1,638 search results for “international organisatie” in the Public website
Summer School Global and European Labour Law: Labour Law in Flux
From 15-19 July 2019, the department of Labour Law hosted the first Global & European Labour Law Summer School. Participants from 10 different nationalities and 3 different continents joined the Summer School.
13th International Congress of Egyptologists, 2023
Student for a day International Studies (full)
Study information
De toekomstige vorst? Wilhelm Heinrich von Brandenburg (1648-1649)
Lecture, Research Seminar Europe 1000-1800
Drugs with fewer side effects through a collaboration between LACDR and PTS
LACDR, the Leiden Institute for Drug Research, developed better tolerated excipients to prevent adverse effects related to the surface of nanosized drugs such as vaccines. LADCR professor of Biopharmacy Matthias Barz and Polypeptide Therapeutic Solutions (PTS) are collaborating to develop processes…
- International seminar: “Indonesian Heritage and Library Collections”
Netherlands and Japan united by a tradition of mutual curiosity
A delegation from Leiden University visited various universities in Japan at the end of March. The strong ties between the Netherlands and Japan are still based on a long tradition of knowledge exchange.
Wars in Ukraine and Gaza could soon affect our approach to the North Pole
The Houthis are attacking ships in the Red Sea. Rerouting via South Africa is expensive, whereas the Arctic route only takes a week. Once a no-go zone, this route might be a more realistic option. Mind the nuclear submarines, though…
Isaac Scarborough
Faculty of Humanities
Farewell Paul Abels as Professor
On 25 May, Professor Paul Abels retired as professor by special appointment. Abels has been working as Professor by special appointment Governance of Intelligence and Security Services at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs since 2017.
Student for a day International Studies (full)
Study information
Student for a day International Studies (full)
Study information
Faculty opening of a special academic year: ‘Take care of each other’
A special beginning of this unique faculty year 2020 - 2021: on Wednesday 2 September, the opening of the faculty year took place online from the renovated Arsenaal building. The opening started with a round table with nine special guests and was followed by a quiz and the presenting of the Faculty…
Voortdurende angst voor het volk
Met de val van Balkenende IV laait de discussie over het functioneren van politieke partijen binnen ons democratisch bestel weer op. Opgeblazen ego’s, overambitieuze politici en partijpolitieke machtspelletjes zouden echte democratie in de weg staan. Maar die discussie is niet nieuw.
Even voorstellen: Quinten Somsen & Joost Welten
Dit jaar begon het project 'Monarchy in Turmoil'. Dit project bracht twee nieuwe onderzoekers naar het Instituut voor Geschiedenis: PhD-kandidaat Quinten Somsen en postdoc Joost Welten. Hieronder stellen zij zich voor en lichten zij hun project toe.
Moleculair mysterie in de ruimte
Tussen de sterren is niet alleen leegte. Er zweven ook stoffen als methanol en koolstofdioxide. Chemische theorieën kunnen nog niet verklaren hoe die zijn ontstaan onder omstandigheden die dat juist onmogelijk zouden moeten maken. Fedor Goumans gaat met een Veni-beurs proberen die vraag te beantwoor…
Call for Papers: Summer school 'Socioeconomic diplomacy and global empire building, 16th-19th centuries'
On 26-28 June, 2023, Leiden University’s Institute for History will host a summer school on Socioeconomic diplomacy and global empire building, 16th-19th centuries, in collaboration with the N.W. Posthumus Institute (the research school for economic and social history in the Netherlands and Flanders)…
Corrugated plastic unveils a new design principle for programmable materials
Martin van Hecke en Anne Meeussen publiceren in het tijdschrift Nature over mechanische metamaterialen. Ze hebben een nieuwe klasse multistabiele materialen ontdekt. Dit is gebaseerd op ribbeltjes plastic.
11th International conference on industrial ecology
- International Conference Police Stops across Europe
Insolvency law PhD students meet for research workshop at Leiden University
Leiden University hosted the second annual PhD workshop on European and International Insolvency Law organized by the Foundation Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection (BWILC). The event that provided PhD candidates from universities all over Europe the chance to discuss their research with fellow PhD…
Freya Baetens appointed to the Chair in EU External Economic Law
The Europa Institute is delighted to announce the appointment of Freya Baetens to the Chair in EU External Economic Law.
The Duke-Leiden Institute in Global and Transnational Law: Call for Applications 2019
The Grotius Centre, in collaboration with Duke Law School, will be hosting the Duke-Leiden Institute in Global and Transnational Law from 16 June to 17 July 2019 in The Hague, the International City of Peace and Justice. Applications for the second edition are now open!
Graduation ceremony Adv LLM Public International Law
Graduation ceremony
TTIP lecture by Giovanni Gruni
Gruni has been invited to Wageningen University on 15 March 2016 to speak on trade issues. What does the historical context from which TTIP emerged tell us about the present negotiations and the direction this trade agreement is taking? How does the TTIP relate to the broader context of global economic…
Willemijn Aerdts on the arrest of Chinese Spy
Dutch radio corporation ‘BNR’ contacted Willemijn Aerdts, a lecturer at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, for her opinion on the arrest. ‘It seldom happens that someone gets caught. What is interesting is that he was both caught and is being prosecuted in the USA.’
Marco Bronckers defends EU democracy in trade
After Wallonia’s veto on CETA, a group of 60 academics has come out to defend the European decision-making process in trade policy.
From Conflict Termination to Peacemaking: Role and Contours of a Contemporary Jus Post Bellum (or The Jus Post Bellum Project)
Should the law and norms applicable to armed conflict include a distinct category covering the transition from armed conflict to peace, jus post bellum, and if so what are its characteristics?
