3,458 search results for “medical history” in the Public website
Exhibition shows the wondrous world of rowing club Asopos De Vliet
Boudewijn Röell's Olympic medal, an ancient skiff and photo's of memorable rituals. Asopos de Vliet - Princess Beatrix was a member - is celebrating its 55th anniversary with an exhibition in the Oude UB, from 1 November to 26 January.
Repair a bad kidney or make a new one to order
Searching for ways to delay the need for a transplant and trying to build kidneys to order.
Research lines within the Pharmacy group:
Skin Deep? Reading the Surfaces of the Body in Ancient Greek Literature and Science
The skin has recently gained attention within body studies for its many specific cultural and social associations, in addition to its biology. This project aims to examine the different layers of meaning and the functions invested in the skin in ancient Greece: how did ancient Greek literary and medical…
Novel immunomodulatory drugs for tuberculosis treatment
Can drugs that target host signaling pathways be used to eradicate antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
Psychology (MSc)
he master’s programme in Psychology focuses both on in-depth study of theory and on the acquisition of professional and research skills. The distinctive feature of the Leiden master’s programme is that the teaching is not restricted to only the functioning of psychological processes; these processes…
Joost Batenburg about AI Leiden style: 3D images and ensuring AI belongs to everyone
Joost Batenburg is a mathematician and computer scientist who works to build bridges to other disciplines. He hopes to bring intelligent software to fields where it can make a difference. Conversely, he also seeks connections to the disciplines that are needed to make AI a success.
Education & outreach
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Translation (MA)
The specialisation in Translation at Leiden University offers a unique combination of translation theory, research and practice. This prepares you for either a further academic career as a researcher or a professional career in the language industry.
Less is more: reduced mycelial heterogeneity for improved production of enzymes and antibiotics
How can cell wall engineering approaches be used to improve streptomycetes for industry to make new antibiotics?
Health and disease
Bone research provides plenty of detailed data about the health of a person or a group. This data is not only used to reconstruct the past but also to fight disease today.
Development and evaluation of evidence based self-help and online programs for people with a somatic stressor and depressive symptoms
What is the effectiveness of (booklet or online) self-help programmes for people with somatic stressors and depressive symptoms? What works best for whom? How to improve motivation and adherence?
VODAN Africa – FAIR Covid-19 Data across Africa and Asia
VODAN Africa started as a platform to enable access to critical data needed from Africa to fight the novel COVID-19. The initiative was inspired by the experience from the Liberia Ebola Virus outbreak in 2014: early detection requires contact tracing. Inclusion of the most vulnerable is critical to…
Our vision
Fundamental knowledge generated through research increases our scientific and cultural knowledge and wealth, and offers an important basis for developing and innovating products and services, and for deciding how we should structure our society.
Working with LLInC
Welcome to your starting point for collaboration with the Leiden Learning & Innovation Centre. Whether you're part of Leiden University or an external organization, this page will direct you to the right pages and contacts, ensuring a smooth beginning to our collaboration.
Investigating the anti-inflammatory potential of the PRG4 protein in preventing and alleviating rheumatoid arthritis
kiem grant: Investigating the anti-inflammatory potential of the PRG4 protein in preventing and alleviating rheumatoid arthritis
Biomedical Sciences (MSc)
In this master programme you learn interdisciplinary approaches to address scientific and societal challenges in the field of (bio)medical sciences. The research in our programme Biomedical Sciences relates to the maintenance of health and prevention of disease. You will acquire a skill set suitable…
Health, Ageing and Society (MSc)
The master’s Health, Ageing and Society is centered around research and innovation for the ageing population.
How Nelson Mandela became a Leiden Honorary Doctor
Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, who died on 5 december 2013, received an honorary doctorate from Leiden University in 1999. Mandela’s response was modest: ‘It is not a personal achievement. It is a tribute to all those who emerged from underground, from prison, from exile...’
About the program
In 2020, Leiden University launched its stimulated interdisciplinary programs, including one focused on regenerative medicine.
- About this minor
Professor Willem Otterspeer on his retirement: ‘My career is like the Danube.’
University historian Willem Otterspeer is about to retire, and he will give his farewell lecture on 4 November. Although... it is really a farewell? He still plans to write another five books, using oceans of archive material. 'An archive should be like the surf breaking on the seashore: wonderful…
Alexander Geurds
Faculteit Archeologie
Ancient Worlds network
The Ancient Worlds Network brings together staff and graduate students in LIAS working on the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern world.
Latin America and the UN
Subproject of the ERC project 'Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within: The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South'.
Call for Papers - Monarchy in turmoil: princes, courts, and politics in revolution and restoration 1780-1830
For every period, it is a challenge to unearth the details of political trafficking; yet the effort needs to include all relevant persons, groups, and institutions – not only those wielding formal responsibilities. We hope to reinvigorate this effort by inviting specialists to present their research…
- Technical Art History Days
Johannes Müller
Faculty of Humanities
Rieneke Sonnevelt
Faculty of Humanities
Kerstin Winking
Faculty of Humanities
Neilabh Sinha
Faculty of Humanities
Beryl Prenen
Faculty of Humanities
Using cryo-EM methods to uncover structure and function of bacteriophages
Bacteriophages, or phages for short, are the most abundant biological entity in nature. They shape bacterial communities and are a major driving force in bacterial evolution.
Our Research
From basic science to real-world interventions
South and Southeast Asia
Through language and culture, history, anthropology, and sociology, we delve into the countries, populations, and societies of South and Southeast Asia. From this perspective, we address global issues such as migration, heritage, and colonialism.
Leiden University has developed a radically different method for large scale production of diverse nanoparticles and their alloys.
Reconstruction and Computational Modelling for Inherited Metabolic Diseases
Accelerating the diagnosis and personalising the management of inherited metabolic diseases.
Narrative Navigation: HIV and (Good) Care in Aceh, Indonesia
In this article, Samuels elaborates the concept of narrative navigation to analyze the subjective and intersubjective ways in which people struggle through experiences of illness by constructing multiple, ambiguous and non-linear narratives that may continuously change, as they reposition themselves…
Signalling pathways that control development and antibiotic production in streptomyces
Bacteria are highly complex and diverse organisms that have adapted to survive in ecological niches ranging from the most extreme to the most heterogeneous environments.
Two cities
Leiden University is established in two cities: Leiden and The Hague.
Continuing your studies
In order to deepen your knowledge of psychology, Leiden University encourages you to continue your studies with a master programme.
Student life
Leiden is a real student city and has everything you’ll need to turn your time as a student into the time of your life
Career services LUMC
It’s never too early to start thinking about your future academic career. During your study you should therefore familiarise yourself with the job market, draw up a personal profile and start working on your CV. The staff of the Master Population Health Management will be happy to help, on all counts.…
- Meet our staff
Career prospects
After graduation you have a lot of opportunities: academics are highly sought after in Dutch secondary education or mbo teaching. You can also aim for a management position or work as a researcher within the field of Biology.
Collaborate with us
Are you interested in working with Leiden University or Leiden University Medical Centre?
The innate immune response against mycobacterial infection: analysis by a combination of light and electron microscopy
Promotores: Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink & Prof.dr. P.C.W. Hogendoorn, Co-promotor: Dr. M.J.M. Schaaf
Nanomedicine to Visualize and Treat Inflammation after Stroke (NAVISTROKE)
Ecotox is located in an ambitious surrounding at the Leiden University. It is an initiative of both institutes Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) and Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL).