2,854 search results for “russian and smit linguistics” in the Public website
Language, Education and Identity in Africa
On the 16th of September, Bert van Pinxteren successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Bert on this achievement!
All research at Leiden University is organised into institutes. To do justice to the wide spectrum of research (and consequently teaching) that comes from these, you will find descriptions of all the Leiden institutes on these pages.
Methods of contract interpretation
On 20 June, Anne Hendrikx defended the thesis 'Methods of contract interpretation: a model for the interpretation of a contract'. The doctoral research was supervised by Henk Snijders.
The Sociolinguistics of Rhotacization in the Beijing Speech Community
On 21 September 2022 H. Hu successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Tunen syntax and information structure
On the 4th of September, Elisabeth J. Kerr successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Elisabeth on this achievement!
The First Horse Herders and the Impact of Early Bronze Age Steppe Expansions into Asia
The article investigates the origins of Indo-European languages in Asia by 65 coupling ancient genomics to archaeology and linguistics.
Language processing and the multilingual brain
This project looks at how the native language influences processing mechanisms of non-native language(s) as well has how it influences brain structure and functional connectivity.
The historical development of the Dutch posture-verb progressive construction
On the 22nd of February, Ami Okabe successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Ami on this achievement!
Introduction of a Wapishana-English Bilingual Education Programme
On the 23rd of February, Adrian Sydney Gomes successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Adrian on this achievement!
Graduate School of Humanities
Welcome to the Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities.
What's China's comment?
On the 25th of February, Peng Wu successfully defended his doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Peng on this achievement.
Simple rule learning is not simple: Studies on infant and adult pattern perception and production
On December 11th, Andreea Geambasu succesfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Andreea on this great result.
A grammar of Ashéninka (Ucayali-Pajonal)
On the 6th of April, Toni Pedrós Caballero successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Toni on this achievement!
News in a Glasshouse: Media, Publics, and Senses of Belonging in the Dutch Caribbean
On the 23d of May, Sanne Rotmeijer successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Sanne on this achievement!
Empirical and experimental research focusing on literary, legal, medical and audiovisual translation.
The comparative biology of language learning
A theoretical project on the insights gained by human (including infant), nonhuman animal and computational studies on artificial grammar learning; identifying the critical questions for future research by developing novel experimental and computational approaches to address these issues.
A Grammar of Tagdal
On the 21st of September, Carlos Benítez-Torres successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Carlos on this achievement!
Thy Name is Deer. Animal Names in Semitic Onomastics and Name- Giving Traditions: Evidence from Akkadian, Northwest Semitic, and Arabic
Hekmat Dirbas defended his thesis on 14 February 2017
Portal for prospective Indonesian Students
The portal for prospective Indonesian Students contains information about the possibilities to study at Leiden University in the Netherlands.
The persistence of space: formalizing the polysemy of spatial relations in functional elements
On the 20th of June, Camil Staps successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Camil on this achievement!
Law and Artificial Intelligence, Regulating AI and Applying AI in Legal Practice
From deepfakes and disinformation to killer robots, surgical robots and AI lawmaking: AI (Artificial Intelligence) is changing our world. That raises the question whether this requires some form of regulation. At eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, prof. Bart Custers…
Teaching and professional development in transnational education in Oman
Antonia Lamers, PhD at ICLON, researched how to create a TNE teaching and learning environment that is in line with the expectations of the British programmes offered to students in Oman.
Lunchtime Lectures
LUCDH presents a lunchtime talk once a month on recent research in Digital Humanities and AI. All Leiden University staff and students are welcome to attend. And we hope you can join us in person in the Digital Lab, PJ Veth 1.07.
- 2024
The Unseen Saints of Islam: Sufi Ritual and Religious Worldmaking in Java
PhD defence
Covering the Ocean. Newspapers and Information Management in the Atlantic World, 1580-1820
This project investigates how early print media covered distant but urgent geopolitical conflicts, using newspapers from the Low Countries, north and south.
Eric De Brabandere on payment Russia to Yukos shareholders
Russia is required to pay billions of dollars to shareholders of Russian oil company Yukos. This was decided by the appeals court in The Hague.
Russia's escalating hybrid warfare across Europe
Bart Schuurman sheds light on the alarming trend in both the frequence and geographical spread of these incidents with The Parliament Magazine.
The role of chemical weapons in the Ukraine conflict
Anneleen van der Meer discusses Russia's alleged use of chemical weapons in Ukraine in an article for The Conversation.
- Volume 12 (2017)
How gas conflicts between Ukraine and Russia were the precursor to war
The war between Ukraine and Russia is playing out not just on the battlefield but also on the geopolitical playing field of gas. Conflicts at the start of this century about this energy source were, says PhD candidate Ilia Barboutev, a precursor to today’s war.
