1,859 search results for “koen economie” in the Public website
Leiden students want to learn more about sustainability in their studies
Students at Leiden University believe that their study programmes should pay more attention to sustainability. This is evident from a representative survey of more than 550 students, conducted by Leiden University Green Office .
Democracy in action: Horizon grant for policy-oriented research on grassroots culture and democracy
Dr. Sara Brandellero and Dr. Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues from Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society will lead a collaborative research project funded by Horizon Europe Work Programme on Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society. #DemocracyinAction studies arts and culture-based grassroots…
The role of space in driving sustainability, security, and development on Earth
A new report reveals five actions that leaders can take to contribute to economic development, advance global security and sustainability, and make space a safe and globally accessible domain.
Jan Vleggeert: ‘Corona’ tax good idea, but how will it work?
The coronavirus pandemic has spelt disaster for some businesses, while others have seen their profits soar. This has led to politicians to consider introducing a ‘corona’ tax where the winners from the pandemic will help the losers get back on their feet.
Leiden University hosts Young FIDE Seminar for junior EU lawyers
Last Wednesday, on 12 May 2021, Leiden University hosted the virtual Young FIDE Seminar. This online event brought together junior EU law scholars and practitioners to discuss the three topics of the main XXIX FIDE Congress, which will take place from 3 to 6 November 2021 in The Hague and of which Leiden…
Brexit lecture of Christa Tobler at Jindal University in India’s capital Delhi
On 5 April 2017, Prof. Christa Tobler gave a guest lecture at the Centre for European Studies of the O.P Jindal Global University in Delhi on the topic of „“Brexit“ - what is it about and what could it mean for India?“
Olaf van Vliet and Eduard Suari Andreu in NRC about research on migrants and social security
EU migrants receive less frequent and lower benefits and allowances than Dutch citizens. This is according to research by Leiden economists Olaf van Vliet and Eduard Suari Andreu published as part of the Social Citizenship & Migration research programme. The research is discussed in Dutch newspaper…
10 start-ups from The Hague selected for Venture Academy
Centre for Innovation launched the Venture Academy on 22 February 2017. The Venture Academy helps students of The Hague to create their own job. The aim of the Venture Academy is to bridge the gap between student entrepreneurship and small and medium sized enterprises. It offers a 5 month programme…
American Chemical Society supports open access aims of Dutch universities
The American Chemical Society’s Publication Division (ACS) and Dutch universities represented by the VSNU have reached agreement on including open access publication as part of the contract with publishers. From 2017, all new articles submitted by an author associated with a Dutch university or participating…
Introducing: Jeffrey Fynn-Paul
This summer, Jeffrey Fynn-Paul started as a lecturer at the Institute's Social and Economic History section.
Researchers Humanities receive Veni grants
Three scholars of the Faculty of Humanities, Ahmad Al-Jallad, Thomas Fossen, and Tsolin Nalbantian, have received a Veni grant to implement their research plans over the coming years.
If you have data, why not use it?
Sociaaleconomisch Beleid: Empirische Analyse is a new course for those students on the Bachelor’s programme in Public Administration who are following the specialisation in Economics, Administration and Management.
Jiska Engelbert appointed as the new professor on the Ien Dales Chair
On 1 October 2024, Dr Jiska Engelbert was appointed as professor by special appointment on the Ien Dales Chair ‘Government as an Employment Organisation’. Her focus is on leadership in digital transitions, digital innovations, and the transformation of public services, with particular attention to local…
Knighthood for Professor Henk Schulte Nordholt
Professor Henk Schulte Nordholt was made a Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion on Friday 6 September 2019 for his services to the study of Indonesia. Mayor of Leiden, Henri Lenferink, presented him with his medal. This was at the end of a valedictory symposium for and a valedictory speech by…
New Kikkoman chair in Leiden
The Kikkoman chair is a new chair in Leiden sponsored by the Kikkoman Foundation and the Association of Friends of Asiatic Art. The chair will address the intercultural dynamics of Asia and Europe.
ILS Lunch Seminars
The monthly research lunches have become a regular point on the Law School’s agenda and are steadily developing into somewhat of a tradition. We look back at two successful lunches in October and November, doing justice to the diversity in research taking place in our Faculty.
Research Seminar on Human Rights Reviewing Mechanisms
On the 2nd of June, Valentina Carraro gave a lecture on the complementarity of human rights reviewing mechanisms in the United Nations and presented an original framework to assess the extent to which institutions within regime complexes repeat or contradict each other when delivering recommendations…
State Secretary Sander Dekker receives national research agenda Nature4Life
State Secretary Sander Dekker of Education, Culture and Science received the national research agenda Nature4Life on 31 January. This research agenda, in which Leiden University is involved, focuses on research on biodiversity, ecology and evolution.
Draft agreement Switzerland-EU uncertain due to ‘Brexit envy’
Now that a Brexit agreement has been reached, envy is rearing its ugly head among Swiss politicians. This envy is not only rooted in reluctance towards the European Court of Justice or having to accept EU rules. It also comes from the fact that for some time now many Swiss believe that the current bilateral…
Freya Baetens speaks at UNESCO conference
Last week, the Ravenna School of Law hosted the UNESCO conference on World Heritage between Education and Economy: A Legal Analysis, at which Freya Baetens presented her paper entitled The new generation of EU Free Trade Agreements: heralding the end of public financial support to maintain cultural…
UMCs join forces to increase pandemic preparedness
Four university medical centres, including the LUMC, are joining forces to increase pandemic preparedness in the Netherlands.
