4,209 search results for “de world van takes en cultural” in the Public website
Willem van Wijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Patrick Degryse
Faculteit Archeologie
Simon Willmetts
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Vincent Niochet
Faculteit Archeologie
Leonor Faber-Jonker
Jasper van der Steen
Faculty of Humanities
TOP Grant NWO for Prof. Dr. Aad van der Vaart and Dr. Robin de Jong
OP Grants NWO are awarded to 16 scientists in astronomy, computer science and mathematics, or a combination of these disciplines (multidisciplinary) by NOW Exact Sciences. The scientists received a total amount of 6 million euros.
Jelle van Buuren discusses the death of Aboe Bakr Al-Baghdadi in Dutch newspaper de Stentor
Jelle van Buuren, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, discusses the death of Al-Baghdadi and whether this could also mean the end of IS.
development of best practice for, predictive modelling on behalf of Dutch Cultural Resource Management
Are predictive archaeological maps a reliable tool to play an important role in the spatial planning? One of the goals of this project was to develop best practices for the production and application of the models.
Rumours of Revolt: Civil War and the Emergence of a Transnational News Culture in France and the Netherlands, 1561–1598
This book explores the reception of foreign news during the late sixteenth-century civil wars in France and the Netherlands.
Things Change: Black Material Culture and the Development of a Consumer Society in South Africa, 1800-2020
This book is the first systematic analysis of the changes in the use of goods and services by households of Black South Africans since the early nineteenth century.
Transformation Classic: A Chinese text on Medicine and Self-Cultivation in Its Cultural Contexts
How such did the traditional text of the Sinews Transformation Classic remain interesting to a changing readership?
Koffie met Gert Renkema: ‘We zijn de snelst groeiende faculteit van de Universiteit Leiden’
Twice a year, Gert Renkema, FGGA's Head of Financial Economic Affairs, offers us an insight into all that is going on around FGGA's finances. 'We are still growing strongly as an organisation and had 16% more turnover last year. That's a lot.'
The Representation of Imperial Rule and the Classical World in Early Medieval England
In early medieval England, there was an interest in the history of the Roman Empire and kings adopted such imperial titles as 'imperator' or 'basileus'. How can we explain this interest and what functions did imperial ideas and the reception of the classical world serve in early medieval England?
Ariane Briegel: 'AI literally opens new worlds for the life sciences'
Bacteria caught red-handed, deeply frozen just as they were about to cause Lyme’s disease. Ariane Briegel is wildly enthusiastic about the wonders she observes thanks to three elements: a freezing technique, a camera-equipped microscope, and AI. ‘It’s fascinating. Every single cell is different.’
Interview: Physicist Wim van Saarloos takes office as KNAW President
On May 28th, Leiden physicist Wim van Saarloos takes office as President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). He has been vice-president since 2016. ‘The base of our universities is eroding.’
Jan van de Streek and Jan Vleggeert on tax evasion Uber
Tech company Uber uses various tricks via the Netherlands to avoid paying tax on its profits. A $16 billion inter-company loan from Singapore has prompted questions with experts claiming the loan is not under arm’s length terms. MEP Paul Tang wants Brussels to investigate.
Studieavond: de complexiteit van diversiteit en inclusie bij de politie
Een dag vol (nep)skeletten en mammoettanden
De Faculteit Archeologie bestaat dit jaar 25 jaar. Ter ere van dit jubileum opende de faculteit op 1 maart zijn deuren voor het brede publiek.
Meer openheid en verantwoordelijk nodig bij Defensie
Het rapport van de Commissie Sorgdrager naar aanleiding van de Hawija-zaak, wijst uit dat Defensie niet transparant is over eigen fouten. Wim Voermans, hoogleraar Staatsrecht, bevestigt in Nieuwsuur dat ‘Defensie een patroon laat zien van verkeerd en onjuist informeren van de Tweede Kamer.’
Met senioren sjoelen en wandelen voor onderzoek
Student Marieke van der Heijden wandelt wekelijks met senioren bij het project Leren met de Stad. Zij doet onderzoek naar sociale cohesie in de wijk De Kooi.
Soep en zwemmen: vrijwilligerswerk in je studententijd
Tijdens de facultaire introductieweek werden nieuwe bachelor studenten van de studies Rechtsgeleerdheid en Criminologie wegwijs gemaakt in het leren en leven aan de universiteit. Op de informatiemarkt van dinsdag stond niet het studeren centraal, maar het studentenleven. Studieverenigingen vertelden…
Advies aan bestuur en rechter: 'Open je dossier over burgers'
Klare taal en betere regels rond geheimhouding. Dit zijn enkele aanbevelingen van Leidse onderzoekers om de toegang tot informatie te verbeteren voor burgers die procederen tegen de overheid. Bestuur en rechter moeten zo vroeg en zoveel mogelijk informatie delen.
Zane Kripe
Was Brexit een valse belofte? Wat de rellen van extreemrechts te maken hebben met migratiebeleid
Waarom laaien er rellen op in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, aangespoord door de extreemrechtse British Defence League? Jorieke Manenschijn sprak met EenVandaag over hoe de beloftes van Brexit aan de woede hebben bijgedragen.
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn on NPO Radio 1 about the attacks in Norway ten years ago
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn, researcher and lecturer at ISGA, was a guest on NPO Radio 1 where she discussed the attacks carried out in 2011 by Anders Breivik.