‘Japan and Leiden aren’t so far apart after all’
A delegation from Leiden University visited Japan from 18 to 26 November to facilitate cooperation in research and teaching. The delegation also attended the signing of a twinning agreement between the cities of Leiden and Nagasaki and the opening of a bridge to Dejima, once literally the bridge between…
Two courses on Central Asia in 2017-2018 at Leiden University
Two courses on Central Asia will be offered within the Leiden Central Asia Initiative, funded by the research profile area Asian Modernities and Traditions. 'History of Central Asia & Afghanistan' will be open to BA students of Middle Eastern Studies and 'Material Culture, Memory and Commemoration along…
Organising online events: 'No dress rehearsal, but straight to the premiere!’
2020 is a year in which we need to reinvent ourselves, including within our faculty's marketing department. For years, colleagues have been organising introduction activities such as the Bachelor's Open Days, Master's Open Days and Online Experiences. From March onwards, everything had to change.
Exhibition puts ‘forgotten’ part of the Silk Road in the spotlight
The story of the iconic Silk Road is often told from the Chinese perspective. An exhibition at Oude UB focuses on the inhabitants and monuments of historical cities in Central Asia, a neglected part of the Silk Road. From 5 September to 17 October.
Leiden Classics: Rembrandt's traces at Leiden University
Rembrandt van Rijn was enrolled as a student of the arts at Leiden University, but he was more interested in becoming a painter. What traces now remain of this famous phantom student?
Sanjar Gulomov will be Central Asia Erasmus Fellow in December 2018
Sanjar Golomov is a senior scholar at the Al-Biruni Institute in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. In Leiden he will deliver two lectures and one masterclass for MA and PhD students as part of the Erasmus Mobility Plus project between Leiden University and the Al-Biruni Institute. The project is coordinated and…
CLIN34 - Leiden 2024
Hello, who is this? The relationship between linguistic and speaker- dependent information in the acoustics of consonants
PhD defence
Physics in the picture: cancer cells as an explosion of fireworks
When you think of physics, do you think only of complicated formulas? You’re not the only one. Therefore, every year, the Leiden Insitute of Physics organises the LION Image Award to show another side of physics: beautiful images about intriguing science. The winner of the 2022 photo competition captured…
Starting the new year together: these are the winners of faculty awards
A beautiful speech by vice-dean Bart de Smit, a mini-lecture on exoplanets and the presentation of three faculty awards. That's how we started the new year at the faculty. Together with colleagues and students, we raised our glasses to a new year full of great collaborations, science and education.
Small Grants 2024 Research Projects
The LUCDH foster the development of new digital research by awarding a number of Small Grants each year. As in previous years the LUCDH received a large number of excellent grant applications for Research and Personal Development funds. Congratulations to the recipients of this year's research award…
Events at Leiden Science
The We Are Science Week, inspiring lectures, and enjoyable gatherings. This year, we frequently came together to inspire and connect with one another. Our biggest event took place at the start of the academic year in September: the official opening of our new Gorlaeus building.
Topic: Stigmatization in patients with chronic health conditions
Imagine that you have a chronic skin condition, characterized by red patches of itchy, scaly skin. You regularly notice people staring at your skin and sense their reluctance to shake your hand. Or imagine that you have Parkinson's Disease, causing your hands to tremble and making it difficult for you…
Oncode Accelerator
Providing each cancer patient with the right treatment remains a challenge. Oncode Accelerator aims to change this by innovating the way we develop cancer treatments, thus ensuring the patient is at the heart of the process. Leiden University, the LUMC and other partners will implement this new way…
Working at the Faculty of Science
Working for a top faculty? Discover the vacancies at the Faculty of Science and apply immediately.
Allosteric Modulation
Allosteric modulation has long been recognized as a general and widespread mechanism for the control of protein function. Modulators bind to regulatory sites distinct from the active site on the protein, resulting in conformational changes that may profoundly influence protein function. This concept…
The PhD programme of the Institute for Philosophy is embedded in the Graduate School of Humanities. The Institute for Philosophy is an active research unit with a strong international reputation. It provides a stimulating environment for post-graduate research in the field of philosophy.
Leiden Science for society
Research truly comes to life when it contributes meaningfully to society. By sharing our findings, advising policymakers or contributing to community projects – we can make a real impact. Scroll down and discover how Science and society can mutually benefit from each other.
About the programme
In the South and Southeast Asian Studies programme you will gain a strong foundation in the academic, language and critical thinking skills essential to understanding the history, culture and modern context of this dynamic and increasingly important region.