Academics requesting retraction of FAO report that misrepresents their research
Paul Behrens (Leiden University) and Matthew Hayek (New York University) have responded to an FAO report on livestock pathways which misrepresented the potential for dietary change to reduce emissions from the food system. The authors have sent a letter to the FAO calling for an urgent retraction on…
Honorary doctorate for Peter J. Katzenstein
On 9 February, 2015, the 440th Dies Natalis, Peter J. Katzenstein will be awarded a Leiden University honorary doctorate in recognition of his contribution to the social sciences in general, and to political science in particular. Professor Katzenstein (Cornell University) is one of the most influential…
Panels and Papers in Pittsburgh: Dr Moritz Jesse and Dr Darinka Piqani at the 18th Biennial European Union Studies Association (EUSA)
The 18th Biennial EUSA conference, with the theme 'Beyond Sui Generis? Understanding the EU as a Comparative Polity and an Interdisciplinary Subject', took place on 4 to 6 May 2023 at the University of Pittsburgh (PA), USA. The Europa Institute was represented by Dr Moritz Jesse and Dr Darinka Piqan…
Olaf van Vliet in Trouw on temporary extra money to people on social assistance
What would happen if families with little money were to receive an extra amount every month with no conditions attached? Would it help with their worst financial problems? In order to find out, the municipality of Amsterdam will conduct an experiment with 300 families over the next two years. During…
Vanessa Mak appointed Chair of Civil Law
Vanessa Mak is appointed Professor of Civil Law at Leiden University as of 1 October 2020. She will succeed Professor Jac. Hijma who is retiring.
Simona Demkova on ‘Algorithms as Future Decision-Makers’ at the University of Tuscia
On 13 June 2024, the University of Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy) hosted a doctoral seminar in the series 'Law and Artificial Intelligence', organised by the PhD programme in 'Law of European and Global Markets. Crisis, Rights, Regulation' and coordinated by Professor Rosa Ruggiero.
Olaf van Vliet in AD on the impact of new technology on jobs
Technological developments never stop. Machines can already perform many tasks and in the future they will probably take over even more of the work we do. Which jobs could disappear and which will remain in the future? Olaf van Vliet, Professor of Economics at Leiden Law School, commented on these issues…
Karwan Fatah-Black launches book series on slavery and emancipation
How do we account for historical power dynamics when writing new histories of slavery and emancipation? What critical methods can we employ when studying preserved archives and collections? A new book series aims to address these questions. The initiators Karwan Fatah-Black and Ilse Josepha Lazaroms…
A plan for the future from green farmers.
Helena Ursic presented at the Big Data conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia
On May 22 eLaw's researcher Helena Ursic spoke at the international conference
Hall of Fame 2015
Many of our staff and students have won prizes over the past year. Others have been awarded a subsidy, or, because of their eminence in their field, they have been appointed member of an academic society or have taken on a position in the community. Reasons enough to be proud of them and to include…
Lewis Wade
Faculty of Humanities
Martijn van Engelenburg
Maikel Kuijpers
Faculteit Archeologie
Interview: Zeger van der Wal about 'Good Governance in Asia and the West'
On Thursday 28 September 2017 the Institute of Public Administration of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) organizes the event ‘Good Governance in Asia and the West: What is the Difference?’ as part of the Leiden Asia Year. Below you can read the interview with professor Zeger van der…
Formation of Islam: Topics
The FOI project has a number of topics it aims to investigate. These are: State, Economy, Culture and Papyri. You will find links to bibliographies on this page.
Localising global garment biographies
Discover the effects of clothing value and lifespan on buyer-user-producer relationships through collaborative research with Localising Global Garment Biographies.
Tolerant migrant cities? The case of Holland 1600-1900
This pioneering project will answer this question by examining migrants through the eyes of the courts between 1600 and 1900. It aims to reveal patterns of continuity and change in: 1. Treatment of migrants by criminal courts; 2. Violence and conflicts between migrants and native born.
Tell Hammam (Syria)
The Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University ran an excavation project in Northern Syria, at Tell Hammam al Turkman, some 80 km north of Raqqa. The Faculty of Archaeology and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research N.W.O. finance the undertaking, which is directed by dr Diederik J.W.…
Shahrizor Survey Project
Reconstructing Later Prehistoric Societies in Northern Iraq (ca. 7000-3000 BCE)
We enjoy working with a variety of partners: with other knowledge institutions, the business community, government, civil society organisations, NGOs, museums and charities. Close by, in our cities of Leiden and The Hague, but also regionally, nationally and internationally.
- Media | Art | Politics (MAP)
Dutch culture
The Netherlands is informal, friendly and welcoming. Everyone can feel at home here, regardless of religion, ethnic background or sexual orientation. The Dutch speak many languages and the countryside and cities are easy and safe to travel through, by any means of transport. No matter where you come…
About the programme
Science for Sustainable Societies offers an exciting combination of theory and practice. While analysing and examining relevant topics from both the natural and the social sciences domains, you will also gain lots of hands-on experience. Interactive learning is an important part of the programme. You…
- In Memoriam
At the Faculty of Archaeology, we investigate the development of human societies worldwide, from the earliest beginnings to modern times. We also study the heritage of mankind, which evokes this deep history, and which connects with, and informs, contemporary society.
Finding resolution for the Middle to Later Stone Age transition in South Africa
This project investigates the causes of the major archaeological change in the period of 40.000-20.000 BC in South Africa.
Landscape Theory: Post-68 Revolutionary Cinema in Japan
On the 28th of September Go Hirasawa successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Liveable Planet
Crises like climate change and loss of biodiversity threaten our planet. That’s why sustainability is an important topic in research and education across Leiden University. On this website you read how scientists from many disciplines work together in researching sustainability.