Martin van Exter Lab - Quantum Optics and Light-Matter Interaction
Research in the van Exter lab focuses on quantum aspects of light and light-matter interaction. One of our long-term goals is to develop a reliable quantum memory, based on a single emitter in an open micro cavity.
Petra Sijpesteijn
Faculty of Humanities
Cultural heritage and video games join together in Amsterdam exhibition
The newly opened Culture Arcade exhibition is a place where cultural heritage and video games come together. It is co-organized and curated by the VALUE Foundation of which Faculty staff members Aris Politopoulos and Csilla Ariese-Vandemeulebroucke are part of, together with the Prince Claus Fund.
Taking control of charge transfer: strategic design for solar cells
Promotor: Huub J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Towards a Sustainable World Trade Law? The Commercial Policy of the European Union after Opinion 2/15 CJEU
Dr. Gruni published an article on the impact on sustainable development in the EU Common Commercial Policy of recent Opinion 2/15 CJEU on the Global Trade and Customs Journal.
Gerard van Westen: 'Our model predicts what candidate drugs do in your body'
He’s a fast and animated speaker, which is only logical because Gerard van Westen is driving an express train. His destination? A virtual human, consisting of algorithms that predict what an administered substance will do in the body. The train is already a long way down the line and the pharmaceutical…
Lecturer and students taking action: 'Anton de Kom deserves a statue in The Hague’
Why doesn't the Surinamese resistance hero and independence fighter Anton de Kom have a memorial site in his former hometown, The Hague, while there are streets named after colonial leaders? The students of university lecturer Anne Marieke Van der Wal-Rémy are committed to the erection of a statue.
Hartendorp benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Maatschappelijke Effectiviteit van de Rechtspleging
De nieuwe leerstoel bij de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid is onderdeel van de samenwerking tussen de Universiteit Leiden en de rechtbank Den Haag.
A double-edged sword: religious discourses and LGBTQIA+ inclusion
The role of religion in the identity construction of LGBTQIA+ folks
Does the human brain process angry voices automatically?
Using brain imaging to discover the area in the brain that recognizes emotion.
Gabrielle van den Berg
Faculty of Humanities
Liesbet Nyssen
Faculty of Humanities
Luuk van Middelaar launches his new book in London at LSE and UCL
This week, Prof. Luuk van Middelaar (Europa Institute) publishes Alarums & Excursions: improvising Politics on the Europen Stage – a revised update of his 2017 book on the decade of EU crises.
The Van Manen Collection: Locating Literature, Lived Religion, and Lives in the Himalayas
ERC Starting Grant: The Van Manen Project. This five year project (2023-2028) is made possible with an ERC Starting Grant. It aims to (digitally) reunite all parts of the Van Manen Collection. This enables us to study it as a whole, helping us to understand the process of collection formation. More…
Reframing the Diplomat. Ernst van der Beugel and the Cold War Atlantic Community
In Reframing the Diplomat Albertine Bloemendal offers a unique window onto the unofficial dimension of Cold War transatlantic relations by analyzing the diplomatic role of the Dutch Atlanticist Ernst van der Beugel as a government official and as a private diplomat.
Louwerse & Van Vonno, ‘Moving up or down: parliamentary activity and candidate selection’
How do parliamentarians secure their political future? Are their activities in the legislature connected to their place on the candidate list from one election to the next? Political scientists Tom Louwerse and Cynthia van Vonno examine the Dutch case. Their main finding is that speaking in the plenary…
At the Hinge of the Nomadic and Sedentary Worlds: A Multi-disciplinary approach
Episode 1: The Golden Horde in a Global Perspective: Imperial Strategies. This project intends to challenge the conventional way of considering the nomadic state organizations and the role of Nomads in world history.
Bart van der Boom
Faculty of Humanities
Ruurd Halbertsma
Faculty of Humanities
Ewine van Dishoeck receives ERC Advanced Grant for research into the chemistry of new worlds
Leiden Professor of Molecular astrophysics Ewine van Dishoeck has been awarded an Advanced Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). She has been awarded 2.3 million euros in research funding for the MOLDISK programme. Within this programme, Van Dishoeck wants to connect chemistry and physics in…
Roman Political Culture. Seven Studies of the Senate and City Councils of Italy from the First to the Sixth Century AD
This volume offers an innovative analysis of Roman political culture in Italy from the first to the sixth century AD on the basis of seven case studies.
Pedagogische Wetenschappen en Jeugdrecht zetten succesvolle interdisciplinaire samenwerking voort
Onderzoekers van het Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen en de afdeling Jeugdrecht gaan samenwerken in 2 nieuwe onderzoeken: onderzoek naar het terugplaatsingen van kinderen na uithuisplaatsing en draagmoederschappen in Nederland.
Joop van Holsteyn & Tom Louwerse, The Dutch 2016 Referendum: Voice, No Exit
Political scientists Joop van Holsteyn and Tom Louwerse (Leiden University) find that the Dutch government is having a hard time coping with referendum outcomes in general, and ‘anti-European’ sentiments among voters in particular.
Joanne van der Leun to chair new knowledge security and fossil industry committees
Leiden University has set up two committees to consider issues that are the focus of much attention within our community and society at large. They are the Knowledge Security Committee and the Fossil Fuel Industry Collaboration Committee. Former dean Joanne van der Leun will chair both.