery
In a speech on Keti Koti the Dutch king, Willem-Alexander, apologised on behalf of the royal family for the Netherlands’ historical role in slavery. What is the significance of this?
- Opening Lecture Owada Chair: Global Diversity and the Living International Human Rights Law
Multidisciplinary minor gives insight into cybercrime, disasters and terrorism
Safety and security risks ranging from cybercrime to terrorism threats are a growing concern worldwide. Technological developments have made security issues increasingly complex. This is typically a topic for the multidisciplinary Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities (LDE) curriculum.
LUC visits Irish Embassy during Brexit - preparations
At the time of writing, the UK has just acquired an extension for their departure from the European Union. However, this had not been the case when LUC’s ‘Regional Trends: The EU and its Neighbourhood’ class visited the Irish Embassy on Wednesday 20th March; at this point, everyone was preparing for…
‘Wij academici en docenten van Security Studies kunnen direct invloed uitoefenen.'
In zijn oratie bepleit Joachim Koops dat de toekomst van Security and Global Affairs ligt in onderzoek, onderwijs en academisch bestuur.
Hanna Bosdriesz awarded doctorate cum laude
On 3 December 2019 Hanna Bosdriesz defended her dissertation on the fight against impunity for grave human rights violations in Latin America.
How does the European Union deal with distinctiveness?
On 31 January 2024, Alex Schilin defended his dissertation ‘United in Distinctiveness: The Institutionalisation of Differentiated Integration in Economic and Monetary Union during the Sovereign Debt Crisis.’ What motivated him to research this specific topic, and how did he tackle this project? And…
Joris Larik presents Brexit Research in New York
Joris Larik, Assistant Professor of Comparative, EU and International Law at LUC The Hague and Convener of the International Justice major, presented his research at the Midyear Meeting of the American Society of International Law, which was hosted by Brooklyn Law School in New York City.
Career College: Challenges of an international career
Melanie Fink appointed member of the Meijers Committee
Melanie joined the Committee in October 2020 and as of 2021 will also form part of its Rule of Law Project, chairing the project’s sub-group on EU Agencies.
Melanie Fink on Frontex and Access to Justice
On 6-8 and 10-13 November 2020, the Network for Migration Law (Netzwerk Migrationsrecht) organised their 14th annual conference on the topic of ‘law at the border’.
Ann Skelton in Aljazeera on child rights in Syria Camps
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) has accused Finland of violating the rights of Finnish children by leaving them in life-threatening conditions in Syrian camps. Ann Skelton, member of the committee, calls the situation 'inhuman'.
Overcoming ‘Otherness’: Moritz Jesse in Madrid on Integration of Immigrants
Dr. Moritz Jesse, Associate Professor of European Union Law at the Europa Institute Leiden, presented about the legal transition of migrants from outsiders to insiders at the 26th International Conference of Europeanists, which took place in Madrid in June.
Yannick van den Brink gives key note speech in Valencia about children’s rights and youth justice
On 12 December 2019, Dr Yannick van den Brink, assistant professor at the Department of Child Law and Rubicon Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, gave a keynote speech at the conference ‘Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe’, which was organised in Valencia, Spain.
LUC and MIRD students attend Hybrid Threats Simulation in Porto
From 11-13 April 2019, a group of 11 students from LUC and the Advanced MSc. programme in International Relations and Diplomacy attended the event NATO@70 in Portugal – Countering hybrid threats with hybrid containment: NATO’s mission for the 21st century. Leiden University’s participation in the event…
Introducing: Andrew Gawthorpe
I am a Lecturer in Contemporary Military History and Security Studies, teaching in both the History and International Relations programmes here at Leiden. I grew up in Yorkshire, England and was interested in history and international politics from a young age. In 2003 I went to the University of Cambridge…
Jan van de Streek and Jan Vleggeert on tax evasion Uber
Tech company Uber uses various tricks via the Netherlands to avoid paying tax on its profits. A $16 billion inter-company loan from Singapore has prompted questions with experts claiming the loan is not under arm’s length terms. MEP Paul Tang wants Brussels to investigate.
Migration and International Socialism: Transnational Socialism, Free Movement, and Migration in the early European Parliament
Lecture, LIMS seminar
LUCIP International Workshop “Re-staging the Periphery as the Center: Women Communities in East Asian Religions”
Safeguarding Judicial Independence and Promoting Accountability of International Courts through Financial Governance
PhD defence
Special Guest Lecture: Civilian Internment in India: Omissions and Exceptions, Incarceration camps of the Pacific War
Guest Lecture | SSEALS
Economy of an Enigma: Exploring Vietnam's Domestic Dynamics and International Role
Lecture, LAC Asia Academy
Graduation ceremony: European and International Human Rights Law (Advanced LL.M.)
Graduation ceremony
PhD candidate reveals link between North Korea and southern Africa
North Korea is generally thought to be an isolated country. But, according to PhD candidate Tycho van der Hoog from Leiden’s African Studies Centre, the opposite is in fact the case. North Korea actually has strong alliances with countries in southern Africa. Van der Hoog is trying to shed more light…
‘If you want to understand China, read what Chinese scholars are writing’
Contrary to what one might expect, societal actors influence China’s foreign policy. PhD candidate Sabine Mokry investigated how Chinese academics and think tanks impact the authoritarian leadership’s views on what constitutes the country’s national interest in the international arena. On 14 November…
- Open Science Coffee in International Data Week: pilots for preparing, publishing and monitoring Leiden research data
”Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional and International Perspectives”
Carolien Stolte
Faculty of Humanities
Maria Gabriela Palacio Ludeña
Faculty of Humanities
Jos Schaeken
Faculty of Humanities
International children’s rights in polycrisis: Interconnected pathways to social justice and a sustainable future
Inaugural lecture
Addressing the elephant in the room. Cyber intelligence and international security
Inaugural lecture
What you need to know about tax avoidance
Before he became Minister of Finance, CDA leader Wopke Hoekstra invested for years in a shell company in the Virgin Islands. This has been revealed in leaked documents known as the Pandora Papers. How exactly does tax avoidance work? And are there other options? Tax lawyers Jan Vleggeert and Tanja…
Leiden students advise the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
On Wednesday 18 May, the students of the LL.M. Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights presented their work to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child with the aim to provide recommendations on how to make its decision more accessible to children.
Ukraine should continue to fight until all occupied territories are liberated
'The EU should not give way under pressure as the war continues,' writes Joris Larik, assistant professor of European law, in an opinion piece that was recently published in Dutch newspaper FD.
Dr. Larik presents Brexit research at 10th Anniversary CLEER Conference
On 6 and 7 December, the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER), which is hosted by the T.M.C. Asser Institute, celebrated its 10th anniversary with a conference on