10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Student Support
LUC has unique support systems for academic support but also personal support to guide you through your time at LUC.
After graduation
Once you have obtained your bachelor’s degree, you will be ready for a next step: continuing your studies or entering the labour market. Completing this Philosophy programme will place you in an excellent position to pursue either option.
About the programme
The master specialisation Clinical Neuropsychology is grounded in the neurosciences relevant to clinical neuropsychology with a strong focus on evidence-based practice.
What we can learn from the Mycenaeans
The Mycenaean civilization of ancient Greek times offers enormous potential for useful information: from innovative construction methods to ways of handling crisis situations as a society. Archaeologist Ann Brysbaert and her team analyse Mycenaean construction processes in the ERC Consolidator project…
Acquiring numerals and ordinals in Dutch
Knowledge and culture subproject 2:
Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Dataset on Relative Income Poverty Rates
Leiden LIS Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Dataset on Relative Income Poverty Rates (2019), assembled by Koen Caminada and Jinxian Wang (Version 1, February 2019), presents the disentanglement of relative income poverty measurers and the anti-poverty effects of social transfers and income taxes…
The Leiden Papyrological Institute is the only papyrological institute in the Netherlands, and one of the few institutes in the world where study of Greek and Demotic Egyptian is combined. This is reflected in both teaching and research. Members of the Institute are active in publishing texts from various…
- Week 3: 21-27 January 2018
Nature and wild animals in Africa and Indonesia
Leiden University investigates biodiversity not only in the Netherlands, but also abroad, with the goal of improving global nature conservation. We do so in collaboration with local universities. Education is also high on our agenda.
The Relief of Leiden turns 450
Leiden has much to celebrate: first, 450 years of the Relief of Leiden and then 450 years of Leiden University. And that is no coincidence.
- Week 6: 11-17 February 2018
About the Honours Academy
The Honours Academy of Leiden University organises outside-the-box education in which students and teachers from all faculties further develop themselves. In doing so, we help them, the university, and society move forward.
- Week 6: 12-18 February 2017
CRM 2025
Moot Court
Alex Brandsen: 'Archaeological search engine adds a new dimension to ‘digging’'
Apps that can precisely identify shards, coins or heel bones: archaeology has embraced artificial intelligence. Alex Brandsen is working on a search engine that scans vast quantities of text from an archaeological viewpoint.
- Week 1–2 (7–15 January)
- Week 2: 12–18 January, 2020
Terms and conditions studios
Terms of use with regard to the use of LAK studios in Lipsius.
Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics
The research programme Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics brings together LUCL researchers who focus mainly on descriptive and comparative linguistics.
Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Dataset on Income Inequality
Leiden LIS Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Dataset on Income Inequality (2017), assembled by Jinxian Wang and Koen Caminada (Version 1, November 2017), presents the disentanglement of income inequality and the redistributive effect of social transfers and income taxes in 47 LIS countries for…
- Week 4–5 (1–14 February)
Healthy ageing
The elderly accept may minor discomforts like stiffer muscles and getting tired more quickly, but they do want to go to their children's birthdays independently. Preventive elderly care helps people with that. The goal is to let people grow old while maintaining their self-reliance and independence…
About the programme
The master's specialisation Methodology and Statistics in Psychology includes courses, a thesis and an internship. Teaching takes place in the form of seminars and small-group lectures and practicals, and is assessed primarily by written coursework and reports of empirical projects carried out individually…
The Hague student city
Studying in The Hague can make a big difference. The Hague is proud to be known as the international city of peace, justice and security. The city is full of opportunity and is a fantastic student city.
Application and selection
All applicants for LUC go through a selection process. You enter the selection process by applying in Studielink and submitting a complete application in the Leiden University application portal.
About the Programme
During the two-year History (Research) programme you will learn from inspired academics and learn how to conduct quality research.
Student life
Your time at Leiden and Delft is about more than just studying. Some of your best experiences will stem from being a part of our lively and diverse student community, as well as from life in these beautiful cities.
The figure of Orestes in Greek literature
This project will study the cultural meaning of the mythological figure of Orestes within the ancient Greek imagination, as it emerges from various literary sources from the archaic and classical periods.
- Daring questions in Islam
Experimental project Huize Horsterwold
The project’s main aim was to build a reconstruction of a prehistoric house plan, without using any metal tools. How effective are tools made of stone, flint, bone, antler and wood? What are the constraints imposed by the various building materials? How much labour do we need and how much knowledge…
Application procedures
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
About the programme
The major aim of the Health and Medical Psychology specialisation is to provide you with the theoretical background and professional skills required for health and medical psychology research and interventions. Health and Medical Psychology looks at how health, illness, and recovery are affected…
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Physics at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Application procedure
Every student who wants to apply for the BSc Security Studies at Leiden University will need to start at Studielink, the national online registration system for students who want to follow a degree programme at a Dutch university. Afterwards, you can continue the online application process at Leiden…
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Physics and Education at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Application procedure
Every student who wants to apply for the bachelor’s programme Archaeology at Leiden University will need to start at Studielink. The application procedure consists of three steps.
Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts.
- About the programme
What is papyrology?
Greek papyrology is the science that is concerned with deciphering and studying all texts written in Greek on papyrus. Papyrus was the writing material of antiquity and was made from strips of the papyrus plant stuck together.
Biotransformation of plant metabolites in microorganisms
- How to deconvolute metabolic mixture of precursors and products by biontransformation? - How to optimize the reaction conditions to produce bioactive compounds in biotransformation? - What is the effect of co-treating fungi or bacteria for biotransformations?
Between Deliberation and Agonism: Rethinking conflict and its relation to law in political philosophy
The Institute for Philosophy at Leiden University is host to the NWO programme,
Van Bergen Fund
The Van Bergen Fund provides financial support to study associations of Leiden University for initiatives that promote contact between Dutch and international students. A good plan will receive a subsidy from the Van Bergen Fund.
Imperial Legacies in Early-Modern South India. Dynastic Politics in the Vijayanagara Successor States
This research deals with the royal houses of the Vijayanagara Empire and four of its successor states: Ikkeri, Tanjavur (under both the Nayaka and Bhonsle rulers), Madurai, and Ramnad. This study is thus concerned with dynastic politics and imperial legacies in south India between the 14th and 18th…
Application procedure - Masters
In 3 steps you arrange your registration for your master's programme at Univesiteit Leiden. All information on enrolment can be found here.
English Language and Culture (BA)
From Great-Britain to the United States and from Australia to South Africa: people around the whole world speak and write English. In Leiden you will broaden your knowledge of the English language and the rich Literature and culture of the global English world on academic level.
Application, selection and placement
Our selection and placement procedure starts with your application and ends with—hopefully—an invitation to you to enrol as an IRO student. This page tells you all you need to know about the steps to be taken in between.
About the programme
During the one-year master’s programme in Colonial and Global History you will learn about the importance of a comparative perspective for understanding transnational processes such as imperialism, colonialism, islamisation, modernisation and globalisation.
About the programme
Learn the newest insights from established researchers.
Children's Rights Moot Court
The bi-annual Children’s Rights Moot Court (CRM), organised by the Department of Child Law in partnership with Baker McKenzie, was initiated by Leiden Law School in 2014 on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Moot Court offers students…
Vision and strategy
Both the international perspective and the Dutch language and culture are deeply embedded in Leiden University’s identity.