2,015 search results for “privacy en bescherming van persoonlijke gegevens” in the Public website
Vier onderzoekers van FSW krijgen een ERC Starting Grant
De Starting Grant wordt jaarlijks door de European Research Council (ERC) toegekend. Dit jaar zijn er in Nederland 51 onderzoekers die een Starting Grant ontvangen, waaronder 4 onderzoekers van FSW.
Legal Business Game van Ondernemingsrecht genomineerd voor Gouden Zandloper
Het project, waarbij studenten spelenderwijs kennismaken met de praktijk van het ondernemingsrecht, is genomineerd in de categorie Innovatief Juridisch Onderwijs.
Krachten bundelen voor verantwoord gebruik van algoritmische systemen
Tijdens het symposium ‘Transdisciplinary Study of Just Public Algorithmic Systems’, op vrijdag 24 maart in Den Haag, staat onderzoek naar het gebruik van algoritmische systemen in de publieke sector centraal. Een actueel onderwerp dat de laatste tijd veel in de belangstelling staat. Vijf vragen over…
Bepaalt de EU echt 80% van onze wetten?
Tijdens de campagnes voor de Europese Verkiezingen werd beweerd dat 70 of zelfs 80 procent van onze wetten door de EU worden bepaald. Maar klopt dit wel? Hoogleraren Armin Cuyvers en Kutsal Yesilkagit spraken erover met Pointer.
Hoe beïnvloedt de fysieke leefomgeving de gezondheid van mensen?
The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) has received a 4m grant for the ECOTIP project. In this project researchers will study how our physical environment affects our health. The aim is to find tipping points: at what point is there a real lack of greenery, healthy food or clean air in a neighb…
‘Radicalisering is een logisch gevolg van hoe wij samenleven’
Hoogleraar Radicalisation Studies Tahir Abbas wil mensen er bewust van maken dat radicalisering voortkomt uit hoe wij als mensen samenleven
Bestuur laat burger verdwalen in de jungle van de gegevensverwerking
Wat kun je als burger doen wanneer de overheid je persoonsgegevens gebruikt en daarmee besluiten neemt waar je het niet mee eens bent? Fatma Çapkurt promoveerde op een onderzoek hiernaar. Burgers moeten verwerking van hun gegevens beter kunnen beoordelen.
Van de keukentafel tot de hoogste Haagse kringen: iedereen lobbyt
Je onderdompelen in de wereld van de lobby. Dat kan op donderdag 10 november tijdens de Nacht van de Lobbyist, een publiek event dat de Universiteit Leiden en de Public Affairs Academie voor de 2de keer organiseren. Vijf vragen aan initiatiefnemer Bert Fraussen, universitair docent bij het Instituut…
Twee onderzoeksprojecten van ISGA krijgen subsidie NWO Open Competitie
In totaal hebben 21 Leidse onderzoekers succesvol een aanvraag ingediend voor de NWO SGW Open Competitie XS. Twee van de beloonde projecten komen van onderzoekers van FGGA: Silvia D’Amato en Jaroslaw Kantorowicz.
Raad van State zet streep door schietbanen Defensie
De discussie over de sluiting van illegale schietbanen van Defensie, als gevolg van de stikstofwetgeving is ingewikkeld en omvat diverse juridische aspecten. Armin Cuyvers, hoogleraar Europeesrecht, bespreekt de zaak in BNR-Nieuwsradio.
Temminck's Order. Debates on Zoological Classification: 1800-1850
“Temminck’s Order” is the scientific biography of Coenraad Jacob Temminck (1778–1850), a Dutch naturalist and the first director of ’s Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie in Leiden.
Rob van Wijk has won the oral presentations of the National PhD Competition during the FIGON Dutch Medicine Days
He presented his PhD research entitled “Kick-starting drug development; translational systems pharmacology using innovative zebrafish experiments and advanced computational modelling”. During his presentation, Rob highlighted the advancements he made in using zebrafish as model in system pharmacolog…
First session of new series of grants matchmaking events well visited
Over 100 participants joined the first grant matchmaking and working session on the call for the Dutch National Research Agenda, on 25 June in the PLNT building. They explored topics ranging from health care to smart cities.
