1,889 search results for “literatuur en nieuwe media” in the Public website
From Benchmarking Optimization Heuristics to Dynamic Algorithm Configuration
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Exploring the relationship between metacontrol and global/local processing
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The dynamic organization of prokaryotic genomes
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Characterization of age-associated immunity in atherosclerosis
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Energy Governance in Brazil: Meeting the international agreements on climate change mitigation
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A Special Territory: Visions of Hong Kong and its People
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The potential of multi-scale EE-MRIO to support sustainable development policies in Indonesia
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Child labour in the cocoa producing area of Gomoa Ofaso, Winneba district, Ghana
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New Polymyxin Antibiotics for Old Problems
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Calcium-dependent regulation of auxin transport in plant development
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Design, synthesis, and evaluation of antigenic peptide conjugates containing Toll-like receptor agonists
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Historiography and Palaeography of Sasanian Middle Persian Inscriptions
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Next Generation Lipopeptide Antibiotics
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Context is Key
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Like Dust on the Silk Road
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Search and Rescue: Tackling antibiotic resistance with chemistry
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Substrate adaptability in the beta-lactamase BlaC
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Het grote bestuurshervormingswerk
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Highly Accurate Simulations and Benchmarking of Molecule-Surface Reactions
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The Role of Political Elites in nation-Building in contemporary Ethiopia, 1960-2019
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Democratie, deugden docentschap
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Beyond the Dichotomy between Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking
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Searching for a resolution of BSM puzzles at accelerators and in space
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Engineering of antigen saving dissolving Microneedles for intradermal vaccine delivery
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The Oligarchy in China: A Case Study of China’s Electricity Industry, 1978-2013
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The European Precariat: The Protection of Precarious Workers in the European Union
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Self-Directed Language Learning Using Mobile Technology in Higher Education
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Topological properties of massless fermions in a magnetic field
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Topological decoding of biomolecular fold complexity
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Cognitive Mechanism of Conformity
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Aspects of the Analysis of Cell Imagery: from Shape to Understanding
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Modelling the Interactions of Advanced Micro- and Nanoparticles with Novel Entities
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The pre-Roman elements of the Sardinian lexicon
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Fostering Curiosity Through Video Games
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Forum Antiquum Lecture Spring 2023: 'De mythen van Plato als denkinstrumenten'
The energy and material related impacts of the transition towards low- carbon heating
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Neurodevelopmental Impact of Sex Chromosome Trisomy in Young Children
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Maneuvering through a World of Stressors
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Exploring Deep Learning for Multimodal Understanding
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Ja, de Litteratuur is nu eenmaal een wonderlik vak
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Workplace and Community
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Antibiotic Discovery: From mechanistic studies to target ID
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Breaking the witches' spell
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Understanding the Drivers of Voluntary Accountability by European Union Agencies: Look to the Forum!
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Governing decentralized States during the Covid-19 pandemic
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The European Precariat
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Insights from scanning tunneling microscopy experiments into correlated electron systems
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Generating Freedom; Hegel's Conception of Political Order
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Impact of microbial inoculants and microbial volatiles on belowground microbe-plant interactions
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Single-cell immune profiling of atherosclerosis
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