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Explore Leiden
Leiden houses the oldest university in the Netherlands, 13 museums, and 23 kilometres of canals with 88 bridges.
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Life Course
As a result of an increased life expectancy, more people suffer from chronic diseases and discomfort. Elderly patients may have multiple diseases simultaneously, with concomitant multiple medications.
Charge transport properties of Ru-complex molecules: the influence of humidity
I will give a general introduction to the field of molecular electronics, its history, methods and challenges. I will also introduce the subject of my investigation and provide a brief outlook to the remainder of our thesis.
- Swedish
DiGiuseppe & Kleinberg, ‘Economics, security, and individual-level preferences for trade agreements’
Citizens’s attitudes towards trade are not only about the (perceived) economic effect. Commerce also has a variety of security implications. Employing an original experiment, political scientists Matthew DiGiuseppe (Leiden University) and Katja Kleinberg (Binghamton University) demonstrate that security…
Nadia Bouras: a history of migration
When people migrate, they leave an old environment behind and move to a new one. What exactly happens? How do the migrants feel? How does the host society respond to them?
About the programme
Connecting insights and perspectives about leadership, governance and management with healthcare issues is central to this research program.
Flow Cytometry Core Facility
The LUMC Flow Cytometry Core Facility accommodates all research and diagnostic flow cytometry equipment of the LUMC.
Greek-Dutch dictionary project
Lexicographical description of Greek; production of Greek-Dutch dictionary
Maria Gabriela Palacio: inequality and revolution
What does an unequal society lead to if it's not responded to by politicians? What happens when people are no longer waiting for something good to happen to them? An international perspective can give us possible answers.
Top 450
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Leiden University has much to offer, so why not come and visit? We’d like to meet you.
- Prof Dr Geraldine Wright
Business Studies Specialisation
Are you interested in combining your Science master programme with the Business Studies specialisation? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is one of the leading international research universities in Europe. Its motto is Praesidium Libertatis – Bastion of Freedom
For professional services employees
Una Europa offers many opportunities for professional services employees.
You may contact LUXs through any of its members or secretariats of its participating institutes. You may also reach the steering group through its chair or secretariat.
Towards an Interspecies Health Policy: Great Apes and the Right to Health
Many dangerous diseases such as COVID-19, Ebola and Q fever have jumped from animals to humans. But it is not only because of these diseases that we should include animals in our health policy, but also because of their right to health.
- Staff
Leiden Risk and Regulation Lab
The Leiden Risk & Regulation Lab serves as hub for excellent research in regulation and risk governance and acts a platform for engagement with the practice and education of regulation and risk governance. Specializing in risk governance, responsive and effective regulation, reputation and accounta…
Analysis and Dynamical Systems
The research of this programme is centered around dynamical systems, functional analysis, and their interplay.
On the Galois closure of commutative algebras
Promotores: H.W. Lenstra, B. Erez, Co-promotor: L. Taelman
Quantum Lab (aQa)
Quantum computing is a novel paradigm for computation, which is nearing real-world impact with the coming generation of limited, but nonetheless powerful quantum devices.
The LCTP organises a variety of events, including a speaker series with guests from The Netherlands and abroad, a regular lunch time research colloquium for graduate students and staff, and reading groups on texts of interest to members of the group.
Quality and integrity
The Faculty of Science stands for research of high quality. An honest and reliable practice of science is important to us.
Student projects
We invite you to develop your academic skills by joining our research group and develop your own short term project in the bachelor phase. We offer longer term research projects for master students.
Monitoring Meetings by Graduate School
Organized by the GSA, all PhD candidates undergo a personal progress interview known as the Monitoring Meeting. Internal PhD candidates have the Monitoring Meeting annually, while external PhD candidates have it biannually.
Journalism Lab of Journalism & New Media
Students use the Journalism Lab to acquire essential skills in journalism and new media.
Diploma and Academic transcript
Prospective employers sometimes request a certified copy of your diploma or your academic transcript. These certified copies can be provided by the University. You can also apply to the University for advice on having your diploma translated.
LUMC Collegezaal 4
A 90+ seat room in the LUMC Main Building. Rolling, flexible, tables on a carpetted floor allows for the quiet re-arrangement of the room to support teaching in groups of many size. Nearly 3 full walls are covered in magnetized, writable surfaces, and there are hinged TVs on the walls which can be beamed…
Equipment (Microscopes)
The cell observatory equipment is hosted by several institutes. Each of the institutes maintain their own instruments A detailed list of equipment can be found below per institute
Test development
Carl Schmitt’s Hamlet oder Hekuba and the Question of a Philosophy of History
The thesis reconstructs Carl Schmitt's 1956 monography on 'Hamlet'. By scanning and unearthing books, essays, think-pieces, articles, personal diaries and private correspondence, this investigation fully addresses the unwritten philosophy of history -partially developed- in Schmitt's late thought. The…
Indigeneship, bureaucratic discretion, and institutional change in Northern Nigeria
‘Can he do it?’ Since the remarkable victory of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the 2015 Nigerian presidential elections, this has arguably been the most frequently posed question in Nigerian politics.
Leiden Law School is located in two beautifully renovated national monuments in the historic heart of Leiden. The Law School also has teaching and research facilities at its campus in The Hague.
Tax Law
The study of tax law covers the tax system in its full width. It includes domestic, international and European tax law.
- Democracy and Citizenship
Understanding membrane fusion at the molecular level using a biomimetic model system
How can the transport of molecules in living cells help to target medicines at exactly the right place?
Faster number theory, safer cryptography
Developing a method to simplify polynomials in complex curves
Both departments provide teaching in the bachelor and master programmes.
Robert Zwijnenberg: what makes us human?
Advanced biotechnology allows us to select or alter the genetic makeup of human embryos. What limits do we impose on biotechnological intervention in nature and the human body? And whose call is that?
Service Centre International Staff
If you are from abroad and you want to work at Leiden University, there is quite a lot to arrange.
The Slovene dialect of Egg and Potschach in the Gailtal, Austria
A synchronic description of the endangered Slovene dialect spoken in the Gailtal valley in Carinthia, Austria.
Sweet Tooth | Zoetekauw
The journey of sugar from east to west
Dutch Linguistics (MA)
The master’s programme in Dutch linguistics at Leiden University provides you with a deep understanding of the Dutch language and the multifaceted research into the structure and use of the Dutch language. During the programme you will not only gain in-depth knowledge of Dutch linguistics, but also…
Applied String Theory: Explaining Quantum Matter with Black Holes
- Persian
- Korean
Anniversary merchandise
In celebration of our 450th anniversary, special anniversary merchandise is available for purchase at the University Shop.