Using sensors to measure playground dynamics
Free playtime and physical play are of great importance to children's social development. That is the main conclusion of innovative research by developmental psychologists and computer scientists from Leiden University.
Leiden researchers win public award in Smartest Project contest
A research project by Developmental Psychology professor Carolien Rieffe and researchers of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science has been voted Smartest Project of the Netherlands 2016.
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga becomes Assistant Professor at eLaw
eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, has promoted Dr. Eduard Fosch-Villaronga to Assistant Professor to work on Law and Artificial Intelligence.
Outcome report for 2nd Expert Workshop on the EU Proposed Regulation on Online Child Sexual Abuse published
Workshop brings multidisciplinary experts together to debate proposed detection technologies and their impact on fundamental rights.
What mobile phones mean for refugees
What do refugees use their mobile phones for? And what does it mean for aid workers in reception camps? The Leiden Centre for Innovation studied this issue together with researchers from Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and Data & Society.
AI versus corona
It’s all hands on deck at the moment to resolve the COVID-19 crisis. Researchers from various disciplines are helping where they can, also from the field of artificial intelligence (AI). AI offers great opportunities both at the frontline of the crisis and in its expected aftermath. Leiden professor…
Honorable mentions for Hannah Appel and Kimmy Shah (LDT) at VPR/VPRA Scriptieprijs 2024
On Friday 20 September, the Dutch associations for Privacy Law (VPR) and for Privacy Law Attorneys (VPR-A) announced their annual thesis award winner in a ceremony held in the Lorentz Lecture Hall at Leiden Law School. We are very proud that Kimmy Shah and Hannah Appel, recent graduates of the Advanced…
Book launch “Style en Society in the Prehistory of West Asia – Essays in Honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse”
Conference, Book launch
Strict but fair
Guest lecture immigration law by Secretary of State Broekers-Knol On 5 March 2020.
Jorrit Rijpma on Frontex and Greece’s illegal return of migrants
More and more reports appear in de media claiming that Frontex, the organisation coordinating the joint border control of the European Union, has been helping the Greek coastguard to stop asylum seekers at sea. In doing so, has Frontex endangered the lives of migrants?
Jorrit Rijpma: A temporary asylum stop is in breach of European Convention on Human Rights
In the Netherlands, various local VVD parties are calling for an asylum stop. Other political parties, Ja21, BBB, PVV and FvD, also see an asylum stop as the solution to the continuing asylum problems. Earlier, an opinion poll showed that a majority (69 per cent) of the Dutch population agrees. Is an…
Maartje van der Woude gives a lecture at UC Berkeley on ‘The Securitization of Migration and Racial Sorting in Fortress Europe’
Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude (Van Vollenhoven Institute) will give a lecture at the Institute of European Studies of the University of California in Berkeley on 4 March 2019.
- Promotie van Joanka van der Laan (Groningen)
Femke Lippok wins W.A. van Es-prize for her pioneering work on early medieval burial rites
During the 2019 Reuvensdagen, PhD candidate Femke Lippok was awarded the prestigious W.A. van Es-prize for her research master’s thesis The Pyre and the Grave, written in 2017. The jury lauded Femke for her pioneering work and making use of big data analysis, while adding an admirably expansive and…
Moving to virtual collaboration with Marike van Aerde and her team: ‘There is real team spirit in our WhatsApp group’
Marike van Aerde was at the brink of traveling to India for fieldwork when that country closed its borders, three weeks ago. Only a few days later, Leiden University followed suit in temporarily banning all fieldwork trips. With her research team scattered across different continents, she does her best…
As new Professor of Social Cognition and Decision, Lotte van Dillen studies how we make choices in an information-overloaded world
Due to technological and societal developments, we are being flooded with more information than our brains can process. How does this affect our decision-making, both as individuals and as a society? And can we learn to make better choices? This is what Lotte van Dillen will explore with her profess…
Simay Çetin, Nova Folkersma, Marta Mas Castella, Iris Molenaar and Emma van der Plas
Alumna Simay Çetin received the award for her Master thesis: ‘Interpreting Culture through Embodied Practice: An anthropological study of sexuality among Dutch Women with Turkish Migrant backgrounds.’ Nova, Marta, Iris and Emma were awarded for their Fieldwork NL report.
