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Application procedure
The application procedure is broken down into three parts. Please keep in mind that you can apply only for one specialisation within the Political Science master’s programme.
Courses in Academic English
To help you improve your skills in communicating about your research in English, the Graduate School has an in-house Academic English Lecturer.
The Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) is responsible for the research and education in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences carried out at Leiden University.
Journal 'East European Politics'
East European Politics is a refereed journal which publishes articles on the government, politics and international relations of the post-communist world.
Joint doctorate degree
Leiden University offers the possibility of pursuing a doctorate in the form of a ‘joint doctorate degree’: a doctorate completed simultaneously at two or more universities.
Innovative, interdisciplinary education is a main pillar of the SAILS-programme.
NESA Masterclasses for Anthropology Phd Students
NESA offers a one-year teaching and training programme especially for upcoming and all first year PhD candidates, consisting of 5 masterclasses on current and trending theoretical debates in our discipline, an extensive methodology training and occasionally a cohort meeting off campus.
Greek-Dutch dictionary project
Lexicographical description of Greek; production of Greek-Dutch dictionary
Annual report CML 2017
In 2017, In 2017 we published over 70 papers, appointed two new professors, researched microplastic contamination in European beach sediment and modelled future energy demand. We awarded six PhDs and taught students from all over the world how to contribute to sustainability. We wish you a pleasant…
Overview of the Leiden Asia staff per area or country.
Decolonising Collective Leiden
Welcome to the webpage of the Decolonising Collective of Leiden University, aka the Decolonising Collective Leiden. We are a bottom-up initiative of academic staff, support staff, and students who collaborate and share diverse knowledges for the aim of decolonising all aspects of knowledge production…
Availability in the event of an emergency
What should you do in an emergency?
Leiden University takes its place at the heart of society seriously, and the university is committed to helping build a sustainable society. Making buildings more sustainable contributes to achieving Dutch and European environmental standards. Leiden University takes this into account in all its building…
Join the fieldwork, participate in a webinar, attend a workshop? Discover upcoming activities. For results of past activities check Publications.
Annual report CML 2013 - 2014
In 2013-2014, CML published over 100 papers, contributed to various international sustainability debates, renovated our building and educated thousands of students from all over the world through our MOOC. These accomplishments and many more are highlighted in this booklet, CML wish you a pleasant…
These courses address all language skills: speaking, writing, listening and reading.
Since the start of the Green Office, several projects has been initiated to increase awareness amongst staff & students and to make the university more sustainable. Read here all about our past and current projects.
The Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of Leiden University is active in education in various ways.
Public Administration
Public Administration is a major refereed journal publishing articles on public administration, public policy and public management.
News & stories
There are thousands of stories to tell about our alumni. How they experienced their student days. Where they ended up and what they still dream about. We provide an overview of Leiden alumni with our newsletters and the alumni magazine Leidraad.
SciSTIP – Social media profiles of African researchers
This project aims at studying the social media reception of African publications as covered by the most important “altmetric” sources.
- Swedish
DiGiuseppe & Kleinberg, ‘Economics, security, and individual-level preferences for trade agreements’
Citizens’s attitudes towards trade are not only about the (perceived) economic effect. Commerce also has a variety of security implications. Employing an original experiment, political scientists Matthew DiGiuseppe (Leiden University) and Katja Kleinberg (Binghamton University) demonstrate that security…
Back Issues
Here you'll find an index of all articles and issues published so far.
Fagan & Kopecký (eds), The Routledge Handbook of East European Politics
This handbook is aimed at a wide readership interested in developing an understanding of the political, economic, and social complexity of Eastern Europe. It covers Central Europe, the Baltic republics, South Eastern Europe, and the Western Balkans, as well as all the countries of the former Soviet…
Evolution & Biodiversity in Microbial Sciences
Microbial Sciences' contribution to the Evolution & Biodiversity research theme focuses on understanding how bacteria sense and respond to their environment, and how bacterial diversity and evolution is influenced by cooperative and antagonistic interactions taking place between microbes.
Papyrological Institute
The Leiden Papyrological Institute is the only papyrological institute in the Netherlands. The members of our staff publish Greek (and Latin), Demotic (and Abnormal-Hieratic) and Coptic papyri from collections all over the world, including our own collection.
GIG-ARTS Conference
On 3 and 4 June 2024, GTGC acted as the host for the Eighth GIG-ARTS Conference. This edition had the theme ‘Thirty Years of Multistakeholderism in Internet Governance: Assessments and Prospects'.
Annual report CML 2015
In 2015, CML published over 70 papers, contributed to the United Nations conference on climate change in Paris, won awards and advised the Dutch government on the safe use of pesticides. CML awarded 11 PhDs and taught students from all over the world how to contribute to sustainability. We wish you…
- Career preparation
Information activities
Want to know more about the MA/MSc Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden? There are a number of activities that can help you choose your study.
Information activities
Want to know more about the MA/MSc Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden? There are a number of activities that can help you choose your study.
Vitality and Ageing (parttime) (Health, Ageing and Society)
Are you thinking about studying Vitality and Ageing (name changed recently to Health, Ageing and Society), and are you interested in our part-time programme? Learn more and watch our video with a short introduction from junior lecturer Irie Timmer who explains what this master is all about.
Information activities
Want to know more about the MA/MSc Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden? There are a number of activities that can help you choose your study.
Prepare for your studies at Leiden University
So you've been accepted onto an exchange or study abroad programme at Leiden University. Congratulations! Now it's time to make preparations for your stay.
Information activities
Do you want to know more about the RMA Archaeology and experience what it’s like to study in Leiden?
VR Tour The Hague
Curious to know how studying in The Hague looks like? Take our VR tour through The Hague!
- Cell Observatory
- Program
Flow Cytometry Core Facility
The LUMC Flow Cytometry Core Facility accommodates all research and diagnostic flow cytometry equipment of the LUMC.
Find out all the possibilities and career opportunities that SBB can offer and read some experiences of SBB alumni during their internship or current positions.
Language Learning Resource Centre
The language learning resource centre unites all language teaching professionals working at Leiden University: teachers and researchers at the LUCL, ATC, LUCAS, LIAS, and ICLON.
Graduate School Office
The Graduate School Office of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences provides support to the Dean and the Institutes and is point of contact for you and your supervisors.
Training and courses
There are several training oportunities within the cell observatory
Uitdagend gedifferentieerd vakonderwijs - Differentiated instruction
The book Uitdagend gedifferentieerd vakonderwijs bij Janssen, Hulshof and Van Veen describes a 'generative toolkit' for adapting education by teachers.
About us
The Leiden University Centre for Islamic Thought and History aims to promote the study of Arabic and Islamic thought and history in a number of ways, both online and in person.
ProParte Homerus leesclub
The Homer Reading Group is a ProParte sub-group.
Registration Co-Align 2023
Registration for the Co-Align 2023 conference is open!
Monitoring Meetings by Graduate School
Organized by the GSA, all PhD candidates undergo a personal progress interview known as the Monitoring Meeting. Internal PhD candidates have the Monitoring Meeting annually, while external PhD candidates have it biannually.
Inaugural lecture: Big pictures of small microbes
Bacteria are everywhere. They are the most abundant organisms on earth and impact all aspects of our lives. They determine our health and shape our environment. Ariane Briegel, professor of Ultrastructural Biology, freezes bacteria super fast to gain a true-to-nature image of the internal and external…