Maria Fraskou at conference hosted by Stanford University
On March 31st – April 1st, the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities (ASLHC) will hold its twentieth annual conference at Stanford Law School.
Dutch contribution to the development of African countries in the global value chain
Economies worldwide are increasingly interconnected; trade in raw materials and semi-finished products is increasing. Many products we use in the Netherlands originate abroad, and many products we make in the Netherlands are destined for other countries. Almost all countries around us participate in…
VvA meeting to focus on transnational labour law
At the meeting of the Dutch Employment Law Association (Vereniging voor Arbeidsrecht, VvA) on 12 March 2024, which Paul van der Heijden moderated as chair, Yvonne Erkens, Daan van Thiel and Bas Rombouts (Tilburg University) outlined the impact of the shift from soft law to hard law within the context…
The DP-Internal Origin of Datives
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
MIRD graduation Class of 2019
Friday 5 July 2019 was the graduation of the Advanced Master International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD). ´If the MIRD is like a good wine, this has been a vintage year'.
The Hague Program for Cyber Norms welcomes Visiting Fellow Russell Buchan
Russell Buchan will be a Visiting Fellow at The Hague Program for Cyber Norms at Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs from 19 August to 13 September.
New Book by Jens Iverson: ‘Jus Post Bellum: The Rediscovery, Foundations, and Future of the Law of Transforming War into Peace’
Jus post bellum, the body of laws and norms governing the transition from armed conflict to peace, has emerged as a crucial issue for international law scholars, governments, and all concerned with building a just and sustainable peace. The Jus Post Bellum Project, funded by the NWO and hosted by the…
Leiden wins two prizes in Day of Crisis Competition 2023
Leiden University's team participated in the 2023 edition of the Day of Crisis Competition and emerged as Second Runners Up to the Best Team Award and Second Runners Up to the Best Written Advice Award.
MIRD students explore global diplomacy in Brussels
Brussels, the heart of European diplomacy, offered MSc International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD) students a two-day opportunity to explore NATO and the European External Action Service (EEAS), gaining valuable insights into their roles in shaping EU foreign policy and global security.
Lecturer receives doctoral grant for research into witness protection
Doctoral Grant for lecturer to research witness protection at the international courts.
ICJ minimally condemns Russia in case brought by Ukraine
Russia has been condemned by the International Court of Justice for violating the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, but only minimally. Larissa van den Herik, Professor…
Inaugural lecture Alan Neal
On the 17th of October professor Alan Neal will deliver his inaugural lecture as Professor of Social Justice at Leiden Law School. Professor Neal will teach the international labour law course in the Master’s Program Arbeidsrecht (Labour Law), the inaugural lecture will also be the first lecture in…
In war crimes, commanders do not have legal immunity
In her capacity as a lawyer and expert in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Professor Helen Duffy is filing a lawsuit against the Dutch State. Leiden University’s weekly newspaper Mare reports that through her role, Duffy is assisting a Palestinian Dutchman whose family was killed in…
Questions for Willemijn Aerdts about the Minor Intelligence Studies
You’re about to start your minor at Leiden University. Make sure you are well prepared and get your studies off to a good start.
What exactly constitutes genocide and when can the term be applied?
Thousands of Ukrainian children have been transferred to Russia from occupied territories in eastern Ukraine, reports say. Is this, as the government in Kyiv has claimed, an act of genocide? Defined as an intent to destroy a particular group of people, the term genocide was first coined amid the horrors…
Jus Post Bellum and the Justice of Peace: Preliminary Reflections
Prof. Carsten Stahn, Professor of International Criminal Law and Global Justice and Programme Director of the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies in The Hague, explores some of the connections between just post bellum and peacebuilding, based on findings of the Jus Post Bellum project and…
Vanderbilt Discussion on Whether the ICC Threatens Treaty Regimes
On Tuesday 5 April 2016, Prof. Carsten Stahn spoke at Vanderbilt University to discuss a forthcoming article by Prof. Mike Newton in the Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law.
Melanie Fink member Coordinating Committee ESIL Interest Group ‘The EU as a Global Actor’
In April 2018, Melanie Fink was elected as a member of the Coordinating Committee of the ESIL Interest Group ‘The EU as a Global Actor’. For the next four years, she will work in that function alongside Christine Kaddous (University of Geneva), Anne Thies (University of Reading), and Ramses Wessel (University…
GLOBTAXGOV team meets Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations
On 15 March 2023, the GLOBTAXGOV team at Leiden Law School met with the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) to explore opportunities for cooperation, to discuss the needs of tax administrations in the field of international taxation and evaluate ongoing projects and new initiatives where…
Who is liable when damage is caused by Global Navigation Satellite System?
Who shall be responsible or liable when damage is caused by Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)? Is it fair enough to force a GNSS provider to bear the burden of compensation given GNSS open signals are provided free of charge? And are current international laws adequate to deal with those questions?…
Professor Matthias Haentjens appointed member of European Commission’s Expert Group
Professor of Financial Law Matthias Haentjens is recently appointed member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Conflict of Law regarding Securities and Claims. The Group’s tasks shall be to assist the Commission with its work on conflict of laws on third-party effects of transactions in securities…
High level appointment for EIBL alumnus Martin Richardson
Martin Richardson, who graduated in 1997 from what was then the Leiden LLM Programme in European Community Law (now: Leiden Adv LLM European and International Business Law, EIBL), has recently been appointed as a Senator of the College of Justice in Scotland, meaning that he is now a judge of the highest…