Sense Jan van der Molen new scientific director LION: ‘We strive for scientific excellence as well as a healthy work-life balance’
Sense Jan van der Molen is vanaf 1 maart de nieuwe wetenschappelijk directeur van het Leiden Instituut voor Onderzoek in de Natuurkunde.
Protest against classroom scanners at Lipsius building
On Tuesday a few dozen students and staff from Leiden University protested on the square in front of the Lipsius building against the classroom scanners that have been installed in buildings and lecture halls. They are demanding that the scanners be removed.
Interview with Joris van den Tol, History PhD and Fulbright and New Netherland Institute scholar
Joris van den Tol spent three months doing archival research in Albany in the USA. Read on how he experienced his stay.
Koffie met Gert Renkema: ‘We zijn de snelst groeiende faculteit van de Universiteit Leiden’
Twice a year, Gert Renkema, FGGA's Head of Financial Economic Affairs, offers us an insight into all that is going on around FGGA's finances. 'We are still growing strongly as an organisation and had 16% more turnover last year. That's a lot.'
Law and Digital Technologies (Advanced LL.M.)
Law and Digital Technologies (L.L.M.) examines the legislation and governance regarding internet, computers, persuasive technologies and ambient intelligence.
Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU: The Promise of the ‘Complete System of Remedies'
In December 2024, the book Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU: The Promise of the ‘Complete System of Remedies', edited by Melanie Fink, was published fully open access with Cambridge University Press. The EU prides itself on having created a legal system that puts the individual at…
Low-Resource Chat-based Conversational Intelligence (LESSEN)
Access to information is a human right (United Nations, 1948). Information technology, such as search engines and recommender systems, has become the key mediator and facilitator to connect people to information (White, 2016). Conversational artificial intelligence (AI) technology is increasingly being…
Discoveries at Leiden Science
From the largest numbers to the smallest molecules and from the oldest galaxies up to the latest algorithms, explore our standout discoveries and most inspiring collaborations from the past year!
Shamanic Knowledge
Mazatec chants and ancient Mesoamerican pictography
Read more about our staff here.
Team profiles Project 0100
Meet Bart, Reza, Weiyan, James, Daphne and Yasmin.
Bram Klievink: 'The government’s biggest AI challenge is that no system is ever neutral'
Using artificial intelligence is more complicated for the government than for companies. Bram Klievink, Professor of Public Administration, aims to identify the problems and find solutions.
Cyber security
To make digital communication more secure, we need to tighten up the legal frameworks and identify the biggest cyber threats.
Consultancy and Innovation
Are you dealing with an educational challenge or would like to explore innovation opportunities? We actively ideate, design, prototype, build, test real-world solutions to transform theoretical ideas into tangible solutions to enhance the educational landscape for the benefit of your students.
Most frequently asked questions
Do you have a question about our course offer? View the most frequently asked questions below.
Career prospects
The combination of academic and professional skills taught in the CSM prepares you for a wide variety of careers in the rapidly expanding domain of security and crisis management, including public or private sector and policy-making positions.
Programme structure
The international bachelor's programme in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology covers three years, allowing you to establish a firm foundation and specialise in topics that you find interesting.
More effective data-driven policymaking
More collaboration, combining data and asking the right questions. These are a few of the recommendations that policymakers and researchers formulated at the conference 'Data gedreven Beleidsontwikkeling' on 28 November 2017.
Participating in a European Workshop on Blockchain and the Law
Iris Wuisman and Morshed Mannan of the Company Law department attended a European workshop on blockchain and the law at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence on 30 November 2017- 1 December 2017.
Minor Artificial Intelligence and Society: Understanding the development and impact of AI
The development of smart cars, video games that adapt to your gaming behaviour, law enforcement assigning your neighbourhood a risk score, insurance rates determined by your behaviour, finding your perfect match via an app: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly and radically transforming our interactions…